Savannah 09


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It was then, somewhat to Amanda's surprise, that the evening, well the night really for she didn't leave until ten the next morning, was charming. They had drinks served to them on a veranda overlooking the Potomac by a military aide, there was music being played by a female harpist who sat behind a screen in the dining room, the dinner was simple; consommé, sole, turkey and raspberries washed down with both a rich red and a lighter white wine. They chatted easily momentarily at least putting their differences behind them.

"What is that noise?" Amanda asked.

"It's the telegraph."

"You have your own?" she asked incredulous that anyone could have such a thing.

"Well it is a military house Amanda, used by officers who have to be in touch at all times."

"Oh yes, I see."

Fairfax walked round the table, knelt beside her chair and took her hands in his.

"Darling, I have to look at and send a few telegrams, why don't you retire to the bedroom and prepare yourself for me?"

'What wonderful words,' she thought, 'prepare yourself for me' they sent a little shiver of arousal run through her. She kissed the top of his blonde head pleased that he afforded her the time alone to unravel the mysteries of a Victorian woman's clothing.

"Don't be too long then" she whispered running her fingertips across his face and feeling so close to him that her love for him roared through her.

It wasn't until she was in the bedroom and had removed her hoop frame, skirt and bodice that she realised that she could still here the chattering of the telegraph but not the sound of the harp; she wondered what had happened to the harpist.

She found out that the telegraph never stopped, for it was still chattering away when she woke up the next morning, but she discovered that the harpist did, for when Fairfax awoke her in the middle of the night for another bout of sex, the house was quiet apart from the telegraph, of course.

Both of them had slept in the nude and after arising and finishing her ablutions Amanda put on one of the ultra-fashionable, mid-thigh length, cotton nightdresses that had recently been launched in Paris. She wrapped and tied a dressing robe around her, but donned no further clothing for she was anticipating Fairfax wanting to make love again. Whenever they spent the night together a pleasurable and momentous part of it was their morning lovemaking.

Breakfast was served by an inscrutable army aide who was experienced and well trained in looking after the gentlemen officers and their wives, mistresses or lady friends and sometimes all three. To avoid any possibility of embarrassment Amanda went into bedroom when he knocked on the door.

"Are you in town next Monday?" Lennon asked as they took breakfast in the small dining room of the beautifully appointed suite.

"Yes I am, why?" Amanda replied, enjoying the intimacy and romance that Fairfax had displayed last evening and indeed, she smiled, throughout the night.

"There's a reception at the White House that I thought you might enjoy?"

"Why pray is that?"

"There will be some important people there and I would like to take you as my partner" Lennon said as they moved to sit on a chaise looking out of the window towards the Potomac in the distance

This surprised Amanda, for although she was in practical terms free, she was legally still married to the catholic Samuel Williams; neither of them had felt the need to petition Rome for a divorce, although the fact that Amanda was barren could have provided the basis for a non-consummated divorce. It was therefore a brave decision by Fairfax.


"Yes, would you?"

"Of course," Amanda said, flattered that he would want that.

"The President will be there, of course, after all it is his house."

"How is James?"

"You know him?"

"Yes of course, remember he was Ambassador to England when I was there, we met him many times."

"Did you like him?"

"He was hard to like for he was so serious. We dubbed him old doughface."

Lennon laughed. "So that's where it came from, he's still called that the indecisive bastard."

"Is he?"



"He just can't make his mind up."

"How do you mean?"

"Well for instance, he thinks secession is illegal, but then says going to war also is. He prevaricates too much, he will never be re-elected."

"How do you know?"

"Amanda, it just cannot be allowed to happen."

"Why not?

"Simply because unless we sort out the fucking slave situation we will be cut off from all European, particularly British, capital and investment and we need that. Without access to it we will never develop and that is why all the might and power of the military will be directed towards Lincoln winning the election and becoming President."

"How do you mean?"

"I mean, we will do whatever we need to ensure that Lincoln wins."

"To get the first ever Republican president."

"Yes, if that is what is required to rid our country of the scourge of slavery, then so be it."

Amanda felt put off by the intensity of his response and the implications of what he was saying. "How do you mean?"

"Darling," Lennon said, putting his hand on Amanda's knee that was bare for the gown had parted. "We have to stop the fucking lunacy of the South. And we have to use whatever means are at our disposal to do that and that starts with winning the election."

"You mean fixing it?"

"Yes, Amanda, I do mean that. In this case the means really do justify the end."

"And how can you fix an election?"

"We have already registered thousands of people who will travel to the marginal areas and they will swing the vote."

"Is that legal?"

He kissed the top of her breast and whispered. "Amanda, don't forget we make the law so that makes whatever we want, legal."

Amanda was appalled and felt outraged. "Fairfax you're in the militia, you don't make the law, parliamentarians do that."

"They may front it my dear and they may pass laws on some issues, but in the end result, they do as we tell them, especially in areas of national importance."

"This is outrageous, how can it be! America is the finest democracy in the world."

"And by the parliamentarians doing as they are told we will keep America as that."

"I don't believe it. It cannot be that the military have so much power. It's wrong."

"Oh Amanda, for Christ's sake grow up, it's how it has always been in Britain, France and Prussia; it is how democracies operate and survive."

"What by the military deciding the sort of laws we should have."

"No, we don't get involved nor do we wish to in most law making just strategic issues."

"And they might be?" She asked becoming angrier by the moment.

"Anything needed to control the current situation."

"What like rigging an election?"

"Yes certainly I have told you we will do whatever it takes to control and change the antiquated ways of the South. We have to, there is no alternative if America is to prosper."

"What do you mean by 'whatever it takes'?"

"I mean that if necessary we will impose economic sanctions."

"What do you mean economic sanctions?"

"I mean my darling" he went on, sliding his hand up her dressing gown and night dress. "The blockade of all Southern ports, particularly New Orleans, where I hear you may be visiting shortly, will come about immediately any more states secede and effectively leave the Union."


The White House reception was a glittering affair. On Fairfax's arm for the first time, Amanda felt proud and special. Although she was more and more doubting the motivations and morals of Lennon she felt she had an undying love for him. She was practical and realistic enough to realise, however that that sort of love was rare and unusual. Becoming overly attached to someone who seemed to be totally amoral and completely ruthless for who she was spying, but from whom she was also attempting to illicit information was also dangerous. Amanda was worldy-wise enough to realise that with affairs of the heart at their ages, one had to take the best one could get, total love was more an aspiration that a reality!

She met a number of couples who she already knew, was introduced to numerous more and met many dignitaries including, very briefly, Mister Lincoln the nominee for the Republican Party for the elections in less than eighteen month's time. Amanda found him to be rather unimpressive and was amazed that Lennon thought he would win the election, but then he didn't have to be impressive to win a rigged election she realised.

Later in the evening she was introduced to General-in-Chief Winfield Scott who was head of the army and, as Fairfax put it smiling at the General-in-Chief, "My boss of bosses."

They all laughed when Winfield put his hand on Amanda's wrist and said, "And I am not sure what is more challenging, running the army or managing Mister Lennon. Pray madam what do you think?"

"Well sir," Amanda beamed. "I have never run an army.............." pausing before adding with a beaming smile at both of them. "Yet, and I would not deign to assume that I could ever manage Mister Lennon." They all laughed.

Winfield went on looking straight at Lennon. "Pray madam I trust that is not because you consider him unmanageable."

"No sir" Amanda replied. "Merely because old bachelors get set in their ways don't they?"

She met the President, who of course she knew. They talked about London and Samuel, the theatres that she and her estranged husband owned and the bare knuckle fighting sport in which Samuel had now become the major promoter in Britain.

"Ma'am, you remember Richard of course," the president said looking over her shoulder. Amanda turned and saw the familiar figure of Viscount Richard Lyons approaching. She knew he was the British Government's Envoy to Washington and she and William had got to know him quite well in London.

"How nice to see you again Missus Williams," he said taking her hand and kissing it. "You remember my wife of course Viscountess Amelia" he said looking at the very pretty young woman on his arm. Amanda had to fight to resist smiling for Richard had been known while in London to favour very young women, something she found out to her regret that he shared with her husband.

As Amanda recalled from her time in England, a modest bow was required when meeting British aristocracy of this level and she bowed her head appropriately and said rather hesitantly as she was not sure of the correct way to address the wife of Viscount.

"Yes of course my Lady."

"Missus Williams, charmed to meet you again."

"And you madam, are you enjoying Washington?"

"Yes I am very much, but I have only been here a short while, I didn't travel over with Richard when he took up his post."

"I too have just moved here from Georgia" Amanda advised.

"So we are the new girls in town then" Amelia said smiling at the older woman.

"So it would appear, ma'am."

"Please, forget the aristocratic claptrap between us girls."

"Thank you Amelia."

"Well then, Amanda, we must help each other and spend some time together, please join me for tea very soon."

"That would be my very great pleasure" Amanda replied, feeling a little disconcerted by the intensity of the other woman's stare.

"You know more people than I do" Fairfax said as they wandered onto the patio sipping champagne in the brutally hot and humid early summer air.

"Not really, just the British contingent."

"Well that does include the President."

"But not for long is he?"

"No that's true just eighteen months and we can get some sense into this country."


"Yes, sort out the South and slavery. Lyons is strongly in favour of that, he says that the South is becoming loathsome to the civilised world and unless they change then we won't develop."

"And you think that's true?"

"Yes, you know I do, and you do too, don't you?"

"Yes of course I do, but I do not see changing at being by any means as you clearly do."

"Amanda grow up. It has to happen, if it doesn't the consequences are dire."

"Such as?"

"Ok you really want to know? This is the thinking of the Republican party, Lincoln, the present Government, the British and the Prussians. Don't repeat this anywhere, ok?"

"Of course not," Amanda replied, her heart starting to beat faster at the prospect of learning some major news.

"Firstly we will not get the capital required to industrialise and be competitive with Europe, particularly Britain and Prussia, but also increasingly France. That means the wealth of the nation and the prosperity of everyone will be restricted. Secondly, it could lead to the complete dissolution of the United States, we could go back sixty years. Thirdly and in many ways most importantly it could lead to war."

"Civil war?"

"Yes that, but I mean war with Britain, France or Prussia, maybe even Canada and possibly with all of them. It is such a horrific fucking mess, my lady, that yes I do think by any means."

Amanda was quiet for a while as she took in the awful prospects that her lover set out.


"My dear Missus Williams, how delightful to see you again?" The Viscountess Lady Amelia Lyons said as she and Amanda shook hands.

"And you my lady" Amanda replied giving a slight curtsy.

Still holding Amanda's hand Amelia said. "Please drop the protocol when we are alone."

"Yes of course, thank you" Amanda replied feeling a little nervous in the presence of English aristocracy and the wife of Viscount Richard Lyons the representative of the Court of Saint James in America.

Amanda had first met Richard when she lived in London with Samuel her then husband. Viscount Lyons was single when they first met and he somewhat shocked London society by taking up with the Right Honourable Lady Amelia a woman in her late teens some fifteen years his junior. Whilst such age differences were not uncommon they were slightly frowned on at Queen Victoria's court which was becoming ever more straight-laced and stuffy. The set that Samuel and Amanda moved in was full of literary, artistic and free thinking individuals where age difference and sexual peccadillos were of no concern whatsoever. The two couples dined together several times both in restaurants and at Samuel and Amanda's mansion in Piccadilly. Twice Richard and Amelia were weekend guests with many others at their country estate in Datchett near to Windsor Castle, the Queen's favourite residence. Richard was an active diplomat and often travelled in Europe leaving his lovely bride in London. Whilst nothing was ever proved, there were rumours amongst Samuel's theatre and acting friends that the lovely Amelia was not the 'butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' pure young lady that she appeared to be when with the Viscount.

Amelia let go of Amanda's hand after what seemed and age and turning so they were side by side she held the older woman's elbow.

"Let's go to our private quarters rather than a reception room here" she said ushering Amanda through the impressive entrance hall of the British Embassy on Massachusetts Avenue just north of The White House.

Lord Napier, Richard and Amelia's predecessor in Washington had commissioned the building of a single storey cottage in the grounds at the rear of the large building. It had three bedrooms, several reception rooms and a kitchen. Napier had envisaged its main use would be by his children although Richard and Amelia had assumed it had been designed for the Ambassador and his family to 'escape' from the formalities of the Embassy and that is how they used it.

"Richard's in Toronto" Amelia said as she offered Amanda tea.

"Oh why is that?"

"He's been commissioned to organise the Prince of Wale's trip there."

"Oh when is that?"

"Next year, I think or is it? No the year after, oh I don't know" Amelia bubbled. Giggling the golden blonde young woman held Amanda's arm again as she went on. "Soon that's all I know, it will be a bore."


"Well it will be so much work for Richard. He will be travelling so much. I will be alone in this mausoleum."

"Poor you."

"Well at least I have my new friend to keep me company."

"Ma'am?" Amanda asked as they sat sipping a glass of champagne.

Amanda felt Amelia's eyes boring onto hers as the younger woman said very softly and to Amanda ears very intensely indeed.

"You darling, you are my new friend aren't you Amanda?"

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essexchickukessexchickukalmost 12 years ago
Brilliant as Usual

Savannah just gets better and better Georgie. I can hardly wait for the next episode. I find it absolutely brilliant the way you combine such highly erotic prose with historical accuracy and plot development.

london_james2010london_james2010almost 12 years ago
Not as hot

as some earlier episodes, but stimultaing and interesting as you develop the characters and the situation as America nears civil war. I am loving it Georgie, keep it up for that's what it does to me!


William smythWilliam smythalmost 12 years ago
Another interesting chapter

In this nicely erotic version of pre-Civil War history.

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