Scavenger Hunt

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A bridesmaid competes for points. The most cocks wins!
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Darian and her friends arrived in Las Vegas for Tiffany's stagette party bubbling with excitement. The six of them had been friends for years, four of them having met in university, and they had been consistently having incredible adventures together ever since. That vacation was likely going to be the wildest yet because it was the first marriage in the group and they planned on celebrating to the fullest extent.

The six attractive women had found each other within the party scene of their town. Raves, house parties, bush parties, rented cabin parties, rented house-boat parties, Burning Man, Shambhala, Coachella and dozens of smaller music festivals were their home away from home every chance they got. Each were bright, disciplined, free-spirited people who helped one another be the best versions of themselves possible. Each member of the friend-group was able to lean on the others when things got rough and they were fiercely protective of one another.

Darian thought of herself as one of the more conservative members of the gang, but that wasn't saying much. None of them conformed to normal expectations regarding attractive, young women of their generation. None of them spent time on social media, they didn't use their looks to gain anything, they pursued female driven businesses with feminist ideals, but thoroughly enjoyed having sex with and adoring deserving men.

Likely the outsider, unorthodox lifestyle they enjoyed came from the festival world. The concepts of living in harmony with the Earth, leaving no trace environmentally and walking through the world with compassion as a guiding principle often left acquaintances not in the scene bemused by the way Darian's posse behaved. Principals garnered through drug use.

Doing hallucinogenic drugs had changed her, for the better in her estimation, nd doing hallucinogens was their plan for Saturday night.

They arrived in Vegas Thursday afternoon, gathered in the suite Tiffany was staying in and drank some mimosas to get caught up, having not all been in the same room for months. That night they went clubbing, dressed in sequins and stilettos, slutty bar outfits that were costumes to them the same way business suits were at some of their jobs. They were hippies through and through, but for Thursday night they were queens of the glamorous Las Vegas night life.

Carmen was the maid-of-honour and had prepared thoroughly. Having compiled a list of all the activities the ladies wanted to do in Vegas, she then picked the ones that were the most popular choices and put those in a hat for Tiffany to pick. Friday afternoon, slightly hungover, the six went gambling, indoor skydiving and walked the strip, ending with the fountains at the Bellagio. Then, after supper, they went to see the Cirque Du Soleil show 'O'. All perfectly touristy events.

After the Cirque show they went to the eleven pm. performance of the Thunder From Down Under male strip show in their hotel. When they told the hostess they were a bachelorette party, she took Tiffany up on stage and the men danced for her in front of the whole crowd.

Saturday was similar, with some time at the pool, more gambling, cruising the strip, dinner at the Medieval feast in their hotel followed by much needed naps. Afterwards they gathered in Tiff's suite for nine pm and the adventure they were all most nervous and exited about.

"Alright ladies we have gathered for tonight's Scavenger Hunt festivities" Carmen began. "We are all dressed appropriately I see."

Each of them were wearing simple, sexy, summer dresses that would be easy to take off and didn't matter if they got messy. On their feet they wore sandals and nothing else, no bras and no panties as per instructions.

At music festivals, Darian often went without any clothes at all except a special, leather party belt and boots, but out in the Default World, as her crowd call the normal world, being nude in public was frowned upon. Wearing such revealing outfits was titillating and Darian already felt the sexual tension in the room building.

"I'm texting each of you the contest point system so you can see what you're scoring when you score out there."

Each woman went silent as they read the text.

'Each participant is required to appear in photographs with naked penises.

1pt for an exposed penis

5pts for holding a penis

10pts for sucking a penis

15pts for fucking a penis

20pts for anal

+5pts for each cumshot.'

"It's simple. You each have from 10 pm until 2 am to gather as many points as possible then be back here to tally them up. The winner gets $1000 and the crown as the Queen of Cocks for all time, or until we do this again at Josie's wedding."

They laughed a very nervous sounding gale, all of them slightly wide-eyed and anxious. None of them had done this sort of thing out in the Default World. This was a private party sort of thing, with men they knew already, not random strangers. Over the years they had been collectively edging toward something this outrageous and they'd all suspected tonight was going to be extreme, but none were fully prepared for that list.

"The rules are; all phones on airplane mode while out in the wild. If you need help, I'm sending you the concierge's number. Annette knows our phones are gong to be off and I told her if anyone needs help they will call her. She'll take care of us."

Carmen pulled out a container of differently shaped chocolates wrapped in bright tinsel she'd brought from home in her luggage. Dumping out most of them, she selected six larger, pie-shaped forms. Passing them to her friends, she told them "These have two grams of mushrooms in them. If we take them now, everyone should be high just after ten or so."

As Carmen put the decoy chocolates back in the container, everyone else ate the homemade ones. Carmen was well trusted with her baking/chemistry. The chocolates she made always contained perfect doses, no duds and no overdoses. They'd each eaten her chocolates many times, but it still felt outrageous to be getting high and scrambling around a city, not the forests they usually romped in.

Once they had each eaten their chocolate, they anxiously nattered with each other, watching the clock and waiting to feel the effects of the shrooms. Darian wasn't too worried about the sexual aspect of the adventure, she didn't expect herself to do anything more than give a few hand-jobs and maybe suck a handsome guy's dick later, if she found anyone sexy enough.

In that group, Darian was in the bottom third of general attractiveness, in her estimation. The others were taller, blonder, bustier and more tan. At five foot four only Giselle was shorter than Darian, while Charmaine was the tallest at five foot ten. Darian had long, dark, brown hair, that she dyed recently to cover all the highlights the sun had bleached in over the years since she'd last cut it. In part to contrast against the rest of her posse, in part for a change, she'd matched the colour to her roots and had a natural look, but all uniform instead of multi-hued from multiple years of lightening.

Consistently tanned all summer, in the deep of winter, as it was then, Darian grew pale, her skin nearly white, green eyes popping in her pallid face. Most of the others tanned all year and had planned for the Vegas heat early. The time by the pool had only given Darian a light blush of pink as she'd been very careful with sunscreen.

All of the friends were athletic, their favourite hobby dancing to amazing music, so they were lean and fit, but some went to the gym consistently, most hiked and climbed, all rode bikes regularly and did yoga daily. Among the friends, Darian was easily the most petite, the dainty brunette the smallest bosomed, thinnest hipped and lightest muscled. No matter how much exercise she got, Darian never bulked up, her long, lean muscles hard, but sleight under her smooth skin.

As Darian ogled her friends and compared her body to theirs, she understood the mushrooms must be coming on. They had a tendency to turn her introspective, if she wasn't outwardly engaged.

"I think I'm feeling the 'shrooms" she told everyone.

"Me too" Giselle chimed in. The two smallest of them feeling it first.

The women talked about who was feeling what for a time and before long it was five minutes to ten, the Game to begin in mere moments.

"See you in four hours. Set your alarms!" Carmen called.

They spilled out of the suite, into the elevator and then the night, a gaggle of slightly stoned, young women, dressed sexily and looking for trouble.

Darian wandered down the road and staggered into New York, New York, drawn by the lights and sounds, the mushrooms hitting hard by then, the lights wiggling, her eyes unable to fully focus anymore. More in control than if she were equivalently drunk, Darian was still intoxicated and grinned to herself at being stoned around sober people.

Settling in a bar with a view of some gambling, shops, restaurants and all the teeming people parading back and forth, she ordered a coke and took in her surroundings. Utterly overwhelmed by the sights and sounds in a way she revelled in, Darian enjoyed being high as she sipped her soda and let everything wash over her. It was difficult to focus anyway, but she smiled beatifically as most stimulus simply passed through her, her thoughts occupied by trying to figure out what to think about and how to think at all.

"Hi. You look pretty happy. Did you win?"


Darian struggled to focus her eyes on the towering black man leaning on the bar next to her. The bright red dress shirt he wore dominated her vision, but she perceived white pants, some gold flashing at his wrist and neck, the rich dark of his flesh and the white of his smile. The huge man bent way over and Darian was disoriented looking up at him, uncertain for several seconds if it were simply the mushrooms or if he were actually that tall.

"You have a fantastic smile on your face," he said "or you did. Now you look confused. I apologize for bothering you."

"Are you a giant?"

He laughed a kind laugh that lacked sincerity. He got that a lot, she surmised.

"I guess so. Does six foot eight count as being a giant?"

"Whoa! Six-eight?! I'm five-five!" Darian was shocked. "That's more than a foot! I'm like an eight year old next to you!"

The big man chuckled.

"You don't look like no eight year old I ever saw?"

"Can I see your hand?"

Holding up her own dainty one for comparison, she pressed palm to palm with the huge appendage he offered. Darian's spread hand covered only his palm, barely reaching the beginning of his fingers. Looking at the thick fingers and touching his smooth skin, Darian abruptly recalled the scavenger hunt and wanted very badly to find out if his penis was as impressive.

"What's you name?"

"Booker. Yours?"

"Darian. Booker, can I ask you weird favour?"

Clutching his hand in both of hers, she implored him, the warm touch exciting in her heightened, sexually titillated state.

"Sure. Weird is fun."

"I'm in town for a stagette party and we're on a scavenger hunt. But, the stuff we are supposed to find is... um... sexual..."

Reaching for her phone she opened it and showed him the text with the rules.

'Each participant is required to appear in photographs with naked penises.

1pt for an exposed penis

5pts for holding a penis

10pts for sucking a penis

15pts for fucking a penis

20pts for anal

+5pts for each cumshot.'

"Could I take a picture with your penis? Is that too weird?"

With the mushrooms messing with the cones in her eyes, Darian had a difficult time assessing his expression, his face was morphing and shifting constantly as her drug addled brain attempted to piece together scrambled information. It seemed as if he were shocked and re-reading her list. Darian herself had no possible chance of reading her phone at that moment, but that list was easy to remember.

"Girl, this is super fucking freaky... and I'm down to do this whole damn list with you!"

The mirth in his deep voice made her smile, but Darian was certainly not going to do most of those things that night.

"Let's take it a step at a time and see where we get" she demurred.

"My room is upstairs..." he offered.

Darian was at a crossroads that, if she weren't high, would have been a hard no. However in the state she was in and in the spirit of the game, she agreed far faster than she would have believed. Remembering the warmth of his palm, she felt a tingle between her legs thinking about how big his penis might be. Nervously chattering with him as they walked to the elevator, she was disappointed when he ran into a friend.

"This is Sam, my teammate."

Another giant of a man appeared from the swirling crowd, a long, lean fellow like Booker.

"This is Darian. She's on a scavenger hunt. Maybe he should join us. He also has what your looking for."

Bemused, Darian realized that was true, but the idea of being alone with two strangers with their cocks out seemed ludicrous. Yet, that was precisely what she was supposed to be doing.

"Great! Would you like to join us upstairs?" Darian offered, a thrill of fearful excitement enlivening her body.

"Uhhh... I mean, whassup?"

"Show him your phone" Booker encouraged as they stood near the elevators.

Feeling like the biggest slut in the world, Darian showed the list to Sam, her body trembling with rising passion thinking about having two huge cocks to play with. 'Not fuck' she thought loudly to herself 'definitely not fuck, but maybe suck...?' Just the thought made her legs weak.

In the elevator the men asked a bunch of questions about the scavenger hunt, but the only answers were that her friend were free spirits who loved to play sexual games and were open to almost anything. In turn, Darian discovered they were part of a university basketball team in town for a big tournament.

They never asked if she were high, and didn't seem to suspect, but they offered her a beer in the hotel room. Sipping one, the taste unappealing on drugs, she was grateful, her mouth dry with nerves, so she was happy for the fluid.

"So, how do you want to begin?" Booker asked, obviously eager, but trying hard to be cool.

"Oh, uh, well there is no rule about you needing to be erect, so we can just snap some pics right away, if you don't mind exposing yourselves."

Darian tried to adopt a professional demeanour, hoping to dial down the sexual tension she felt rising in the room. The young woman had no intention of having a three-way with those guys.

Shrugging, both men stood, looming over her and unzipped their trousers. Pulling out her phone, Darian opened her camera and reversed the image so she saw herself. Well, she sort of saw herself, blurry eyes from the mushrooms made it extremely difficult to focus. Kneeling between them, she scooched close and aimed the camera at her own face.

"Stand close and get into frame" she instructed and glanced side to side to see two long, dark members thrusting toward her face. Both men massaged themselves to fullness as she watched, enraptured by the sheer sizes she was beholding. Both men had semi-erect penises that were larger than the erections she was used to seeing. How big would they get?

Making cheesy, selfie faces, Darian posed with the two growing penises, smiling, making kissy faces and laughing as she witnessed them get larger and larger before her eyes. As everything she saw rippled, Darian did the best she could to photograph what was happening, but she couldn't see well enough.

The door to the room opened and a third towering man entered.


Going still, he took in the pretty brunette on her knees trying to photograph two exposed cocks aimed at her face.

"Hey Carter, help Darian out and take some photos of her with us, ok?"

Booker was clearly profoundly amused by the situation and Darian laughed nervously at being caught in such a compromising position.

"You got it man."

Carter took her phone and Darian blushed as he started snapping pics of her sandwiched between two fully erect members. The men pressed close and brushed her cheeks with the massive knobs of thick, long erections. Beside herself with wonder at the size of them, Darian gaped and mugged for the camera, eager to share these shots with her friends later.

"Ok, next you have to give us hand-jobs, right?" Sam suggested and Darian realized she was very likely going to get carried away soon.

Reaching up, she wrapped her tiny fingers around the two thick shafts, impressed by the girth and the heat. Silky, smooth skin tantalized her palms as she stroked them and comically expressed her shock at their size for the camera. As Carter took several photos, Booker told him about the scavenger hunt.

"The next task is to suck the cocks, isn't it?" he gently suggested and Darian heard the hope in his voice. Knowing she was plummeting off a dangerous precipice, she proceeded to lick and kiss Booker's tip, the warm flesh exciting to her lips and tongue.

"Fuck yes." Booker hissed.

Then, to be fair, Darian switched to Sam and did the same for him while Carter took several photos with her phone. Submitting to her growing desire, Darian opened her mouth and slurped long wet strokes along the whole length of Sam's heavy manhood. Feeling carnal need filling every part of her, Darian mewled as she experienced a keen hunger to take as much of Sam into her mouth as possible.

The camera clicked as she engulfed the first few inches of the massive erection and cupped his balls with her left hand. Stroking Booker with her other hand, she shuddered with animal longing, her body warming and growing wetter as she grew desperately horny. Giving in for several moments, she fucked her own mouth with Sam's glorious cock, drooling and moaning as she indulged her basest appetite.

When Booker cupped her dripping chin and guided her mouth back to him, she did the same for that wonderful erection as well, moaning as her lust grew acute. Indulging in her growing hunger for cock, she felt expanding lust deep in her being. Slurping on the enormous erection in her mouth, she stroked the one she had just been sucking, the wet drool she'd left the perfect lubricant.

The phone was no longer clicking and Carter held his own big cock in hand, pushing it toward her mouth. Sam took the phone and captured the moments Darian rubbed Carter's cock over her lips, stroking him, peering at the camera and then sucked him into her willing mouth as well. Three cock, three handjobs, three blowjobs and numerous points. Darian was trembling with desire as she took turns sucking each cock for several moments.

"I think we better make sure we knock few more items off that list, don't you Darian?" Booker asked.

"Please. Yes please, somebody fuck me."

Beside herself, shameless in her excitement, Darian stood and let the big men strip the dress and sandals from her body. Huge hands groped her small breasts and firm ass while she whimpered with lust as fingers the size of small cocks fitted into her vagina, rubbing deep inside with powerful fingers. Writhing from the mouths on hers and the tongues on her nipples, she was too high to know who was doing what, her body aflame with sensations she could hardly endure.

They lay her on the nearest hotel bed and Booker climbed on top of her. Fitting his cock to her slippery opening, the huge athlete eased his massive knob into her and Darian wailed as her pussy was stretched further than she'd ever felt. Wide open and filled to the limit by thick cock, she tried to look at Booker's face, but his features twisted and throbbed with mushroom induced kaleidoscopic confusion.

"Yesss, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" she wailed as Booker began to pound her slippery pussy with his glorious manhood. Beside her, Carter once more took photos, documenting her face as she was stuffed with manhood. Then, Carter took several photos of Booker's wide shaft piercing her between the thighs. Embarrassed by the intimate photos, she felt a thrill at how lewd she was being.