Second Puberty Ver 1 17

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Jayne starts her period, graduates and goes to her safe grad.
5.1k words

Part 17 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/15/2024
Created 03/26/2024
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Second Puberty V01 17


I awoke feeling the usual wetness between my legs that I had grown accustomed to as my new vagina seemed to be a grool factory as it seemed to lately constantly leak the viscous slime out but for some odd reason this morning the wetness seemed more excessive than what I had grown accustomed to.

It didn't dawn on me exactly what I was going to face other than waking to a slight headache, another new thing I had been dealing with for about a week now and no amount of over the counter medicine seemed to touch this almost week long dull headache.

All I knew was today was my graduation and tonight I would be walking with my high school diploma. I had the night off from work so I could walk, Samantha seemed a little irritated that I needed the night off but she understood....I think.

I had laid out what I was going to wear last night before I went to bed after getting home a little after midnight thinking the skirt combo would look really cute for my last day as a high schooler and would soon be a college student in roughly nine weeks. Well technically I would have seven and a half weeks of freedom before I started college, I still needed to get over to the college, attend orientation, get assigned a dorm, and speak with school counselors so I could start my schooling.

I sighed as I completely forgot to notify the college I had been accepted to that I had changed from a guy to a girl.

Oh well I'm sure they have paperwork I can sign to show I was a girl as I'm sure they have dealt with the second puberty more than once.

I groaned as I lifted my head this time feeling something new as I almost vomited on the spot as the slight dull numbing headache I had been dealing with for a week had suddenly felt like someone was jack hammering my skull on both sides of my temples and right between my eyes.

I rolled to the side but that only made my headache worse and then I held my middle as the urge to vomit was more intense like it was ready as my abs felt like they were flexing without needing my brain to tell them to do so.

I hoarsely yelled, "MOM!!!"

I didn't hear anything for a moment as I wanted to cry before this time I yelled more, "MOMMMM!!!!"

I groaned as the yelling just made my now migraine worse.

I closed my eyes hoping the darkness in my vision would help as I felt my eyes get wet as I heard my mom's voice, "Yes honey?"

I groaned, softly, "My head is killing me."

My mom spoke, "Oh?"

I felt her sit down next to me as I felt her put her hand on my head, "You don't have a fever honey."

I groaned more as I heard my mom speak, "Is there anything else going on, honey?"

I groaned as I think my mom kinda knew what was going on as I felt her get up and cold air was now brushing against my body.

I held my mom speak, "Yep, you started."

I squinted as I looked at mom and softly spoke, "Started what?"

Then it hit period.

Mom spoke, "Hang tight I'll go get the cocktail I got you for this special occasion."

I watched her speed walk out of my room while I contemplated looking at the horror that might be between my legs but moving my head meant the urge to throw up was still strong as I dared to not move it.

My mom came back a moment later, "Here honey take these pills."

I looked and saw mom was holding six pills before I looked up at her, "Are all those migraine pills?"

My mom smiled as she nodded, "Yes honey. It should help within thirty minutes. Though you might want to take a shower."

I groaned as I accepted the pills, "Is it that bad?"

My mom smiled as she handed me the pills, "Let's just say while you take your shower I'll be changing your sheets."

I blanched a little bit but put the pills in my mouth and accepted the water mom was holding and took a gulp. After I took the pills, "Thanks mom."

Mom smiled, "Come on let me help you to the shower."

I lightly shook my head, "No, just leave me here to die."

Mom lightly chuckled, "Come on, the hot shower will help with your head."

She reached down and somehow was able to lift my ass out of bed as my body subconsciously helped her as she led me to the shower, "I'm going to leave the lights off to help but I need you to wash your body so I'll leave the door slightly open to give you enough light to function. Ok?"

I nodded while I held my head as I heard the shower turn on as my mom spoke, "Now step in."

As she led me to the bathroom, I felt the hot water spray against my body.

I heard my mom speak, "Remember to wash ALL over including your vag honey. I'm going to wash your sheets. And I'll have some toast with butter ready when you get out."

I nodded as I felt the water and leaned into the water as it sprayed over my head quickly getting drenched as I saw the ambient light become less and less to where there was hardly any. My entire form was dark but there was enough light to where I could make out things if only slightly.

I returned to having the water spray against my head as the migraine was slowly going away and whatever tumble that was going on in my stomach lessened a little bit to where I could semi function.

Once my head's pressure semi lessened to a throb I started actually cleaning myself as I used the loofah and body wash. I made sure to clean in between my thighs, especially high up next to my crotch, I was extra careful around the groin. Then I washed my hair and the remaining bit of my body. Ran a razor over my pits and legs really quick. Ran it over my mound and pelvic region so it was semi smooth again.

Then I went back to having the water run over my head after I washed everything off as I slowly turned.

I guess I was in there long enough to where my mom poked her head in, "If I were you I would finish up soon or you're going to be late to school."

I groaned already dreading this but still shut off the water.

I opened the door to see mom leaning against the door. I looked at her in the darkness, "Ok ok I'm getting out."

Mom lightly chuckled, "That's not why I'm here."

I sighed, "Ok WHY are you here?"

Mom answered, "Just remembered you know jack shit about applying pads and tampons. So I'm here to help so you understand. Now dry off."

I sighed but did as instructed as I dried off. Then used the same towel to wrap around my head now that it was wet.

I stepped out and mom gave me a quick run down how to apply a tampon which felt weird. Not as pleasurable as a dildo but still weird. Then I was told BECAUSE this was my first period due to my second puberty my body was more or less releasing an accumulated amount of cycles that had been missed so I had better change frequently.

Mom handed me a bag with at least two dozen tampons and at least a couple dozen of pads.

She smiled at me and in the bag was a baggie of more of the feel good pills and suggested I needed to take six every four hours.

I sighed but did as she instructed....and changed my outfit from a cute skirt now that I was bleeding to pants and a shirt.

Before I left I asked mom how long this would take as I wasn't sure other than a general understanding.

Mom, frustratingly, shrugged and said it will be a few days but didn't clarify HOW MANY days I would be going through other than 'a few days'. Then she told me ONCE my shark week was over she would take me to the doctors and have an IUD installed then IF I wanted I could start sexual activity, so there was least that all my hard work I was FINALLY getting the thumbs up. Though she did REMIND me though I was on my period that not only would I get HIGHLY irritable BUT I would also be HIGHLY aroused PLUS HIGHLY fertile so the whole 'NO SEX' was reminded to me for the upteenth time.

I changed the subject as I didn't need to be reminded, again that my reproductive orifice had to remain celibate until AFTER this event, asked if the bag would last those few days that caused her to laugh almost hysterically at me before answering that the bag 'should' last the rest of the day.....maybe. I blinked thinking she couldn't be that serious but after I left and drove to school I quickly learned that she might not be kidding because in the short distance from home to school I had felt that wet feeling again.

I sat in my car and tugged down my pants and panties to see the pad I had installed was already slick with blood, meaning the tampon was probably done.

I sighed as I grabbed the bag, pulled out the tampon, and did the switch really quick. Pulled the pad off and replaced it. Then I threw in as many tampons and pads that my little backpack purse could carry with the meds and pulled my panties and pants back up before exiting my car.

I quickly looked around making sure no one noticed I had just done an ick. Quickly saw Art as he was heading towards me and played dumb.

Art smiled at me, "Hey Jayne."

I smirked trying to play it cool as he spoke, "I thought you told me you were wearing something cute today seeing how it's our last day as high schoolers?" He looked me up and down, "Don't tell me this is what you think is cute?"

I squinted at him, "Are you saying I don't look cute?"

Art QUICKLY back peddled, "You DO look cute. Really!!" He smirked as he shrugged, "I just thought you were going to wear something more...." he smiled at me, "intriguing."

I clicked my tongue, "Uh huh! And what 'type' of intriguing were you hoping for?"

Art just wiggled his eyebrows at me, "You know!"

I sighed as I spoke, "I'm not dressing like a slut on the last day of school." I put my hands on my hips, "You know between you and my mom 'think' I may have turned into a fucking girl doesn't mean you or her can turn me into a fucking slut overnight!"

I didn't mention that my skirt 'may' have been considered risqué but I wasn't mentioning that now. Now I was wearing loose pants and a loose shirt. My hair I let air dry and did my makeup minimally.

Art held up his hands, "Woah dude who pissed in your cereal? I was ONLY saying."

I sighed, "Nothing. Just tired of mom CONSTANTLY doing things to me that are WAY outside my comfort zone. And to have YOU automatically assume as well has just gotten on my last nerve." I reached out as I padded him on the arm, "I'm sorry man. Just woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I smirked at him, "Plus I got a KILLER migraine going on."

Art nodded, "Fine forget I mentioned anything."

I nodded, "Thanks."

We walked barely two steps when Art leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Though you DO look cute." As he reached over and grabbed my ass making me jump as I blushed and quickly spoke, "Watch it buster!"

Art only smiled at me as he wiggled his eyebrows at me before we continued walking towards the quad. The first trash can I got to I tossed the disposed items in the trash as discreetly as possible so Art wouldn't notice it.

We walked around seeing that most of the seniors were visibly happy and were already exchanging plans as there was more than one party happening tonight outside of the school's 'Sober Night'. The school had always performed a Grad Night for each graduation and would throw a different theme for all the seniors, mostly in the effort to have their students graduate and sober. I think last year was some type of luau at the local outdoor pool.

This year I knew it was 'Casino Night' as the theme. When I first found out about the graduation event and found out the theme would be Casino style I went out and rented a tux....until I learned the casino night was again at the indoor water park. So I cancelled my tux and found a tux style swimming trunks.

That was when I was a guy. Now that I'm a girl I was afraid my outfit was officially fucked....though if I thought about it due to my current predicament I could still wear the shorts and wear some type of cute top. As long as I don't go in the water I should be fine.

I sighed as I casually listened to people's plans around us knowing full well how my night was going to be....pointless as I wouldn't be swimming. I probably won't be staying long. And I knew that tomorrow morning I would go right back to normalcy....well my new normalcy at least.

A couple of girls ran up to Art, "Hey Arthur what are you doing tonight?"

Art blinked, "Oh ummm...."

Before he could answer the girl on the left, Kenzie, smiled at him slightly, swaying her hips at him, "You perhaps going to the casino night tonight?"

Art spoke, "Ummm I believe so."

The girl on the right, Becca, asked, "Are you dressing up or dressing down?"

Art blinked confused as Kenzie laughed, "Dressing in a suit or dressing in a swimming suit?"

Art spoke, "Oh! I kind of grabbed both as I wasn't sure what was happening at the event." He smiled at the girls, "You never know right?"

Kenzie smiled, "Then do me a favor and save me a dance before we all get wet and," she licked her lips, "'wild'."

Art nodded, "Uh...yeah sure."

The girls smiled and ran off to talk to the next guy.

I pointed to the two girls, "NOW those two are TRUE SLUTS!"

Art blinked, "No they're not. They're just being friendly."

I clicked my tongue, "Uh huh, like those two aren't offering the SAME EXACT thing to that guy over there."

Art looked as it looked like they were just doing that before looking at me and shrugged, "I still say they're being overly nice."

I rolled my eyes and turned as I headed to my home room, "See ya idiot."

Art spoke, "Hey!"

I turned momentarily to look at Art as he smiled, "See ya soon."

I scoffed as I turned and headed to my home room.

The rest of school was typical as all finals were done. It was just kick back and relax or rotate each other's yearbooks for signatures and personal sayings. I already had my yearbook filled before I had turned into a girl.

But for some 'odd' reason just about every guy wanted me to now fill out their yearbook with a personal saying and beg me for my number.

Some asshole had a photo from the site printed out in the yearbook asking me to sign it. It was the one with my tits hanging out with my clamps attached to my nipples.

I, of course, blushed feeling so fucking embarrassed but still signed the photo. I DID NOT give out my phone number for those who didn't have it already and began to wonder if I should change my phone number now that I thought about it.

In between each class I would run into the ladies room and find a stall, check myself and change myself.

When my headache came back I quickly took some more meds feeling like I was getting the hang of this whole thing.

At the end of school we only had a couple of hours before the graduation ceremony started. I simply went to the gym after school just to kill some time as I didn't care if I smelled or not due to my new situation at the moment.

Graduation ceremony came and went as I actually saw my Dad tear up as I walked across the stage. My mom was smiling all proud though she teared up too. My sister was happy and my brother nonchalantly just clapped, obviously irritated he was missing TV or something.

I took my photos with my fam in my cap and gown.

Then I headed home quickly to change before heading to the Casino Night as I met Art at the parking lot.

He smiled, "How's it going 'graduate'?" Then he tilted his head, "Come on dude I thought we BOTH agreed to wearing a tux PRIOR to switch out to our swimming trunks?"

I grumbled, "Yeah well change of plans." I put my hand on my hip, "Besides, doesn't this look better?"

Art eyed me for a moment as my outfit was obviously haphazardly thrown together as my trunks looked like a mini tux on the tux while I wore a simple black swimming top. He spoke, "Actually..."

I pointed at him, "If you say ANYTHING negative then when I finally get the approval for sexual activity you are CUT OFF."

Art's mouth quickly closed as he held up hands.

I clicked my tongue, "Uh huh thought so."

I walked up to Art as he waited a moment before he smiled at me, "So I am going to eventually get some?"

I held up my hands as I walked off, "That's it you are fucking cut off!"

Art quickly ran up, "Hey!"

I ignored him as I walked up to the entrance and produced my entrance ticket as I spoke to Art, "Nope! I'm done."

Art spoke, "Come on dude. You said WHEN you were given the green light you would try it."

I glared at him, "And I'm fucking done of the constant trying and constantly giving you free passes."

I walked past the person as they tried to say something to me.

Art spoke, "You know what."

I didn't look back as I continued walking to the crowd.

And that's when Art moved as he grabbed my wrist forcing me to face him. I spoke calmly, "No Art. I'm fucking done!"

Art instantly picked me up as I spoke, "Let me GO!"

He didn't listen to me as he walked me into the bathroom as he kicked the wheelchair stall and set me down in the stall as he locked the door.

I opened my mouth as Art turned on me and yelled, "NO DUDE! YOU NEED TO FUCKING LISTEN!"

I closed my mouth as Art sighed and spoke calmly, "I know I've been an ass lately and I'm sorry that I keep forcing the issue." He pointed at me, "BUT We are dating. And up until this point I thought this whole me playfully hinting was just that 'PLAYING'. And like always you just brush me off and constantly threatening me but you still smiled at me telling me you enjoyed the little play. All today you've done nothing but bite my fucking head off. So what the fuck is going on?"

I bit my lip as this was just another embarrassing moment.

Art spoke calmly, "So what is it dude? Come on, you can trust me."

I sighed as he was right. I could trust him.

And we were in a private spot.

I turned my head as I pulled down my trunks and panties revealing the stained pad. I didn't look at Art as I spoke, "I started my period today."

I waited for a moment for Art to say something but didn't hear anything.

I blinked confused as I turned my head to see Art was stupidly staring at my mound with his mouth agape. I looked down to see my pad was once again covered and stained.

I hissed, "God damn it!" As I tugged on the string pulling out the tampon and ripped off the pad before pulling down my backpack purse and produced a new tampon and pad. I quickly installed the tampon and applied the pad before pulling the panties and trunk back up as I grumbled, "And I just fucking changed them before I left the fucking house!"

I noticed Art was still staring at my now covered lower anatomy and I snapped my fingers in front of the dolt, "Earth to Art?"

Art blinked and lightly shook his head as he finally looked me in the eyes, "You started?"

I grumbled, "And it's already fucking pissing me off!"

Art blinked as he tilted his head, "How so?"

I wanted to scream at Art but he didn't know so I spoke in rapid succession, "I fucking started. My mom says it's my first one so it'll be accumulation of ALL my missed cycles since my first fucking puberty all rolled into one god damned flow!" I looked up already wanting to curse which ever deity that made us humans undergo this stupid second puberty bull crap before I huffed at Art, "I've gone through almost 14 fucking tampons and 14 motherfucking pads because I'm leaking blood like a sieve though I'm not light headed. I'm fucking irritable. And ALL I've dealt with is your dumb ass trying to get me to have sex with you!!!"

I panted as I did all the in one breath.

Art blinked at me as I continued, "And I got this fucking migraine from hell! All I want to do is lay in bed and oddly eat some god damn chocolate, which I fucking hate, and watch some TV but here I am at this stupid grad night bullshit trying to be fucking social with people I barely can tolerate as most of them see me as a fucking sex object now that I've changed. The only reason I came out was to hang with you because I haven't since I've changed all because we were friends but all you've fuckin' done is treat me like a personal sex object."