Sanctum of Defilement Pt. 03


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Skari had a backup plan, but it relied a lot on luck. But on the other's not like she was overflowing with options. Brute force didn't work, and magic power didn't work, so it was time for...

"Not playing fair, are we? Afraid you'll lose?" Skari taunted, then bolted out of range. Running with evil heels was much easier in a video game, and she gained speed on the goliath as she kept to the stone portions of the floor. The slime carpet lashed out at her occasionally, but Nilith's attention was focused elsewhere. The Beast followed with all the grace of a gorilla in a clock store, stomping closer and closer and approaching the centre of the room.

Skari thought back to Nilith describing the plinth. If Nilith was once the Core that powered the Lair, that meant that she had to be connected in some way. And if she'd guessed right, the previous Skari hadn't made the arrangement voluntary. And if this worked just like all the other Power Cores in the game...The moment the monster raised a foot to traverse over the plinth, both her and Skari heard a bright and cheery *ding* noise.*ATTENTION: Lair Core Reconnected! Establishing Control, Stand By*

The creature's eyes widened. After a beat, all hell broke loose. A powerful sucking force slammed her down on all fours, centred around the plinth. Her form bent and twisted into unnatural shapes to try to escape, but for the moment, she was trapped.


Skari allowed herself a moment to catch her breath. That was a long shot, but she was glad it worked. All she had to do now was-

*WARNING! Lair Core Size Beyond Maximum Safe Parameters. Please Adjust Core and Try Again*

A momentary jolt of renewed fear, and Nilith cackled in that same throaty way she had before. The plinth had locked her in place, but her massive body was strong enough to resist being paired to the Sanctum as its Core. Bent over like this, Skari noted that the form was a distinctly feminine one. Like an enormous, well-proportioned goddess, made entirely of black and grey ooze.

"I am...stronger...that I once was," she explained, pushing up before getting pulled down again. "I will fill your skin like...a hand fills a puppet. I will cover the land with...with my cannot stop me!"

Skari rolled her eyes. "Yes yes, you're very strong and powerful. We all know that by now. But I have you trapped here, at least for now. Can we just call this one a draw?"

"I will...escape...I always...escape!" Each word looked so taxing to form. It was taking all her control to keep from being sucked into the plinth's power.

Skari looked over the enormous slimeform and grinned greedily. Maybe she could have some fun with this after all. She pressed a hand to the struggling ooze and closed her eyes. She imagined pulling those strings again, this time forming a shape between the googirl's thighs.

"You say you're a fountain of corruption," Skari began, watching the amorphous penis take shape to her exacting specification, "Perhaps you've had too much of that for too long. Maybe you've just needed someone to help you relax. Help...drain, some of that nasty energy away."

She gripped the gooey cock in both hands. It felt very much like a jellied dildo, though she did not know where she knew that feeling from. One of Jane's girlfriends, maybe. She stroked it, and the whole ooze body shuddered.

"You can't..." Nilith said, then whimpered. A dribble of purple ooze fell onto the stone below. Pure corruption energy.

"Oh, but I can," she said, continuing to stroke. Each time she did, another droplet of violet left the Monster's body. And, just as she'd expected, the body itself shrunk an infinitesimal amount. Encouraged, she continued, milking drop after drop of power from her foe's form. It spilled onto the stone first as a little stain, then a puddle. The drips became squirts, the millimetres of shrinkage became centimetres, and slowly the Slime Giant's struggles melted to Skari's expert touch.

"I won' a slave..." Nilith said between gasps. A hole formed of the slime's own volition between her wobbly cheeks, and Skari was only too pleased with this development. Was it a pussy? Was it an ass? It didn't matter; it was a fuckhole to her. The corruptive power had given the Overlord's own erection a painful need, and she yearned to satisfy it on her newest conquest.

"I don't want one. I'm building a fiefdom based on corruption, and you'll be at the heart of it." She gripped the slime by the "hips" and eased herself forward. The slime swallowed her cock whole, changing and warping to perfectly accommodate her size. It took a moment to find the rhythm; Skari had never fucked an amorphous being before. But when they did, the formerly stoic corruption slime was moaning and sputtering like a bride amidst her honeymoon. Her slimecock bounced, purple cum gushing and widening the already impressive puddle at their feet.

"They...defeated...ngh...the real will you...ahh...survive?" Nilith was barely larger than her original size now. Or at least, the size she' been when they first met.

A predatory smile covered Skari's face. Her pace quickened, and she hammered herself into the slime with a kind of wanton abandon.

"I told you the first time," she said, spanking the slime and making its flesh jiggle like gelatin, "I AM the real Skari!"

"Ahh! Y-yes!"

Another spank. "Say it, slut."

"You're the real Skari."

Another. She could feel herself peaking. "Say my name."


The pace became frantic, almost uncontrolled. She tugged on the slime woman's hair as she wasted the last of her cum onto the floor.

"Say my name!"

"You're SKARI!"

That was it. That was enough. Skari exploded inside the slime's body, pumping her full of enough seed to overflow whatever hole had been formed and spill out, mingling with the corruptive energy on the floor. If she had her wits about her, she might have used that power to regain her strength. But Nilith was totally out of it, her spirit defeated, and she let her chance at freedom ooze out of her like the most shameless of pornographic whores.

*Lair Core Size Within Acceptable Boundaries. Establishing Control, Stand By*

The rest was pro forma. Rather than be compressed into a ball or shackled at all angles by some constraint system, a choker of glowing purple energy lashed itself to her throat. She reached up to weakly paw at it.

"I can't believe it...a servant again," Nilith said, mournfully. Despite the circumstance of their meeting, Skari felt a measure of pity. She didn't come to trap someone clearly intelligent in her basement as the fantasy equivalent of the water heater.

"Hey, I know I'm the Overlord here, there any way you can be my Lair's Core but also hang out on the surface? You're a powerful fighter, and I'm sure you'd like to see what the world is like after all this time."

Nilith's head drifted from left to right. "I need to be here for the Lair's systems to function."

Skari chewed over the answer. "Does that mean all of you needs to be down here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well," Skari began, waving a hand at the still-solid slimeforms around them, some of which currently imprisoned her Drider warriors. "You can clearly create shapes that do your will far removed from your own body. You blocked off the halls to funnel us down here, after all. Could you, maybe, send a construct of yourself to the surface? I'd interact better with a person than a soulless interface, anyways."

"I don't...hmm. Actually, I might be able to conjure something. If you'll allow me." She waited for her Overlord to give her approval before touching the puddle of spent magical cum on the ground. It shivered and shifted, warping into the shape of an outfit that looked half dress, half suit of armour. As she picked it up to examine it, the material flowed, changing to better fit her body. Mostly black with white and purple highlights, it resembled a brigandine that just kept going, flowing into a slitted skirt allowing her full range of motion (while exposing plenty of leg). The fabric itself resembled leather, but its surface flowed just like Nilith's hair, pooling around two rather flattering bulges in the armour where her breasts were meant to sit. Extra armour formed around her shoulders and wrists, but otherwise left significant sections of her arms and legs exposed. It was enough to make someone who cared about historical accuracy have a minor aneurism, but as far as Skari was concerned, it was perfect.

As she slipped her old, dusty armour off and the new suit on, a prompt appeared.

*New Equipment Acquired: Corrupt Carapace of Core Compliance!*

*Special Feature: This armour serves as a token of esteem of the Lair's Core. While functioning as equivalent to a suit of scale mail, it does so without the associated encumbrance to movement. In addition, the Corrupted Carapace carries with it the essence of the Lair Core itself!*

As if to demonstrate, the armour simply flowed off her body, sensually dragging itself along Skari's skin until it puddled and glooped up into a simulacrum of Nilith. This new Nilith was just a little shorter, had no purple choker, and was a little...blurry. But it mirrored the Core's appearance. The thought of banging them both at the same time crossed her mind...and seemed to stay there, judging by the sudden stiffening of Skari's shaft.

The pair looked at each other, then looked back. Nilith spoke, but her doppelgänger mouthed the words without sound in unison.

"I cannot extend complex constructs too far beyond my limits, but I can relay my form if I keep it bound to you. As my Overlord, you're my focus. It's as if your body is...a living magic wand for my energy. I can cast myself, via you, into this simpler form. The conjuration will serve in my stead. It'll be my eyes, ears...and other things. And although it isn't nearly as powerful as I am, it will keep you safe." The armour glopped back onto Skari's body, making her giggle a little bit as it tickled in its journey to reform to her generous contours. A slight squeeze of her cock by the armour's slime and a wink from Nilith let her know that it could do much more than merely block an arrow.

"Well...I appreciate it. And don't be a stranger. If you need anything, let me know."

Nilith did something she hadn't done before in Skari's presence. She actually smiled.

"I will."

A low fidelity fanfare of bass instruments shook Skari out of that nice moment.


*Skari Suneater is now a Level 2 Evil Overlord!*

Oh right. The video game. She dismissed the prompt entirely. Something to deal with later. She jogged back to the entrance, where this entire debacle had started. But before she left, she remembered something very important.

"Oh, and Nilith?"


"Please let my driders go."


The drider workers arrived just in time to see their warriors peeled out of the slime cocoons. Apparently, they'd been thoroughly enjoying themselves in there, with Nilith forming any number of sexual organs to slake their various urges while they waited. When the coast was declared clear, Briggy galloped down, knocking over several of her comrades before scooping Skari into a powerful hug.

"I got the others, just like you told me!" she said.

"I'm proud of you." Skari replied, and meant it, returning the hug.

As they left the underground part of the Lair, they watched the slime walls recede, revealing whole new sections to explore. But there was time for that another day. Skari felt herself near the edge of her mandatory disconnection period. With deep reluctance, she retreated to the Throne Room and keyed the Exit button.

A sense of sadness washed over her as she was pulled back to reality. The sensation of lifting out of the digital sea felt more like a fish being hooked and reeled out of warm, familiar waters. It was a return to Jane, a return to work, a return to the things she yearned to escape from. Perhaps-

Something intercepted the shift of consciousness before it could breach the surface. Powerful digital claws grabbed Skari's mind and yanked on it. Hard. Deeper, and deeper still, pulling it past unexplored lands and unfamiliar territories. The unknown force let go, and she found herself sprawled out on an infinite plane. 

"How are you liking your journey so far?"

The voice. She recognized it. She looked up.

There, floating suspended in a tangled cloud of neon green cables, was Virtue.

"You! Are you the one messing with my head?"

"Query: what do you mean by: 'messing with?'"

Skari struggled to put into words the feelings she'd been experiencing since she started the game. "I know I'm Jane, but when I'm here, I'm not. And when I'm in the real world, I hear a voice. One telling me to do things. Things I might do when I'm in Planet of Perils."

"Is the voice yours?" It was a genuine question, not a rhetorical device. Her tone was that of a doctor exploring symptoms with her patient.

Skari ran a hand through her gorgeous, long hair. She'd miss it when she was Jane again.

"I don't know. Maybe?"

The AI seemed to ponder that answer. Whether it was a simulation of human behaviour or an actual representation of what was occurring behind the scenes was beyond Skari's ken. 

"I believe we should discuss some things before you return to the real world. Things about the first Skari...and about my Creator."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was so good!!! The plot is super engaging and the more I read the more invested I get!! I also love the idea of a mage using cum as a mana source / magic fuel that was super cool :3!! I was gonna save next chapter for tmmr but I'm gonna read it right away because I need more of this in my life right now!!!! 💖💖💖💖

siondiresiondire8 months ago

I love this series. The compassion and creativity that jane shows while becoming an evil overlord is so much fun.

The little seeds of the mystery we've been learning about are interesting. I hope more of Skari spills over into the real world. I kinda hope jane gets to fuck the inspector from corporate

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I might have to finally create an account, just so I don't miss any other updates here. This chapter bangs hard; it's only fitting that with Skari's Sanctum expanded, the story becomes more expansive too. 1) Build-up of Bleedthrough and a possible collapse of Jane's subsistence really tightens the tension; the VR vs IRL conflict also feels on-point and resonant, to the perspective of someone who used to use gaming to dissociate from a body and gender role that just didn't fit right. 2) The new characters are sharp and flavorful: the austere (overcompensating?) manager, the driven hyperslut life mage, and of course the grandiose and lonely goth slime herself. Such a smokeshow. 3) As Skari deepens her relationships with Honeydew, Briggy and especially Rakna, we see her grappling with what it means to command. Almost strategy/base-builder games gloss over this aspect of sovereignty, so it's a welcome addition. 4) Amorphous malleable googirl sex is hot, nuff said. FIN) I know not to expect every thread to be followed right away. But that's part of the fun of serial fiction, not knowing when a favorite side character or theme gets its next moment in the spotlight. Kudos!

RileyLockhaertRileyLockhaert9 months ago

Wow, amazing work!

luissaluissa10 months ago

Please continue this story, Thnk you

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