Satisfaction Attained

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Claire opens up to her neighbor and neighbor's boyfriend.
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The day dragged on and on. Claire watched as the last few minutes ticked away. She had already organized her affairs and was now just waiting until she could go. It was Friday, so the traffic would be horrible, but at least she had a few days off. She longed to be home in her quiet apartment. Eventually, the clock struck five. She walked briskly down to the parking garage and started her car. She hurried and managed to get five minutes down the freeway when she ran into grid locked traffic. She sighed and turned up the music.

Claire was a thirty one year old accountant. She was happy, financially stable, and utterly single. She had just paid all her school loans off, as she had only graduated two years ago. She was 5'9, just over a hundred forty pounds. She worked out four times a week at a gym.

Claire got home at exactly six. She checked her mail before heading up to her two bedroom apartment, where she lived alone. She walked in and dropped the mail on her kitchen counter. She quickly changed into jeans and a sweater. Her office clothes got deposited in the hamper. She slipped on her sandals and went to watch the news.

At six thirty she heard a knock on the door. She frowned and went to answer it. She opened the door and looked at the person. She immediately recognized her neighbor. She lived next door to a single mother and her 18 year old daughter. The person who had knocked was the daughter.

"Hey Claire." The cheerful young woman greeted her.

"Hi Bree." Claire answered. "Come on in." Claire opened the door and motioned for Bree to enter. Bree did so quickly and Claire closed the door behind her. Bree and Claire had formed an unlikely friendship several months back, and now were good friends. The high school senior looked up to Claire as a mentor and role model and Claire looked to Bree as almost a niece.

Bree's mother had to go out of town a lot, and it was acceptable for her to stay with Claire as supervision. Bree wasn't able to stay home alone any longer because her mother caught her smoking pot during one of her mother's trips.

Claire didn't mind the teen age girl staying with her. Bree was kind and cheerful all the time. It was a welcome break from Claire's normal routine. Claire and Bree sat down on Claire's couch and the girl let out a sigh.

"What's up Bree?" Claire asked.

"My mom is coming over pretty soon." Bree informed her. "Something came up and she has to leave for the weekend. She's upset though because she doesn't want to ask you because its like, the last minute or something, and my grandparents don't want me." Bree finished.

"Oh its no problem, you can stay here for a few days. You aren't an inconvenience at all." Claire reassured her.

"Are you sure?" Bree asked. "I really don't want to trouble you."

"Its no trouble, I don't have any big weekend plans." Claire smiled.

"No hot dates?" Bree asked with a grin. Then her grin slid away replaced by a look of anxious worry. "I would feel so bad if you wanted to have company or something. You have to tell me if something comes up." Bree finished earnestly.

Claire laughed. "No I have no plans to have any guys over if that's what you were trying to say."

Bree blushed. "Promise you would tell me, I can make myself scarce."

"I will tell you, I promise." Claire said.

They exchanged a brief hug and Bree left. Bree's mother Harriet came over shortly and Claire invited her in.

"Was Bree just here?" Harriet asked.

"Yes, she told me something came up. It's no problem that she stays here for a few days." Claire assured her.

"I feel horrible, I hate putting you in this position." Harriet said worriedly.

"Don't feel bad, if it is ever a problem I will let you know. I had no plans this weekend." Claire said.

"Thank you so much. She can be over at our place until eleven I told her." Harriet said.

"Ok." Claire said.

"She has money if anything comes up, and she has food at our place." Harriet said.

"It's not a problem, she always brings stuff over, and she isn't any trouble." Claire reassured Harriet. "She's a good girl."

"I know. She feels a lot better staying here. She doesn't like sleeping in our apartment with no one else."

"I understand, that's why I don't mind her staying here." Claire said.

Harriet thanked her again, and left the number of the hotel where she would be staying. Claire dutifully took it down and put it on the fridge.

"Well, I have to leave, my flight is in about two hours." Harriet grimaced.

"Have a good time." Claire said, and Harriet excused herself.

Claire closed the door behind her and went back to watching the news.

Two hours later, she heard a knock on the door again. She got up to answer it and invited Bree in. Bree was carrying a duffle bag with some clothes and her pillow.

"I feel silly, I just live next door." Bree said.

"Don't feel silly, it makes your mom happy, to know that you will be supervised or something." Claire grinned at her.

"I know." Bree agreed.

They lived in a nice apartment complex and when Bree stayed, she had her own room. It was normally Claire's computer room, but she had a futon that folded out into a queen sized bed. Bree dumped her stuff and rejoined Claire in the living room.

"So, what are your plans?" Claire asked Bree.

"I was going to go to a movie with Danny." Bree said.

"What time?" Claire asked.

"At like 9 or so I think." Bree said.

"Ok, are you going to have dinner here?" Claire asked.

"Yeah, if that's ok." Bree said.

"It's not a problem." Claire said for what seemed the like the hundredth time.

"I need to go to the store. Do you want to come with me?" Claire asked.

"Sure." Bree agreed cheerfully.

The two left shortly after, Claire driving and Bree chatting away in the passenger seat. They arrived at the store shortly after and entered. "So what do you feel like?" Claire asked Bree. They were wandering down the isles at the supermarket. "I don't know." Bree said. "Something light… something heavy?" Claire asked. After a few minutes of negotiating they settled on chicken and rice. Claire looked at Bree. "I don't have anything to drink really. What do you want?" Claire asked. "What types of drinks?" Bree asked with a grin. "Depends on what you want." Claire raised her eyebrows. "We should get tons of alcohol and get smashed!" Bree said wickedly. "Oh really…" Claire murmured. "I'm just kidding." Bree said. "No you aren't." Claire laughed. "I would if you would." Bree said challengingly. Claire eyed Bree shrewdly but did in the end break down and buy a bottle of tequila and another of margarita mix. They headed back to Claire's apartment. Claire made dinner with Bree's help and they laughed and enjoyed a comfortable meal. Bree closed herself in the bathroom and emerged a short while later with freshly applied make up and in different clothes. Claire checked her watch. "What time will you be back?" Claire asked. "Probably around midnight I think." Bree said tentatively. "Does your mom know you are going out with Danny?" Claire asked. "Yeah, but I was supposed to be home by eleven." Bree confessed. "Ok, that's all right." Bree packed a small purse and Danny came by shortly after. After exchanging a few pleasantries, Danny and Bree left for the evening. Claire had given Bree a key to her apartment for when she stayed, so Claire locked the door behind them. Claire changed out of her jeans and put on some loose sweat pants. She took off her bra and put on a loose t-shirt and grabbed a blanket. She sat on the couch and flipped through the channels. Finding a made for television movie that seemed interesting enough she started watching it. About an hour later, her phone rang. She leaned over to grab it and muted the television. She answered it and Bree's cheerful voice greeted her. "Hi Bree, what's up?" Claire asked. "Claire, I was kinda wondering something." Bree said hesitantly. "Yes?" Claire asked. "I totally understand if you say no… but I was wondering if Danny could come over tonight." Bree asked. Claire frowned and remained quiet for a minute. "That would be all right, for a while. What happened to the movie?" Claire asked. "Nothing looked good; we just drove around for a while." Bree said. "But Claire, there is more, I was wondering if Danny could drink with us." Claire frowned again and spoke softly into the phone. "So are you asking if he can stay over? You know I would never let someone underage drink and drive." Claire said. "Yeah. I was kind of asking if he could stay over. He can sleep on the couch and he will leave early in the morning." Bree said quickly. "What would your mother say?" Claire asked. "She would flip." Bree said honestly. "I'm not sure." Claire said. "Why don't you guys come over and we can talk about it in person? You both can hang out here regardless." "Ok, thank you Claire." They both hung up and Claire sat worrying. She didn't always enforce rules with Bree, but having a guy sleep over was a big one. She considered for half an hour until Bree and Danny arrived. They both looked like a pair of guilty teen-agers. Claire joked with them to ease their embarrassment and they were soon at ease. Claire liked Danny; he was a senior along with Bree. She had only met him twice before, but he was polite and seemed to treat Bree right. Bree had told her they had been dating for about two months now. The three of them sat on the couch and Claire turned off the television. She looked at them both seriously and they looked back worriedly. "I'm thirty one years old. I know that may seem old to you 18 year olds, but I remember very well what you are going through right now." Claire started. "I decided that it's ok for you to stay here Danny, provided its ok with your parents." "It is." Danny put in. Claire nodded. "Also, we can all drink together, but you both are staying here if we do." Claire said. "Of course." Bree said. Danny nodded as well. Claire smiled and got up. Bree and Danny grinned at each other and held hands. Claire went to the kitchen and Bree and Danny followed after a minute. Claire emptied an ice tray into her blender. Bree and Danny sat on stools at the counter and watched Claire move about the kitchen. She tried making small talk. "So how's swimming going Danny?" Claire asked. "Good. We have out last meet next week." He said. "Are you sad you will be done?" Claire asked. "Not really, but it was fun while I did it." Danny replied. "What about you Bree? How's school going?" Claire asked as she poured the margarita mix into the blender. "Ok. I think I might fail French." Bree confided. "What?" Claire asked. "Well, not really. But probably like a C." Bree said in a depressed voice. "You should study more." Claire said. "Probably. How's work Claire?" Bree said, not very deftly changing the subject. Claire grinned. "It's fine. Thank you." Claire said. They talked for a little while longer, and then the margaritas were done. Claire poured three tall glasses and handed them out. "Remember, after the first sip you are stuck here." She warned. Bree and Danny looked at each other and smiled. They both took a sip together. Claire smiled at the pair and sipped her own margarita. She had made them strong. The three of them decided to watch a movie. Bree ran over to her apartment and grabbed one of her mother's. It was just a romantic comedy, but it was one of the better ones. Claire got up twice to make more batches of margaritas. She excused herself to the bathroom. When she returned she saw Bree and Danny kissing. She cleared her throat and sat down in the recliner she had been using. Bree and Danny stopped immediately and grinned at her. She chuckled and they all continued watching the movie. When it was finished Claire looked at her watch. It was half past midnight, and she was kind of tired. The margaritas hadn't helped, and she rose. "I think I am going to bed kids." Claire said. Bree looked up at her sadly, and Danny looked at his watch. "I didn't realize it was so late." Danny said. "Its not that late, but I worked today." Claire said. "Help yourselves to the margarita stuff, don't do straight shots, I don't want anyone sick. And don't do anything you don't think I would approve of." She finished. "Ok. Thank you Claire." Bree got up quickly and gave Claire a big hug. Claire returned the hug and wished Danny a goodnight. He echoed it and she walked back to her bedroom. She came out a little while later, to get a glass of water. She saw Bree and Danny watching television, so she went to bed content. Once in bed, Claire had a hard time falling asleep. Just as she was dozing off, she heard Bree giggle. It woke her up and she looked at the clock. It was a little after one in the morning. Claire turned on a small night lamp and reached for the book she had been reading. She read until the clock said two. She had to use the restroom and she wanted to see if the Bree and Danny were still up. She softly exited her room and made her way to the bathroom. She heard something from the living room and walked softly towards the entrance. She saw that the television was still on. She looked at the couch and saw Danny. She looked around in confusion for Bree and didn't see her. She was about to speak when she heard Danny moan. Claire's eyes widened. She took a step back. She moved as far to the right as she could, and sure enough, she saw Bree's head bobbing in Danny's lap. Claire's hand flew to her mouth. She silently stepped backwards and retreated to her room. She had just witnessed Bree giving Danny a blowjob. In her own living room. Claire closed the door to her room as softly as she could. She sat numbly on the bed. She wondered how far Bree and Danny were sexually. She had to go the bathroom but there was no way she was going back out there. Claire sat on her bed wondering what she should do, or if she was supposed to even do anything. It wasn't any of her business she told herself firmly. She tried to read again but she couldn't stop thinking about what she had seen. About fifteen minutes later she heard the guest bedroom door close. She felt pressure in her bladder. She stood slowly up. She walked silently to her door. She listened but didn't hear anything. Hoping the coast was clear, she loudly opened her door. She walked straight to the bathroom and closed the door. She sat on the toilet and relieved herself. When she was finished washing her hands she splashed some water on her face. She wiped her hands off and prepared to go back out. She opened the door loudly, and walked into the living room. She didn't take anyone by surprise. She didn't see anyone period. She looked at the couch where bedding was laid down presumably for Danny. It was empty though, and Claire whirled around. She looked at the guest door closed and sighed. Claire walked softly into the kitchen and made finished off the last of the margarita mix in the blender. She took her full cup back with her to her room. She set the cup on the nightstand after taking another sip. The alcohol had her feeling good, but she couldn't stop thinking about what she saw. Bree going down on Danny. She wondered what they were doing in their room. As soon as she thought this, she heard something. It sounded like a distant cry. Claire sat up slowly. She stood up and walked to her door. She opened it and peered out into the dark hall. There was a light coming from under the guest room door. She stepped close to it and froze. She heard Bree. She heard Danny. She heard a rhythmic sound. She stepped closer to the door, and almost put her ear against it. It couldn't be anything else. They were fucking on her futon. Claire stood transfixed. She stood listening for a fully minute. She was just about to move away when she heard something clearly through the door. "Harder!" Bree's muffled voice carried through the door. Claire could not believe it. Her mind screamed at her to leave, but she couldn't. Her body had a mind of its own. She stood listening at the door intently. The rhythmic sounds coming from the room continued and she heard Bree moan loudly. Claire raised a hand to her chest. Her right hand started gently brushing her left nipple through her t-shirt. Claire closed her eyes and then they snapped open. She felt her pulse quicken. What the hell was she doing? She had started to fondle herself, while listening to her teen-age neighbor have sex. Her mind again insisted that she return to her room. She listened this time. She closed the door as softly as she could and went back to sit on her bed. She realized that she was turned on. She felt her hard nipples and looked down between her legs. Claire felt like another person. She lay down on the bed. She slid her right hand under her shirt. She stroked her left nipple for a few minutes thinking about the sounds. Thinking about the actions coming from the next room. She stopped caring and she slid her left hand down her sweat pants. Claire's hand moved along her hips and past her pubic hair. She tenderly touched the top of her slit. She closed her eyes in pleasure. She was only teasing herself, gently running her index finger and middle finger along her lips. She felt herself growing more and more aroused. She gently parted her lips and her middle finger found her clit. She shuddered and rubbed it softly. After a few minutes she was rubbing it harder. She slowed and stopped. She hastily stood up and pulled off her t-shirt and stripped out of her pants. She moved to her closet. She bent down and grabbed a much used shoe box. She opened it and looked through the contents. She owned two dildos and a vibrator. She selected the smaller dildo, and put the rest back. She was going to lie back down on the bed until she had an idea. She went back to the closet. Sure enough, through the thin material the sounds of lovemaking were louder. She carefully moved shoes and boxes out of the way. Silently, she lay down in her closet. She scooted her head next to the wall and pressed her ear against it. The guest bed was on the other side of her thin closet wall. She could hear the creaking of the bed and the occasional moan escaping through the wall. Claire used her right hand to tweak her nipples. They were rock hard now and she used her fingernails to tease them. She ran her middle finger softly over each tip and then circled out. She did this repeatedly and felt herself grow more aroused. In her left hand she held the small dildo. She moved it down to her crotch. She held on to the base and let the tip brush against her slit. She used the tip lightly, and teased her clit a few times. She slid the dildo down against her opening and paused. She drew a deep breath and plunged the dildo inside of herself. She gasped. She slowly drew it back and then plunged it again in. She rubbed the dildo back and forth against her g-spot. Her right hand moved down from her nipples and started rubbing her clit. She shuddered with pleasure. She continued massaging her clit with her right hand and fucking herself with the dildo in her left hand. She started writhing, all the while, listening intently to the action on the other side of the thin wall. She could hear the two teenagers going at it. She pictured them in her mind. In her mind, she pictured Danny taking Bree from behind. Entering her wet hole and holding onto Bree's hair. She imagined Bree crying out from pleasure. She imagined herself masturbating on the futon after Bree was gone. It sent her over the edge. She felt the orgasm rushing through her body. Her pussy clenched, and she pumped the dildo harder. Her right hand furiously worked her clit and she cried out. It was soft, but it was also a reality check. Her breathing slowed and she slowly stopped entering herself. She rubbed her clit as she pulled the dildo out and set it aside next to her. She rubbed up and down her wet lips and then stopped that as well. She lay breathing hard on the closet floor. After a few minutes she noticed something. She didn't hear the sounds of lovemaking from the next room. She wondered when they had finished. She got up slowly. She felt silly walking out of her closet, but ignored it. She downed her melted margarita and wondered what to do. She was no longer tired and she felt strangely alive. Her whole body felt alive, and she still felt aroused. She grabbed a silk bathrobe she only wore when she was along and wrapped it around her naked body. She looked down and saw her nipples poking through the thin material. She figured the teen-agers would be asleep, so she felt fine leaving her bedroom. She stepped slowly out of her room and noticed that the bathroom was occupied. She briefly considered retreating back to her room, but dismissed the notion. She made her way to the kitchen and then jumped when she almost ran into Bree. It was dark and both the women were startled by the other. "Just getting something to drink." Bree said. "Me too." Claire said. Claire flipped the main light on since they were both there and Bree blushed at her. Bree was in a t-shirt. Only a small tight t-shirt. Claire was startled and stared down at Bree. Bree didn't move away, but her face turned beet red. Claire stared at the bald mound in fascination and then tore her gaze up. It was now Claire's turn to blush. "I'm sorry I just…" Claire began. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't, uh, I didn't know you'd be up." Bree said. Claire moved around to the kitchen counter and sat down on a stool. Bree made no move to hide herself or grab some more clothes. Claire giggled nervously. "So you shave I take it?" She asked lightly. Bree looked down at her bare pubic mound. "Yeah." Bree answered simply. "Is it… better?" Claire asked, embarrassed. "I think so." Bree answered. "It's only because Danny shaves too." "What?" Claire was startled. "He's a swimmer, so he shaves his legs, but he shaved everything else too." Bree giggled. "He has no pubic hair?" Claire asked. "None. Sometimes I help him shave it." Bree said. "Oh my…" Claire started but just looked down shaking her head. "I didn't mean to pry." "No! It's ok. I don't mind talking about stuff with you, I've wanted to before actually." Bree said quickly. "You can talk to me about anything, I just feel like I am being nosy." Claire said. Bree just smiled at her. She was about to speak when Danny came walking around the corner. He stared in startled surprise at Claire, who blushed again. Danny was wearing only a pair of boxers. He looked embarrassed and quickly went to cover himself up. Bree stopped him though. "Look. I'm naked below the waist and Claire is dressed really sexy too, so you can just stand there in your boxers." Bree said firmly. Claire looked down at her robe and realized her hard nipples were very visible. She refused to let herself be embarrassed, so she smiled at Danny. "Yeah. Don't worry about it Danny." She told him. Danny grinned sheepishly at the two women. He made no further move to cover himself up. Claire looked at Bree. "How's that drink coming?" Claire said. "I could use another one too." Bree giggled nervously. She turned around and started pouring the mixes again. Claire was startled and found herself staring at Bree's naked butt. Bree didn't play sports herself, but she had a tight body, and Claire stared at the cute behind. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she saw Danny staring at her breasts. She blushed and looked down at the counter. "I'm sorry." Danny mumbled. It was now his turn to blush. "Oh its all right." Claire told him. "What?" Bree asked, still not turning around. "He was checking me out." Claire giggled. "He what?" Bree turned around and glared at Danny. "I'm sorry." Danny said again. "I said it was fine." Claire realized he was now apologizing to Bree. "Stupid me, here and I thought someone might look at me." Bree said in a pouting voice. "We both did." Danny said. "It's a nice view."