Scarlet Scale Ch. 002

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A bit of fun, a bit of pain, and an upcoming fight.
7.7k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/27/2017
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This is purely for disclaimer purposes, as I wrote in the prologue and the 1st chapter, I do not own any part of the Elder Scrolls video game series. Also using inspiration from popular Xbox ONE "mods," this story is written purely for fun.


My eyes flashed open, my mind still fuzzy as my self-waking spell I cast woke me on time, about an hour before dawn. Since I was still laying naked, next to my new slave, I needed to get my armor on, and the rest of my equipment ready. One may have thought that I should have a horse for carrying most of what I used for when I needed it, but too often, I found them all too easily killed by bandits, or predators in general when traveling the wilderness. Or if not killed, then frightened off. As I said to Carlotta, the world is a dangerous place. The fastest way for a sellsword dependent on their horse to become hindered in a bad way, is for said horse to be killed. Of course, I could stash all of it with the spell my shaman taught me, but I also couldn't keep it personally on me, if I don't trust the wilderness to a horse. So, I pack light instead.

But, next to me was a large, decently muscular nord man who could carry all of the food for Uthgerd and I. Also, if Mikael proved himself a well-behaved slave, then he could have more "rewarding" time from myself, and Uthgerd, assuming she would also enjoy it, of course.

"Wake up Slave!" I lightly scratched him with one of my claws.

"Ah!!" He said in shocked surprise, rather than pain.

"I concede that you have had, and still do, have a life outside of my presence. BUT, when you ARE in my presence, your concerns are to thought of, only AFTER mine. My concern right now, is that you can serve me, and fighting companion, by carrying our food and possibly whatever valuable items that Uthgerd and I find in the ruins of Bleakfalls. I understand that even if you are a nord, that you're a bard, and not suited to exploring ruins. So, you will carry what we want, until we arrive at the ruins, have I made myself clear?"

"Uh, Mistress?" He cautiously tried.

"Yes," I confirmed "that is the ONLY way you are to address me when you are my presence, until I tell you otherwise. Ask your question."

"Uh... Mistress, may I know what you will do with me when we arrive at Bleakfalls?"

"I haven't decided yet. I give you leave to dress and eat a breakfast for the morning, but then you WILL meet me outside the Bannered Mare when you are finished. Understand me?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Get to it. NOW."

He hastened to grab his clothes from the room's floor as I dressed in my ebony suit. Again, I had no care at all for his embarrassment at his seeing my nakedness while dressing, and made no attempt to hurry or hide my intimate parts.

Soon, Mikael, Uthgerd and I were all standing outside the tavern. Uthgerd was wearing the same steel plate she wore last night, of course, but she also kept an unusual shield clipped to the left side of her waist. I was in my ebony, with my daedric bow hanging on my right thigh, my black glass sword in its sheath on my left.

"You're taking him along?" Uthgerd was confused. "You know he's just a bard, not a fighter right?"

"Yes." I replied "But after I saw how he talked with Carlotta last night, I felt a sense of sisterly camaraderie for her. So, I've taken it upon myself to 'help' Mikael here understand women better. Since he has apparently often thought of himself as Mistress Dibella's 'gift' to women, it has occurred to me that perhaps he should understand that a more meaningful 'gift' is in 'servitude.'"

Then I quickly turned to Mikael, "Isn't that right, 'SLAVE?!'"

"Er... y-y-yes, Mistress." He answered timidly.

"Good!!" Uthgerd laughed loudly, clearly enjoying this "With your permission, 'Mistress' Scarlet, maybe I could participate in his 'training...'"

"Oh," I grinned broadly "but of course, 'Mistress' Uthgerd..."

Then after we had our fill of laughter much to my slave's discomfort, I spoke again.

"Please, lead the way, fellow 'Mistress.'"

"Thank you..." Uthgerd smiled as she obviously enjoyed the idea of what I was suggesting "The marketplace has a nice selection for extra supplies that your slave can carry easily, such as the food, lockpicks and soul gems. You're probably going to want to be the one to carry the climbing rope and spikes. I believe I may know of a shortcut to Bleakfalls, that would take us faster than the main road, but the trail is steep there."

"Alright," I said as we started browsing through the stalls who were opening earliest "what about this shortcut then?"

"Oh," Uthgerd explained "all the best sellswords look for ways to get to our clients' targets quickly. Whether they are a bunch of farmers asking about getting rid of a bandits harassing their rural community, or perhaps the guard wanting some extra help in tracking an escaped criminal, it's essential that you know the layout of the land. The shortcut is a trail that the frost trolls made as they come down to look for deer, or other prey in the fields. The mountains are lower there than the Throat of the World, but cold enough for them to be comfortable there."

"I've faced off with some of Cyrodiil's forest trolls, they seemed worse than bears."

"Yes, trolls are worse, because they're just about as strong, but they can stand on their hind legs all the time, so they're faster. They also recover their health and stamina faster than any bear would. But- uh... how good are you with Destruction magic anyway?"

I thought about it. I was fairly certain that I may have mastered my skill with Alteration, and knew a good variety of Destruction spells, but figured that I there were still more I could learn. I knew about four Restoration based spells too.

"I know quite a few in Destruction, though I think I haven't mastered it like I have in Alteration. I don't know many Restoration spells, though one of those I have is Grand Healing."

"Ah your style is that of a spellsword then?"

"Yeah." I answered, buying a few strips of a darkly colored jerky. The wood elf said it was "horker," though I hadn't ever heard of them before entering Skyrim. "Trolls are weaker to fire than the average beast, correct?"

"Yes. We shouldn't have a problem if your flame is 'hot,' and you can 'keep it up.'"

I answered Uthgerd's comment with turning around to face empty air, and created from my hand, a constant, concentrated stream of fire pointing into the sky. It resembled the dragon's that I saw yesterday afternoon, except that this was in miniature.

"That'd probably do it." Uthgerd said with real admiration. "Along with some swings from my big axe if they can still get too close. You might want to be careful with your magic here though. Most people in Skyrim are distrustful of magic in general."

I extinguished it with a puff, and a pout, but I had to admit she might have been right. Soon, we had the extra supplies we needed, and left the city gate by seven. Uthgerd led me and my 'slave' past a battle-scarred watchtower in the field an hour's walk out from Whiterun. It had definitely seen better days, but still looked strong.

As Uthgerd said, the barely noticeable trail was steep. A simple, slight, depression in the slope of the low mountains' sides, with the shape of a switchback. Even with the thin layer of new snow on the rising flanks, we could see trolls' prints, and I noticed the subtle stench in my nostrils, but none were visible now. They may have seen us, but trolls don't usually seem to have the patience for ambush tactics like lions had in Cyrodiil. Still, we were watchful.

After another hour of climbing though, I found the reason. Apparently frost trolls(or these, anyway), seemed more nocturnal than their forest cousins. I saw three of them, all sleeping in a couple sheltering overhangs of the rock. I wanted VERY much to kill them and take the heads in for what I expected would be a nice bounty, but I had to be pragmatic, especially if Mikael was hopeless at fighting.

I also kept an eye out for any path that Carlotta's man might have used for his mine, but didn't see any connecting with our trail. However, I did see a particularly craggy area further off on our right, maybe 600 feet away, that had some poles standing a bit askew. They might've been old snags stripped bare by the wind, or they might've been old mine timbers. I couldn't tell from here, but I clearly saw there was no easy way to go get a closer look, and I certainly didn't want Mikael to know what I was looking for. Not that I didn't trust him to follow MY orders about MYself, but I didn't trust him completely in regards to Carlotta.

A few hours later, the trail had leveled out, connecting with a much wider one on the plateaued top of the mountain. The snow was deeper, the wind, a continual blowing of whitish cold, skidding eddies through the drifts, and against our faces. I had heard that nords had a stronger resistance to the cold than the other races, but I didn't ever really see it until the snow-blanketed city of Bruma. As for myself, most argonians, our reptilian natures meant we slowed down and got tired more often in the cold, though strangely, I barely noticed it in myself. I had first noticed, and thought about it in Bruma, but I had no idea exactly what it might mean.

I had learned from the Captain of the Count's guard there, that just before the Oblivion Crisis, the Fighter's Guild had an argonian member who seemed acclimated to the cold, but he still needed special clothes treated with Dragons Tongue flower extract, and a resist cold enchantment. I had wondered why he would have gone to that length just to live in Bruma, when his climate would have been warmer some other place, but that was around 200 years ago, so it's not like I could ask him.

But I never expected that my resistance to the elements would be this comfortable for me. Uthgerd and Mikael didn't seem curious about it either, although I knew that this was another reason why I personally believed that I was somehow "different" from a typical argonian. I was about to ask my fellow sellsword more about argonians in Skyrim when my thoughts were suddenly cut off by an arrow clinking off a rock as it had missed my head by an inch.

"Xhuth!" I shouted, and immediately cast, then held a Detect All spell. "They're up on the rock ledge directly ahead of us! One looks like he or she is charging down through the blowing snow!"

Uthgerd readied her axe, and clove into the bandit's side as soon as he appeared out of the mist of powder. I fired off a couple of my black ebony arrows, using my quick memory of where my spell showed their archers. I was rewarded with the sound of one, gasping in agony. I might have hit the throat of that one, but this was a kill or be killed situation.

"Nivan! No!" The other bandit cried above. Then I heard her screaming in rage, leaping towards me from the ledge, daggers drawn.

I had only enough time to physically throw my arrows instead of shooting, but it was enough. One of those was in her forehead, another caught her collarbone just above the top of her leather armor.

When she crashed, I had already dodged, and the wood elf was crumpled in the snow. I cast Detect All again, but didn't see anything this time. I took no pleasure in killings, and when I was the one being ambushed, I certainly had no pleasure in that. At least not in a ranged fight like this.

Just to be sure she didn't suffer long in the snow, I also thrust my sword in her neck. Mikael was throwing up in the trees about 30 feet behind us, and I didn't blame him. Honestly, I would have been a little disturbed if he wasn't, as he hadn't seen fighting like this, from the sound of his bardic background. Then when we had let him recover enough, Uthgerd and I shocked him again as we started looting their bodies.

"What are you doing?!"

"Collecting our gold and other things obviously." I answered. "They were bandits, and going to do the same to us unless we stopped them. The reason why we're better people than they were, is because they would have done that to anyone, not just us as we invaded their 'territory.' You, me, Uthgerd, we're still alive, but they're dead and so, they don't need their loot either. We can't find their families to give them the belongings, so we might as well be the ones to 'inherit' those."

"Yeah... I... I suppose."

"Suppose what?" I wasn't sounding harsh, mostly for consideration of what he had just witnessed, but I was 'authoritative' in my tone. "I DID say at ALL times, did I not?"

"Mistress? But this isn't exactly a... 'comfortable' setting?"

"The real world," I explained my point of view, "the one outside of many cities like your peaceful Whiterun, the one involving places like this," I gestured at the blood-spattered stone "rarely has 'comfortable' settings, as you put it. The sooner you can handle that, the better the chance you're going to have when a thief or some other enemy tries to hurt you. Trust me, the guard in Whiterun would not cry over there being fewer bandits in their lands, or of said bandits also being 'robbed.'"

"Yes, Mistress..." Mikael sighed.


After we were courteous enough to cover the looted bodies of the bandits who had attacked us, with stones and snow, we walked up the stairs to the ruin's entrance. The doors were huge panels of oak, gilded over with ebony metal. The ancients who built the thousands-of-years-old structure must have used some kind enchantment on the wood to keep it from rotting, even in this cold, dry climate. It hadn't stopped the left half of the double doors from falling partway off the hinges though, but it was clearly stuck, so Mikael, Uthgerd, and I all tugged on the other one, which opened easily enough with us all pulling.

The first room was a mess of fallen debris, rubble, dead skeevers(the giant rats of Skyrim), and also dead bandits, along with the bodies of draugr that had already been remade dead, again. At the far end of the room, I heard a couple more bandits arguing about how the one thought that exploring the tombs was probably a dangerous waste of time. The other more loyal one insisted that if their leader, an "Arvel," was correct about what they were looking for, then they would riches undreamt of before.

And then I let fly a couple black arrows from my shadowy corner, their sharpened tips easily penetrating the chests of their light armor. I ordered Mikael to bring out our food, and we sat on the firewood that the now dead scoundrels had kindly brought in earlier. While we ate, I was also listening closely for any sound of footsteps approaching us, and casting my Detect All spell, but none came at us. The spell had a range of 400 feet with superb concentration in Alteration, so I decided that we had the time and space I wanted for rewarding my slave for his patience and good behavior.

"Slave," I said, "remove your clothing."

"Here? Now?" Mikael was clearly confused, expecting that we were going to be exploring the depths right after our lunch.

"Of course!!" I screamed, already getting my whip out. "Or I could just send you BACK to Whiterun, with more lashes, you obstinate nord!!"

"Okay, okay!" His eyes were quite wide with agitation "I'm sorry to question you, my Mistress!! Please!"

"Please, WHAT?!"

"Please Mistress, don't punish your humble slave!"

"I'm not sure..." I said, toying with my whip in hand "Uthgerd, he thought to question my authority, but now he's 'humbly' begging. I think..."

I paused more so than I really needed as I pretended to "think" on my response, so as to "encourage" anxiety in Mikael about whether I would punish or reward him. I was going to do both.

"I had thought that before," I measured out my words long, and slowly "that you may have been ready for instructions of how to properly use your tongue in pleasuring a woman's flower, but now I see that you need 'correction,' first."

I looked at Uthgerd.

"Mistress Uthgerd, I believe that YOU should enjoy Slave's squirming this time."

"With 'pleasure,' Mistress Scarlet..."

She hadn't even finished her sentence before her breastplate's straps were pulled loose, the twin melons hanging freely under her thin shirt, which really only acted as an insulative barrier against her steel plate if it got hot while marching in the sun. The undershirt did absolutely nothing to support them when in battle, apparently her molded chestplate was being used for that entirely. Uthgerd's were actually a little bigger than mine, at half a hand's width larger than the diameter of a pair of heads of cabbage, which was surprising, from the concealing effect of that chestplate. Still, even if I felt slightly jealous, I was also QUITE 'pleased' too.

By the time Uthgerd was straddling my slave, I was under and behind Mikael, inserting while wiggling my claws in his arse. During my experimentation with Destruction magic, I had discovered a curious effect of low-intensity shock spells. One which I was all too happy to demonstrate to both of my partners here, as they thrust back and forth.

"Now," I said, "both of you, I'm going to do something. Uthgerd, you needn't be concerned, but I don't want you to be startled. As for you, Slave, I will simply tell you, do NOT 'question' my authority again..."

Then before either reacted, I was using a touch-based shock spell. I was sure that I not mastered all of the typical Destruction spells, but this one I had already attained a precise control of. Somewhat like that sense of what happens when a person has rubbed their legs and rear end on a woolen carpet repeatedly, very fast, then grabs the brass pommel of their sword. Except, that the feeling is kept up with a constant, and controlled rate.

I had also discovered shortly after developing this spell, that it would cause a man's penis to become uncontrollably rigid, and swollen nearly instantly to its maximum, despite that it was nothing but painful for him. Mikael was suddenly groaning through his locked jaw and gritted teeth, while his abruptly maximum fullness spurred Uthgerd to a new sort of insanity in her bucking.

Mikael tried to pull out from under, but my scaly hand firmly kept his hips in place, the claws digging into his skin, drawing a little blood. Uthgerd seemed to have a newly frantic, vice-like grip on his shoulders. Mikael knew he was truly MY slave, of course, but Uthgerd was also acting in complete mutual compliance with my will as well, making her into something of an "extension" of my being, in a sense. I had the impression that if she were made aware of this, she would also be quite "pleased" with the arrangement.

In a very short span of about five minutes, my Slave was cumming into my fellow Mistress. Fortunately, my low-level shock spell was sterilizing his seed before it even left his cock. If anyone would become pregnant from my Slave's seed, it should be me, and only when I wanted to. But I was very happy to have Uthgerd and I bonding together over our mutual control of my Slave.

I let them continue for another couple more climaxes from Uthgerd, and then spoke up.

"Alright, my turn now."

Uthgerd nodded, and stopped herself reluctantly. I handed her my double-ended toy, and then pointed to my Slave's strained mouth. Uthgerd seemed to understand well enough, pushing in and out of her pussy for a moment, then sat it onto Slave's face.

"Suck me Slave..." she commanded, while I lowered myself down over Slave's hips.

He obediently sucked on the end of the toy, though understandably confused with why. But just as understandably, his coordination was getting more difficult as I cradled his member, the patterns of my inner flesh continually kept his mind awash in pleasure. Uthgerd and I passionately kissed, our tongues dancing over each other, as we dominated my Slave.