Secretary - Day after Day


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He showed her the roomy cage on the side of the bed she hadn't been to before. He encouraged her to look at it, touch it, like a new car. She thinks it looks like something a dog would sleep in. As she approached the metal, she could only think about what it would feel like to look out from the cage, wanting to look out through the metal, up at her boss.

He turned her inquisitive body towards him. Kissed her forehead, and asked her to get in, ass first. She turned her eyes down and did. Got on her hands and knees and crawled her way backwards into the black cage.

As he could see she was compliant. He met eyes with hers, and closed the metal gate. Goodnight.

She was not fearful until she heard her bosses breathing even out. He was asleep. She was trying to find a comfortable position. On her side, on her knees. She could hear him breathe and tried to find the best for her without making noise.

She managed a few hours of sleep before her rude awakening.

Tuesday – Slow your roll

She woke up to the sounds of her boss, pulling the covers off from his body. She couldn't place herself, she was sore. A quick look around, she saw up to his bed. Her eyes hadn't focused, but she could see that she was in a cage. It came flooding back, her cramped, uncomfortable attempts at sleep. The intense time spent in the hook room. Her stomach growling.

She saw more movement, but was too fearful to say anything. Hopefully he would come see to her. Instead, he did what seems to be a part of his routine. He headed straight for the kitchen, leaving her alone. Fear was in her heart. A twange of panic that she was forgotten. She heard some banging of cabinets and smelled the familiar smell of coffee.

A few more anxious moments as she sat on her legs, trying to hold her naked body in a way that she could see her bosses face the next time he walked into the room. She heard him come up the stairs, but it sounded like he went into the hook room. The room with stocks and an arsenal of tools made of leather, metal, wood and all sorts that she had experimented with, but had not felt the potential to inflict pain on herself. She got a little excited, a little wet in her labia thinking about the possibilities.

He sauntered into the room, still not looking at his secretary and her eager eyes, that were glued to his every move. She saw he set down a few things and then came around the bed, finally acknowledging her. He asked how she slept, hoping for a completely honest answer. She replied back it was okay, he paused in opening the gate, crouched but still above her. He asked if that was an honest response. She said no, but that was how she would normally answer a question like that, regardless of how it actually was. She started over, explaining she did not get very much sleep and had a hard time finding a position she could be in for enough time that she relaxed. She could tell her back muscles were sore from the awkward positions. With this, he opened the gate and helped her slowly crawl out. Initially she just sat in a normal position, naked on the floor. Then he took both of her hands and helped her to sit beside him on the bed. She appreciated the time to adjust, let her muscles stretch out.

He took his hand and directed her gaze to him. With kind, sincere eyes, he looked at her. She felt he was trying to read her mind, get a sense of how she was doing. After a few moments, he looked satisfied and simply asked if she was hungry. Before she could say yes, she was nodding, now with a longing in her face and belly. He took her hand to help her stand and led her down the stairs to the kitchen. She immediately saw what all the banging had been earlier.

Laid out on the counter were all the things for the perfect breakfast. He asked if she would like to help him make their breakfast. She agreed, and jumped right in, forgetting how much she enjoyed making meals. She had not done it much since she started this job, being dependent on what was put in her bowl or ordered for her at restaurants. She sliced a few veggies for omelets, picked out her favourite cheese. When he started with the sausages he said he was very concerned for her safety and health and that she was not to get close enough to the spatter for her naked skin to be harmed. She thought that awfully caring and stayed away, although the smell was intoxicating. She finished up with the toast and pouring of milk and juice.

When she had completed all she could, he told her to take a seat at the table. She sat and watched as he finished plating and brought her the food her body was craving. She waited for him to sit, staring at the plate. He directed her to eat, but slowly. To start with the milk as it had sugar and protein. He then gave her an order in which to enjoy the meal for his satisfaction. She listened and ate deliberately: bite of omelet, bite of sausage, chew, swallow, and then buttered toast. A bite with omelet and sausage on a piece of toast. This continued for 30 minutes, until every morsel was gone. She was told to clean the dishes and kitchen, and then join him in his bedroom. He mentioned that since she did not get her normal oatmeal in the bowl on the floor for breakfast, they would be getting into the office a bit late. She would not be on the treadmill prior to work, but would have to make it up at lunch.

When she joined him in his bedroom, he was already dressed. She saw some weird black sticks with a thickened end on the bed, and a piece of what looked like bamboo. He told her to shower quickly and her clothes would be laid out. She was to meet him, with wet hair in the garage on the dildo attached to her seat.

She took his suggestion at "quickly" and was seated on the dildo in less than 5 minutes. She looked at him for acknowledgement, but he didn't even look at her. Such a difference she thought. They had such a good time making breakfast, and then he seemed cold.

They made it to work and she immediately sat, turned on her email and started picking up where she left off on Friday. She was behind as she slept all day yesterday, (79) emails! She had to prioritize and get at it. There was a lot of walking in her 4" high shoes, back and forth for copies and scans. Over the weekend, she hadn't done much walking, and while she slept yesterday with her treadmill shoes on, the 5" kind, there wasn't the pressure. Her feet would be sore too, on top of everything else.

It got to be near noon and she received from her boss in an email that it was time to make up for her 30 minute walk, but first, she was to pick a sandwich from the menu he sent her. She opened the attachment and saw right off the most divine sounding meal. She replied with the salami, feta, vinaigrette and kalamata olive sandwich on a french roll. While she was still full from breakfast, she was eager to taste, even if it would be painful. The other side effect from no food was her salivation to make up for tastes.

She went into his office and saw that no clothes were laid out, just 5" heels. She had flashbacks to the sex there yesterday. She quivered, remembering the feeling as her legs gave out and she could no longer stand, her boss supporting her weight and helping her to the couch. She got on and started her walking. As she started, her boss got up from behind his desk, made eye contact and said he would be back. He was going to pick up their lunch.

With 3 minutes to go, her boss reappeared, sandwiches in hand. She had thoughts of, could her day go any better? She smiled, almost waved a hello, an odd sight it would have been, her breasts bouncing with every step, a naked secretary in heels on her lunch break, waving at a man across the room. When she was done, her boss directed her to not change yet, to have lunch. She was excited, getting more comfortable naked than clothed.

Rather than hand her the sandwich, he asked her to lean over his desk. She thought nothing of it. Excited to do whatever he wanted. The endorphins from the exercise, the enticing thoughts of the sandwich she ordered, she eagerly put her breasts on his paperwork, bent at the waist. Seated at his desk he opened his sandwich and began eating. She felt left out, but knew that there was a reason for this. The smell of his turkey, bacon, avocado was singing to her. Between his bites, he explains that she did not do well yesterday. That she was behind in her work. She was his secretary and had many jobs to do. He let her sleep, knowing that for every second she had her eyes closed, she would pay for it. He mentioned he brought some tools from the hook room. That after he was done eating, the rest of her break would be spent being hit with his crop – the black thing she saw on his bed that morning. She had no recourse. This was what happens to secretaries that sleep all day. She may have been allowed an orgasm, but that is no excuse to neglect her email and his office work.

She had a huge ball of angst move from her belly, past her sternum and into her throat. She was going to truly find the potential of one of the implements. He stood up and walked around the desk closer to her naked ass. She did not hear or see him pick up the crop. Without warning, he slapped her ass, open handed, swift, stinging. She yelped, surprised more than anything. She was expecting a smaller pain, something sharper. The burn of the handprint was pleasing, a hum of warm.

Then he had her put her hands up, gripping the other side of the desk. Holding on to the drawer in front. The crop came out. It was rhythmic, a few on one cheek, a few on the other. They were sharp, and still larger areas than she thought. It was only terrible when he hit the same place more than 3 times in a row. After 15 strokes she had had enough. She started squirming, moaning, wanting an end. He slowly said "shhhhh" and put his hand on the small of her back, waiting for her to stop squirming. He asked if she was okay. He could see the cream growing out of her pussy, but he wanted to hear it from her. She was breathing hard, but was not entirely on fire, just intense pain in one area. He said that 8 hours of lost work was a big deal. This was not going to be easy. She was to accept what he felt she deserved. She nervously nodded, pushing her ass out for easier access with the crop. He found areas to torture and then moved to the back of her thighs, letting the areas on the ass cool off. He'd move to the top of her ass, but making sure after 30 minutes, she was red, and glowing hot.

When she had her punishment and her ears were ringing with the sound of the crop and the siren of pain, over stimulation, making her oblivious, he helped her stand up. She was entirely horny, and in pain. Confused. He instructed her to get dressed and back to work. In a daze, she did as she was told and only realized how turned on and sore she was when she saw the dildo attached to her chair. She shuddered and was also eager to be full. Her pussy had wanted to be filled since her intercourse yesterday, but her ass was so sensitive, she could feel pringles of sensation on the skin, and throb in her vagina. She slowly sat on her new friend, and focused on her inbox, getting her inbox to empty.

At the time she would normally get on the treadmill for her last 30 minutes, she was told via email to finish what she could, that her task list was more important. No more exercise, but more time on her red hot ass, squirming with the dildo, and now she realizes she never got her perfect sandwich she ordered, just a beating from her unhappy boss.

When her boss was ready, he came from his office and put his hand out, implying she stand and leave with him. She started to quickly stand up, but realized the dildo, and "slowed her roll", easing it out, feeling the suction as she got to the tip.

They went to his house, no thought of her apparently abandoned apartment. When they got there, before she exited the car, she was told to go directly to the alone room, another part of her punishment. She was to leave the shoes and clothes outside the door.

She did as she was told. 3 hours later, the sandwich he did not give her for lunch was thrown without a wrapper into the room. It flew apart, all over. It was not her dream sandwich either. It was something tuna fish salad, her most hated type of sandwich. She was so hungry she tried to eat it, the gagging and such was not an issue compared to her need for nutrition.

She was at her lowest in a black, dark room with parts and pieces of tuna fish salad on her naked body.

Wednesday – Finally!

The smell of the tuna fish she could not convince herself to consume was keeping her up. She had felt her way around the dark room, finding the corner the farthest away from the vile food. She huddled, her head towards the corner, ass facing out, accepting the two walls as safety and friend. Her crunched position, knees and forehead pressed against the walls for solidity. She suddenly saw a crack of light grow across the room. She heard something slide across the dark "alone room" floor. She was curious, but cautious. After the complete darkness returned, she slowly turned over, trying to see the new object.

She immediately would be relieved. It was the piss pot. She had a sinister thought that it could be the solution to the awful tuna smell in the room; that was burning her nose and irritating her mind. She got up and found that the pot had an item on the lid. It was a black, rubber flogger from the "hook room". She had played with it before when he encouraged her to try out the implements.

The flogger was put aside as she was, in a way, looking forward to the piss smell. She opened the pot only to find, it had been thoroughly cleaned. The smell of tuna even stronger in the room, her hatred for it even more pronounced. This WAS punishment.

She relieved herself, returned the lid and then separated from the sources of smell, returning to the corner. She wondered why her clothes were not allowed but her piss pot was. She then thought, he knew she had a need, she was still being punished, but he cared. This was the biggest moment for her. The room was dark, but the heat her body gave off as she blushed was immeasurable.

There was a slight noise as she was thinking of her situation. She heard a scratch, intermittent, but there, at the door. And then the meow of the cat she used to own. Her mind quickly rushed back to her life before this job, when she owned a cat and slept in her own bed and apartment. It was all so familiar, yet so foreign. Everything seems so right, in the dark, listening to a cat try and eat her offensive dinner that has been scattered across the room.

She must have fallen asleep, because she awoke to the door opening, a slight creek. She felt the cold hard floor as she rolled over, squinting at her boss entering the room. He briskly came towards her, helped her up and took her by the arm. She smelled coffee with a hint of fish as he led her to the piss pot, removed the lid and assisted her to hover over the bucket. Her eyes were still adjusting, but she did see the cast aside flogger, a bit sad she chose sleep instead of playing with it more. This all seemed too much this early.

When she was done, he asked her to wipe her cunt with her hand. She did as she was told. He helped her stand, replaced the lid and led her out of the room. Her eyes had still not adjusted to the lights. The next stop was her boss's bathroom. She was instructed to shower and put on the clothes he laid out. She jumped in and immediately got the smell of piss off of her hand.

After a thorough cleaning and once she felt the tuna fish smell had left her nose, she quickly dried and put on the clothes laid out. There was something different this morning; on top of all the clothes was butt plug. An elegant shade of lavender and not horrifically too big, she got a twinge of excitement. Then she read the note it was holding down. "Do not insert. Please bring with you." She put the plug aside and put on the skirt and blouse, 4" heels. She headed to the living room, and then the garage where her boss was waiting in the garage, car warmed up ready to go.

She got in the car, again gingerly, easing herself over the dildo attached to the passenger seat. As she was taking her time, being careful, he impatiently revved the engine, indicating he was ready to go. She curtly finished getting in, butt plug in her hands in her lap.

As they pulled out of the driveway, he produced a granola bar and orange juice, tossing them in her lap. He told her to eat. She ravenously ate and drank. She barely finished the juice as they pulled into the parking lot at work.

She walked in behind her boss, butt plug the only thing in her hands. She sat down at her desk, turned the computer on and then went into the office, ready to do her 30 minutes on the treadmill, leaving the butt plug beside her keyboard. She found the shorts and 5" patent leather shoes laid out. She was excited to have clothes on to absorb the vaginal juices she produced during the work out.

Her mind was a blur. The punishment, the sex, the tuna fish, it was all circling in her mind. Before she knew it, her time was up. She nearly kept walking into the machine! She had no conclusion, but was not completely ready to face her inbox. She went through the motions, replacing her work out shorts and shoes with her work clothes.

Her mind was so busy she did not catch the eye contact her boss was trying to give her from behind his desk. She sat down at her desk and reached for her mouse to deactivate the screen saver. She bumped the butt plug and it tipped over. She picked it up and absentmindedly put it in her top drawer, hiding it.

After a few hours of finishing the tasks her boss had assigned, she gets an instant communicator message. Her boss asks if she still has the butt plug. She replies yes, and then quickly opens her drawer to retrieve it. He asks that she keep it on her desk, where she can see it. At lunch time she is instructed to bring it with her and put it on his desk, sit in one of his chairs and wait for his attention. She is instantly aroused by this. The possibilities of finally getting a butt plug back in. The tingle in her breasts makes her rub them absentmindedly. The clock could not go any slower!

At 11.58 she grabs the butt plug and gets the feel in her hand. She enters the office and is disappointed that he is on the phone, his attention diverted. As she was told, the butt plug was placed on the desk and she sat, watching him finish his conversation. The more time it took, the more she produced a squirm in her seat. The desire to touch her and the need to cum was more intense than ever.

As he hangs up the phone, he changes demeanor. There is a brief pause of thought and mood; tension in the room. Rather than just start talking, he sits, eyes closed, fingers intertwined. She is nervous that he is being so introspective, but her eyes are glued to his closed ones, desperate to know what he's thinking and how she can help. The writing on his eyelids is the key to her desire.

He starts out very sincere. Explaining that her reactions to the "alone room" were surprising, in a good way. That he wants a more permanent relationship. That he has never moved this fast with a secretary, a girl friend, a submissive or anyone. She is flattered but concerned she must be different from them, naïve or special?

He goes on, pointing out specific instances of her enthusiasm and willingness for the relationship he is proposing. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the moments inbetween. The relationship is very much up in the air as far as specifics, so he delves into them.

He would like her to move in with him, if nothing else, to monitor her dietary and exercise regimen. At the best, they could discuss being "in a relationship". Now this is a very early one. She feels most of what he has gained as far as knowledge of her has been in body language and the offhand comments and messaging inquisition. She doesn't know that he has scoured her apartment, car and documents. He has evaluated this on a very detailed level.
