Separated, I Play Hard in MILF City

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I enjoy a buffet of beauties and a cornucopia of cunt.
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This is an adult sex story.

All the characters are of the age of consent or far over it!

Any children named or mentioned are not involved in anything sexual.

This is story number 54.

Enjoy and thanks for the views and votes.


There is saying, perhaps you've heard it: Veni Vidi Vici.

That is Latin for I came, I saw, I conquered.

But Julius C. (or was it Augustus C?) had his words out of order.

He should have said: Vidi Vici Veni: "I saw, I conquered, I came."

Because that is how it is done with women.


It was mid May and I was staying at The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

How did I end up here?

Why wasn't I staying at my own hotel down the street?

Let me explain.

I was alone, I was by myself.

Well, not exactly.

At this moment I was face down, completely nude, on a massage table while a pretty hot forty five year old MILF was giving me her very best effort to get some tough tight knots out from under my shoulder blades.

I was up in my suite, trying to relax and make sense of all that had gone on; all that had gone wrong in my life.

While I was distracted by the pain I was enduring with the massage, it was more than made up for by what my roving hands were feeling.

For a woman ten years older than me, she felt pretty good and I knew that after the flip, she'd be on my stiff cock like a sex starved woman being rescued from a desert island.

She had told me before I was her Knight in Shining Armor; that I was her rescuer.

She simply could not get enough of my cock.

I let her continue on doing her thing rubbing my bare skin with soothing oils and lotions and I let my mind drift back to my predicament.

My situation; my dilemma.

I had been exiled to Nevada by Catherine my wife.

It was her version of Siberia.

The Nevada Gulag was the place for Jack Colton.

It turned out to be more of a playground but I'd let Catherine think I was suffering.

My wife was more than pissed off at me despite my innocence and my explanations.

She was furious to put it mildly.

As you recall from my last few stories, I spent a lot of the month of April flying around on a Hall Pass granted to me by my bride. (Yes, I was lucky that I had a wife that allowed me to skip to noose of marriage to enjoy other women).

Catherine wanted me; no, encouraged me, to have sex with as many women as possible. And do, with her blessing and only with her blessing, I proceeded to have the time of my life. I got almost as much ass as the toilet seats at The Super Bowl.

When I wasn't between the sheets with some hot female who was a banker, a lawyer, a private equity partner or a commercial real estate professional, I was taking care of my business and my family.

My business holdings consisted of car dealerships, hotels, a clothing company (actually CYNSUITS, a swimwear company), some commercial properties and most recently a large gym and health spa located not far from the hotel in Las Vegas. I also had a couple of manufacturing companies (aerospace and auto after market), a freight forwarding distribution business based in Santa Fe, a recruiting business, a multiple location advertising agency and a business management consulting company.

With one or two possible exceptions I had very competent people in positions of responsibility and we were profitable. Cash flow was strong. I had plenty to do but mostly my job was making sure we had the right people in place and I was on the lookout for business opportunities.

It was a lot to juggle but I was okay with all I had going on. I was taking care of my business, providing help where needed; making decisions when asked and most importantly, I stayed out of my people's way. I had hired experienced people, paid them well and let them do what they were on the payroll to do, which was to take care of our customers and to make money.

I discovered that my presence at some of my businesses (like the Las Vegas hotel) was disruptive to the operation and so, I often stayed at places that either I liked or that I had in my sights to purchase.

On the family front, my father in law Tom had been killed in a small plane crash in the first week of April and we flew to Canada and had a funeral service in Quebec. We buried him next to his parents. There was space next to Tom for his wife Isabella, my so called mother in law.

At the gravesite, without me warning me or prompting her, Isabella took my hand and squeezed it, then said in a low voice that only I could hear "There is no fucking way I am sleeping next to that bastard for all eternity."

Catherine heard Isabella say something to me, noticed that Isabella was holding my hand and looked at me like "WTF?"

I smiled and nodded, not wanting an argument during an already emotionally charged week.

Catherine thought this was odd, I am sure, but said nothing to me.

Catherine and her daughters needed to be consoled too and I did what I could. I don't want to speak poorly of the dead, but I will because Tom was a very selfish asshole.

However, once done cursing him I silently thanked Tom for being such a money maker by generating a lot of cash on the pay per view website we had set up of him having sex with women.

Neither Tom nor his female partners knew that they were videoed having sex. The profits from the website provided a nice nest egg for his grandchildren to go to college.

Separately, I had a lot of life insurance on Tom and it paid off. Tom was employed by my Canadian company, so I moved the money from Canada to the Caymans without hesitation. Only my lawyer knew what I had done and he wasn't talking.

Following the quick trip to Canada we had a long ten full day family vacation in Hawaii, and we invited the extended family, meaning the three ladies I had impregnated since New Year's: Janet (The MILF), Julie, and Missy Rogers along with their children.

For cover, Catherine and I had each of the ladies bring their husbands.

As you recall that I had met with each of these men and cucked them; they agreed not just to sign the birth certificates and I would pay them so they could pay child support. The mothers to be didn't want the legal dads around. I was going to be a dad to each of these newborns.

It was a bit awkward at first being together at the resort but things quickly settled down and we all got along just fine.

We were all so busy, and always together that the only person I actually slept with was Catherine. We didn't even have sex; we were both so tired each day we simply crashed each night by 10pm.

I was able to sneak off with Janet for a quick blowjob on the beach early one morning which I appreciated. We got sand all over our private parts. I nicknamed her Sandy and she teasingly called me The Rock.

After Hawaii, it remained busy for me but Catherine had me home most of the time, for two reasons. First, we had to get the house ready for the baby. Second, Catherine wanted me around to keep an eye on her mother.

You know, babysit her mother and keep her out of trouble.

As if I needed more fucking things to do.

As if my daily to do list wasn't long enough; I was so busy working and being a dad I missed all of Spring Training and hadn't yet been to a Dodger game!

I did what Catherine asked without complaining.

Then, right after Mother's Day, when all was going well, or so I thought, the shit hit fan.

We're not talking 50 pound bags of manure. We're talking the shit that a herd of buffalo, covering all the land from horizon to horizon, could generate.

It would be like being on the Colorado plains when the Chinook winds blow, only the only thing standing was me. And the shit was relentless. A shit storm; a blizzard of shit.

It was bad, very bad.

It was an early Memorial Day for me. Put a flag on my grave, salute me if you will.

I was pretty sure I was done; that my marriage was done. Finished. Kaput. Over.

If you remember the last story, I learned that my mother in law Isabella wasn't my wife Catherine's mother; Tom had impregnated another girl in the company accounting department that he was in charge of and after the young lady gave birth, Tom persuaded Isabella to raise Catherine as her own. Tom and Isabella got married after Tom's first wife passed a year or so later and Catherine became their only child.

So, there were a lot of family secrets coming out of the closet; Catherine had only learned the truth about the circumstances of her birth and childhood a few years before.

What Catherine didn't know, and I had just found out, was that there was a line of mental illness running in Isabella's family. My fake mother in law was a sociopath and while she was able to function while under direct medical supervision and on medication like she had been while in residence in Palm Springs, she was now off meds and was about to wreak havoc on our otherwise pleasant home life.

In Hawaii, Isabella instinctively knew I had knocked up Janet, Julie and Missy and she wanted in the action. Meaning, Isabella wanted me. She wanted my cock. My hard cock. She wanted me to fuck her. And, she wanted me to fuck no one else. (I told you she was nuts).

When I turned Isabella down, multiple times, for more reasons than people who voted for Donald Trump, she went bat shit crazy.

We're talking Evelyn in Play Misty for Me.

Which was the first version of Fatal Attraction.

You remember Glenn Close going nuts on Michael Douglas?

Because of that movie I've always passed on rabbit when it's on the menu.

The day after Mother's Day, once the girls (Catherine's daughters, my stepdaughters) were at school and I was at work, Isabella shared with Catherine that we had fucked in Hawaii and since then.

Crying, now almost eight months pregnant, Catherine drove to the dealership where I was working and wanted an explanation.

I denied everything; which means I told Catherine the truth.

I had no reason to lie to my wife. Or cheat on her.

Not that it was that big of a deal, but I did not succumb to Isabella's temptations and manipulations and I sure as hell did not sleep with her.

Catherine was between a rock and a hard place: who did she believe, me, her husband of just a few months or her "mother?"

I almost thought that what she was saying to me was worse than if she had caught me in bed with Isabella, rutting.

I got the cold shoulder for a couple of days. There was a slight sign of a thaw but then, beautiful young Lisa from Santa Fe called to tell Catherine that she thought she was pregnant and that I was the father of her child.

Notice I said thought she was pregnant. Thought, not was.

Because Lisa didn't really know, she missed her period and assumed she was with child, my child.

My wife threw me out of the house; told me I had violated the rules of the Hall Pass. And that she never gave me permission to have sex with her mother.

Which I again denied for the 20th time. Or was it 200th time. Or 2000th time.

All of my comments were dismissed; I was a total dirt bag.

I was a liar, a scum bag; a cheating husband.

What hurt the most was when Catherine screamed at me "All you care about is pussy! You don't even love me anymore! Now get the fuck out of here and don't come back until I tell you to!"

Being a baseball fan my entire life I know in that sport its three strikes you're out but I don't know what it is when you get four strikes.

But I found out in a hurry.

It's called Left Out.

I packed a few things and drove to Las Vegas.

On the way I called Victoria. I was going to need a massage. And some TLC.


While I was separated from Catherine, I did what any single guy would do, especially if you were in Las Vegas: I chased tail.

And in Vegas, there is a lot of tail. Good tail, great tail. Young and firm; mature and experienced tail.

All nationalities and all shapes and sizes. A buffet of beauties. A cornucopia of cunt.

I wasn't going to sit around a hotel room waiting for Catherine to make up her mind about being married to me while there was unlimited opportunity (read that as fresh pussy) all around me.

Besides, I hate to sleep alone. And I like fresh pussy. Every guy does, although not all act on the urge.

The lady giving me the massage was Victoria. You haven't met her yet but she was one of those ladies that I had sex with in those first couple of days in April when I was in Las Vegas for just a few days before departing for Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Just looking at her I knew that she had been a stunner in her younger days, and she was still not just attractive but she was fun.

She had been a registered nurse for 20 years, married to a police officer. Their planned life was to pass on having kids, work hard, live modestly, save their money and travel the world.

Victoria's husband had died in an auto accident while on duty just two years before; it was literally on the day he was going to retire. She had gone through what I went through; losing a spouse in a car accident.

When it came to dealing with this, I went a different path; the path of dinking, chasing and getting fresh pussy almost daily to ease my pain. Victoria took a different path.

She said that the shock took a long time to wear off; in the meantime she retired from her nursing career and opened up a yoga studio to help her mind and body to recover. She also took classes in massage and became licensed in Nevada.

In those two years she'd been hit on by a lot of cops, her husband's coworkers, but she passed on all of the offers to date (meaning, have dinner, a movie and sex).

She'd just about given up on Las Vegas. Victoria had given herself a deadline to get her business off the ground and it wasn't working out. Meaning, the business losses were eating into her monthly retirement check but not her nest egg.

She sold her house, put her furniture into storage and was renting a room from a friend. She was going to close up shop at the end of May when her lease was up on the yoga studio. Her plan was to move back to Denver where her family lived.

She was eight weeks away from the move when I walked in the door to her studio that first week of April.

She told me later that she knew I was the one for her. (They all tell me this once we've fucked a few times).

But I believed her when she told me.

We weren't alone at our first meeting; Victoria had an assistant helping her out.

What had happened is that I had, at the specific request of my wife, gone to a business where I was waxed. You will read about that in a few minutes.

Following my waxing ("wax on, wax off"), the next appointment my wife sent me on was to see Victoria. Catherine did not tell me anything more than the address and a name.

Victoria's business was in a nice retail location not far from The Strip. When I entered it, I was surprised to see that it was sort of a combined dance / yoga studio. There was a small entryway area, then a nice sized exercise room and there was a door leading to what I assumed was the rest of the building.

The door chimed when I entered and a few seconds later a short, petite college aged Asian female came to greet me.

I watched her walk towards me and took in the sight: a great smile, long black hair pulled back in a ponytail, a plan white tee shirt that clearly showed that she had a nice firm rack and prominent brown pokies alerting me to the cool air in the studio.

The tee shirt was cropped; the bottom ended under her breasts, exposing a flat, toned and tan tummy.

Her black yoga pants were low slung, riding on her hips; I estimated that there were almost eight inches of skin showing below her belly button (an innie) which meant her pussy started right below the waist of the front of her yoga pants.

I took all this in as she walked towards me, and low and behold there was a nice camel toe for me to enjoy.

It looked like this young lady had a nice looking, small monkey fist style pussy; perhaps bald based on the cloth that was form fitted around her bump yet pulled into her slit. It was apparent that she only had on two pieces of cloth: that mini tee shirt and those tiny yoga pants.

Despite recently having cum, my cock stirred in my pants.

This young Asian female oozed sex.

Introducing herself as Rio, she smiled at me and when she finished wiping some white material (it looked like flour) off of her hands, gave me a firm nice handshake that had her tits bouncing and I followed her to the back room, my eyes glued on her small, very tight firm ass in those skin tight pants.

God I love yoga pants on the right ass and this was an ass to die for. For a fleeting moment I had an idea for yoga pants that you could eat, like edible panties.

Entering the back room, I met Victoria. As our eyes met, I felt The Thunderbolt, a shock of electricity running through my body, something I had only felt once before in my life. This was the woman for me. Later Victoria said she felt it too.

She was a strawberry blonde MILF about 5'9" tall with a nice firm figure and a beautiful smile. Another tee shirt wearing mama only this time I am sure there was a nice bra holding in an ample chest. Her pokies were muted under the two layers of clothing.

Victoria's tee shirt went to her waist, but there was a small gap showing some firm skin at her waist.

I love flashes of skin.

Taking it all in, and trying not to stare, I quickly glanced down to a nice camel toe in her white yoga pants indicating she wasn't wearing any underwear.

Victoria's cunt was easy to discern through the thin cloth; she had what I call the brake pad pussy with long wide thick outer lips that had gripped the fabric, emphasizing her private parts.

Those pants left nothing to the imagination; I even knew she had some hair around the top of her pussy.

Hell, she might as well have naked. My cock continued to stir.

I took the sight in as my body recovered from the jolt.

My eyes lifted and the next thing that caught my eye was her mouth; her lips were a little larger than normal for a mouth her size and she looked like a great kisser.

Being a man, my next thought was how those lips would feel wrapped around my cock.

Victoria laughed. She had a laugh that would melt anyone's heart. Her eyes sparkled as if to taunt me with "Did you enjoy the view?" and she punctuated her smile by running her tongue around her lips and I just knew that she was a great fuck.

I didn't see a wedding ring; she shared her personal story later.

I figured like in the Jackson Brown song "She has to be somebody's baby" that she had to have a male companion or maybe not; she could be a lady who liked ladies. Something for me to consider.

She thanked me for coming and explained that Rio was a student at UNLV and was doing a senior project for her degree in Business Anthropology.

I smiled, wondering what the fuck business had to do with anthropology but I kindly said "Please help me out. I'm not sure why I am here and what I'm supposed to do."

Rio, distracting me with those dark brown pokies emanating from her tee shirt, looked at me, straight in the eyes, and replied "My research paper is on penis size. I'm doing a compare and contrast between the various races and ages as to size; both length and girth. And a secondary study on ejaculate volume. Your wife recommended you as a participant."

"Where did you meet my wife?" I asked. The two ladies looked at each other and said "At your hotel pool" and then they burst out laughing.

Victoria said, "Jack, we go to your adult pool quite often; we recruit for the dance and yoga classes there. We ran into Catherine and she visited us a few times, took some classes and when Rio discussed her senior project, she recommended you."

I thought what the fuck was Catherine thinking but I went with it.