Sanctuary Pt. 01: Aubrey Ch. 02


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Being the closest, I picked up one of the robes and stepped out of the way. It was luxuriously soft. The others retrieved their own and went to task undressing and setting their clothing on a bench. They seemed to have little to no sense of modesty. Even Clara, the doctor, did not hesitate to begin unbuttoning her blouse. I noticed Ella and BB out of the corner of my eye throwing discarded garments at each other.

I eyed the group of women and decided to use one of the privacy screens. Moving behind the white fabric wall, I slipped out of my clothes and left then there folded. I stuffed my socks and panties into one of my shoes and drew the robe on. It was like wrapping my body in kittens. Not just any kittens but those tiny little fully puffballs. It was the softest thing I had ever worn. When sufficiently covered, I stepped out from behind the screen. Everyone was standing and looking at me.

"Whatever it was I didn't do it," I said.

BB shook her head. "I told you that this was all for you, we are just mooching off of you for a free spa day. You go first. Go on. Get!"

Barefoot, I plodded over to the others. I never liked being the center of attention, and having all those eyes on me made me self-conscious. One by one the attendants lead a member of the group to an awaiting hot tub. The portable hot tubs seemed to be just large enough sit and recline with one's legs extended. Oliva came up to me and smiled.

"Miss Fuller, I will be your attendant today. Have you ever had a full spa experience before?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. You don't have to call me Miss."

"My goal is to provide a luxurious and service based on professionalism and custom customer service. I appreciate your modest decorum, but I hope you will allow me to indulge in good old fashion refinement." She slipped her arm in mine, patting my hand as she spoke led me to one of the tubs.

"I mean, I am not-," I started to say, but Olivia cut me off.

"Miss Fuller, did you think Mr. Lockwood would not have informed me? I am here to serve you, and you do not need to give me, or my staff any disclaimer."

I felt heat touch my cheeks and could not help but feel at least, slightly chastised by the woman, albeit politely. Oliva stepped around me and pulled loose the robe's terry cloth sash and slowly pulled the fabric off my shoulders, down my arms and away from my body. The sun through the glass walls and ceiling shown across my body and I felt its warmth where ever it touched. I started as I felt her hands on my shoulders.

"I have seen and served all types Miss Fuller, and from my experience, none have had the choice of how they were born or made. As you can see, no one is baring pitchforks and torches, just exfoliating pads and mud masks. Also, now that everyone has seen you in full, there is no more need to worry. Please relax and enjoy our services.

She took one of my hands in her own. Her other hand found the small of my back as she guided me to step into the hot tub.

"The water is hot, so you might need to ease into it. It will open your pores and prepare you for the next treatment," said Olivia.

I slid slowly into the water, the heat making me hold my breath and feel a tingle along my spine. It was scorching, that hurts-so-good hot you get stepping into a warm bath after being cold. An attendant came towards me. She seemed roughly my age, or perhaps a year or so younger. She carefully handed me a glass of wine. I was not usually a drinker, and never of wine, so I was inclined to refuse politely. I could all but feel Olivia's eyes on me, and instead of receiving another light scolding on the virtue of relaxing, I accepted.

I was pleasantly surprised. The wine was sweet, dry and slightly chilled. I only had experience with the red wines sold at the restaurant. They had smelled strongly of vinegar, and my stomach found them unappealing. This wine, however, I liked. I took a second sip and slid down into the water up to my chin and closed my eyes.

I heard a commotion and glanced over to see BB half sliding across the floor towards Ella. Her ample figure climbed into Ella's hot tub despite her loud protests raising the water and causing Ella to have scoot upwards. She splayed out taking up most of the room and causing Ella to scold her, splashing water towards her.

"Lord, woman! Get out of my soup!" Said Ella. Why are you trying to drown m-"

Ella stopped speaking and suddenly clamped both hands over her nose and mouth. BB laughed maniacally and jumped back out of the little hot tub and strolled back buck naked to her own.

"God woman that was foul and my mouth was open!", shouted Ella.

"Hey, Charlene!" BB called.

"Don't you dare come near me! I will shoot you!"

The outburst got a laugh from most of the attendants. After about twenty or so more minutes later Olivia returned with a large fluffy towel. "Are you ready for the next part?" she asked, slipping on a pair of latex gloves.

I gulped.

At Olivia's request, I stepped out of the hot tub and onto a little mat. Oliva had me rais my arms, and she proceeded to dry me inch by inch. She spared not a scratch of skin below my neck. She explained that the next was a defoliating session and the surface had to be dry. I can honestly say that I have never had another person, in my adult life, towel dry my rear or genitals. I will admit that it felt nice. I will not, however, admit it out loud.

I felt myself grow firmer in the soft towel that was wrapping softly around my penis. I knew it could not go unnoticed. Oliva did not seem the least bit put off by it and only remarked. "Oh good, that will help." She gave a nod to someone out of my line of sight, and two attendants brought forth one of the privacy screens and set it up around a massage table.

They had me put on a tight-fitting plastic hair cap and tucked every last hair under it. Olivia had explained that the cream they were going to use delays the hair follicles at the roots much like laser removal techniques. After being asked what areas I wished to target, I indicated legs and under the arms. Like a master salesman, she soon had me agreeing to a much more in-depth application that I had initially intended.

I stood there, arms up in the air, for a good 30 minutes as hands rubbed the thick oily substance into my skin. Oliva covered everything from the fine hair on my toes to the soft stubble of my face, to the tips of my fingers. It was hard to stay still and not touch or lean on anything, especially when she applied the warm goop around my most private of areas. Her gloved fingers did not even shy away from the more private spots between my cheeks.

The oily film did not grow hot, like an unfortunate experience with an off-the-shelf, hair remover lotion did. I watched as the dark substance slowly turned milky white. I found out; this was the result that Olivia was anticipating. Olivia carefully applied some cream to neutralize the first application. She wiped me down with a moistened hand towel and repeated the process twice more. Her attention to the less visited parts of my body was more than thorough leaving me a bit flustered.

Once completed, I ran my hands along my arms and legs and found them both smooth but soft as well. I smiled, Olivia gave a nod of satisfaction as she circled me, inspecting her handiwork.

From beyond the screen, I could hear Charlene's voice, "Ooo Touch it. It's so smooth!", followed by the laughter of the others.

Oliva held open my rope for me, and I slipped into it, the soft fabric even softer on the smooth refreshed skin.

"Thank you," I said with a smile and rejoined the others just in time for one of the attendants to set out a tray of cucumber sandwiches and refresh the wine glasses.

We chatted while we ate. By the bottom of my second glass of wine, I felt very carefree and content. When the group was satisfied with the little sandwiches, we were lead to our massage tables. I wasn't sure if it was the wine, or the previous administrations of my nude body previously, but when I was stripped down before the table, I did not feel my usual anxiety. This would be my first full massage, and I was eager and ready to lie down on the table. It was a little strange at first to lie there, on my belly, face poking through the hole in the table, but as the first drops of warm oil was drizzled down my spine, I was in heaven.

Strong hands kneaded along the backs of my thighs and I closed my eyes relishing in their labor. My body softened, and my thoughts slowly ceased and drifted away. I became conscious of only my breath slowing and the administration of the hands upon my body. I struggled to keep awake. I told myself I would not fall asleep on the table, my bare rear out and exposed to the whole world. I lied.

I had only awoken when someone stroked my hair and brought me to. I looked around; the room was now empty, the table I rested on being the only thing remaining.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up.

"Almost ten," Charlene said. She draped my robe around me. "We are ready for you in the other room if you are."

I yawned and looked around. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on Olivia. I feel bad."

Charlene smiled. "Don't. A masseuse considers it a compliment when their customer falls asleep. It means they did a good job and you were relaxed. Olivia was thrilled. They are still loading up, and I don't want them taking you too."

I grinned at her. As tightened the robe's sash around me, she slipped an arm around my middle as we made our way to the door on far side of the sunroom. As she flung open the door, I had to blink and shake away the disbelief.

"What is all this?" I asked.

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izzyspiritizzyspiritover 5 years ago
keep it up

Loving it! Ch.3 here we come/.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
worth wait

i can't wait for more. I hope you have more time to write now :)

WindySwimmingWindySwimmingover 5 years ago

Great start. Really like your writing style. Looking forward to the rest to follow.

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