Seven Days


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Breathing became a bit of an issue as she started to fuck my face in her passion, but I stuck to the job in hand and relished the wetness flooding from her. The bonus was that I could feel my erection returning. She grunted and bore down on me while her thighs quivered before rolling on to her side breathing heavily, eyes closed.

"Was that alright?" I asked innocently.

"You can do that again," she gasped.

"Not right now."

I sat up and rolled round to kneel on the bed behind her. She cracked an eye and looked up at me as I stroked my newly rampant shaft.

"I suppose you want to stick that thing in me?"

"Sure do!" I said sunnily.

She rolled on to her front and stuck her divine arse in the air. The lips of her cunt pouted lewdly from the small thatch between her thighs. I eased forward and the lips of her sex stretched to accommodate my member. I carried on thrusting until my balls came to rest on the back of her legs and she let out a mighty sigh.

"Oh, that's good!"

I didn't disagree. I withdrew and then entered her again in one movement, as she arched her back to take even more of me. As I serviced her with long smooth strokes, I could feel her fingers busy at her clit and enjoyed the little clenches that came with it. They started to come more frequently and more strongly, and Nikki's breathing became heavy. I upped the pace knowing my own climax wasn't far away and frankly I was amazed I'd lasted this long.

Then her cunt clamped down on me hard and she cried out, her face twisted, her hands clutching at the sheets, and somehow, I managed to power on until she had a second, even more violent, orgasm and I came with her, lights flashing behind my eyes and the tendons standing out on my neck. I fell on the bed next to her, wondering if I'd pulled something and breathing as if I'd run a sprint. That'd be the day! I started to laugh, and she looked at me in puzzlement.

I took her face in my hands and kissed her soundly. "This was an excellent suggestion, Miss Hind!"


We sat in the garden in the fading light, amiably passing a joint back and forth, blowing the pungent smoke into the air and not caring who smelled it. A tortoiseshell cat slinked under the gate at the end of the garden and, after sparing us a cursory glance, trotted to the opposite side of the garden and sprang effortlessly to the top of the wall. Then it decided to come back up towards the house, ignoring us all the way. Nikki made kissy noises at it but apart from the flick of an ear it continued to exude regal disdain. I chuckled at her lack of success.

Mellow with weed she turned her head to one side to look at me.

"I know people who know you."

I was incredulous until I remembered Andy saying that Nikki looked familiar. She was still talking.

"Well, I know people that knew you. Back in the day."

I tried to process this, but the drugs were interfering with my concentration. I don't know quite what synaptic misfire led me to the next statement though.

"My parents," I said.

"What about them?"

"They were killed in a road accident."

Nikki gasped, her hand going to her mouth. "When?"

"Two weeks shy of my twenty-sixth birthday."

Her eyes were wide. "Oh, God! You were so young!"

I shrugged and found myself able to open that particular door. "Yeah."

"What happened?"

"Left the road, hit a tree. All over in moments," I replied laconically.

"Oh, Michael!"

I lay back and stared into the deepening blue sky.

"I'm an only child. Had to sort it out on my own. Our solicitor Mr Jamieson was lovely, but he couldn't help me over the fact that I couldn't bear to live in the house I had grown up in. Every ornament, every angle, even the way the light came through the frosted glass in the back door ... And then after I had taken the decision to sell, there was the awful matter of the disposal of the contents. I shared no interests with my parents so almost everything had to go. A guy took most of the furniture which he said would sell like hot cakes in Australia. A library got my father's books. The worst thing of all was my mother's beloved china and glass. Absolutely no-one wanted it, not even the charity shops who already had masses of the stuff crowding their shelves. So, it went into a skip at the recycling centre. I cried at the sound of it."

"Oh, Michael!" she repeated and climbed out of the deck chair to come and sit in my lap, wrapping her arms around my head and nestling my face into her delightfully unrestrained bosom.

"I'm over it," I mumbled into her chest, "but don't feel like you have to let go."

She chuckled and everything moved most pleasantly.

Talking about my parents' death seemed to have unblocked some reserve of honesty. "I lied to you," I said, revelling in the feeling of freedom it gave me to be straight with her.

She sat back and inspected me.

"Lied? What about?"

"The house. I'm not house sitting, it's mine. I bought it with the money I got from selling Mum and Dad's."

"Okay," she said slowly. "Why the fib?"

I felt rather encouraged at her use of the word 'fib'.

"My last girlfriend - the one I was going out with when my parents were killed - saw my inheritance ... well, let's just say I suddenly became much more attractive in her eyes."

"Jesus! What a bitch!""

I shrugged. "She was very persistent. Sorta started ordering me around because I couldn't think straight. Then one day I snapped."

She looked at me sharply. "You didn't think I was after you for your money, did you?"

"I hoped you weren't."

There was silence for a bit, and I changed the subject.

"It's a bit of an age gap, isn't it?"

She turned to stare at me. "What are you talking about?"

"Me being 29 and you being only 21."

Her brow furrowed and I was quite disarmed.

"I'm not 21!"

Now it was my turn to look at her in honest, if slightly addled, bafflement. "You said so when we first met at the Bridge!"

She shook her head. "I said I was divorced at 21."

"Oh." I thought about this for a minute. "So how old are you?"

"Quite apart from the fact that it's not gentlemanly to ask a lady her age, how old do you think I am?"

"I thought we'd established that I'm no gentleman!"

"Nice try. Answer the question!"

I leaned back and looked her up and down. Her skin was smooth and wrinkle free but there was a certain maturity to her figure. I sighed happily and she shouted with laughter.

"You really are a simple creature! Concentrate!"

I studied her face, and something tickled a memory. It eluded me before I could grasp it fully.

"24?" I said hopefully.

She gave me a rueful smile. "I'm two years younger than you. I went to the same school as you."

I was open mouthed. How had I missed her?

"I was a bit different then. Always did what Graham wanted. He didn't like me styling up. Attracting attention. So, I dressed down. But you? You were the talk of the girls in our year."

I stared at her in amazement. Me? I'd always known I had my admirers but nothing special. She was still talking.

"You swooned after that girl-"

"Swooned!" I said delightedly.

That wide sensuous mouth twisted wickedly. "Yeah, some tall thin thing."

"Holly Greenwood," I said, bringing to mind the girl I pursued through sixth form. "She wouldn't give me the time of day."

She waved it away and rested her wrists on my shoulders, her fingers dipping to lightly scratch my shoulder blades. A stoner high can make you sensuously tactile and the sensation of her nails on my skin threatened to undo me totally. I nearly missed what she said next.

"So, when I saw you in the Bridge, I knew exactly who you were - or who you had been at least. And I set out to prove something to myself. And here we are."

She looked down. "I hope you don't think I've deceived you. Not like your ex, anyway."

I huffed a laugh. "You're a devious woman, Miss Hind, but I think we're all square on the whole economical with the truth thing."

"You still gonna ask me out again?"

"You can count on it. Many times."

She flashed a brilliant and slightly bashful smile. "I like the sound of that."

I experienced a long slow epiphany as I gazed at her. Her eyebrows quirked.

"You're not having a stroke, are you, Reb?"

I laughed out loud. My nickname sounded so natural in her mouth. I hoped she would always use it. Suddenly, I couldn't wait to introduce her to the guys.



The following morning, we were sitting up in my bed. I looked across her to the view through the window where starlings squabbled on the telegraph wires in the sunshine.

I took another chance.

"I want to show you something. Get your clothes on."

Picking up on my excitement, she clambered off the bed and started to dress. Standing by the window as she pulled up the zip on her skirt she looked down into the street.

"There's some woman staring at the house, Reb."

My heart sank. Sure enough, as I peeked cautiously round the edge of the curtain, Klara Ellington stood in the street glaring a hole in the front door.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Yes," I said grimly. "Have a look through my clothes. I want something that says we're a couple."

"Gotcha!" she said merrily as she threw my cupboard doors open. I don't think the idea of dressing me was the only reason for her broad smile.

Clothes flew through the air until she came across a pair of beach shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

"Got some shades?"

I produced my aviators with a flourish.


She fished some Dior sunglasses out of her handbag and posed us together in front of the wardrobe mirror. I had to admit we looked pretty good. And when I opened the front door, the look on Klara's face was totally worth it.

"Who's this?" Klara demanded.

"None of your business," I said as I unlocked the car.

Klara made a little incoherent sound of rage and to my amazement, launched herself at Nikki. Then the redoubtable Miss Hind punched Miss Ellington smartly in the face. Klara staggered back against the car and slid to the pavement.

"You hit me!" she said wonderingly, her hand to her jaw.

"Yep. And I'll do it again if I have to," Nikki said, dismissively. "Now, fuck off!"

We got in the car and there was a little shriek from outside as I started the engine. Klara rapidly scrambled to her feet and stood there rubbing her jaw and staring at the car.

I looked at Nikki. "We good?"

"We're better than good!" she said and squeezed my hand.


Outside No.7 Norfolk Lane, I pulled up on the kerbside and killed the motor.

"What are we doing here?" Nikki asked.

"C'mon," I said, as I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the door.

A couple of minutes later we stood on the pavement enjoyably hand in hand looking up at the big old pile.

She looked at me sideways. "You're gonna tell me you own this thing ain'tcha Reb? That smile of yours is going to unhinge your head in a minute."

"Yep! This is my do-er upper. Wanna see inside?"

"You're a fucking lunatic is what you are! Are there any other surprises?"

I hesitated for a moment but in truth it had been obvious since yesterday.

"I think ... I think I might ... love you."

That mouth, that sensuous mouth, curled with a mixture of joy and satisfaction.

"Took you long enough. Let me tell you something, then. When I saw you on Tuesday, I knew right then."

"Oh, you did, did you?"

My smile was starting to hurt my cheeks. The fact that it was mirrored on hers was like the most perfect thing ever.

She pulled me close. "This house looks like it was made for a family. Wanna make babies, Reb?"

"What? Here?"

Nikki shrieked with laughter and then cupped my nascent erection with her hand. "I dare you!"

"Now who's a fucking lunatic? Inside!"

We ran to the front door, and I fumbled for my keys while Nikki groped my arse. The lock was old and fiddly and not made any easier with her tongue slithering into my ear. As I struggled, she whispered incendiary obscenities to me, and my cock threatened to burst out of my shorts. If I didn't get through this damn door in two seconds, I was going to have her against it and to hell with it if there was anyone watching!

The universe took pity on me, and the door gave way. We fell through into the hall where Nikki left off snogging me long enough to gape at it. My, but it was a mess! Plaster coming off the ceiling and paint peeling off the walls. However, the space was double height and a wide wooden staircase wound up the left-hand side to reach a galleried landing on the right. The whole was lit by a lantern in the ceiling where the sunshine tried to force its way through the grime. Just about visible under a considerable volume of debris was a classic black and white tiled floor in a diamond pattern.

"Oh, my Ghod, Michael! This is amazing!"

I grinned at her. I thought the house was a poor second to the vision standing beside me in yesterday's clothes, her eyes shining and her hand to her mouth, her curls dancing round her face.

"This was the breaking point between me and Klara. My parents had a life insurance policy in six figures, and she couldn't believe I wanted to spend it on this. She kept trying to change my mind, but I'd fallen in love with it as soon as I saw it. I could see me and ..."

I swallowed and Nikki broke off gazing at the hall to look at me. I think she knew what I was going to say. I didn't dare look at her.

"... my wife raising a family here."

She gave a little squeal and threw herself at me. I buried my face in her hair and inhaled great lungfuls of her. Then her hand was snaking south into my shorts to take hold of my cock. She squeezed it deliciously as her mouth sought mine, and we embraced fiercely, our tongues duelling as we panted. I pushed her shirt from her shoulders to fall amongst the litter.

She wrapped a leg round me and pulled us together hard. I could feel her mound rubbing against the base of my cock even as her fingers teased the crown. I lifted her skirt and pushed my hands into her knickers to grasp her wonderful derrière.

We broke for her to rest her forehead against mine and her eyelids fluttered with desire.

"Fuck me, Michael, fuck me!"

I dropped to my knees and near ripped her skirt and knickers down in one movement, then I buried my face in her sex, licking and kissing the slick flesh. She put a foot on my shoulder and opened her legs as widely as possible while using both hands to force my face into her cunt. Her juices ran freely into my mouth, and I couldn't get enough of the tart deliciousness, delving my tongue inside her to search for more. I nibbled her clit and then sucked it between my lips to lash it with my tongue. She shrieked and went rigid, her thighs trembling under my hands as her climax shook her.

Somehow, I managed to lose my shorts and boxers as I stood up and my cock prodded her belly. Her hand found it again and steered it to her entrance and I sank into her silken depths with no resistance at all. Coming to rest inside her, my hands fell to her hips and hers came up to rest on my shoulders. She looked at me, her head on one side, that marvellous mouth curved in a small smile.

"When I imagined how someone might propose to me, it generally involved him on one knee with a ring offered up for my acceptance. It certainly didn't involve being fucked in some derelict house."

"Don't you be rude about our house. She didn't mean it!" I shouted at the hall.

"Our house?"

"Our house," I said firmly. "It's going to take a bit of work-"

"A bit!" she giggled, and then put her finger to my lips. "You were fucking me, Reb." She squeezed me with her internal muscles, and I shuddered.

"Ah. Right."

I slowly withdrew and then I rammed into her. She gasped, her grey eyes wide and her lips parted. Then she grabbed my head and pulled me to her, her tongue spearing into my mouth, and then we were joined above and below. We kissed frantically as I picked up the pace, the liquid carnal sounds of our mating burrowing into my brain. Our bodies met in a series of slaps that echoed in the big hall. Her hand went between us to rub her clit and then her cunt clamped down hard on me. My hips jerked as I emptied myself into her.

We slumped against each other, and I realised that she was sobbing. I held her close and stroked her shoulders until the hiccoughs stopped.

"You know, it's not even a week," she whispered.

"Really?" I said softly. "It feels like I've known you forever."

The tears started again, and she wept freely, holding me to her in the empty silence of the big hall.



"And this bunch of losers are my friends," I said as I waved my hand at the miscreants at the table in the Alex.

Andy rose to his feet and stuck his hand out. "You must be Nikki."

She gave me a sideways glance and he chuckled. "No, he didn't tell me anything more than your name."

His gaze dropped to where her left hand hung by her side. An errant ray of sunshine bounced off the diamond, and his mouth fell open. Eyes wide, he struggled round the table to take me in an enormous bear hug. Pete and Phil stared at the two of us, me embarrassed, him pounding me on the back and saying "Mate!" over and over again.

They looked at Nikki for enlightenment and she put her left hand forward. I thought their eyes were going to fall out of their heads as they looked in rotation from the ring to Nikki to me. Then they rose as one to join Andy in giving me bone crushing hugs. I think my eyes might have been a little wet when they let me go.

Nikki slid her arm round my waist and leaned in.

"You have nice friends," she whispered.


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JusteenKJusteenK2 days ago

Other than the fact that I think it's posted in the wrong category, this is a perfect little romance.

PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 1 month ago

This is so very good, in more ways than normal, you hooked me with the witty, sparky dialogue and followed up with lush vocabulary, then finished with marvellous, defined and interesting characters, the fact that it’s a potted romance hiding out in the EC section is just the cherry on top!

Couldn’t have asked for more, many thanks for making me smile and laugh out loud. Best wishes, Ppfzz. 5⭐️

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