Seduced By The Woman Next Door Ch. 03


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I felt her mouth close over my neck and she sucked hard as her hand massaged and rubbed by kitty, she pushed so hard she lifted me off the floor , "Fuck Charlotte you bitch you're so hot."

"Oh fuck." I cried out, my knees were like jelly as I sagged down on her hand which was cramming my jeans up into my panties. Her leg clasped my thigh working herself towards her own cum, I was a blithering mess, I could hear people talking outside, banging and clanging as her hand crushed my kitty, her lips sucking and biting, my orgasm arrived like a runaway freight train, "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I cried, "Oh my fucking god." I whimpered.

I was struggling to stay standing as she rode my thigh hers crushing mine as she sighed, "Argh." Two hard thrusts and she sagged against me our mouths locked together in a kiss as deep as the Atlantic. As she stepped back my hands were clasped behind her head and I pulled her back and I thrust my tongue into her mouth desperately, wetly, expectantly.

As my breathing returned to normal I watched on in awe as she pulled out her purse and fixed her makeup. She giggled slyly as she cleaned my face and fixed mine as well.

She led me by the hand, uncaring out past the other diners, we got lots of stares and I wondered had they heard? Did they know? We pulled on the helmets quickly and scooted out heading back to town.

As we were riding she adjusted my hand pushing it down into her crotch, I wrapped myself as closely as I could against her back and caressed her all the way home I rubbed her kitty squeezing and grinding trying to get her off. She took the backroads and we swept through twisting corners like a hot knife through butter. From side to side we swooped like preying eagles the afternoon evaporated as I clung on her kitty sucking my fingers through the slippery leather.

As we pulled into her driveway I saw John appear in our kitchen window and he watched on in silence as I slipped off the jacket. I went to hand it back but she pushed my hand away. "Keep it for next time."

"Next time." I whispered.

She chuckled, "Did you enjoy the ride?"

I nodded and she smiled, "Good then there will be a next time, although next time I want us to go somewhere and stay the night."

"Brianna... I'm not sure I can do that, I'm married, I have a family."

"You are also your own woman, you are allowed a life as well you know."

Her words bit hard resonating with what I had been thinking. My life, what did it mean? It seemed all I did was run around after John and Debbie, I had no life of my own. I needed something.

As I went to walk away she grabbed me and planted a wet kiss on my lips, her tongue snaking into my mouth. Shocked I stumbled back and I saw Johns face, anger, shock, horror they were all there and I felt guilt-ridden and ashamed.

Once inside John stood waiting and his anger flowed out in a violent tirade. "Where the hell have you been? For god's sake Charlotte you're not a teenager."

I suppose I shouldn't have been shocked but I was, in all our years he had never yelled at me, so I snapped and snarled a caustic retort, "Don't you ,yell at me John, you don't own me, we just went for a ride and you know what... it was wonderful."
I stormed off leaving him watching out the window as Brianna pushed the bike into her garage.

I walked into the bedroom where I flopped down on the bed, I was still wearing Brianna's boots. I ran my hands up and down the glossy leather feeling naughty, ashamed but naughty and I couldn't hold back the grin.

I stripped of quickly and decided on a shower to freshen up.

As I dressed I peered into the mirror and my hand shot up to my neck, there for all to see was a huge hickey, oh my god a love bite... how was I going to hide that? I found a blouse with a collar and pulled it up, thank god it hid it.

As I was preparing dinner there was a knock at the door. John answered it and I heard some quiet conversation. As I turned around there with an armful of books was Brianna. She smiled, Hello Charlotte darling, when you said you liked my books I thought I would drop off a few for you to read."

I was stuck, "Um thank you, that is lovely."

Her smile never faded as she held out her hand, "Here this might make it easier, I downloaded them all onto a stick as well."

Taking it hesitantly from her hand I breathed, "Thank you, but how much do I owe you?"

She waved away my hand, No need for that we are friends aren't we?"

"Of course." I mumbled, "Of course we're friends."

"Good." She nodded, well I will leave you to it."

John surprised me, "Why don't you stay for dinner? There will be plenty won't there Charlotte?"

I was nervous enough around her but as she stood playing playfully with her hair I could do nothing but say. "Yes of course, what was I thinking, why don't you stay for dinner?"

She grinned, "I would love to."

John guided her into the lounge and I took them in some drinks and before I knew what was happening Brianna and John were deep in conversation talking bikes and cars like old friends. His change worried me, why was he being so nice? Was he sizing up the enemy? Or was it that he just didn't know?

As I worked on dinner I was shocked when I felt her hot body press up against me, her lips grazing my neck whispering, "Hello lover." She rasped biting my ear painfully.

For John's sake she called out, "Just thought I would come and help."

Her hands slid up my tummy cupping my breasts and squeezing and fondling gently rolling my nipples in her fingers, "Oh fuck you little tease." She whispered as I tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but as I wriggled she dropped one hand down between my legs grasping my mound twisting it roughly mewing in my ear, "Quite the domestic goddess aren't you my darling."

"Please stop John could walk in at any moment." I hissed quietly.

"Don't worry darling, hmmm god your pussy is so wet, you like it don't you."

"Please stop, you're playing with my marriage." I could feel the tears building, "Please Brianna, don't do this not now."

Her wet lips suckled my heaving breasts as she leaned over me, "Shush silly it's OK, it's just you and me."

Just then I heard John get up and head our way, I flung her arms off and tried to wipe her saliva off my neck. John walked up placing his arms up on the counter peering in, "What are you girls talking about in here? Cooking I suppose."

Brianna laughed loudly. "Cooking... I can't cook, I don't think I have cooked a thing in my life."

He glanced back and forth between us and stated proudly, "Charlotte is a wonderful cook, you should enjoy dinner."

Brianna chuckled, "Yes she seems to be the perfect little domestic goddess, you are a lucky man."

I laid out the table and we sat down to eat. Brianna gushed on and on about dinner but all the while her foot slid up and down my inner leg, dropping her shoe her toe wedged between my tightly clenched legs, toying and teasing tormenting me in front of John.

The room descended into silence. The only sounds the TV in the background and cutlery on plates. I had to jump up to escape her teasing foot. As I stacked the dishwasher Brianna carried in a few dishes under the guise of helping, but helping was far from her ambition.

Bent over stacking in the plates she pushed up behind me rubbing her mound on my upturned arse. Her hands slid up my waist as she bent over me. I had to reach out my hands and grip the counter to stop myself falling forward.

I tried to wriggle free of her hands which gripped me firmly by the hips, I was scared John would walk in any moment and I hissed, "let me go... Brianna please don't do this."

She let me go but as I stood up she moved in close, her hands closing over my cheeks and kissed me, I wanted to fight her off, I was angry with her for being so inflammatory at the table but the feel of her pouty soft lips sliding over mine was overwhelming, intoxicating, god my tummy tingled my arms circled her head and our embrace intensified. "God I want you so bad." She whispered in my ear, her teeth nibbling and nuzzling, "Come over to my place tonight please."

"I can't Brianna, I just can't... I have a husband."

"Make an excuse, just for a moment." Her lips crashed against mine, our embrace tightening, Come on darling, he won't even know."

"Yes he will... he's already suspicious, didn't you see the way he was looking at me?"

I was shocked back to reality when I heard John moving around; frantically I pushed Brianna and tried to straighten my clothes.

She smirked contemptuously as he walked in, "What are you girls gossiping about?"

Before I could speak Brianna sniggered, "I just mentioned to Charlotte that I have a new book I am working on if she wants to come over and have a quick look."

John frowned, "Bit late isn't it?"

I jumped in, "Yes it is, perhaps tomorrow Brianna."

Shrugging she sighed, "I am a bit busy tomorrow, but another day." She leaned over kissing my cheek and hugging John, "I think I might call it a night, thank you for dinner. Charlotte you are a fabulous cook, enjoy the books."

The moment she was gone John walked into the kitchen scowling harshly, "That woman is bad news, there's something about her I don't like. I would prefer if you put some distance between you and her."

Completely unsettled my voice wavering I mumbled, "John, she is my friend and I like her, you don't own me?"

"Yeah well the way she was looking at you was not normal, it was like she was on the prowl, and the way she was talking."

He was serious and very upset, I tried to placate him, "You're being silly, she is just a bit different, but honey you are worried about nothing."

He wasn't happy and clattered around the house like a bear with a sore head. I went to bed leaving him seething. When he came to bed I pretended sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So, the stupid main character is surprised when the openly and moral fiction writer turns out to follow through on her writing, turns out to be a narcissistic s*** predator, and a threat to her marriage, and she keeps going along with it. It would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic, and so true for some women. All they are is concerned about their wants, their feelings, their needs, and then they're surprised when it blows up on them. They're selfishness overrules everything else and everybody else. Twisted minds, driven by bad hearts. And obviously the author of this story fits that as well. You need some mental help, and some help for a bent heart...

ComeDancingComeDancingabout 1 year ago

The clue is in the title "literotica", it's literature. Stories, fantasies, half-truths, loosely based on real-life, escapism!

Kudos to the author that someone can get this worked up: 'Heartlessly manipulating Charlotte so that she can get off. Both on "turning" a "straight" woman and destroying a marriage (and a mans life) in the process'

FFS. Feel the escapism, like a breezing motorbike on a winding road. The story takes you places where you may never reach in real life. That is the gift of a genius writer like Cagivagurl

kboneonekboneoneover 1 year ago

FYI - OFF is the opposite of ON

OF is a preprosition word "within a mile of the church; south of Omaha; to be robbed of one's money." etc. etc.

I meant to do this earlier in the story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very erotic, and very well written. Now with that out of the way, Brianna is a right cunt. Heartelessly manipulating Charlotte so that she can get off. Both on "turning" a "straight" woman and destroying a marriage (and a mans life) in the process. And then we have Charlotte, (previously unknown) bisexual, weak willed, easily manipulated, (previously unknown) cheat. Allowing herself to think with her cunt and destroy her family. Not just her husband, but also her daughters. While not a perfect family/marriage, not a bad one. Her husband is a bit humdrum and stuck in his ways, but he is not evil or cruel, but * gasp * actually in love with his wife, who has never voiced a complaint or signalled dissatisfaction with her life. Perhaps had she spoken up and talked with her supposedly loved husband she could have avoided destroying the lives of her husband and daughter. All so she could selfishly get off with the lesbian who showed up and decided she wanted the new neighbor wife no matter who she had to hurt in doing so.

Now again I will say that I am enjoying these stories and giving them 5stars. But I do so with full knowledge and open eyes to the truth behind the characters. Unlike some of the previous commenters trying to defend the cheating women and make it look like what they are doing is not only ok, but justified.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another Excellent addition to the series, you capture the dominant and submissive lesbian personalities so clearly. Another excellent metaphor line "ARE YOU COMING OVER" ...I believe the answer runs something like "Yep All the way Over, hook line and sinker" LOL

I guess I should be trying to put up some moral judgement at such a flagrant disregard by Brianna for the Marriage she is so obviously going to erase from the Marriage Register..but in the first Chapter Charlotte explains what a dud he is as a lover (love making by numbers) and obviously not at all romantic so even in real life people who don't work at their relationships to keep the romance alive are the ones who break up anyway. Lets be analytical, the whole reason the relationship started was because Charlotte's life was so empty and boring she needed to read her Mills and Boon to get any happiness in her life which is what led to the sticky fingers greeting at the front door, everything snowballed after that.

five stars again (SoundAbuse)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Well it looks like it is about to implode. Hot sex but that Brianna is a homewrecker.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is a fun ride. Charlotte’s proper life disrupted by her forbidden and passionate attraction to Brianna is hot. The books and Brianna’s relentless pressure have put Charlotte in constant heat. It has to blow up at some point but like I said it’s a fun ride.

PS I’m envisioning Charlotte from “Sex in The City” (sweet, sexy & nieve) and think of Brianna’s to look something like Sofia Vergara (too gorgeous to ever say no to).

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great build up . Looks like John is in for a surprise.

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 4 years ago

you write the most sexy and captivating stories...ever i just love them.

looker46looker46almost 4 years ago
More pleasse

I am enjoying your story of Brianna seducing and toying with Charlotte. John is bound to find out. I am curious about what direction that will take. I can think of several. I also wonder if Brianna is going to introduce Charlotte to any of her girlfriends. That could be interesting. I am thoroughly enjoying your story. I certainly hope more chapters will be coming soon. I check everyday.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

bet the husband would love to be made to watch the two of them

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Charlottes needs to go over to brianna’s and get fucked properly while John is at work

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

would like to see more stories like Marion and candys fashion house loved those

MigbirdMigbirdabout 4 years ago
More Please

Erotic, tense, captivating story. Looking forward to more regardless of where the tale goes. If first 3 chapters are any indication, your readers will be pleased/satisfied.

burrito54burrito54about 4 years ago

Great story. Love your writing and would love to read more chapters. Keep up the good work 😃

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I look every day for the next episode!!

AliceGeeAliceGeeabout 4 years ago

Loved it and found it very arousing. I think you have Brianna's character spot on. I don't know where the story is going to end up but I have my hopes on an all girl happy ending. But that is the writer's decision and I am happy to be led panting along the way. Waiting in breathless anticipation for Chapter 4.

walt555walt555about 4 years ago

Well, first I love your style. The sex and I The sex and intrigue are very well done. As for the naysayers about a happy marriage getting destroyed, news flash if it was that great a marriage it wouldn't have. Please please keep going with these characters. Thanks !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Great idea,very sexy. But:

- could do with some editing, more commas needed, and the dialogue writing is not very flowing and natural

- Charlotte's being pushed too much... in my opinion it would be better if Brianna wasn't so domineering and gave Charlotte the space to decide for herself that she actually really wants this.

sandy_parissandy_parisabout 4 years ago

Please, don,t stop now. Excellent story the tension is high and climbing. Thank you

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