Sarah's Encounter Ch. 03

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New encounter awaits Sarah & her lovers.
6.5k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/28/2003
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Sage eyed the growing crowd with the amusement of a man jaded by a life of unending years. Inside the crowd young, newly made vampires as well as some very old ones danced about with absolutely no concern for their safety, fangs recklessly visible to any humans within the vicinity made him wonder how the life of a vampire had come to this. In the old days places such as this would have been avoided. But now it was second nature for humans to act like vampires dressing up with black clothing and paling their skin with powdery mixtures. None of them really believed that vampires or nightmarish creatures existed. None remarked on the flashes of fangs, real or unreal.

Still browsing he fingered the small jagged scar that crossed his right cheekbone. Puckered and ragged, it should have healed within minutes of being made except its maker happened to be a very lucky and very angry father that had doused the knife that made the mark with holy water causing the scar to be a permanent fixture. Of course, the man had not lived to see the results of his luck. Still Sage had considered it a learning experience.

There was just something about the twenty-first century, other than the beautiful voluptuous females in skin-tight, next-to-nothing clothing or the extreme willingness of said females to feed appetites, both carnal and bodily that tempted the darkness within him to rise to the surface. It was an entirely new feeling, somewhat like the burning sensation the holy water had caused but not so severe, more pleasant, pulsating beneath his preternatural flesh, waiting for the right that wasn't quite right, the right person to burst forth in freedom.

Where that last thought came from he didn't know but having lived as long as he had, five hundred and twenty-five years, he knew better than to ignore it. There was someone here tonight, someone for him specifically whether that person meant harm or something entirely different he knew not.

He scanned the crowd again, the fierce expression on his face sending several people close to him scurrying away. It was more than just the look that made them leave though, he had the persona of a dark demon with thick black hair framing a harsh face and full, broad lips that seemed to be curled in a constant sneer. Bright grayish-blue eyes stared with an intensity that most could not meet. He was beautiful there was no doubt of that but the sense of primal danger that emitted from him gave most people a very uncomfortable feeling.

He'd been a powerful man as a mortal with thick muscular arms and a broad, firm chest and still showed that strength today. Underneath the jeans he wore muscles bunched and rippled in legs thick as tree trunks. It was that very strength that mortals dared to speak of, the preternatural knew better. He was a man to be avoided, feared if you will and only the very foolish thought they could best him.

Sage was in no mood for the stupidity of those around him, they knew him not, never bothering to look beyond the visage to the person underneath so when the mortal redhead sitting on a barstool next to him tried to engage his attention he gave her one of his more sinister looks and had her stumbling away. Another time it would have amused him but not today. The pulsations under his skin had intensified in the last few minutes letting him know his quarry was close.

He had only to turn his head a fraction to the right to see her. Willow slim body slowly swaying to the first slow music of the night, long reddish-brown hair gently caressing the rounded curve of her ass. The sleeveless, jade, green dress she wore clung to her skin, molding to each firm breast like a lovers hand and ending at a moderate length just above the knee. Her creamy peach skin beckoned him, the torment leaving his fingers tingling. Ruby red lips set in an elegant face glistened in the pulsating light begging to be kissed.

His gut felt like it had taken a substantial punch stunning him. Inside his chest his heart lurched while his body burned with a fire that was both erotic and addicting at the same time. Lower down, his cock, now painfully erect, felt like it would burst if he didn't have her soon.

Sage ran his tongue across his fangs, his imagination running riot. Her blood would be hot and spicy and her pussy sweet and heady, an aphrodisiac no immortal could possibly resist. He swore viciously, the effect she was having on him taking on volcanic proportions. The picture of his dainty goddess riding him, the heated wetness engulfing his cockhead then his shaft, squeezing and pulsating around him forced him to grip the edge of the bar as an involuntary shiver wracked his muscular frame.

Several minutes later and back under control Sage gave the two men with her a cursory glance and then an even longer, thoughtful look. He had heard of these two, Braeden and Dominic, their exploits known far and wide, the tales even managing to reach him in the isolated castle in Scotland he used as a residence. Although not as old as he, they were still considered ancients with powers he would be wise not to underestimate.

Sage noted the possessiveness Braeden and Dominic showed towards the girl. The way their hands ran sensuously up and down her body, their own bodies glued to hers. Dominic at her back clutched her hips using the motion of the dance to grind his cock against the cleavage of her ass while Braeden at her front ate at her mouth in a most demanding kiss, their tongues mating with abandonment. Sage held little hope that the girl was not a willing partner but they dimmed even further as Braeden raised his thigh between hers and she proceeded to rock her pussy up and down his corded thigh. Letting his eyes travel to her face, Sage could not miss the heated look of passion on it nor the marks on her neck, marks of ownership that killed the last of his hope. Not that it really mattered in the end. She would be his. He would see to that.

Sarah rode the fine line towards orgasm in a frenzy, uncaring about the crowds surrounding her. Caught up in the moment as she was, the sounds and the touches of her lovers seemed magnified ten times over. Her bare pussy throbbed, weeping liquid passion all over Braeden's thigh, which she knew he would leave for everyone to see, a proud sign of his ownership. She didn't mind, in the year she'd been with them they had gone to great pains to prove their ownership of her both to herself and to others. It was comforting now and made her feel loved.

Dominic's hands on her hips urged her to greater speed, the strength of his cock against her ass increasing. She moaned wishing more than anything that he was inside her, pushing through her wet folds and giving her the fucking she so desperately needed. When the voice entered her head she didn't even notice to far-gone to care, to desperate for her orgasm to wonder.

"You are a sight to see, my sweet Sarah. But would it not be better to have a big, thick cock inside you, plunging deep, raking your insides in just the right way. I can give that to you, much better than your companions. Let me show you."

An image built in her head, a massive organ proudly erect, seminal fluids seeping from the tip and trailing down the veined shaft in one long rivulet. She wanted it, needed it so very badly and in the next second she had it right there, spreading the lips of her pussy, piercing the opening, pushing tissue aside, worrying its way inside her one tight, struggling inch at a time. Her mouth opened in a wordless cry, so big, so powerful stretching the tight folds of skin more than she had ever felt before. She was filled to capacity, no space left untouched, gasping for breath and then it pulled out, tugging and scraping until the head just breached her pussy before easing back inside in a long slow slide that had her spine bowing and a moan of delight tearing from her throat.

"You see. Your lovers pale in comparison to what I have for you. You don't need them any longer. All you need is me. You want what I have; I can read it in your mind. All you need to do is tell me. Tell me!"

"Yes! Oh God, yes! Please, I want it!" She screamed. The orgasm roared over her like a great torrent of water, tossing her without care into a maelstrom of sheer ecstasy, sweeping her along on vicious waves of pleasure so intense she nearly blacked out. Her mouth opened to scream, the piercing cry drowned out as Braeden's mouth covered her own, swallowing the cry into the depths of his aroused body. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, holding her while jolt after jolt of raw, spine-bowing pleasure shook her slender body.

He spoke to her once more while the pleasure still held her in its sharp, greedy clutches. "You see what I can give you, now, but that's not all. I have so much more for you than just an image, Sarah. All you need to do is say, yes. Say, yes, Sarah and I will take you away from your incompetent lovers and spend eternity making sure that you do not regret your decision."

She nearly said yes. The word was on the tip of her tongue before the reality of strong, warm arms holding her and firm, gentle lips soothing her pierced the orgasmic veil. Sarah leaned her forehead against Braeden's chest and let her mind study the situation. Her orgasm was big, yes. Bigger than anything she had had up until now. And, yes, the feeling of being fucked by that huge cock added strength to the orgasm, but that was only a small part of the whole. Without Dominic and Braeden there, holding her, kissing her, urging her with hot, sordid words to cum, the orgasm wouldn't have been as soul-shattering.

"I can read your thoughts, sweet Sarah. I do not find them to my liking. You will say yes, right now, and come to me!"

She felt his will like a massive stone wall, bearing down on her with incredible strength. She fought it, struggling to keep her mind blank and to force the one word she needed to say out of her mouth. It came out in a whisper, so low only Braeden, Dominic and her mysterious admirer heard it. "No!"

His will left the same way it had come, quickly and pointedly. "You shall be mine. The decision is now out of your hands."

Sensing his lover's nervousness, Braeden glanced down at Sarah's bent head as her nails dug into his skin. Raising his eyes he noted that Dominic felt it too and was already searching the crowd for danger.

"What's the matter, Sarah?" He crooked a finger under her chin and raised her head to look into her eyes.

"There's someone here, someone trying to take me away from you and Dominic." She whispered through dry lips.

The instant the words left her lips he could feel the threat, a very old vampire, his possessiveness towards their woman blatant, his intent to have her clear. Rage sprang up from the depths of Braeden's soul causing his eyes to burn a fiery red and his fangs to lengthen to razor sharp points.

The attack when it came was not unexpected, claws raked over Braeden's throat leaving deep, agonizing furrows. Blood sprayed outward, drenching Sarah, Dominic and those closest in deep red. Struggling to breathe, shaking from the pain, Braeden fell to his knees and then to his back. Blood poured from the wound creating a black puddle on the floor. The blow, while not fatal, would incapacitate him for the rest of the night and possibly the next two.

Dominic was already in motion the second after his friend was struck, his left arm pushing Sarah out of the way while his right arm moved to block his attacker. He caught the glint of metal and then felt the pain as his unprotected side surrendered to the silver knife. It burned through his flesh, slicing through it with ease. Plunging deep between his ribs it pierced his lung, incapacitating him. The floor seemed to rise up to meet him as he fell, smashing into him with a painful thud, drawing a deep wrenching groan from the back of his throat.

Terror widened Sarah's eyes from where she lay sprawled on the floor. Almost instantaneously her lover's lay on the ground, felled easily by a blur of movement. And then the blur was on her, steel arms clamped around her waist from behind, carrying her away from Braeden and Dominic. Their panicked, pain-filled eyes stared into her own as she screamed their names in vain.

"Sleep!" The command from her captor held enough force behind it that Sarah couldn't fight it. Her eyelids closed as the ground seemed to melt away and the night air rushed passed them.

Immense satisfaction coursed through Sage as he carried his light burden through the dank walls of his Scottish castle. His Sarah was here, in his arms, in his home and for the first time in his long life he actually felt at peace. Even unconscious, she gave that to him, that peace that told him his soul was united with the one person born for him alone. The fact that she had other lovers didn't matter; he harbored no jealousy towards them, considering them a minor obstacle to be handled quickly and efficiently. Yet, he was not a monster to kill wantonly so the blows he'd given were not killing blows but done in such a way that it should take several days before his foes would be healed enough to come after him. By that time she would be his in everyway.

Deep within the castle he came to his lair, pushing aside the heavy stone door with an ease that only a preternatural creature such as himself could do. Soft electrical light awaited him, illuminating a rich, luxurious suite of rooms resplendent of some of the higher priced hotels and quite out of place so far beneath the earth's surface. Not that he cared, he was comfortable and that was all that mattered.

In the bathroom, he sat down on the edge of the tiled bathtub, shifting his charge to the side so that he could reach the water handles. A quick flick of his wrist and water gushed from the spout. Testing it he adjusted the hot water quite a bit cooler than he liked it but necessary since he could withstand temperatures much hotter than Sarah and he had no wish to burn her beautiful skin.

Laying her down on the thick bathmat, he stripped himself of his clothes, leaving them lying on the floor in a puddle of silken material. He attacked her clothes next, taking his time, peeling the material from her body an inch at a time, revealing the peach tinted skin underneath. Her body was beautiful with full, voluptuous breasts sporting dusty pink nipples pouting upwards awaiting his touch and his mouth. A smooth slender waist curved gently into softly rounded hips with just enough flesh for a man to get a good grip on. And those long, sexy legs, he shuddered at the thought of those wrapped around his waist, pushing him even harder inside her sweet pussy. It was to that very area he was drawn to next with its neatly trimmed triangle of reddish-brown curls and the delights lower down. He couldn't stop himself, he had to touch her, the temptation was just too great. Cupping the fullness of her breast, Sage tested its weight, enjoying how perfectly it fit in the palm of his hand. Trailing his other hand lower, he lightly brushed trembling fingertips across the smooth, satiny skin of her stomach, and lower still feeling the crisp hair part for his marauding fingers. The taut bud of her clitoris slid under his fingertip causing even her unconscious body to twitch at the touch.

"Fuck!" He groaned, closing his eyes as slick moisture and warm flesh enveloped his fingers. Her pussy felt like heaven, warm and inviting, already wet for him. He fought the monster within him that roared for her body with every bit of willpower he had. He gritted his teeth against the urge, desperately trying to ignore the pulsating demand coming from his painful erection. The fight cost him valuable energy, leaving him shaking and panting for breath.

He tore his fingers from her body, slick and glistening with her juices and clutched her thigh to keep from raising the wetness to his mouth. If he did that Sage knew he'd take her and take her and take her, until she was too exhausted to scream out her pleasure. He still planned on doing that, but he wished to savor the delights awaiting him and not be rushed through it. Besides, the next fifteen minutes or so were going to be a torture so delicious he'd need all of his control just to get through it. Her bath awaited and it would be his hands that trailed soap over every delectable inch of skin not some scrap of material that washed her.

He was right about the bath, such sweet torment to touch her, kneading silky flesh. Nipples beaded to tight little buds at just the slightest touch tempting him nearly beyond endurance to taste them. By the time Sage was done with the bath he was nearly insane with need. It clawed at him, demanded to have her, to slake his lust inside her tight pussy.

The short distance to his bedroom seemed to take hours as his body hardened even further with arousal. In his entire life he'd never been this hard. His cock felt like granite with a stick of dynamite inside that at any second would detonate. He needed to be inside her before that happened. To feel her orgasm ripple around his aching flesh before he gave into his need to come. Fuck, he had to get his mind off that before he came just from the image.

The bed, stripped of its covers, dipped under his weight as he kneeled down to place her gently in the middle. Standing, Sage took the time to drink in the sight of the beautiful woman lying, finally, in his bed. He inhaled the clean scent of her, closing his eyes and basking in it, already yearning for the smell of arousal to cloak her skin.

The bed dipped once more as he lay down beside her, his chest just touching her arm. His plan was simple, if only he could stay in control enough to implement it.

Light, feathery caresses running up and down her arm broke through Sarah's subconscious as sleep and reality merged into a dreamlike state. Opening her eyes she regarded the naked male next to her, running her eyes down the hardened muscles, taking in the aroused cock jutting proudly from a nest of black hair. God, he was huge!

"Thank you. I'm glad you find pleasure in my body." The male's deep, velvety voice rumbled with amusement.

Oh shit, had she actually said those words aloud? Sarah felt heat stain her cheeks a bright red.

"You didn't speak this is a dream and I can hear every single thought rolling through your beautiful head." His hand continued running up and down her arm.

"Isn't that convenient." She said drolly.

"Quite." He was laughing at her now, his chest shaking slightly.

"Does this dream have a name?"

"Yes it does. Sage."

"Sage, I know your voice. You were the one speaking to me in the club." Fear suddenly spiked through her as she remembered. "Oh God, you hurt them, you hurt them so badly."

This was not the direction he wanted to go. He needed to ease her fears and then change topics. "Shh, they are not hurt as badly as you think. Their wounds will heal in a few days. You needn't fear for them."


"No. No more talk of your former lovers. Right now it's just you and I and this very pleasant dream. See, does not my touch feel pleasant?" Sage moved his hand to her breast, squeezing the silky flesh, molding it and then plucking at the nipple.

Sarah sucked in her breath. Instant pleasure caused her breast to swell and throb. Calloused fingers scraped the hardened tip and had her back arching as fire seared its way straight to her cunt.

No! This wasn't right! She shouldn't be responding to anyone's touch but Braeden and Dominic's.

"Why not? There is nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasure my touch can give you. Besides, as I said before, this is a dream. Dreams are for exploring lovely, wicked fantasies without the unnecessary guilt hindering the pleasure. Simply lay back and allow me to pleasure you."

Maybe what he said was true and all this was a dream. It certainly didn't feel like reality. She felt kind of like she did when she was asleep with a cold, the kind of sleep where you know you're asleep but you're still very aware of everything going on around you. So if she was dreaming then there really wasn't any reason not to explore the dream and the pleasure that would ensue. Yes, why not let go, let him have his way, God knew what would really happen to her when she actually awoke.