Saturday Morning


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Mikey sat there sweating. Sat there like a rabbit caught in a headlight, waiting to see if it would be hit.

His mom put a small plate of biscuits in the middle of the table. His dad reached for one, bit into it, crumbs falling from his lips as he did.

Mikey nearly shit when his dad spoke to him: "What's up, buddy? You look like a man who didn't receive a blowjob from a sexy woman last night."

"Quit talking like that," his mom admonished. "I won't have words like that spoken at the kitchen table."

His dad winked at him, mouth full of biscuit as he did: "What, can't a man talk to his Son about women? I bet you can still feel your Mom's lips around your dick even now, am I right?"

Shocked silence filled the room.

Mikey flashed his mom a quick glance, saw that she'd turned away and was looking out the window. Her back giving Mikey no indication what he should do.

His dad reached for another biscuit, the movement making Mikey look back at him.

"Don't worry, Son. You don't have to answer. Least not while your Mom's around to hear, hey."

His dad's big, meaty hand reached across the table and slapped Mikey on the shoulder, an act his dad often did with his buddies from work.

The chair scraped across the wood flooring as Mikey made to get up. His ass lifted from the seat, it being safe to stand now his boner had gone - and Mikey stopped in sudden fear.

He'd forgotten about his mom's purple knickers. They'd been hung around his dick when he'd pulled his pajamas up. Now, without his hard-on to hold them in place, they'd fallen down the leg of his bottoms.

Mikey looked down to make sure they hadn't fallen out.

He panicked that they could hang down at his ankle while he was walking out, or be left behind on the flooring as he went. Either way, his father would see them and know something was going on.

His ass dropped back onto the seat.

"You remember our deal though, buddy?" His dad's words made him focus on the tabletop. "You've gotta keep those grades up at school and attend all your classes, or you don't get shit come Friday night. Got that?"

Mikey nodded his head that he understood, he couldn't speak.

"Now, you gonna get your ass in gear, get dressed and come help your old man with that fence?"

"Yeah, I'll need a minute."

His Father laughed: "A minute. Sure, I'll give you a minute. Now go and get dressed."

Mikey was praying that the panties wouldn't appear while he moved as quickly as he could out the kitchen. He leapt from the chair and shot through the door. Hopping on one leg as he went through the front room, his hand stuck up the ankle of the other pajama leg, fishing out his mom's knickers.

Rushing up the stairs, he tripped on the top step and landed on the upstairs landing carpet.

Mikey lay there, twisted onto his back, turned his head to look out the window, looked up at the clouds in the blue sky.

He held his mom's discarded panties in his hand, running them through his fingers. The delicate fabric slipping over his knuckles as he waited for his heart to slow down.

Some minutes later his mom found him still laid out on the carpet where he'd fallen. As she began to climb up towards him he made to rise. She stopped him.

"No, stay laid there. Your Father's gone back out, so we've still some time to ourselves. Keep still and don't move, please."

Reaching the top of the stairs she moved so her sandalled feet stepped one to either side of his legs. She walked forward along his prone body and finished where his head rested.

Mikey lay looking up his mom's skirt. His eyes taking in the insides of both her knees and her fuller thighs. It was too dark under her skirt to see any further, but he knew that his mom's nude lower half waited in the darkness.

He laid still and watched her small hands work at the belt over her waist, then unfastening the skirt at her side. Both came free, she made sure they missed his face when she dropped them onto his chest.

Mikey lay there watching as his mom stroked her hand over her hip. Her fingers stroking over the flared slope and then sweeping back towards her beautiful arse. His mom's fingers came back forward and moved onto the rounded curve of her thigh. The tips of her fingers skimmed across her pink flesh, closing in on where the dark hairs grew over her sex.

She was still physically aroused. Mikey laid silent and watched as her fingers slipped over the soft folds of her pussy. Watched enraptured as her fingers felt her moisture, split her feminine lips apart and slowly pushed inside of her opening.

Her fingers entered her body. Sank forward into her wetness and stroked upwards into her soft, clenching tightness.

"Oh, God," his mom groaned out in abandonment. "This is so wrong, but I love it."

Mikey felt that this was probably the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

Neck twisting, he moved his head closer to her and kissed the inside of an ankle.

The contact of his lips made her body shudder.

"Mom," Mikey began, as he built up the courage he needed to ask for what he wanted.

His chest was suddenly tight again with nerves. He feared rejection. He began to speak but found his mouth had suddenly gone dry. He tried again: "We don't have long, but can we... Can we do what we did last night, again?"

His mom stopped with her fingering, moved from over Mikey and leaned herself against the patterned wallpaper between his bedroom and the bathroom doors.

"Are you asking me, or telling me?"

Mikey really didn't know. He thought he should say asking, but he wasn't sure if his mom really wanted him to say telling.

All Mikey found himself doing was looking up at his mom from below. Eyeing up her partially clothed, partially naked body. Her breasts still respectfully hidden, her sexy legs, big arse and hairy pussy immodestly displayed.

A lump formed in his throat, but he swallowed it down.

"Right now my heart is pounding so hard," he courageously told her. "I'm buzzing with nerves. Scared that I'll make a fool of myself. That I'll run out of courage and not be able to continue. You've absolutely no idea how hard it is to keep this up, talking to you."

Mikey paused, aware he needed to continue. That his mom was watching him, waiting for him to eventually tell her what he wanted from her.

"I've never had a girlfriend before, and I -"

Mikey didn't know why that had come out. It wasn't what he'd meant to say. It totally threw his train of thought and robbed him of further speech.

"Does that mean you consider me your girlfriend?" his mom asked of him, eyeing him intensely as she did.

Mikey still couldn't speak. It was annoying him, now. He felt a complete fool and it was making him angry with himself.

"That's good, though," his mom continued. "Because I don't just allow any man to sleep with me, you know. Not that there's been anybody else, apart from your Father. So, are you my new man, Son? Are you my new handsome Boyfriend?"

Mikey looked at his mom stood against the landing wall.

He thought she looked beautiful.

Beautiful because she was the mother who'd raised him and cared for him as a child. The mother who loved him unconditionally. Had stuck up for him when he'd been bullied at little school. The person who'd been willing to help him when he'd got stuck with homework, who looked after him when he was sick and who never got angry when he did something wrong by mistake.

Mikey realised that his mom was especially beautiful because the love she shared with him was so taboo and deliciously wrong.

Pulling himself to his feet, Mikey stepped across to his mom.

"Mom. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I thought I already was?" She replied, stroking his cheek.

"I - No - I wanted to ask you. If we were going to be, erm, going out together. I thought I should ask you, properly. So will you?"

"I suppose It would make our little deal work better," she smiled, a playful tone to her voice. "Not that we finalised the agreement, though, did we?"

"Mom. Will you be my girlfriend?" Mikey asked again.

"And it wouldn't interfere with the deal you've already got in place with your Father. Who's not to find out about our own side deal, now, got that."

This was all starting to make Mikey frustrated. He just wanted a straight yes or no from his mom.

"We never made a deal, though. You only mentioned it, last night. Please, mom. Will you just answer my question."

She raised a hand, and, placing it on Mikey's tee shirted chest, pushed him back a pace.

Next, she tilted herself up on her toes, lifted her face to Mikey's and kissed him.

One long kiss. Against his lips. That lasted several seconds.

Her sandalled feet landed back on the landing carpet and she smiled devilishly up at him.

"That depends," she answered, turning to his bedroom door and slipping inside.

Mikey followed and found himself watching his semi-naked mom stepping around his room, trailing her fingers as she went, across his shelves, his chest of drawers, the top of his computer desk.

"Depends on what?"

His mom paused, mid-step.

She was next to his window and she looked outside, down to where Mikey assumed his father was working below.

His mom continued to look out the window as she spoke: "It depends on whether you've got the courage for one thing. But, you have been proving to be quite the brave young man so far this morning. It also depends on keeping it a secret from your Father. You do understand that, right?"

She turned from his window and looked at him.

"Yes. I understand," Mikey acknowledged.

"And it depends on you still getting the good grades at school you're capable of. It also depends on you not giving the game away, so people don't recognise there's something going on between us that there shouldn't be."

Mikey stood there and nodded his head in agreement.

"Just one last thing," his mom mentioned, stepping out of her wedge heeled sandals as she did. "It also depends on you taking me to bed, right now, and making me cum on that strong cock of yours."

As his mom climbed onto his bed, her knees sinking into the duvet, she looked back over her shoulder at Mikey and said: "You'd better get a move on, mister. Your Father's expecting you outside helping him, remember. He'll come looking shortly, and if you've not kept your part of the deal then you're going to be still single come lunch time."

The nervousness that had plagued Mikey before had now left him. His heartrate and breathing were both steady. The only thing that concerned him was the ache he had in his balls, that and lasting long enough to make his mom climax.

He watched his half-naked milf mom crawling across his bedding. Her big arse and shapely thighs begging to be squeezed. He swiftly kicked off his pajama bottoms, and pulled his tee shirt off, too.

The springs of his mattress could be heard as his mom laid down on her front, her generously full chest against his bed. Her feet kicked back as her shapely legs parted, her painted toenails flashing as they rucked up the bedcovers.

Seeing his mom's juice-slicked pussy had Mikey desperate to be inside her. His cockshaft was swollen and erect, stiffly solid and aching with need.

His mom grabbed a pillow from where Mikey usually laid his head and pushed it under her middle, lifting her naked lower body ready for his use. That done, she propped herself up on an elbow and looked back at him, made as if to speak, but then didn't. She kept her lips sealed and waited for him to make his move.

Mikey realised that he was now stepping on a path that would change his life for ever.

Last night had just been about sex. But, now... Now, sex between himself and his mom would be about love, as well as lust. Never having had a girlfriend, Mikey wasn't sure what to expect, but he reckoned adding love into the mix could only make his and his mom's sexual relationship even hotter.

Only time would tell, and he couldn't wait to find out.

Climbing upon his bed, Mikey moved his body over his mom's and laid himself to cover her.

His knees knocked her legs together and he settled his lower body atop her bottom half.

His body came down and his rampant hard-on brushed over his mom's full arse, it found itself burrowing along the deep crease between her plump cheeks. He laid there, dormant, his only movement being that of his hands as they reached up and took hers. Stretched her arms out before her head and against the covers, holding them there.

The fingers of his left hand slipped between the fingers of his mom's beneath.

She curled her fingers and trapped his hand in place over her own.

They laid like that for a minute, neither moving. Just a son covering his mom, as nature never intended.

Mikey's right hand moved and worked back between her legs.

Her breath caught as she exhaled. Her body went still for a second beneath his.

Mikey positioned his hard prick at the entrance of his mom's wet sex and began to push into her. His cockhead spreading her apart as it sank inside her soft warmth.

He stopped partway inside of her. Held his body still. Neither of them moving as his hard stiffness was swallowed into the mushy, liquid heat of his mom's twat.

"Oh," his mom breathed out. That one, short word was all that was needed to adequately describe how they both felt. What their bodies were both feeling.

They could hear the sound of his father working outside as Mikey slowly began to move himself inside of her. Pushing his thick stiffness inside of his mom's aroused body until he filled her.

Mikey held himself still again, his body, his dick. The only part of him moving was his beating heart, which pounded against his mom's smaller body beneath his.

He began to move, though Mikey worked on keeping control over his arousal. Stopped himself from going too fast and cumming too soon. He used slow, steady strokes to push upwards. Pushing his stiffly swollen prick through his mom's delicate opening and into her soft centre.

"You can do it, baby," his mom encouraged. "Just keep it nice and slow. You can do it."

Riding his mom's full arse, working his stiffness against the soft insides of her creaming cunt, made Mikey's toes want to curl in pleasure.

"A little faster now, baby. Just a little faster."

Slowly, gradually, Mikey's tempo began to increase. He could hear his father outside, he matched the timing of his pushes into his mom's mushy sex with the sound of his father hammering nails into wood.

His mom began to groan out in pleasure. She tried to keep offering him verbal encouragement but her words were being interrupted with soft grunts, that accompanied Mikey's spearing thrusts into her.

"That's it - Ugh! - Keep going - Ugh! - You're doing it - Ugh! - Making me feel - Ugh! - So good."

Soon Mikey's bed was rocking with the movement of his thrusts. His mom clawed at his bedding with her fingers. She stopped trying to speak and instead buried her face into the mattress.

Her sex creamed upon his stiffness. Milked upon his swollen shaft. As her body shivered with pleasure she made delicately mewling sounds into his bedding.

Mikey continued screwing his cock into his mom's soft, rippling cunt. Continued fucking into her moist heat as she melted around him. While he rode his mom's upturned arse, and listened to his father working outside, he fought off his own orgasm for as long as he could.

That sense of maturity he'd first experienced last night came upon him once again. Mikey felt like a man. Capable. Determined. Self-assured. His confidence and self-belief soared as his mother allowed him to learn from her body. Find pleasure in her body. Make love to her body.

Mikey felt himself an adult as his mom gasped out in pleasure while laid under him. While he covered her like she was his girlfriend and forced her clothed upper body down into the mattress, her big tits squashed beneath her.

Mikey picked up speed and his lower body pounded against his mom's nude lower half.

Their taboo fuck had her body become over-heated and over-excited, once again.

His mom's voice broke on a gasp.

Her hips began to twitch under him.

When his mom's milking cunt crashed down upon his throbbing cock the sensation drove his young body into a crescendo of ecstasy. Making him bury his face against his mom's soft, long hair as he reached orgasm.

Semen erupted from his dick inside of her clenching pussy. His hot, cloudy spend came splashing out from his purpled head, as he ground his pubes against his mom's big arse and buried his climaxing cock into the depths of her mushy cunt.

She bore all his weight as he collapsed atop her. His groin pushed firm against the fullness of her womanly bottom. His firm body against her soft, warm, cushioning cheeks. His cock tucked up inside her. Safely held in her wetness. His wetness. Their combined liquid heat. Joined.

This time he managed not to cry, but Mikey still felt his emotions try to get the better of him. He bit his lip and concentrated on stabbing his throbbing, ejaculating, penis backwards and forwards inside of his mom's hairy twat.

Once spent, Mikey lay atop his mom, listening. Listening to both of their ragged breathing. Listening to everything and nothing as his heart rate slowed.

Mikey pulled away and climbed off the bed.

His dick was wetly glistening as it began to soften.

He reached out his hand and took hold of a meaty arse cheek belonging his mom. He squeezed it and separated it from its twin.

Mikey's eyes surveyed the scene before him. His mom still laid out on his bed, catching her breath. His eyes followed the line of her back until his gaze reached where his hand was rubbing lovingly over her bared bottom.

Moving his hand, so his palm smoothed over her hot sweaty flesh, Mikey's fingers reached the back of her thigh. He shifted it towards him, parting his mom's legs. Exposing, from where it had lain hidden between them, the opened slit of her sex.

It was leaking sperm.

His sperm.

Standing over his bed, Mikey bent down, swept her dark hair away and kissed the top of her back.

Kissed her like a son kissed his mom. Lover to lover.

Kissed his lover while his sperm dripped out from inside of her.

"Mom," he whispered against her flesh. "I think I fulfilled my part of our deal."

Mikey dressed while his mom recovered.

He went over to his window and looked down into the back garden, and saw that his father was nearly finished on the fence. He realised he'd better get out there quick or he'd be in deep trouble.

Nearly through his bedroom door, his mom called him back.

She laid there, on her side, facing him. She looked like she wanted to curl up under his covers and happily go to sleep.

Seeing her, so affected by their fucking, made Mikey's ego soar.

So much so, that he asked her: "Now you're my Girlfriend, Mom, does that mean we get to go out on dates?"




*** ***

Can I please thank everyone who has left me feedback and to all those who also posted kind comments. They're very much appreciated and do help to motivate.

If you would be so kind as to vote for this story, I would be grateful.

I'd also like to thank the Literotica team for their help and work on my behalf.

Thank you.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
rodavrodavalmost 9 years ago
Very good and exciting story

it is a very exciting story. Just wish that while he was holding his mom's panties he could have sniffed the crotch and inhaled his mom's musky, feminine, erotic pussy scent on it. Hope you continue the chapter with the son eating his mom's pussy and doing intercourse in a missionary position.

Horatio_BalderdashHoratio_Balderdashalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Apologies to the 1 star rating reader

I can only apologise to the person who got in touch to express their feelings towards this follow-on story.

I am very sorry that my failure caused you so much anger.

I have noted what you said and you do make a valid point which I need to learn. I will, in future, state in the the story title and description that it is a sequel.

I do feel, however, that your action of awarding my work 1 star, due to this failure, is very harsh.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Oh Yeah!

Very good! Keep writing!

I hope there will be more chapters about Mikey & his mom!

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 9 years ago

Very good work for a new writer. Keep going!

boaman007boaman007almost 9 years ago
5 Stars

I added you to my favorite author list. I hope to see more great stories from you. Perhaps we will see some dates between mom and son? Maybe

other adventures to help her son's confidence? Maybe mom and son go to dinner and a movie? Thanks, great job.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 9 years ago
Such a sensual HOT story!

Like the way you are writing this! More please!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Superb Story

I think I have just read the most hard-on inducing line in Literotica -

"Reach under my skirt and take off my knickers."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

More more, we want more ;)

ftlskinsftlskinsalmost 9 years ago
Nice work!

Hope he lick her ass soon!

Wang4Wang4almost 9 years ago
Great Effort

The story is erotically intense. The mom is not a shallow, sex driven character as some I this category tend to be. The son is "learning" and learning as he grows. The dad is well a........

Keep the story going and thank you


LolkeLolkealmost 9 years ago

Damn, I wish you would keep writing loving M/S stories forever. You have a gift

WesafftonWesafftonalmost 9 years ago

I hope that you will add more to the story . Very good story . Too bad he has no sister , or maybe mother's sister or sisters could be brought in a story down the road.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
this is so great

The kid reacts like any son would, at the sight of the wonderful hairy hole he came out of. "Mikey's breath caught as he feasted on the offered sight of his mom's vagina. His eyes took in the wetness that showed at the lips of her labia. He became fascinated by the glistening droplets of moisture that coated her tender, puffy flesh and clung to the fine, dark hairs that grew over her sex." Is this a boy in love with his own mother's cunt, or what. Then, when Mikey blows his balls up inside his mother, they both watch as his creamy sperm seeps out of her well-fucked slit--the best sight a boy and his mom can ever enjoy together. Finally, the end result. "That sense of maturity he'd first experienced last night came upon him once again. Mikey felt like a man. Capable. Determined. Self-assured." One of the main functions of a mother's cunt--to make her boy into a man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Awesome keep it going

scipioparkinsscipioparkinsalmost 9 years ago
Loved it

You nailed it! This really is very good, love that it really liked at Mikey's feelings. I thought you could improve the flow of it in places but that is a minor thing, it was superb otherwise.

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