Santorini Paradiso Ch. 08

Story Info
Elena tries to unravel their mystery, but unravels herself.
5k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/09/2011
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You've all been so very patient. I hope you will forgive me for the long absence. Suffice it to say that I spent the last little while writing for an audience of one. Now, however, I'm ready to once again "share the love", so to speak. We pick up right where Chapter 7 left off.

Thank you for all the kind notes and comments. It means more than you know.



Elena was floating in a warm pool of water. The bright blue sky above her was so sharp and clear it almost hurt her eyes to look at it. Just then, the tableau was interrupted by the swoop of a white dove - the same dove from the garden that morning. The bird's white, nearly translucent fragile wings made a fluttering sound as she climbed higher in the sky, before sailing back down in a graceful, curving loop. The dove was playing with her; dancing for her. It was lovely. She felt the honor of it wash over her.

She wanted to say thank you, but the words felt too trivial. The water caressed Elena's limbs and torso as it undulated gently around her. A vibration arose from the depths of the pond - it spoke her name in a lover's voice. "Elena, my love", it whispered inside her very skin.

Suddenly, she released that it was not the pond speaking to her. She had been dreaming, but the voice she now heard was real. It belonged to a flesh and blood lover. Her lover.

"Elena... Elena... time to wake up, my darling." Petros whispered softly, as his fingers brushed her cheek.

"We're home, my baby." Adonis was there too, his lips moving against her forehead.

Her generous mouth stretched into a sleepy, sexy grin as she groaned happily and reached for her boys.

"You're home... " She murmured happily as they slipped into bed on either side of her. Elena felt the touch of cold of metal against her leg, and looked down to see the laptop lying by her thigh. Mercifully it had fallen closed.

She had dozed off while doing some investigative search engine work on the two mysterious, wildly handsome brothers. That work had been strangely frustrating, since she'd found very little about them on the web. What scant references she did find were comprised mostly of business filings for various and apparently vast corporate holdings, large philanthropic donations and several glamorous party and film festival notices in which they were each seen squiring around an array of European heiresses and models. Details of their family history and any stories older than five years were inexplicably non-existent.

Adonis picked up the closed laptop and moved it to the nightstand. As he turned back to her he asked: "Were you checking email?" She could sense strangeness in his question - as if he was being deliberately casual.

"Something like that..." she answered, being deliberately vague. His brows knitted together in concern as he looked down into her eyes, which for once were uncharacteristically unrevealing. She leaned up and pressed her mouth against his full, sensual lips. He hesitated only for a fraction of a second before responding fervently to her kiss.

When he released her lips, she turned her head to likewise bestow a kiss on Petros, who looked tenderly at her as he drew her face to his. His kiss seemed to be a question.

"I guess I fell asleep." She said lightly, as she stretched her aching body between them.

"Yes, you had a difficult day. I'm so sorry, my love. We should not have left you alone." Adonis's jaw hardened as he thought about the close call she'd had with the drunken tourists. He sighed and pressed against her, his lips in her hair. She could feel his muscles contracting as he struggled to control his emotions. Her heart melted and she wanted only to comfort him.

"I wasn't alone - I was with Dimitri and Pam" she placed her palm against his heart, which was beating slightly more rapidly than normal. "And I'm totally fine..."

Adonis merely groaned as his arms tightened around her. Elena felt Petros rest his forehead against her back, and turned to look at him, sliding the back of her left arm against his abs and chest. He caught her arm and pressed the back of her hand to his lips for a moment, before nuzzling her neck.

"But when we think about that filth touching you - hurting you - we could go mad, my darling girl." Petros ground this out between his teeth. He was also suppressing violent feelings - the tension in his body was palpable.

"Listen, I'm not made of glass." She spoke gently, but there was a little bit of quiet strength in her tone as she continued with: "Worse things have happened to me... but then, you already know that, don't you?" It was not a question.

Silence followed for several moments. Elena waited patiently for one of them to break the silence. She knew that they would understand her meaning perfectly - that she knew they'd compiled a background check on her.

"Yes, we know." Adonis answered softly for both of them. "We wish we could erase all of your pain, Elena-mou. We would if we could."

"Yes..." Petros echoed, "If only we could."

Elena sighed, her lingering irritation at the invasion of her privacy dissipating. This wasn't the confrontation she'd imagined. She was supposed to be making them feel guilty for checking up on her without her knowledge. Instead, their simple expression of love and empathy made her want to cry.

"But why?" she asked softly, closing her eyes against the sudden rush of tears. "Why did you investigate my background like that? And when?! How could you possibly have found all of that information - all those private details - over the course of the last few days? How-?" Her voice broke on this last sentence as hot, humiliated tears over-spilled her tightly closed lids and ran down her face.

The brothers crushed her between them. Hands and lips caressed her in a desperate attempt to comfort her. She could no longer tell who was who as tongues licked away salty tears and strong fingers moved over her fevered skin.

"Please..." she heard them say. "We will answer all of your questions but please for now, let us just show you how much we love you. You are safe now. You are home now."

She sobbed, her will breaking. She surrendered herself to their mouths, hands and insistent bodies. They pulled at the tie of the kimono and each pulled an aching pink nipple into their mouths. Hands slid down her flat belly to the still sore region between her legs, gently teasing her clitoris until she arched back on the bed, keening in pleasure.

As one brother kissed her, the other gently ministered to her nether lips - his tongue bringing Elena quickly to climax in her hyper-sensitized state. Mouths and fingers were immediately replaced by large, hard erections. Elena shouted into the gathering dark as pleasure and pain mixed into one repeating wave of intensity. They moved over her and into her with such sensual harmony that for a moment Elena felt as if she was making love to a single super-human being - like some multi-limbed Indian deity.

Impatient to feel more of her bare flesh, the men tugged off her green silk robe. They froze. The room was ominously silent.

Elena opened her eyes at the sudden stillness. They stared thunderously at her badly bruised arms. Then, cursing heavily in Greek, speaking to each other so quickly that she struggled to understand them, Elena was momentarily frightened that the brothers might rush off to confront her would-be attacker. She shivered at the terrifying beauty of their rage. There was little doubt, based on their dark and fierce expressions, that the foolish Russians would be dead if they found them. The certainty of that fact should have scared Elena, but it didn't.

"Shhhh..." she admonished. Reaching toward both men, she drew them back to her and held them tightly. "Come here to me, I beg you. They don't matter - only this does." Elena pressed her lips to each brother's mouth - willing them to channel this passion into love, rather than hate. "Just love me. Please, please let's turn this whole thing into something beautiful." She pleaded.

It was like a dam had burst. Adonis and Petros launched themselves on her with complete abandon. Where violence had been brewing, there now was only passion. Elena felt as if they were floating in the evening air, suspended temporarily from the pull of the earth's gravity, because the pull between them was infinitely stronger.

No words were spoken - they communicated with their bodies, hands and mouths and with moans, sighs and even their thoughts.

At the very moment that she thought 'put your mouth there...' or 'I want to feel that inside me' or if she imagined 'what if we move this way...' the men somehow perceived and obliged. Just as Elena could virtually hear Adonis think 'yes, move your hand faster and just flick your tongue on the tip' or feel Petros ask 'please, tighten your muscles as I pull out and put your right leg over my shoulder'. It was like a perfectly choreographed dance that they knew well and performed with expert skill. Except that all of it was new.

Liquid heat coursed through her veins. She felt as if she were filled with light, as if she would never tire. Each brother had cum inside her more than twice, recovering in mere minutes. As Elena achieved orgasm for what must have been the sixth time, the frantic pace of their lovemaking began to slow. A glow of satisfaction glistened on their very skin.

At long last, lying close to one another as the perspiration dried from their bodies and their hearts resumed a more normal rhythm, Elena experimented with something she'd been suspecting all day. She "pushed out thoughts" to Adonis and Petros. They were simple messages, but she wanted to see if her theory was right.

'You are my whole world now. I love you both. I am yours.'

She could feel them both smile. They turned toward her, propping their heads up with bent elbows. 'We love you, too, agape-mou. You know that we do.' Elena heard Adonis's thought inside her head as if he'd spoken.

'When did you figure it out?' Petros mentally asked.

'I wouldn't say I figured it out, exactly. I just can't ignore it anymore.' Even inside her head, this sounded sarcastic.

Both men laughed aloud.

"Maybe when you're answering all those other questions, you can answer this one." Elena drawled, aloud this time.

"Deal." Petros answered, ruffling her curls. They lay together companionably in silence, still floating in the lingering bliss of their lovemaking.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Elena declared loudly: "I'm starving!" She was surprised by her own outburst and amazed that her body could feel anything else at this point. All three of them laughed at this unexpected, highly prosaic announcement.

"Let's clean up for dinner and go see what Maria has arranged for us tonight." Adonis kissed Elena one more time, lingering slightly to look lovingly at her before sliding out of bed on the far side.

Petros wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. He rested his forehead against hers for a moment then leaned in for a sweet, almost reverential kiss.

"See you downstairs, beautiful." He breathed into her hair as he likewise hopped out of bed and disappeared down the hall.


Some 20 minutes later, Elena had cleaned up and dressed and was skipping down the stairs in bare feet. She was wearing one of the new, ultra feminine sundresses she found hanging in the wardrobe, along with a lightweight cardigan to cover the ugly bruises on her arms. No need to remind the boys about the nasty incident; she'd only just succeeded in taking their minds off of doing violence.

As she reached the main landing, the savory smell of roasting lamb kicked off a wild rumble of eager anticipation in her stomach. Garlic and rosemary blended to perfection with the slight gamey tang of the meat. Elena was reminded of the cartoons she watched as a child, where the animated rabbit floated in the air, pulled by curling wisps of aroma, toward the food he craved. She felt likewise drawn into the hive of activity that was the kitchen.

Elena pushed open the door to the sounds of raucous laughter. Her boys were sitting around the marble café table with glasses of red wine in their hands, and they were both laughing aloud. Adonis had one hand covering his eyes, while Petros was slapping his hand down on the marble surface. Maria was standing at the center island, bent over slightly, laughing so hard that she was wiping tears away with the corner of her crisp white apron.

Elena was more than a little surprised to realize that the source of this hilarity was Dimitri, who seemed to be in the last stages of telling a story. She couldn't help being infected by the laughter surrounding her; a wide smile broke across her face as she waited for Dimitri to finish the tale. He spoke in rapid, melodious Greek, and though deadpan in his delivery, he was using his hands in a way that was so eloquent it was practically pantomime.

The climax of the story came when he sharply slapped his hands together and then shot one off into the air, after which he shook his head as if dizzy and put his hands to his ears. The other three broke out in fresh gales of laughter at this finale, Maria holding her hands up in protest, begging him to stop.

They noticed Elena's presence, and the boys leapt up delightedly to have her join them at the table. Petros explained that Dimitri was telling tales from when he was a boy, and apparently a mischievous one at that. Elena smiled up at Dimitri, warming greatly to this unexpected new side of the enigmatic bodyguard.

Adonis began to pour Elena a glass of red wine, but the scent of the alcohol overwhelmed her a little, making her empty stomach lurch uncomfortably. She paled for a moment and stopped him mid pour, begging for some water, instead. Dimitri brought her a glass and the chilled water pitcher from the big stainless steel refrigerator. His eyes scanned her face solicitously, as Adonis removed the glass from the table. Petros held a palm to her forehead, asking if she was okay.

Elena laughingly shrugged away the attentions, declaring that she was just too hungry. She told Maria that the scent of the lamb was making her crazy. The tiny, bustling housekeeper beamed at her and said that it would be ready in about half an hour. She shooed them out of the kitchen, handing Adonis a tray of feta, tomatoes, olives and a basket of crusty bread.

The three of them walked out to the terrace, where the candles had already been lit. The lights of the pool shimmered in the gathering dark, as the last streaks of the sun, which was now below the horizon, left orange and crimson rents in the navy blue night sky.

Elena breathed in the salty air, and stretched her body in the warm breeze that blew up from the sea below. The heat of the day had lessened, but it still felt very warm. The light wind made her curly hair and the fine silk of her sundress flutter behind her. The moon was full tonight and seemed overly large. It cast a rippling golden reflection on the surface of the water.

She'd always felt very connected to the moon, but here in this place, on this night, that affinity seemed magnified. Elena gazed up, fascinated, and felt a sort of rightness - a harmony that she never experienced before. It wasn't just the usual sort of balance that one considers to be harmony; this was deeper. She felt as if she were a part of the great continuum. That she was fulfilling her destiny, and that there was larger meaning to what had been, up to now, a small and often solitary life. It was wildly fanciful, but as Elena looked up at the stars, she felt as if they looked back.

These grandiose thoughts were interrupted, albeit sweetly, by the feeling of strong arms encircling her from behind. Petros pulled her body back against his warm, sinewy frame and murmured her name into her hair. His lean, hard hips moved against her ass, and she was very aware of the feel of his shaft, which seemed to be thickening. His warm hands moved up her ribs to enfold her full, almost aching breasts. She winced very slightly and pressed his hands further, liking the sensation. She rested her head back against him. Petros spoke without words into her mind. 'You are lost in thought, beautiful girl. What are you thinking about?'

'The moon and the stars.' She thought back, smiling inside and out as his lips brushed her temple. Adonis drew near and stood beside them, likewise looking up.

'They seem almost close enough to touch, tonight.' Adonis thought.

'Yes.' Elena thought. She turned to gaze warmly at him, before returning to her contemplation of the skies. 'It feels like they are here for us - like they are watching us; speaking to us.'

'What are they saying?' Petros projected this question without any sarcasm. His thoughts brushed her mind like a soft caress.

Elena considered for a moment before answering. For some reason, the answer felt important.

"They are saying they approve. They are blessing us." She whispered this aloud realizing after the words formed that she believed it.

Just then, a flash of heat lightning blazed across the sky. All three of them started, gasping aloud. Elena laughed in reaction to the tiny fright it caused and after a moment the brothers joined in.

"Efkharisto Poli!" She shouted her thanks to the night sky.

She turned in Petros's arms and pulled his head down to kiss him deeply. Her tender breasts pushed against his muscled chest, nipples becoming taut. His hands slid down to cup her firm ass. As she released him, he stared down at her bemusedly as she turned to his brother, winding her arms around Adonis's neck to likewise kiss him passionately. Adonis's large, beautiful hands held her back just below her shoulder blades, crushing her against him. Again her nipples were almost painfully ground against his powerful frame. Elena moved her hips into his and felt his cock stirring a little in his jeans. Stepping back, she lovingly laid a hand against both of their faces.

She then turned back to face the sea, standing between them. Grasping a hand of each brother, she looked back up into the carpet of stars.

Elena would have felt to shy to say this aloud, so she communicated with her thoughts, instead. She said: 'I understand now that this was meant to be.'

Thoughts from the two brothers were layered together in her mind, but they were both replying with 'yes'. Petros brought her hand to his lips, as Adonis moved nearer and kissed her forehead tenderly.

Elena spoke the next words aloud: "But I still don't really know why. And you're not off the hook yet - I still need to hear about the detective work you two have been up to. Don't think I've forgotten about that. But... it can wait until after dinner, because if I don't eat something now I won't be responsible for my actions. One or both of you might lose an appendage you actually care about."

They snorted and quickly, exaggeratedly, ushered Elena to the table on the terrace. The brothers plied her with bread and cheese, theatrically drizzling olive oil onto her plate. She fairly attacked the food. Elena wondered for a moment at her newly voracious appetite, but then the thought skidded away as she focused on spearing a slippery Kalamata olive with her fork.

"So?" She asked between bites. "What was the funny story that Dimitri told you earlier?" Adonis and Petros each barked out a quick laugh.

Petros began: "Well, apparently he was always a curious boy, and when Dimitri was twelve years old, he accidentally stumbled upon his older brother and his girlfriend while they were..."


An hour later, the paltry remains of the roast leg of lamb and Maria's amazing side dishes were lying cold on a platter in the center of the table. The trio had done some serious damage to what started off as a considerable amount of food. Elena and the boys were replete, leaning back in their chairs as they continued to gaze upward at the sparkling night. She couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten so much at one sitting. They'd been quiet for the last few moments, each retreating into some private, comfortable place inside themselves. It was a thoroughly comfortable silence - the kind you can only have with those you know and love well.