Scientific Methods Ch. 01


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She felt soft hands spread more of the gel on her labia and around her vaginal opening. 'It's just like the gynecologist,' she told herself. Then a large object was being pushed into her, slowly, allowing her time to accommodate it. It felt firm but resilient, as if it were made of rubberized foam. She felt straps wrap up around her thighs, and a belt clipped around her waist to hold the monitor in place. She felt one final wiggle of the monitor as Matt adjusted the placement.

Then she felt him place a suction cup on her clitoris. It tugged with the same strong suction as her nipples were enjoying. She squeezed her body tight, including her inner walls and was startled to hear a loud beep sound. 'Oh, even better,' she thought sarcastically, 'they know if I clench or move!'

Lina spoke. "Ok, you can get up now."

Morgan slowly sat up, trying to figure out a way to get down without moving the monitor inside her. "Here, need a hand?" said Matt, and he gripped her hand in his warm one to assist her from the bench over to the chair.

Once she sat down, she was startled to feel Matt and Lina attaching her wrist straps to the chair's arms. They attached her feet as well, and even hooked her belt to the chair so she was almost entirely immobilized. Once she was secured, they pressed a button and the chair reclined a bit and a footrest emerged to help her recline. It was actually quite comfortable, even with the crazy dildo thing inside her, though her absolute yearning to orgasm wasn't so comfortable.

Matt rotated her chair so that she faced the large computer monitor. He smiled wryly. "Guess you can't drink any more of that coffee! So, we're going to leave now. We will lock the door behind us, but if you need to stop the experiment for any reason, just press this button here." He showed her an orange button at the edge of the chair's arm, just within the reach of her bound hand.

"We're going to play the video images for you. Just relax and watch them. You don't have to do anything else—not try to think any particular way or stop thinking a particular way. Just feel whatever comes naturally and don't worry about it."

With that, Lina and Matt quickly opened and shut the door that led to an adjoining office. Morgan heard the door lock click in both that door and the one leading to the corridor. Then the movies started.

At first it was simply a film of nature scenes: ocean waves, a rainstorm over the desert, rolling farmland. For ten minutes or so, Morgan relaxed and enjoyed the sunsets and flower garden images. Her nipples felt taut, like overfilled balloons, as did her clit. And the dildo thing felt gigantic inside her, as if it had inflated and was pressing her open. She felt as if she were in a daze, some sort of stasis of arousal.

Then the images of people started. She saw all sorts of people, old and young, all colors, dressed in a wide variety of clothing, and involved in diverse activities. Some walked hand in hand, others worked on a building project. Two women nursed babies and Morgan felt her nipples twitch in response. Really?! she thought. The people danced, swam, embraced platonically. Then images of partially undressed people began, then fully nude ones.

She watched them all avidly. They all seemed beautiful, even the ones who might never get modelling gigs. A heavy-set woman drew her hand around her own large nipple and lifted her breast, and Morgan felt her breathing quicken. A man, muscled and lithe, walked nude through a garden, his flaccid penis swaying—it actually looked funny, Morgan thought. But then there were two men, and they were kissing.

Suddenly all of the images were of bodies entwined, touching, kissing, rubbing. Each vignette lasted 30 seconds or so, and people were making love in all of them. Gay couples, straight couples, all at first engaging in pretty vanilla sex. Sometimes it seemed very loving and tender, sometimes it looked rough and sweaty.

Soon images of oral sex, of threesomes, and of light spanking began to dominate the screen. Morgan couldn't tear her gaze away. An hour passed, and the scenes became rougher and more intense. People watched other people having sex, fantasties were played out. Morgan's nipples throbbed in their cups and her clit felt as though it had grown enormous and it was pounding as if someone were flicking it with a finger. She felt like she could come any moment.

Then the videos of the breast bondage began, and Morgan lost herself. A man spanked beautiful breasts with his hands, then with a small whip. He tied ropes around the breasts and put clamps on the nipples. He tugged the clamps, and Morgan felt herself start to come. Her own nipples sympathized with the woman on the screen, and her clit seized in a series of fierce stabbing clenches. She felt the dildo compress with the violent contractions of her pussy. A series of loud beeps emerged from the speakers, sounding with each clench.

As she was coming, the scene on the screen changed, and she was watching a woman, tied bent over a bench, being fucked by four different men, each rubbing themselves into different orifices, pinching the woman's nipples roughly, smacking her ass hard enough to leave red handprints. And Morgan came again. The beeps became almost nonstop as her cunt spasmed.

She watched ever more intense sexual acts: punishing, pounding, screaming in pleasure. People were being fisted, and whipped, and tied down, and had hot wax dripped on them, and Morgan could not stop coming. She had never even considered doing any of this, but her cunt was on fire with the repeated orgasms, with moisture flooding out of her and spilling all over the leather seat of the chair. She saw a woman ejaculate and another take a strap-on to her boyfriend, double penetrations, and daisy chains of multigender orgies.

Only when the scenes started to veer into actual violence did Morgan stop coming. Women being choked and men's asses being beaten bloody made her stomach turn. After a few moments of brutal BDSM play, the screen went dark.

Lina's voice came over a speaker on the computer. "Great, Morgan. We're done with this part of the experiment. I am coming in in a moment to unhook you and you can remove the monitors yourself if you prefer. OK?"

"Ok," Morgan whispered. She was beyond being embarrassed by her dripping wetness or the way the room smelled like 50 people had sex in there. She just wondered if she'd be able to stand up. Lina came in and quickly unfastened Morgan's wrists and ankles, and left again.

Morgan slowly lowered her legs to the floor and sat up. The shifting feel of the dildo monitor made her clench again, as if another orgasm was eminent. "God," Morgan moaned. But the feeling passed and she was able to lever herself upward. She removed the cups from her nipples and was astounded to see how big they were, like raspberries. She touched them and they were more tender than they ever had been before. They hardened against her fingers and she shuddered.

She removed the wet gown. She bent to remove the cup from her clit and saw it also was huge, like a luscious red grape. She thought that if she saw someone's clit look like that she'd want to suck and bite it, because it looked delicious.

She unstrapped the belt and thigh straps and slowly pulled out the dildo. When it came out a gush of liquid followed. Her cunt felt wide open and every inch of it felt so sensitive she could scream with the pleasure/agony of it. Her thighs were soaked down to her knees. She didn't think she'd ever been this wet before.

She finished removing all the straps and wires, and slowly got dressed. The clothes felt like a hairshirt against her skin, and the seam of her jeans pressing against her clit nearly made her come again. She wondered how she would walk across campus to the bus stop without simply falling over and orgasming there on the sidewalk. Eventually, she was dressed. She knocked on the inner office door, and Matt opened it.

He smiled cordially, not looking at all knowing or embarrassed. "You're ready to go then? We have a car outside this back door, ready to take you back to either your car or your apartment." He saw her look around for Lina. "Lina was called away for a moment. She'll be right back. Would you like some water, or another coffee?"

As he spoke, Lina rushed back into the office. She looked a little harried and flushed, but she smiled at Morgan anyway. "Thanks so much, Morgan. We were able to capture the data we need perfectly--actually far more data than we thought we'd be able to gather from just the viewing of images! We're going to get ready for the final stage of the research now. Can we contact you at the end of the week regarding the next session?"

"Sure," Morgan said, and stood, wobbling a little. Matt grabbed her arm to steady her, and held it gently as they escorted her to the waiting car. He held her hand as she got into the back seat and squeezed it just a tiny bit before letting go and telling the driver her address. "See you next week sometime, I hope," he said.

When Morgan arrived home, she lowered her aching body into a hot bath. Her nipples and clitoris were still engorged and hard, and shivered with aftershocks, even though she had stopped coming half an hour earlier. She had never felt anything like that before, and actually held a mirror up so she could watch her pussy clench and her clit twitch in aftershock after aftershock.

She brushed her nipples with a wet washcloth and gasped. It felt agonizing, yet wonderful. She did it again, and again. She felt herself tighten, ready to come. She emerged from the water and rummaged through her laundry basket until she found some clothes pins. She wanted to feel that unceasing pressure on her nipples and clit again. She clamped a turgid nipple and her eyelids fluttered down. She had to steady herself against the sink.

She clamped a clothespin on her other nipple, then one just under her clit. The compression made her already swollen flesh emerge more fully from the hood and protrude so that the act of walking back to the bathtub felt exquisite. The pull of gravity on the clips was so small, she knew this rationally, but they felt like heavy weights tugging on her most sensitized areas.

She climbed back into the bath and felt the weight ease, the wooden clips trying to float, but tethered against her skin. The sensation of the bobbing clips increased with each undulation creating currents in the bathwater. She felt the tightening burn from her clitoris connect with her burning nipples, and the sensation spread throughout her body.

She very lightly tapped her pulsing clit. A tightening implosion washed over her entire body until she came bucking and heaving water out onto the floor. She felt like her entire body was coming, pulsing, expanding, dissolving into the water.

When she returned to full awareness, she realized her nipples and labia were hurting. She quickly removed the clothespins from her now-extremely painful extremities and sat in the water until it cooled.

After dinner, she went straight to her crisply white-sheeted bed. She wore a sports bra to sleep in because the movement of clothes on her nipples would be too uncomfortable. She couldn't sleep on her stomach, nor could she close her legs entirely. She stuffed a pillow between her knees. She laid still on the bed, and let the images and sensations she'd experienced flood through her. It was nearly dawn before she slept.


Two days later, Morgan received an email inviting her to the next stage of the research study. It came from Lina's email account, but was crisply impersonal:

We would like to schedule your next session for the UM Dept. of Health Sciences and the Dept. of Engineering stud (IRB #67.983), for which you have already completed the initial screening. Ideally, we would like to schedule your appointment for next Tuesday at 10 am, but we can accommodate your schedule as needed.

This session will take between 3 and 5 hours, and will be held in the same biomed lab as your screening. We can send a car to pick you up and drop you off if you prefer.

You may withdraw from this study at any time, per the consent agreement, but we hope to see you continue onward as we study previously unexamined theories and biomechanics. Thank you for your participation.

Morgan's breath shuddered out of her. She could withdraw. That last session had been excruciatingly embarrassing. She didn't know how she could even face Matthew and Lina, or even any of their assistants.

But then...those orgasms had been amazing. She'd loved being restrained to the chair and watching those vignettes. She'd loved the sensation of the dildo and the suction cups. In fact, her nipples and clit were still so sensitive and swollen, so much that she hadn't touched them since that day. Would 3 to 5 hours of the same thing even be possible, or would she die of coming too hard? Or start to hurt? That was at least twice as long as her previous session.

She vacillated. She wrong an email withdrawing from the study, but deleted it before sending. She wrote another confirming the 10:00 appointment, and deleted it as well. She stared unseeingly at the screen for several minutes. She wrote another email. 10:00 was fine with her.


Lab Notes

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014. UM Biomed Lab. Research study #67.983

Participant J arrived by lab car at 9:49. Changed into robe, met with researchers Ahlquist and Cantella for 10 minutes for experiment instructions. Experiment began 10:11, continued until 2:45. Participant appeared tired, shaky, and quiet after experiment. Lab car and driver escorted her home.

0.20 amps @ 12.5v highest energy output

>0.06 amps sustained from 10:37 to 2:44

Total joules output: 14820

Total number of orgasms: 44

-To be continued-

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qexiqexqexiqexalmost 10 years ago
Fantastic setting!

Thanks for this fantastic story. Really liked reading it, was one of the best stories I read for quite some time! Great setting and ingenious ideas in a nice package. I'd love to read more chapters of this story and witness Morgan's next adventures.

Sandman8314Sandman8314almost 10 years ago
5 Stars

That's one of the most erotic stories I've ever read. Please, please publish the next installment.

DiannahDiannahover 10 years ago
5 stars!

Just awesome!

MrFoxwoodMrFoxwoodover 10 years ago

I'm looking forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Waiting finger poised for the next instalment

Can't wait for Morgan's next appointment, my puss was weeping on her behalf by the time the suction cups were on, she was strapped down and watching the women getting bound, spanked, fucked and fisted. Almost wished it was me.

Keep characters straight and it is "Multiple" not "Multiply"


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The total energy recorded of is 14280 joules. The time from 10:37 to 2:44 is 14280 seconds. I cannot believe this is a coincidence, therefore I must conclude that the results were fabricated. I doubt that this experiment ever even took place.

Also had trouble with the term "multiply orgasmic". I don't think multiply can be used as an adjective.

Notwithstanding, excellent!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love Morgan's reactions

Please continue with this story, very well done except please keep your characters straight.

For ten minutes or so, Lena relaxed and enjoyed the - should have been Morgan. Other then that 4 stars.... Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
an unusual story, very well done

an interesting read, and surprisingly erotic

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