Savannah 05


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Tonight, she was going to be his whore!

It wasn't that Strand just loved fucking women, what he desired even more was controlling them. Fucking women was the means to controlling them, and controlling them meant fucking them. They were intertwined, but the idea of controlling a beautiful woman was the ultimate satisfaction. And this beauty was his to control.

Control her, bend her to his will, and then fuck her! His cock throbbed at the thought!

From the moment that sex became a possibility he had gradually increased the tempo of his advances and the force with which he was making them. The slow control he gradually exerted had been an aphrodisiac to him. One that he'd found it difficult to resist when she had arrived this evening and he had forced himself upon her.

That same control was the reason he had insisted she was to dine with him in her underwear. Not only because he could he could savour her body while they ate, as exciting as that was, to him it was another means of exerting his control over her.

And the fact that he was gaining control more by a sort of blackmail, by promising to assist the plantation sale, was immaterial to him. No, that was not quite true, in some ways it added even more to his excitement. In addition, coaxing her into spying for him would be yet another element to his control over this filly. To him, using all the tools at his disposal proved just how clever he was.

Amanda stared at her host, wondering what thoughts were going on behind those pinprick eyes. She was a strong, self-contained woman, and throughout her adult life had always been attracted to strong men.. Men with alert minds and dynamic demeanours. Powerful men, influential, important and successful men. Men who ran business empires, government departments, huge estates in England and now the State of Georgia in America.

It was the power they exerted that was the attraction, power over others, the ability to control and shape their own destiny. That was the feeling she was experiencing right now. This man had that power, and the submissive streak he'd forced onto her by insisting she strip to her underwear for dinner reinforced his power.

He was fully in control of the situation, and in control of her. They both knew that, and the knowledge sent little flutters of excitement through her body. She was not able to think through the feelings she was experiencing as analytically as she wished, or as deeply as they required. But sitting opposite the man who wanted her with such animal like intensity, she felt a craving to be abused and demeaned. 'What a contradiction I am' she thought to herself feeling concerned, but not unduly worried about that.

She hated admitting it even to herself, but this wasn't the first time she'd felt that way. But it was the first real opportunity that had been presented to her to live out that craving, to live her fantasy!

Unknowingly to Strand, the very things he was forcing on her played precisely to the needs and desires that had begun to surface in this complicated woman.

That was why she had so easily acquiesced to his order to undress. It was the reason she had bared her breasts for him like a wanton harlot! It was why she was now standing by the dining table, in the flickering candlelight of his bedroom clad in just her coloured corset, her mid-calf length, lacy bloomers and her dark silk stockings. It was why she was looking like a high-class whore!

And more than anything, it was why she would later submit to this man, give herself to this animal, let Strand fuck her like the slut she was! In her mind it was a form of atonement.

"Please Amanda, let me serve you dinner" she heard him say, his voice bringing her out of her reverie.

She licked her tongue across her dry lips forcing the thoughts to the back of her mind. "Well thank you, kind sir" she all but croaked. "But is it more appropriately my place to serve you?"

Strand smiled condescendingly. He had this woman exactly where he wanted.

"Yes Madam, it is," he told her, in a tone that confirmed his superiority. "But you will serve me later, and that moment cannot arrive quickly enough. But before then, allow me to be your host."

The meal passed quickly, the small talk doing nothing to dissipate the heavy air of sexual tension in the air. Amanda's arousal grew at the thought of submitting herself so wantonly, while Strand's increased at the thought of controlling and fucking this woman. This whore. His whore!

The cold soup, fresh, poached salmon, cold cuts of beef, turkey and pork and then strawberries with cream had been washed down with lashings of red and white wine. They both sipped port as Strand enjoyed a pipe with them acting as if it was simply a dinner a deux. And that for some inexplicable reason added to the excitement rippling through the air.

Then it was time!

"Madam" Strand announced pulling himself to his feet and letting out a loud belch. "I can wait no longer to taste that fabulous body. Come!"

He walked over to the bed in the corner of the room and with hardly a glance at his soon to be conquest, he shed his clothing and laid on the bed. The astute man knew exactly what he was doing. By acting in such a way, he was reinforcing his control and testing Amanda's reaction. He had anticipated having to take her by force, but her meek submission was both a highly pleasant surprise and a massive arousal for him.

"May I serve you some strawberries sir?" the nervous woman asked, seeking to put off the moment until she could control the beating in her heart. She collected the silver bowl of strawberries in her hands, the bottoms of her full breasts just touching the rim of the bowl as she carried it to the bed.

Her eyes stared across at the naked man. Strand was overweight, there was no doubt about that, but then so were so most men in the circles in which Amanda moved. She guessed that he had once had a fine body, but like many of his age group that was now a thing of the past. Overeating and excessive drinking, combined with a lack of exercise had taken its toll. Yet, strangely, the thought of being taken by his podgy form, compared to Fairfax's impressive physique, made her anticipation grow further.

"Yes," he leered, staring at her breasts and wondering what it would be like to cover them in cream. "Pour us some champagne first! The bottle is open."

Leaving the bowl on the side of the bed, Amanda made a show of turning and retracing her steps back to the table acutely aware that Strand's eyes were on her. Past lovers had told her how delicious her bum looked when she wore just her bloomers, or was naked. The way she accentuated the wiggle and sway of her hips for this obnoxious, but oddly interesting bastard of a man, emphasising the undulation of her ripe, full buttocks, increased the wetness gathering between her thighs.

Strand panted as he stared at the glorious sight, unable to resist the need to grab and stroke his now full erection. His active mind envisaged the moment he would pull her pantalets down to her knees with her body bent at the waist and her buttocks on show and available to him. He visualised pulling her across his lap, and spanking her whore's ass until it was red and tingling and she begged him to stop.

All in good time. Like a young colt, she had to be broken in first and tonight would see the first steps in that process.

When she coyly returned and handed him one of the two glasses of champagne, he downed it in one swig.

"Again," he ordered, holding his glass out.

She stared at the way he continued to stroke himself as she followed his lead and swallowed her own drink, before refilling their glasses. Soon, that cock would be inside her punishing her, abusing her she mulled.

Swilling down the second glass of champagne, he nodded for her to do the same. The more alcohol she consumed, the more compliant she would be was his very male and not necessarily incorrect way of thinking. Handing her his empty glass so that she could perch it on the side table, he patted the bed beside him. When she obediently took her place, he ran his hand through her hair and down the skin of her back.

His mouth found her lips, content that there was no hint of resistance this time. His tongue probed her mouth while his pawing hand cupped her breast, delighting in the fullness and weight.

To establish his control he watched the look in her eyes as he roughly pinched her nipple, making her wince. Amanda realised what he was doing and though she gasped, she gave no other indication of the pain. She was determined not to acquiesce to his perverted pleasures although, by allowing him to do them without protest was, in itself, submission, she recognised thinking 'yet another conflict.'

Amanda was aware that was odd logic, but then this was not mathematics, which, in any case, had always been her academic Achilles heel!

Strand smiled lasciviously and squeezed her breast again, pulled and pinched her nipple harder, so that she had to grit her teeth to stop crying out. She really is a feisty bitch, he thought, delighting in her reaction. He would get a lot of pleasure from breaking this one!

Her glass fell from her hand as he pulled her down on the bed, spilling the remaining champagne on her bloomers. Roughly dragging her across his knees, he pulled her face to his again and savaged her lips with his. He'd show this bitch who was in control!

As his tongue plunged into her mouth, his squeezing hand slid down from her breasts, along her corset, over her waist and onto her drawers. The involuntary sigh she gave as he found and rubbed her pubic mound made his cock twitch, and he brought more groans from the captive woman by pushing his hand between her legs and stroking right along the lips of her delightful pussy.

The heat and wetness was welcomingly evident, even through the material!

"Remove your drawers, Amanda, I want to see you. All of you." he growled, making no effort whatsoever to remove them himself. Even at this stage, he wanted the control that obedience brought.

For a moment, Amanda panicked. Was she really going to do this? How the hell had she got herself into this position? What would happen if she refused? Would he take her by force? As her eyes surreptitiously ran across the overweight, ageing, flabby body, the greying bodily hair and the short, but thick, erect cock of the man who was going to fuck her, she suddenly felt revulsion.

Momentarily forgetting her need to sell the plantation, the slavery issue and the impending civil war between the states, she wondered if she could really go through with it?

"Stand up, and turn round." Strand ordered, sensing the hesitation in the mixed up woman. "Do it" he said sharply.

For a few seconds, their wills battled. In reality, though, both knew the inevitable outcome. Amanda timidly rose to her feet, the previous excitement being replaced by a feeling of resignation. Her hands shook as she slowly pushed her drawers down revealing the full glory of her slightly oversized, but extremely tempting buttocks, her full bush of deep rust coloured pubic hairs and the bloated lips of her engorged pussy.

Strand gasped in delight as his arousal soared to new heights. He resolved there and then, not only to carry out his previous thoughts of spanking those wonderful cheeks sometime soon, but he'd go further. The thought of rubbing his cock between those delicious orbs, before taking and fucking the wonderful arse, sent flashes of arousal from his brain to his cock. And the more she resisted, the harder he would fuck her.

Amanda stared at Strand's overweight body as she turned back to him. Then she saw the look in his eyes. Sheer unbridled, animal-like lust that was transmitted to her. From nowhere, she felt her own excitement return. He was about to take her, make her feel like the slut her inner mind told her he was. This podgy bastard was about to devour her body. He needed her, and her submissive mind told her she needed him too.

She needed to be fucked, to be devoured, abused and yes, humiliated.

Strand's eyes burned as they basked in the erotic sight of this woman facing him. Wearing just her black stockings, held up by pink garters and her corset, she looked like the Queen of whores. She was about to submit to him, for what he was certain would be, the first of many times he intended to consume this voluptuous body. With a growl, he grabbed her arm and pushed her down on the bed, his overweight body quickly covering her.

He grabbed her hair, pulling her face to his as he rubbed himself along her wetness. His lips went to her breasts, lapping at one and then the other, softly biting her nipples. Then they were back on hers, greedily consuming her as his eager tongue explored inside her mouth.

Amanda couldn't help letting out a soft groan. The obnoxious bastard knew exactly what he was doing!

Yes she was about to be taken. Not entirely against her will, but the main reason she was here was her promise to Fairfax. Certainly the possibility of Strand helping her sell the plantation had started her liaison with Lieutenant Governor, but that had diminished when she had realised the limitations on the extent of his influence and the strength of the new laws. Naturally she hoped to gain the highest possible price for Selby, but again the need for that had reduced when in New York she had realised just how much her wealth had increased in the last year or so. Things had been put into perspective for her at a financial attorney's office in New York when he told her that the house in Piccadilly in London was probably worth at least that of Selby, particularly, as the attorney rather indelicately, but probably realistically had put it. 'Piccadilly is unlikely to be a war zone or burned down!'

She was about to be fucked by another man because the one she loved had without compunction asked her. True it was all wrapped up in the greater good of the country, but deep down Amanda knew she was not spying for the Union, but for the head of its Military Intelligence, General Fairfax Lennon. Well, she would help Fairfax by doing this, but by God, she'd make sure she enjoyed every second!

"Want my cock?" Strand was whispering even as he lined himself up.

Yes, fuck, YES! Amanda's mind screamed, but she turned her head to the side, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of a reply.

If she thought she'd escape that easily, she was wrong. This was Strand's ultimate humiliation for the night. His way of reinforcing the huge surge of control he so desired. This woman would beg him for it!

"Well?" he asked, easing just the very head between her wet lips. "Tell me!" he gasped, his hot breath against her skin. "Do you want my cock?"

One hand jerked her head around so that he could stare into her eyes. Her hips moved so that she could take more of him inside, but he held back, adjusting his position to keep the head inside her but no more.

His eyes asked the question again, there was no need for him to speak.

"Yes," she gasped, groaning aloud as he slid more of his so desirable hardened flesh between her opened lips. "Yes, Oliver, Yes. Fuck me, please fuck me!"

She hated herself for both asking that and for pleading with him, but she could not stop herself, her resistance had gone, she had no other options than to plead with this odious, yet oddly captivating man to take her.

The overweight man felt an astonishing burst of adrenalin consume him at her surrender. He'd wanted this woman for so long and now, not only had the moment come, but the bitch was begging him for it.

Without further ado, he pushed himself all the way inside her. He moaned at the stirring feeling of her velvet-like insides gripping his cock so wonderfully firmly for a woman of her age; 'her cunt' he thought 'was more like those of the young women who were arranged specially for him at his favoured brothels than of a married woman of her age.' He took her slowly at first, savouring every moment, every sound, every groan, every undulation of her voluptuous body as she abandoned herself to him.

My God, what a fantastic fuck this woman was turning out to be!

As Strand's cock surged up her, Amanda gasped. Nearly every cock that had ever surged up her had felt good, but for some inexplicable reason Strand's felt frustratingly incredible. Amanda ground her hips upwards. Her eyes were tightly shut for the physical reality of just what was fucking her reduced the amazing sensations. She might have smiled had she not been so aroused when she thought 'What the eye doesn't see the heart, but in her case mind, doesn't grieve over.' He was pounding her harder and harder and faster and faster. She raised her legs to curl them along his sides. To increase the sensations and deepen his penetration of her even more, she crossed them behind his back and linked her ankles across the top of his podgy ass to gain more leverage. It really was for her a stupendous fuck, but for the life of her she couldn't understand why.

Strand could hardly believe the way that Amanda was performing. He had rarely had any woman, particularly one he was fucking for the first time and especially one as noble as Amanda, respond the way she was. Although he was surprised his vanity put it down to his fine sexual technique and that in turn seemed to get the best from him.

She climaxed quite quickly, but then when Strand hardly broke the rhythm of his deep thrusts she was amazed to find herself her climax starting again. That just never happened to her. In the past she had always needed to recover slowly from a climax and rest for a while before the orgasmic sensations started again. None of the handsome, even beautiful men who had made love to her made her cum like this. Yet this overweight, odious, sweaty, arrogant bastard was still fucking her and still making her cum. Her groans grew longer and louder, with each downward thrust as she abandoned herself to the wild and uninhibited onslaught. In her wildest dreams, she'd never expected it to be anything like this!

On the carriage ride back to her lodgings Amanda had a mixture of feelings. She felt awfully used, yet sexually satisfied. She felt abused, demeaned and humiliated, but also disappointed and disgusted yet uplifted and fulfilled. Mostly though, she felt confused. She was confused at her reaction, confused about Strand arousing her so much and about her response to the bastard, confused about Fairfax, confused as to her role with Strand and as a spy for the North.

As the carriage made its way slowly through the almost deserted streets of the Capital her thoughts became more focused on the men in her life. Smiling she recognised that she had always had problems with men.

Her husband Samuel had left her for another woman, Bernard D'argent her older lover seemed to prefer travelling the world to fucking her and Fairfax, well he had always been a problem. She had started thinking of him as the man she loved, the man she could spend the rest of her life with, but now she was seeong him in a different light and that posed some awkward questions for her. How could he ask her to spy for him? How dare he try to persuade to surrender her body to another man? That he wanted her to have sex with any man to gain information was insulting, but with the married Deputy Lieutenant Governor of Georgia it was despicable. It brought into question his feelings for her, both those concerning respect and his love for her. Yes, she was practically single, but didn't Fairfax love her the way she did him? Sending her to Strand with such ulterior motives was morally and romantically so wrong!

Secondly, she felt used by Strand. He had dominated her, controlled her and fucked her like he would a slut or a whore. In some ways, she felt disgusted and shameful at what she had done, and what she had allowed the overweight man to do to her. She had given herself completely to the aggressive Strand and she had revelled like a bitch in heat in the way that he had used her, taken her and fucked her.