Sedona's Seduction


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We spent about a half hour cooling off in the pool, then I offered to take her on a short hike before lunch. Over the years, I had explored much of the ridge lines which surrounded the oasis, and I had a few hikes of varying lengths defined. The "short" hike was only about a mile total and circled the end of one ridge, without a significant change in elevation.

Tammy had begun preparing to put her trail running ensemble back on before she realized that I had put on only my boots.

"Oh," she said, "are we hiking nude too?"

"I am," I confirmed, "I spend nearly all my time out here naked, but you can wear clothes if you like. It is only about a mile though."

"OK," she responded and sat to put on her trail runners.

I put my hat on to protect against the noonday sun and grabbed two bottles of water from the cooler.

Tammy finished with her shoes and put her shirt on without buttoning it up. She was fishing her ponytail through the hole in her cap as we began our pre-lunch hike.

The indistinct trail was familiar to me and I guided us along it, stopping occasionally to point out points of interest. At the tip of the narrow ridge we were following, we stopped longer to drink some water and look out across the rolling desert beneath us. Heat haze shimmered and a few dust devils spun briefly as the wind sped up the valley.

Tammy listened intently to my recitation of the few landmarks I pointed out. The soaring cliffs nearby were the most impressive feature of this part of the expansive desert while the Cockscomb in the distance marked the western edge of Sedona.

"And where's Ho... Honanki?" she asked. "My friends and I took a Jeep tour there on Monday."

I stood close behind her and put my hand on her shoulder as I pointed out a sheer red wall of rock which stood out from its peers in the middle distance, hoping I was correct. "It's at the base of that cliff there. You can't see it from here though."

We stood there silently with the desert heat baking our naked bodies as we enjoyed a shared experience a few more moments before continuing along the trail and returning to the campsite ready for lunch.

In keeping with the desert oasis theme, Tammy had chosen a primarily Mediterranean selection of foods. Hummus, pita, olives, dates, and a few other mezze selections filled our plates as we sat in the shade of the tarp and enjoyed the food. The pomegranate lemonade she had selected proved an excellent accompaniment to our epicurean repast.

Tammy seemed perfectly comfortable to be sitting completely nude with a man twice her age whom she had met only a few hours earlier. "What's after lunch?" she asked as we cleared away the lunch things.

"Another quick dip to cool off, followed by a siesta. Best to minimize activity during the heat of the day."

"Sounds good," she replied cheerfully as we headed back down to the swimming hole in the creek.

The water cooled our bodies quickly. Tammy attempted to swim a few laps, but large rocks and the irregular shape of the shallow pool don't allow proper swimming. She joined me, lying in the sandy shallows nearest the campsite. With the water covering all but our faces, we watched the few wispy clouds drifting lazily across the sky.

"Is that a buzzard?" she asked as a large, dark bird soared into view high overhead. She pointed toward it. The bird cruised past, hardly moving its wings as it rode the thermals.

"Yeah, a turkey vulture," I confirmed, "they're pretty common. The desert's cleaning crew."

She lowered her hand back into the water and grasped mine nervously. "Do you think it might be thinking we could be its next meal?"

"Unlikely," I reassured her, "it has probably learned that roadkill over on 89A is a more regular source of food than the open desert these days."

"Oh, right," she agreed, relaxing her grip on my hand, but maintaining contact.

We lay together, watching the vulture glide out of sight in the distant haze, for another few minutes.

"Time for a siesta," I announced as I stood. The water running down my body began evaporating in the hot, desert air immediately, while the noonday sun began warming my body. Getting back into the shade of the tarp would allow us to remain cooler throughout the afternoon.

I held my hand out for Tammy and offered to help her up. She took it with a smile, and she was soon standing, her naked body so close to mine. Our hands remained interlocked as we looked into each other's eyes, silently negotiating what we both seemed to want from each other.

I reached out my other hand and brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face. Our bodies closed the small distance which remained between us and met with a tender kiss. I trailed my hand down her back to caress her bare ass, a moment I had been fantasizing about since watching her on her way to the pool. It felt as firm and wonderful as I had imagined it would.

Our kiss deepened, our tongues exploring, as we stood together. Tammy broke the kiss and led me by the hand to the rudimentary shade structure. I spread out the sleeping bag and we lay down on it and resumed kissing.

Our hands explored each other's bodies. Tammy seemed interested in my sparse chest hair. The dark hairs were beginning to become outnumbered by white ones.

I reached out and finally caressed one of her breasts. It felt cool after our dip in the creek, the surface was covered in goosebumps, the texture of her flesh was delightful. The cold water had also caused her nipples to become erect, they stood out proudly like little gumdrops and I tweaked one to gauge its sensitivity.

"Ohhh, yesss..." she purred. She rolled onto her back so I could have access to both of her marvelous breasts at once. I pinched one nipple while I sucked on the other. She rested her hand on my head and encouraged me to continue worshipping the breasts which had caught my eye barely one day earlier.

Her young body proved responsive to my touch and she seemed to appreciate my attentions upon her breasts. I maintained a steady suction on her nearer nipple as I trailed my hand down her belly toward the juncture of her thighs.

Tammy willingly spread her legs and granted me access to her pussy as my fingers reached it and began to brush the small amount of short hair marking her sex.

I kissed her and again felt her tongue meet mine as I made contact with her clit and circled around it with two fingers.

"Ooohhh... yesss..." she hissed encouragingly.

I proceeded to circle her clit a few more times before sliding my fingertips down her inner lips to the opening of her vagina. I dipped my fingers inside and moistened them before sliding them back up to her clit. After a few more circuits of her pussy, it was slick with her juices and my fingers slid easily from one end to the other.

Tammy's soft purrs as I caressed her most intimate parts encouraged me, and I began inserting my fingers deeper and deeper inside her channel each time I reached it.

"Ooohhh... yes, yes, fuck me with your fingers..." she moaned, "make me come."

I concentrated my efforts on fucking her with my fingers as my thumb maintained contact with her little clitoral nub and I licked and sucked the nipple nearest me.

Her body tensed up, then convulsed with a release of energy. "Fuck... fuuuck... yes, sweet... ohhh... OHHH!" She came with a shout, heard only by us and what few desert animals happened to be nearby, sheltering in the shade of the cottonwoods.

I held her gently, still stroking the short hair on the verges of her outer lips. She caressed my head as I eased my suction on her nipple.

Her breathing slowed and returned to normal. "That was amazing, exactly what I was hoping for when I agreed to having this Adventure."

I resumed stroking her inner lips as we kissed. She reached for my cock and stoked it to full hardness.

"Now I need to have you inside me," she insisted.

I rolled on top of her and she helped guide my cock to the welcoming gateway to her sexual core. I pressed inside easily and began sinking deeper into her as I worked my shaft into her and back out, ever deeper on each forward thrust and back out until just the head of my cock remained inside. Her channel was warm and wet and tight, and my cock felt at home there, snuggled cozily by her most private flesh, the temple of her sex.

We kissed as my loins met hers, my cock fully inserted into her body, her thighs spread wide to allow maximum penetration of my cock into her, to fill her as she desired.

"Mmm... yesss..." she murmured, wrapping her legs tightly around my waist.

"Urk... ow..." I finally uttered as I collapsed on top of her.

"What?! What's wrong?" she gasped.

"Shoulder..." I had to admit sullenly, feeling like I had failed her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said, with only a small hint of amusement. "Roll over, I'll get on top."

I rolled over. She got on top and re-mounted my cock. Soon she had my cock fully inserted inside her once again and was fucking herself upon me.

I reached up and caressed her perfect little tits, rolled her hard nipples between my fingers, and watched her beatific face. She covered my hands with hers as she seemed lost in the sexual bliss which only young women seem to find, enjoying the pure carnal sensuality of our coupling.

"Fuck! FUCK! YES!" she shouted to the world as she came again. Her pussy clenched on my cock and I came, my cock pouring forth my gift to this amazing young woman.

Tammy flopped onto my chest as her orgasm subsided. I held her tenderly, feeling her pussy release my cock.

We kissed for a few more minutes before she rolled off of me and we held each other close and relaxed into a peaceful siesta.


Upon waking, a couple of hours later, I looked for Tammy and found that she was just coming back from another dip in the creek. Her delicious body was wet and her breasts again had a delightful covering of goosebumps. She looked amazing in the late-afternoon light of the desert.

"So, can I expect that a middle-aged man will require long naps in the afternoon?" she asked, teasingly.

"Yes, most afternoons, but especially after having mad, passionate sex with a younger woman," I responded.

"Noted," she said. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

"A little longer hike? A couple of miles."

"Perfect," she replied and sat to put her trail runners on again.

I put my shoes on, refilled our water bottles, and we headed out on my "medium" hike. Tammy had again put her shirt loosely over her shoulders as sun protection, but otherwise we wore nothing below our hats and above our shoes.

This trail went up-canyon, gaining a few hundred feet of elevation; soon our campsite was a speck beside the creek below us. We followed the creek up to the base of a cliff which provided welcome shade. After another hundred feet, the trail revealed the ruins of a small cluster of native dwellings built up against the rock wall above us.

"Wow!" Tammy gasped, looking at the tumbled walls of stacked rocks.

I watched as she carefully looked through doorways and up at what remained of a second story.

"Does anyone else know this is here?" she finally asked, reverently.

"I'm sure a few others know it's here, and I expect that the forest service has catalogued it, but, no, hardly anyone seems to have discovered it."

"This is incredible," she continued, "it seems so much more... authentic... than the ruins I've seen in other places around Flagstaff."

We continued up the trail a little farther and soon reached the top of the cliff. The views all around showed the desert at its best as the sun descended toward a ridge off to the west.

Tammy grasped my hand and we kissed, standing together, naked, as the desert evening began to descend. "This is such a beautiful spot. I'm glad you brought me here."

"I'm glad you like it. OK, so from the campsite to here is about a mile, round-trip is two miles." I pointed to a knob out at the end of the ridge we stood on. "That point is another mile from here. We won't go out there today, but if tomorrow, before we leave, you want a four or five mile run, I recommend going out there and back."

"That looks like a lovely destination. I look forward to it," she smiled up at me.

We kissed again before heading back down the canyon, along the creek, past the ruins, to our campsite.

"Fancy another dip before dinner?" I asked as I began removing my boots.

"Sure," Tammy replied as she removed her shirt and sat to remove her shoes.

I entered the creek and dove into the deepest water, re-emerging near my usual seating spot. I sat and watched as Tammy followed a minute later. She tried to swim a few laps again before giving up and sitting beside me.

"This sure is a secluded skinny dipping spot, but I'd rather be able to swim," she stated before again probing my tender shoulder. "Does it still hurt?"

"It'll be fine by morning if I can stay off of it," I reassured her. "And the ankle seems to be fine."

"Hmm, OK," she conceded as she floated off again, with her tits just breaking the surface, "you're lucky I like being on top."

"How about doggy-style? Is that on the allowed activities list?" I asked.

"Once per day, maximum, while under medical supervision," she smiled back at me.


We remained in the water for a few more minutes before I got out to begin setting a campfire. I was glad that I had gotten into the habit of leaving firewood at the campsite and I didn't have to carry more from my Jeep. Soon I had kindled the fire and the desert-dried wood was beginning to blaze as the dusk deepened toward night.

Tammy joined me in the "kitchen" as I was watching the flames engulf the top-layer of logs. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her cold breasts against me. She kissed my neck as she admired the fire over my shoulder.

"Not all middle-aged men are totally inept, check," she teased.

I laughed, "as long as you're OK with an occasional fire in your kitchen, you should be fine."

She released me. "What can I do?"

"You can put the meat on the skewers, but the fire won't be ready for them for a half hour or so."

"OK, then we have time for yoga," she responded cheerfully.


"Come on, doctor's orders," Tammy quipped as she selected a nearby patch of sand and stood calmly in the fading light. She looked over her shoulder, "I saw the marshmallows... you don't get any if you don't exercise first."

I grumbled dramatically a little more.

"Oh, seriously, it's better than the treadmill."

I joined her on the sand. The fire cast flickering light on her lithe body, highlighting her well-toned muscles. I took my place beside her.

For the next half hour, Tammy guided me through a few easy stretches and had me hold poses which were within my abilities. "That's good," she finally announced, "stick with those for now. Try to do them morning and evening. And stay away from gym equipment, at least through the end of the week."

I promised her I would.

"Now, to skewer some meat..."

We went to the kitchen and I got out the skewers while she extracted the meat from the cooler.

Tammy was soon skewering marinated beef and chicken with near-surgical intensity while I knocked down the fire and placed the grill over it.

Once the meat was sizzling, she once again prepared the mezzes which we had decided would serve as both lunch and dinner. The differences being the addition of the meat and a bottle of red wine. We ate sitting cross-legged in the shelter again, our version of a simple Bedouin tent for our brief time together.

The evening air was still roasting hot, but more bearable once the sun had departed until the following morning. The stars came out as we talked and enjoyed each other's company. The howl of coyotes in the distance added to the wild setting.

Who knows how many pre-historic couples may have sat and communed on this spot over the millennia, looking at these stars, feeling a part of this place, intimately connected to the desert. The meal was excellent; the wine complemented the variety of flavors. Tammy looked simply delicious, sitting and enjoying her Adventure with me. Her breasts shimmered in the firelight. She smiled whenever she caught me gazing upon her delightful body.

Tammy cleared the dishes away and we sat watching the fire while we savored the last of the wine. She stood again and fetched the marshmallows and a skewer. Sitting in a camp chair, naked in the firelight, she roasted a marshmallow over the coals. I watched her carefully remove the treat from the skewer and pop it into her mouth.

I added a few more logs to the fire and joined her as she began roasting another. We sat beside each other and enjoyed the simple pleasure of marshmallows roasted over a campfire.

In the distance, the Mogollon Rim began to glow with the moonrise. Tammy and I watched as the moon began its journey across the star-filled sky. The soft light turned the landscape to silver.

"Wow, that's so magical," she whispered.

"It sure is," I agreed. "I never see the same show twice, yet it's been going on for millennia."

I ate one last marshmallow before carrying the glasses and empty bottle back to the kitchen and stowing everything away.

Tammy brought the skewers and the bag of marshmallows to me while I finished bagging up our trash and securing it away from critters.

Once the kitchen was all squared away, we headed to the shelter and prepared for bed. Tammy wanted to be able to see the moon and the stars from the shelter, so we arranged ourselves so she'd have the best view of the night sky.

Lying together in the shelter again, we kissed, and I caressed her delightful breasts. Her nipples became erect and I sucked one into my mouth.

Tammy responded by arching her back, pressing her breast more firmly against me. "Ooohhh, yes, that feels so good," she moaned as she stroked my head and pulled me closer.

As I had earlier in the afternoon, I trailed my hand down her abdomen to her pussy and brushed her hair gently. Once again, she spread her thighs in silent invitation.

I caressed her clit and stroked down her inner lips to her hole. Her pussy seemed even wetter than it had earlier in the day and my fingertips entered her pussy with no resistance.

"Fuuuck... yes, yes," Tammy murmured as I finger-fucked her and flicked her nipple with my tongue.

Her eyes were closed, her mouth half-open, as she pulled on her other nipple. She appeared lost in her own little world of sexual sensation. She was beautiful; her face shimmering in the pale moonlight was euphoric.

"FUCK!! FUCK!! Ooohhh... fuck!" she shouted as her body was wracked by an intense orgasm. I held onto her quaking body as it thrashed with climactic energy. By keeping my fingers inside her wet pussy while her hips bucked, I was able to keep her orgasm flowing through her.

"Ohhh... fuck that was intense," she exhaled after another moment.

I kissed her. We held each other. An owl hooted nearby.

Tammy reached for my cock as we kissed. I had been yearning for her touch and my cock responded immediately. She repositioned herself, getting on all fours with her mouth hovering above the head of my cock and grasped my hard shaft once more.

I felt her tongue delicately swirl around my crown. Her hand held my shaft upright as it stroked slowly up and down. Her lips closed over my cock head and her tongue teased it as she sank her mouth slowly down my shaft.

I let out a delighted moan in appreciation of her skills with her mouth. She took half my cock into her mouth before easing back up to the head. Her hand continued its slow tempo on the exposed length while her mouth provided gentle suction upon my glans.

I reached for her ass and caressed it for a moment before seeking her wet pussy. I probed her pussy with two fingers; she arched her back and moaned.