Santorini Paradiso Ch. 06

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Adonis, Petros and Elena must hide their passion from others
5.6k words

Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/09/2011
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As Adonis pulled the Jeep into what passed for a parking space along the narrow, noisy lane, Elena felt a flutter of nerves in her tummy. She rechecked her eyeliner in the mirror behind the visor. Her makeup was still perfect - she really needed to calm down.

"Don't worry, you're still beautiful." joked Petros, watching her from the back seat, gentle humor lighting his dark eyes. Elena laughed at her own foolishness and groaned, shaking her head as she struggled to unbuckle her seat belt with trembling hands.

"Relax, Agape-mou." Adonis's voice was deep and soothing. "Here, let me help you." He was smiling indulgently as he deftly pressed the latch, making the belt retract, freeing her. He reached for her chin and pulled her closer so he could place a soft kiss on her cheek. "Stay there, I'll come around."

Leaping out, he strode around the vehicle and assisted Elena to jump down from the passenger side. He leaned against her for a moment, kissing the top of her head. "Mmmmm. Your hair smells wonderful." He murmured. She smiled up at him, feeling her nervousness begin to evaporate.

The night air was dry and fresh. The moon overhead cast a powerfully bright light. The long alleyways around them glowed softly in the near darkness, occasionally punctuated by vivid lights from the open doorways and windows. Some hundred yards away, at the end of the "odos" there was an outdoor café where a throng had gathered. The exotic sounds of Byzantine music floated up the road. The rather posh restaurant that Pam had chosen was directly across from them. The door was surrounded by a riotous tangle of vines and tasteful oil torches.

She saw that Petros was already standing alone near the entrance to the restaurant. It made Elena's heart ache to see him deliberately separating himself from them, even though it was for a good cause.

"Hey!" She called out to him softly. "You don't have to stand so far away from us..."

He smiled a little sadly, raising one eyebrow. "Yes, I do - I don't want to forget myself, Elena-mou." He wagged a finger at her playfully. "So do me a favor and keep your distance."

Elena sighed. Looking up at Adonis, who was regarding her with great tenderness, she hooked an arm in his and said: "Okay handsome, you're my date. Let's go."

"Wait - I just need to do one thing." Adonis said quietly. Elena looked up, curious. He swooped down and caught her mouth in a deeply arresting kiss. Elena shuddered against him, returning it with enthusiasm. A young couple on a Vespa rode past and the driver honked his squeaky horn in tribute to the little display. The noise made Elena jump, startled. She laughed as she stepped back a little, running a hand through her tumbling curls.

"There, that is much better - now you look like you've been properly kissed." Adonis said as he wrapped one arm around her shoulders and led her across the road to the entrance. Petros had already disappeared inside, she noticed with a pang of guilt.

The pescatoria was noisy and brightly lit, like most of the tavernas on the island. At the sight of Adonis, the rather rotund owner came running forward grasping his shoulders and giving him a boisterous pair of air kisses on either side of his face.

"Yasas, Kyrie Adonis Dardania! Kali spera..." He began to chatter on excitedly in Greek, when Adonis spoke softly in reply. Elena didn't understand much of what he said, but she heard him say "Anglika, para kalo" which she knew meant he was asking him to speak in English.

The owner turned his attentions to Elena for a moment, regarding her with flowery exclamations of her beauty, kissing her cheeks dramatically. Elena was laughing, looking up into Adonis's sparkling eyes. She felt both embarrassed and flushed with pride to realize that he was quite well known and deeply respected, as if he were a local celebrity.

Elena tried to ignore the fact that virtually everyone in the restaurant was staring at them. She was glad she'd chosen to wear one of the new designer wrap dresses and a pair of kitten heels that the boys had bought for her. The stylish simplicity of the garment flattered her curves elegantly and gave her a boost of confidence.

"I was just talking to your brother, Kyrie Petros - he is taking some Ouzo with me at the bar. Would you like to join us?" His arms flew wide, to show that his invitation was also meant for Elena.

"I'm sorry, Yanni, but we are meeting Elena's friends for dinner. In fact, I see them now - just there." Adonis inclined his head and Elena followed his gaze to see Pam, Costis, Nikki and Matt all waving her way from a large table in the corner.

"Ah, yes - the Americans - yes. I didn't know they knew you! Well, we will send some Ouzo to the table, yes?!" Yannis began to herd Elena and Adonis toward her friends. Elena looked back to search for Petros. Adonis placed a hand on her lower back and whispered reassuringly near her ear: "He is coming". She smiled up at him and turned her attention back to her friends.

Pam had an 'Oh my god!' look on her face as Elena approached. She held her arms out to take Elena into a big hug.

"Shit! You look amazing - honestly. Gorgeous! New dress?" Despite the almost caustic tone, she was clearly happy for her friend. She whispered in Elena's ear: "You know what - the club was so dark last night that I never got a good look at your boy there, but holy shit - he's fucking amazing."

Elena was laughing at Pam's colorful language, as usual. "Yeah, he's ridiculously good looking, isn't he? He also happens to be smart, accomplished, sexy, sensitive, affectionate... the list goes on. Please don't tell him what a loser I am."

"Oh please. You're a catch - and he knows it. Stop being so humble it's totally boring." Pam had already moved away from Elena to give Adonis the customary twin kisses. Elena found herself caught in a bear hug from Costis.

"Little Elena - We're so happy that you are still alive. Do you forgive us for leaving you last night? I guess you do, right?" Costis was looking at Adonis with something akin to hero worship.

Introductions were being made all around. Elena looked up as Petros approached, his cool smile seemingly comfortably detached, playing the part of Adonis's brother and the fifth wheel. He didn't even look in Elena's direction as he was introduced to her friends. Pam shot a quizzical look at Elena, one eyebrow raised in an unspoken question. She shrugged in response, a tiny grin on her face. Pam frowned at her and was about to come over to speak, when the proprietor returned and chaos ensued.

There was quite a fuss as the Ouzo arrived with glasses and a pitcher of water. Yannis insisted on arranging their menu himself, and made a big show of what he was going to provide to his new and old friends. Adonis seated himself next to Elena and held her close to his side. She was grateful for his physical presence, because it seemed to be the only thing that anchored her to the earth. All through the evening, he was attentive to her needs - often going so far as feeding her from his own fork. Pam was unable to miss the fact that he continuously held on to her hand or her thigh, and she noted the sweet little kisses that he bestowed on her cheek or in her hair whenever Elena said something funny.

Petros sat at the far side of the table, and seemed to focus all of his attention on Matt and Nikki. Occasionally, when no one seemed to be looking, Elena stole glances at him. He studiously ignored her - but she knew by the set of his profile that he felt her eyes. It was causing a tight little knot in her abdomen. She tried to reason with herself - knowing full well that they had agreed to this public display of normalcy. But somehow now when it was unfolding and he was closed off to her, Elena felt acutely the loss of him.

At one point during the main course, Elena was looking at Petros under her lashes and thought she saw the signs of strain in him. He put his hand to his forehead, rubbing it absently, and stretched his neck as if it pained him. She looked up at Adonis to see if he noticed it as well. Elena felt a little shock when she realized that he also looked like he was momentarily in pain, his hand rubbing his own neck. She squeezed his other hand and leaned up to place a soft kiss on his jaw. He blinked as if he was waking, and looked down at Elena warmly. Leaning forward he placed his lips against hers in a chaste little kiss, pressing his thigh more tightly against hers. Inside Elena's head, she had a tiny fantasy that she was sending this reassuring kiss out to Petros at the other side of the table.

As Adonis straightened, Petros came back into view. He was smiling down at his plate, as if lost in a daydream. For a fraction of a second, his eyes darted up and locked on hers - and she had the strangest feeling that her psychic kiss had hit its target. But in a flash he looked away, his attention captured by something that Matt was saying.

Between the third and last courses, Pam stood up abruptly and said: "I'm going to the Ladies Room. Elena, come with me!" She grabbed her friend's hand and fairly yanked her out of her seat. Elena looked back at Adonis, and he grinned at her, winking, as she was led away through the noisy crowded restaurant.

Pam pushed Elena through the Ladies Room door and looked around quickly to make sure no one else was inside.

"Okay, so tell me everything. So you are just with Adonis? What was with making me think that you were with both of them?"

Elena flushed scarlet, but luckily Pam interpreted that as guilt over teasing her. She consoled herself that she wasn't actually lying when she said: "Well, wasn't that what you wanted to hear? I mean – it would be wilder and sexier if I told you that I was with both of them, right?" Pam laughed as she went into one of the stalls and latched the door behind her. She continued to yell over the door.

"Bitch! I totally bought it. But it's not as if just being with Adonis is a consolation prize. He's fucking hot! He's totally nuts about you. He can't take his eyes off you."

"Do you think so? I'd love to think that but it's kind of hard to believe..." Elena was regarding her own face in the mirror, assessing herself critically.

"Puh-lease! I hate it when you talk like that." Pam was always impatient with her lack of confidence. "He looks like he rocks in bed – am I right?" She took Elena's laughter as confirmation. "I knew it – you can tell by looking at him – the way he moves. Guys who can dance are always amazing in the sack." She declared in a matter-of-fact way.

"I bet his brother is just as good." She said, almost in an afterthought. Elena's hand slipped off the top of the sink suddenly and accidentally turned on the water. She was grateful that Pam was still in the stall, or she'd have seen right through that little nervous spasm. The flushing of the toilet meant she'd be emerging again – directing her sharp eyes on her friend. Elena dried her hands and took a deep breath – schooling a calm expression on her face.

"So – when are you coming back to the hotel to get your stuff?" She regarded Elena in the mirror as she scrubbed her hands. Elena shrugged.

"Um – I didn't make a plan yet. Tomorrow?" She offered. She made a mental note to mention this to the boys.

"So Adonis is cool with you staying there until we leave for Mykonos? Pretty hot..." Pam commented, shaking her head. Elena realized that now was as good a time as ever to break the other news.

"Yes – well, actually, I don't think I'm coming to Mykonos after all..." Elena began.

Pam whirled around, her eyes alight with anticipation of where this was going. When Elena hesitated, she prodded: "I'm listening..."

"Uhh... actually he asked me to stay here for a while..." She looked down at her fingernails as she trailed off. Pam took hold of both her shoulders.

"Stay here? What are you saying?"

"He's offered me a studio to work in and asked me to stay."

"How long?" Pam had one eyebrow raised, but she wasn't yelling. This was a good sign. Elena shrugged, one hand waved, palm up.

"He didn't specify. For as long as I want."

"GET OUT!!" She pushed against Elena's shoulders so that she had to quickly steady herself.

"I'm serious – I described how I was living on your sofa and that I hated my job, and the next thing I knew, I was being offered a home and the most amazing studio that I've ever seen."

"You just met this guy yesterday, Elena. Don't you think that this is a little insane? How does his brother feel about all of this?" Pam was incredulous. Elena could see that she was trying hard to process what she was hearing.

"Petros was cool with it, too." Elena said lamely – hoping that her face wouldn't betray her.

"Holy shit!" Pam paced around the tiny bathroom space, thinking. She turned and looked back at Elena, seemingly about to say something, but then stopped herself and rubbed a hand along the back of her neck.

Elena decided to take advantage of her silence. "Listen, I know it's more than a little nuts – but it's also the most amazing opportunity I've ever had. And I am really, really happy. Plus – look at it this way, I still have my ticket back to Boston if I need it, right?"

Pam was still thinking. "That's true..." she said slowly. Her eyes were scanning Elena's face and she could see how rational she was – rational and as she said – genuinely happy.

"I think that if I turned this down, I'd regret it for the rest of my life." Elena knew as she said the words that this was the closer. Pam stood upright, nodding, and reached out impulsively to pull Elena into an awkward hug.

"What the hell am I going to do without you?!" She complained, laughing. Elena felt little tears prick her eyes and saw that her friend's eyes were also shining. Elena pointed out that the internet and phone lines worked just fine on the island, and reminded Pam that she and Costis came to Greece a couple of times a year to see his family.

They left the Ladies Room to return to the table, laughing a little emotionally. Pam had one arm draped across Elena's shoulders as they walked.

Elena saw Adonis looking their way. He seemed to visibly relax when she came back into view. His astute jade eyes quickly took in the situation between the two girls, and his handsome mouth curved into a little sexy smile. Elena smiled back and mouthed the words 'ine kalo'. His smile broadened, white teeth flashing as he looked toward Petros, who was likewise watching Elena and Pam return to the table.

Elena caught Petros's eyes with her own and winked affectionately. He slowly ran his index finger across his lower lip, as if wiping something from his mouth. Elena was startled to realize that it felt as if he had done it to her – there was a tiny throbbing heat in her lower lip. She almost stumbled for a moment, taking in a breath sharply. Pam still had her arm around her, and kept her from tripping. She laughed aloud.

"Hey, watch it, Grace - don't fall over your own feet." She teased. Elena laughed, looking up at Pam with a self-deprecating expression on her face – making a joke about her new shoes. But inside she was beginning to feel a tiny bit disquieted. This was not the first time she'd experienced something unusual – let's face it – something telepathic about the boys.

As she looked back up at Adonis, he and Petros were looking at each other, and tiny frown appeared between his dark brows for a brief moment. He cocked his head to one side and an almost exasperated look flashed across his face as he looked meaningfully at his brother. Then just as quickly it was gone, and he looked back at Elena, his eyes scanning her alertly. He stood as the girls reached the table, pulling her to him. He placed a quick, sweet kiss on her lips and said "Hi" in a deep growling voice.

"Hi!" Elena breathed back, as he pulled her back down beside him on the cushioned banquette.

"Everything okay?" He whispered against her ear.

"Perfect" she demurred, leaning up to give him another little kiss. As she pulled away she squinted and looked sharply into his eyes with a look that said 'we'll talk about this later'. She knew that Adonis had received the message, feeling him expel a little sigh as he reached for a tall bottle of water, pouring a large glass for Elena, then politely offering it to Pam and Costis before refilling his own glass.

Elena was sitting so close to him that when he drank the water, she saw the muscles in his throat moving. The tanned skin over his Adam's apple was so smooth and supple, she wanted to run her tongue over it. Damn, he was beautiful. She realized that whatever was going on with the brothers, she was a moth to the flame.

Subtly, so that no one else at the table saw, Elena slipped her left hand over Adonis's thigh and brushed across his penis through his jeans. Adonis, taken completely by surprise, almost choked on the water he was drinking.

Without removing her left hand, Elena reached over with her right to thump his chest solicitously.

"Oh baby, are you okay?" She asked sweetly, her eyes sparkled mischievously. Adonis looked down at her, his eyes darkening and nostrils flaring as she felt his cock leap in his pants.

"Nee, agape-mou, Efkharisto poli..." he purred. He raised his right arm and wrapped it around Elena's shoulders, pulling her more tightly against his side.

"Oh good." She said through her teeth, giving his cock another little squeeze she shot a look down the table at Petros, who was resettling in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. He threw a sidelong glance down toward Elena before reaching for a small glass filled with Ouzo and downing it in one swallow.

"How interesting." She murmured. Adonis ran his right hand down her shoulder and upper arm. He turned to put his lips against her ear. The tip of his tongue darted briefly into her ear, creating moist heat, and he spoke in a voice so low she could barely hear it.

"If you keep doing what you're doing with your hand, I'm going to have to take you back to the Ladies Room and fuck you like the bad girl that you are. So here is what we're going to do. You're not taking coffee. You're tired, so we are going to go. Okay?"

Elena wriggled a little, rubbing her thighs together, trying to quell the riotous throbbing in her now totally soaked pussy. She removed her hand from his semi-hard cock, pulling her skirt down over her trembling legs. He kissed her temple before moving back far enough to look at her face. Elena was trying rather unsuccessfully to not smile, and gave him a barely perceptible nod.

As if on cue, Costis asked: "Does anyone want coffee or some dessert or fruit?"

Elena smoothly answered: "You know what, I am so stuffed! And I swear if I don't get up and move around I'm going to fall asleep right here. I'm so exhausted – do you guys mind very much if we say good night?"

Pam was laughing. "You? Tired? Yeah, right." She leaned over and said in a loud stage whisper: "We know you guys want to go home and do it! It's okay!" Elena only now realized that Pam seemed to be more than a bit drunk. Impulsively, Elena leaned toward her and gave her a hug.

"I'll call you tomorrow before I come back to get my stuff. Can we go to lunch or something?" Pam agreed, reaching for another glass of wine as she started talking about Calamari and a little café she found earlier that day.

Adonis waved to Yannis, his hand making a squiggle gesture in the air to request the bill. Yannis ran up and in a loud, grand voice declared that they were his guests and it was his pleasure to have such distinguished friends in his humble restaurant, and there would be no charge.

Elena's friends were surprised and impressed, gazing bemusedly at Adonis and Petros as they rose from the table – looking every bit like aristocrats. Elena had another strange moment of déjà vu. It seemed to be happening a lot around her boys.