Seven Stories Ch. 02

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Luna comes into the boy's life.
2.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 02/16/2013
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Hello all you readers! I had such a roaring approval response to my first story I decided to make this second installment as soon as I could. Seeing that the first part was slightly shorter than I had expected (Word pages are much shorter than Lit pages) I will put a lot more meat in this stories bones so to speak. Anyways thanks for the support and enjoy!


To say I was shocked to see such a woman come out from the book would be the understatement of the century. There were so many thoughts rushing through my head, so many questions as to how the woman came out from the book and how this happened in the first place. However throughout my shocked state I was never scared or feared by this woman; she just seemed to give off an aura of calmness.

Breathing deeply and trying to steady my impending heart attack, I mustered up my courage. "W-w-who are you?"

She just nodded shortly, pausing probably to think about my question. In the most beautifully soft but attention grabbing voice I have ever heard she spoke "I am a being that has come out of the book you possess in response to your hearts call."

Tilting my head slightly I was baffled to hear her response, my hearts call? What is that? With a bit more confidence in myself I questioned further. "So you're a genie or something? Why did you come to me of all people?" Shifting my eyes to the book, I held it gingerly flipping quickly through the pages I saw that the words were seemingly stripped from the very pages, leaving blank pages. "How were you able to come out of this book?"

My heart lifted by about five feet when she giggled slightly at my inquisitive questions. "As for myself being a genie, I guess that would be the most accurate word for it. However while I do grant wishes I do not have a limit in the number but I do have limits to the nature of the wish." Seeing that I was about to question more she smiled and nodded her head which quieted my questions for the moment. "If you were to ask what nature of my wishes is restricted to, they relate to the reason why I was called for by your heart so strongly."

Thinking back to the moment right before the strange ink started to come out, I wondered what would cause such a thing to happen. However the suddenness of the whole event as well as the woman standing there didn't help my thought process and I failed to know. " you're a genie of sorts that grants wishes based on the reason my heart brought you here?" Seeing her nod in response I continued. "I can't really think of what my heart was thinking of so could you tell me? Also I am a bit curious as to how this whole genie thing works."

Almost as if expecting my questions she responded "As for the reason, your heart yearned strongly for a companion, for someone who would give you strength in both your heart and soul. Reading my story was one of the requirements for your heart to connect so strongly to me." She blushed slightly at that remark and my heart fluttered to see it. "As for the other requirements, your heart must have been truly seeking what my story represents, companionship. Finally you must have been accepted by the Writer, he is the one who determines the bearer of the book."

Lying back down on the grass, the moon still shining in the night sky, I wondered how in the world this could have happened. However I was extremely happy and nervous at the same time at the prospect of this genie being mine. Looking back I saw that she had yet to move from the spot where she had appeared. "Is there anything else I should know? Like your name or if there is anything else that needs to be done?"

Shyly nodding her head, she kept in the spot. "Yes Master, as for my name it is for you to decide. As for the last requirement for our binding, it requires something a little more intimate." Leaving her words at that, her cheeks burned bright pink with embarrassment.

Intimate? Shaking my head of the possible things that could mean before I lost all thought due to a heart attack, I looked at her again. Her beauty was undeniable; her body was slim and curvy without looking out of place, a body which exuded a slight sensuality without being slutty. With a face that spoke volumes about her personality; the lips when curled into a smile lifted my heart to the heavens, the eyes twinkled with a slight mischievousness but held within them a deep reservoir of knowledge. All together she was an amazing woman that made it feel like I was dreaming, one that I did not want to wake up from. Looking at her hair again, seeing that it matched the color of the moon glow, her name rolled out of my lips without hesitation. "Luna."

Her eyes flickered up to mine, catching my gaze. I saw a happiness I didn't know could exist that could be expressed like she did. Her smile spread across her perfect lips and I couldn't help but smile too. Seeing that she was still standing, I nodded my head shyly and patted the ground next to myself. Very carefully she took a few steps toward my direction but suddenly stumbled, falling forward. Almost instantly I rose, catching her before she hit the ground.

"I'm sorry Master; I have not been summoned in a very long time and didn't know the limits of my body just yet." Feeling the incredible softness of her skin in my fingers, I blushed furiously, looking away.

"Don't worry about it; I'm just glad to have caught you." Realizing that she had been forgiven for her fall, she sat back to the spot I had patted earlier and looked at the moon.

Looking over at her, I still couldn't believe that one so entrancing as she was so close to me. Seeing that she was looking at the moon, I thanked whatever or whoever had come across my life and gifted me such a beautiful night. "Beautiful, isn't she? I...I mean the moon that is..."

Pulling in her legs closer to her body, Luna just continued to gaze at the moon. "Yes Master, the moon is beautiful. I have never seen it before. As she continued to see the moon, the breeze grew notably colder. Almost by a force of habit, I checked my phone to see what time it was. I was shocked to see it was almost 1:30 in the morning; I had been so caught up with what happened that I didn't realize that I had spent almost two hours by the lake.

Seeing her so serenely looking up into the sky, I almost forgot what I was thinking about. A sudden breeze changed my mind and I cleared my throat, catching her attention. " is pretty late...or early I guess...anyway I should be getting home."

Standing up shortly after myself, she shivered slightly as she became more exposed to the cold night air. Thankfully I was wearing my jacket and quickly took it off and offered it to her.

She looked at me shocked at my outstretched hands. "Master?! You shouldn't do that, you will be cold!"

"Well I am more used to this kind of I want you to use it." Blushing slightly I lowered my gaze from her glimmering eyes. But thankfully I felt the jacket leave my fingertips, seeing that the jacket looked infinitely better on her than it ever would on my own body.

Thinking about the direction where I had parked the car, I looked over to Luna and saw that she was diligently seeing the way I would go, clutching the book to her chest. Rubbing my arms quickly to ward off the chill I walked to the car, making sure that the pathway as well as Luna were safe.

Getting to the car I went over to the passenger side and opened the door, Luna looked at me oddly for a little until I waved her over. She gingerly stepped into the slightly battered old Jeep that my family had gotten me for turning 18 almost three months ago. After making sure she was inside, I closed the door and rushed over to the driver side. Luna was a little startled when the engine revved to life and I slowly backed the car out of the lake lot and drove home.

The drive itself was pretty boring, however having Luna only a couple feet from me made the drive so much more exciting. She was riveted to the scenery as it passed by, dark though it was; the light from the moon gave the area an almost spiritual glow to it.

Arriving home I was glad that my mother had gone out a couple days before to visit my older sister at her college. Opening the passenger door for Luna, she blushed shyly at my actions and took my shaking hand within her own. Nervous as I was, my family growing up had always taught me to treat anyone and everyone with respect. As they had always said 'Respect isn't something you can earn, but should be given to everyone one you meet.' Looking back to the sky, I thanked them in my heart wherever they might be, probably sleeping now that I think about it.

Laughing slightly at myself, I walked quickly to the door and opened it; ushering Luna inside and shutting the door to prevent any more heat to escape. Seeing Luna looking around the front entrance wide eyed at all the things she was taking in made me all the more nervous with only the two of us in the house.

Despite how late it was I was wide awake, generally by this time I would be a little tired however with Luna's appearance I didn't even notice any grogginess. Thinking about tomorrow I realized that I had work at the shop again, knowing that I should probably get to sleep I stretched slightly which evoked a large yawn.

Noticing that it was in fact so late Luna came to my side, satisfied from looking at the house for the moment. "Master, I'm sorry for keeping you up so late. I hadn't noticed it myself but being brought forth from the book takes a lot of my energy from me so I can't actually grant any wishes for a couple hours or so." She looked at the ground in saddened that she couldn't fulfill any of her master's desires.

Laughing, I just patted her head slightly. "Don't worry about that, I am pretty tired myself. Plus from all of the excitement I forgot that I had to work tomorrow, so I got to get to sleep soon anyway." Feeling her hair, even slightly, felt like touching satin. Her hair was so smooth and flowed so gracefully that I almost forgot to take off my hand when I first touched it. Embarrassed I took my hand off quickly but my fingers quivered afterword with the sensation.

Her cheeks flushed for a moment at the feel of her master's touch, nodding happily.

"Uhhh...I know that I have about a thousand other things I would love to talk with you about, but I really should get some sleep." Then it struck me, where would she sleep for the night? "As for sleeping...well my sister and mother are gone right I'm sure you could sleep in one of their rooms...if you don't mind of course."

"I'm sorry Master, I don't wish to cause you any trouble....but the first night you sleep after bringing myself forth or any other book, we have to sleep next to one another...for the binding..." She said still looking down, but in shyness rather than sadness.

"R-r-really? It's not that I don't find you stunning but with me being a guy...and you being a beautiful woman...well..." I stuttered not knowing exactly what to do, knowing that I might not sleep at all with someone like her beside me, heck any girl really.

Looking into my eyes, she firmly said "Yes, the process for our hearts and minds to fully connect to one another so I can grant you such wishes requires for me to be beside you when your body is completely relaxed and peaceful. Sleeping being the easiest method...I only wish to serve you to the fullest Master."

Scratching my head I was extremely excited at the thought of being in the same bed, however my nervousness also butted its ugly head. "Well I guess there isn't much I can do then." Sighing slightly I breathed in deep. "I'll show you my room."

Adrenaline pumping in my veins, I almost ran up the stairs in slight excitement, reaching my room quickly since it was only a couple feet from the top of the stairs. Followed diligently by Luna, she and I entered into my room. Now I wouldn't say I was a clean freak or a slob, but I kept my room fairly clean and dirty cloths free. The room itself was actually pretty bare, no posters or anything were plastered on the wall aside from my calendar. Now my desk which was the home to my laptop was cluttered with pages of my drawings and the occasional story plot which appeared in my mind at random times.

Luna was quite entranced none the less, seeing her master's room. My drawings that I had out caught her attention and she wandered over to the desk picking up a drawing that I had actually finished quite recently. It depicted a full white moon in the top right corner, cut slightly at the bottom by the horizon. The rest of the sky was pitch black, with the ground being pure white; in the bottom left corner, a patch of flowers grow which I aptly named crystal blooms for their very gemlike appearance. The whole picture was drawn only in black and white which gave it a very mysterious but beautiful look to it.

Almost cradling it in her hands, Luna looked at me. "Did you draw this?" At my nod, she continued. "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen; you are a fantastic artist Master."

My cheeks burned at the compliment, enjoying the fact that she could enjoy my work. "I can show you more tomorrow if you'd like, but for now I'm really tired from all the excitement and all." Stretching my sore limbs from sitting for so long, I took off my shoes and placed them by the door. Climbing into the bed I looked nervously over at Luna, seeing her gaze at the drawing still.

Putting down the drawing, Luna stretched her arms and shoulders above her head, thrusting her chest forward – not unnoticed by her master. Shedding the jacket from her shoulders, she gingerly got under the covers, sniffing the sheets and smiling at the scent of her master.

"Luna?" I looked over at her as she got into the bed wearing only the silvery drape-like clothing that she first appeared in.

Catching my gaze she replied "Yes Master?"

Swallowing slightly "I was thinking...I can understand that you call me master and all, but if you can call me by my name...if you want to that is."

Her face scrunched up in genuine surprise. "A-a-are you sure M-master? Your name is very sacred and being your servant I don't deserve to call you so familiarly."

Smiling at her outburst, I just shook my head. "I'm not the best with woman or anything, but I will never think of you as my servant, you are so beautiful and I am glad that I was the one to meet one such as you. I would love it if you would call me by my name."

Looking deeply into my eyes she saw that I meant every word and she looked away slightly. "T-thank you Master, you're much kinder than past Masters that the Writer had described."

"Well...ummm thanks." Yawning once more I settled deeper into sleep. Gathering my courage once more, I added. "My name is Alex Faux, and I am incredibly happy to have met you Luna."

Grabbing onto my arm she just smiled. "And I am glad to have been able to have a master that is as kind as you...Alex."

Her body was felt so warm and soft next to my own that my heart felt like it was racing out of my very chest. Feeling her quickly fall asleep with my arm clutched firmly in her grasp, I wondered how this could get any better. Tiredness however quieted my thoughts and I slept feeling something grow in my chest and it felt...warm.

Sorry Folks to end it on that note, but i felt that having sex that fast would be quite unrealistic, or at least in my point of view. Anyway I promise that the next chapter will have some action for you Lit readers and hope you enjoyed this second chapter!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Hey Sinny435, aren't you going to write more of this series? It's really good. PLEASE FINISH THE SERIES!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Come on man!

It has been over three years. I think this is an awesome beginning with lots of potential. I am looking forward to seeing later chapters but it appears to me that the story has come to a stand still for some unknown reason. Please continue.

GraulasGraulasabout 8 years ago
Awesome beginning

It's a great start, I just hope you continue it.

hardheadd1hardheadd1over 8 years ago

Ohhh come on its a pretty good story so give us more already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

With a good start you should go on with the story. I hate it when a potentially great

author abandons an excellant start

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