Saving Each Other

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Trying to save a friend, only to be saved back.
19.8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/25/2021
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(This story has a slow start, so if you're looking for something quick and sex filled, it might not be for you, or just jump to the sex filled parts! Promise it will get better later on!)

It's funny how things work sometimes. While I was confined to the house for awhile in the beginning of a pandemic, I started playing an online game. You know, one of those games where you end up bored with a bunch of other weirdos like yourself, and sometimes, you end up talking to those people. That's how I met some of the most amazing people in my life now. My favorite two, were Angie and Emma.

Angie was from Florida, unhappily married to a controlling asshole, who we suspected of being abusive. Emma was from New York, seemingly happy with her boyfriend, but didn't talk about him all too much. Both swing both ways and like girls, so it made it easy to talk to them. Me, my name is Olivia, most call me Liv, and I'm a lesbian from Jersey.

We would talk about pretty much everything, sex lives, issues with work or partners, ridiculous conversations about pretty much anything. On occasion, we would get drunk, voice chat, and send each other sexy or nude pics... which was probably always more of a treat for me than them. I'm not unattractive, by any means, but those two are just stunning!

I am a very overprotective person to begin with, and have a habit of what I call "putting on my superhero cape" a bit often. We all became a bit protective and close to each other over the span of about a year. Always making plans to get together, but never quite having the right timing in our crazy lives. Until one day, all of that changed.

It seemed like a normal night for us. Playing our game, chatting with the rest, when Emma and I received a call from Angie. She was sobbing, and all you could hear was yelling in the background.

"It's Larry. He's been hitting me. He came home drunk again, and started throwing me around. I'm locked in the bathroom, and he's trashing the house and pounding on the door. If I call the police, he'll get out and kill me! I don't have anyone out here and I don't know what to do!"

We knew two things. We needed to calm her down, and we needed to get her out. I asked Emma to keep talking to her while I figured things out.

There was a previous time where Larry had left for business for a week, and refused to leave her more than minimal money, and since he didn't let her work, she didn't have enough to even eat for the time he was gone. I had her secretly go to a bank and set up an account so I could send her enough money to get by, telling her to hide the bank card in case it was needed later. I've always gotten some weird vibes from people, and keep back up plans in case. I'm weird like that.

"Ok. Angie, breathe, and listen to me... do you still have that secret account set up, and access to the card? A simple 'yes' will work if he is too close by for more info."

"He's throwing things around the kitchen," Angie said between breaths, "I hid the card in a planter outside. He doesn't know."

"Ok honey, stay calm for a few more minutes. I'll get you out. I need to get off the call for a minute though," I said calmly, "Emma, stay on with her in case he tries for the bathroom door again."

I hang up and instant transfer $2,000 into her account. My own anxiety kicking in, I take a few deep breaths.

I text Emma: Up for a road trip? I have a plan, I'm going to get her either way.

Emma: I'm down. Can't let you go alone. Let me throw a bag together and I'll be at your house in about an hour. Can you hop back on the phone with her so I can drive?

Me: yes. Hopping back on now. See you soon.

I get back on the call with Angie, and Emma has her pretty calm. She has that way about her. I'm all panic and plans, but can sound like I'm level headed about it.

"Angie, I need you to answer some questions for me. A simple yes or no are fine if you can't say more."

"It's ok," Angie says, "he's blasting music while slamming things around now. He hasn't tried the door. Probably waiting me out."

"Well, that won't work for him. I transferred money into the account. There's plenty and I have more. Do you have a ride share app on your phone that isn't linked to him? Also, do you have your ID on you by any chance?"

"No, but I can get one. Yes, it's in my pocket still from earlier, thank god. What am I doing?! He's just going to come after me! I shouldn't involve you!"

"Ang, I'm already involved. You're gonna come stay with me. Emma is on her way to my house, and we're coming to get you. Is there a window you can get out of without being noticed?"

"Yes, but how am I going to get into a car with him like this? They'll drive away, Liv!"

"Listen to me very carefully. You're going to climb out the window, then quietly and quickly run to a location he won't look for you at. Find a store to go into, anything, then use that address for the ride. Pick a location as far north as you think they will drive you. If it's a female, offer her money and a small explanation to drive you further north and find a hotel. Women are usually more willing to help. You're going to have to get off the phone to run, but call me back the instant you feel safe. It should only be a few minutes if he doesn't know you left. I'll be right here waiting on your call, and I'll call back if I feel it's taking too long to check on you."

"I'm scared, but ready. All I have on are jeans and a t shirt and it's a bit cold. Is it ok if I can find a jacket or something to buy?"

"Of course, love. That's a good idea. Ang, I love you, and you're going to be okay. I promise."

"Ok, Liv. I'm going. Love you too, and thanks. Call you in a few."

Those few minutes felt like hours. She called to say she was in a store, got a hoodie, and a female was supposed to be her driver. I had her also buy a charger just in case. Emma would be getting here any minute. She said she was fine to wait for the driver and update me in a bit. Reluctantly, I agreed.

I tossed some clothes in a backpack, grabbed a pillow and blanket, some bottles of water, and tossed it in the back seat of my car as Emma arrived. It was the first time we had actually met in real life, and still ran to hug each other. This isn't what we had planned about the three of us getting together, but so be it.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go get our girl," she said, tossing her bag in the car.

"Ok, I'm good to drive pretty much most of it. I have Red Bull and water, let me know if and when we need to stop for snacks or anything," I told her, "until we get her to an actual location, we're just driving towards her. Please try to call or text her every so often for updates."

Emma nodded, and off we went. I knew it was going to be probably close to 12 hours behind the wheel, and opted for Red Bull. Emma chuckled as she pulled a giant candy stash from her bag in the back seat. We all have our habits. Angie called to update us.

"My driver seems to understand my situation, and it turns out she's actually headed to Georgia to see family. I'm only getting charged for a short drive. She offered for me to stay until you guys get here. What do you think?"

"Have her bring you to a decent hotel whatever is closest to her. And Ang? Tip her $100 and see if she has Venmo... If she tries to refuse, tell her it's a thank you from me. You can stay on the phone with Emma if you want, but I need to focus on driving. Text me the hotel info when you have it."

Angie decided to chat with Emma for awhile. It made me happy when they started to eventually joke and laugh a bit. We even got the location of the hotel before they ended their call. When they hung up, I had Emma use my phone to transfer more money, just in case. I insisted both of them sleep if they could so we could be right back on the road. I don't mind a vacation but this didn't feel good, and I wanted all of us home as fast as possible.

We finally got there around 8am. After a quick stop for breakfast, and a quick change and shower at Angie's room, Emma insisted we start heading back. I still hadn't slept, so I took the backseat for a nap. I ended up waking up when we were just a few hours from home, and took over driving again. The two of them curled up together in the back seat to nap the rest of the way.

When we finally got back to my house, I grabbed our bags as they woke up. We were all still exhausted, since it'd been almost a full 24 hours of stress. I told Angie to help herself to any clothes, and we could go shopping the next day for some things for her. Too tired to cook, we ordered some pizza, and I offered up the two spare rooms upstairs for them. I knew I was still too stressed to sleep well. At least I could wander downstairs without disturbing them.

I guess the three of us had talked to each other so much, we all knew the other better than ourselves. While I wanted to watch over them, I was also on the verge of a panic attack from everything. They sensed this, and insisted on a movie in my room. With Angie as my little spoon, and Emma as my big spoon, we all curled up in my bed. Angie was out like a light. Emma held me tighter, told me to match my breathing to hers, while running her free hand through my hair. I fell into a mostly peaceful sleep shortly after. I always had trouble sleeping.

The next morning, I woke up alone, and would've panicked if it wasn't for the smell of food. I groggily walked into the kitchen to discover the two of them cooking about every breakfast food you could imagine. Grabbing a Red Bull, and pouring them coffee, I sat down.

"You think you got enough food here?" I joked.

"Well, after everything, I wanted to at least try to thank you," Angie started, "but I used the card you gave me to pay for it, so I'm not sure this is quite enough.."

"It's plenty," I replied, "no thanks required. I'm just glad you're safe, love. Em? You staying for awhile? You're more than welcome."

"I took a couple vacation days," Emma stated, while helping Angie arrange their small feast on the table. "Wanted to make sure you two were okay, and help where I could before I left."

"No complaints here! I fell asleep between two gorgeous women, and woke up to breakfast," I laughed, "could it really get any better than this?"

"Oh, it definitely could," Emma said with a sly smile, "but eat before it gets cold. We're going shopping after breakfast if you're up for it."

We chatted a bit and enjoyed our breakfast. I asked the two of them to make a list of things needed or wanted for shopping, since it seemed like I would have a guest for a few days, and a new roommate. Eventually caffeinated and cleaned up, we piled back into my car and headed to the store.

Shopping isn't really my thing, so after a few minutes of Angie and Emma picking out, and trying on clothes, I headed off with my list for food and snacks, making sure to tell Angie to get as much as she wants or needs. After what felt like forever, we were finally checking out with two carts of food, clothing, and whatever else deemed necessary. Seeing them happy and giggling to each other made me feel good, and I liked quietly observing. Their presence had made me feel calm and content. I've learned to enjoy that feeling, as it seems to never last long enough. It never does...

Just as we were finishing bringing the bags in, I heard a truck pull up and screech to a stop. I could feel all the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

"Angie! Get your fucking shit and get in! You aren't fucking leaving me! You thought I wouldn't track your phone?! What the hell are you trying to pull?" Larry shouted, "you're gonna be sorry for this!"

Fuck. Her phone. I didn't think of that. With fight or flight kicking in, I pushed the girls in the door and locked it, yelling behind me that I was calling the cops.

"If you don't open this door right now, I'll shoot the lock off!"

Fuck, this is not good, I thought. Shoving the girls into my room, locking the door behind me, I told them to call the cops, stay quiet, and don't come out for any reason unless it is to run, or because it's over.

"I've got this. Stay here!" I yell, as I slam the door shut and look around. Fuck.. I have no plan for this.


As the door flies open, I rush Larry. He's bigger than me, but I'm wiry. Still not a good plan. I feel a burning pain sear across my left arm, halting my rush momentarily. Grabbing a folding table, I hurl it at him, then tackle after it hits. The gun is knocked loose, and I throw it, hoping it doesn't go off somehow. Jumping on top of him, I start punching him as hard as I can. I hear distant sirens. Just gotta keep him down until it's here. I feel something tear through my left side, and then plunge into my leg. Fucker has a knife, too? Jesus, I'm screwed. I get thrown off as he stands up, and starts kicking at me. I hear the sound of car doors and yelling. He runs towards the gun as Angie comes out of the room. I stand and lunge to tackle her, as we hear two more shots. I feel the same burning pain, in the same arm. Angie is crying. Praying she isn't hurt, I turn my head to see Larry is also hit in his shoulder, and the police are surrounding him.

Rolling off of Angie, I ask if she's ok, scanning for any wounds. Police and medics are approaching me, as I see blood on her shirt and yell for them to help her, not me. The last words I hear are, "it's not my blood!" and everything slowly fades to black.


I wake up to the sound of monitors beeping steadily. Glancing around, I panic, trying to get up, only to be met with pain like I've never felt. Hospitals scare the shit out of me, and I try to force myself up again to find a way out. This time I am met by Emma pushing me back down.

"Just lay back, honey. It's ok. I'm right here. Try not to move," Emma tells me as she holds me down and strokes my face.

"Where is Ang?!? Is she okay? She was bleeding!" I yell, trying again to get up.

"She is perfectly fine. Stay down or I'll call them in to sedate you. Listen to me, it was your blood you saw. Not hers. She's ok. But you need to calm down," she explains.

I lay back, defeated and scared. Emma goes to push the pain med button, and I stop her, questioning what it is. She knows I have fears of certain drugs from bad experiences. She assures me it's just to help, but won't tell me what it is, saying she forgot the name of it. I know she didn't, but I trust her anyway.

"Please, don't push the button yet. Where is Angie?"

"She's just finishing up with the police. She'll be back in a second. They wanted to talk to you, but they can wait," she responds, "Liv, I'm going to push the button. It'll help relieve some of the pain, and you'll probably be a bit loopy. But I'll be right here the entire time."

She clicks it once, and lays by my side, cradling my head into her, as nurses come to check vitals. I do my best to cooperate, trying not to upset Em. I ask what's wrong with me... Two fractured ribs and a bunch of bruising, both bullets grazed my arm, the slash in my side just required stitches, the stab wound in my leg nicked a tendon, and required some attention, but otherwise just a bunch of painful shit. The nurse said I should play the lottery. My ribs were the worst, and needed to be cautious with, breathing fucking hurt. As I was asking when I could be discharged, Angie appeared.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry all of this happened," she rambled, "it's all my fault! How bad are you hurt? You saved my life! I'm so sorry!"

Emma put her hand up to stop Angie s frantic rambling, "she's gonna be fine, Ang. We just gotta keep her comfortable and make sure she doesn't try to break out of here again. She'll fuck up her ribs."

Angie pulled a chair up to the other side of the bed, and held my hand.

"I'm so sorry this happened. Please rest and don't make it worse, though."

"Don't be sorry. Everyone is safe. I'm fine. Just more fucked up. Drugged, laying between two gorgeous women, again," I smiled lightly, "Just get me out of here as soon as possible. I want my own bed..."

"The nurse said it would be a day or two, at least," Emma informed, "they just want to be extra careful. You'll need help at home as well. And we will be with you here, and then at home to help you. Now rest please, little one."

The pain meds started to knock me on my ass, and I let my head rest on Emma again, as Angie continued rubbing and holding my hand. One of them was there every time I awoke, calming me down, and making sure I didn't try to escape. Two days later, I was discharged, under the condition I was to have help at home, whatever that meant. I didn't care, or hear what they said, Emma seemed to pay attention to instructions. I only begged for them to get me home.

The girls helped me into bed, and helped me get comfortable. I was to pretty much be on bed rest for a week or so, before a follow up visit. The pain meds made me feel weird so I still just wanted to sleep. It would pass the time faster, I figured.

"Girlie, you barely ate anything at the hospital," Angie commented, "I know the food is trash, but can I make you something?"

"Nah, I'm good love. Just wanna sleep. Come cuddle."

"Little one, let her make you some food," Emma chimed in, "eat, and be a good girl, and we'll all cuddle up and watch a movie or something."

"Okay," I agreed, the thought of laying between them seeming like a good reward, "just something small though?"

Angie contentedly skipped off, and Emma smiled down at me, stroking my face, telling me they'd have to clean me up soon, but it could wait until later. I hadn't thought of that, and was trying to figure how to do that myself. Angie returned with some eggs and toast just as I was starting to get anxious. I quickly ate, and they climbed in on either side of me. I thought to myself, we keep ending up in this bed, and not the way we originally planned it.

The next morning, Emma questioned whether I wanted help in the shower, or if I more or less wanted a sponge bath. I felt self conscious about both.

"I can shower myself, I'm not an invalid," I protested.

"Little one, how are you going to bend over to wash with your ribs like that?"

"I'll be fine. It's not the first time I've messed my ribs up. I just.... I can do it myself. Thank you."

Angie chimed in, hearing us argue, "ok, you can try to shower yourself, but leave the door unlocked just in case. I can't handle you getting hurt worse, girlie. Agreed?"

"Fine," I huffed, trying to sit up slowly, "I wouldn't decline some help getting there."

Emma rolled her eyes, and gave Angie a look, as they helped me up out of bed and towards the master bathroom. Of course, my clumsy ass tripped on the way, sending pain shooting through my leg and ribs. It was going to be harder to try to convince them I'm fine now. They helped me in and sat me down on the toilet.

"I'm good, gonna take a minute to catch my breath. No worries," I told the two.

"Yeah, no. That's not gonna work for me now," Angie said, "can't risk it. You're too hurt."

"I'm ok. I'll just sit on the edge of the tub and wash myself," I pleaded.

"Come on. Stop being so modest and shy," chimed Emma, looking at Angie, "you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Group shower?"

"Yup, group shower. No need to be shy if everyone is naked."

"You two are kidding, right? This is ridiculous!"

"Dead serious. Arms up, little one. Get that shirt off," Emma demanded, as Angie turned the water on and started to strip down.

"Come on, love," encouraged Angie, "it'll be nice to be all clean. Let us help."

Emma tugged at my shirt as I tried not to stare too hard at Angie's lean body. Surrendering, I raised my arms, letting her remove my shirt.

"Good girl. Ang, love, can you help her with her shorts while I get undressed?"