Seventy Two Hours

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A wife's ultimate fantasy gift for her husband.
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My Dear Readers,


What I write is fiction/fantasy/fairy tales for adults. None of my characters are real, no one was injured during the production of my stories and just like on T.V., they all get up when the scene is over, have a beer, remove the makeup and go home, ready to return in the next chapter, all the boo boos healed.

Some spelling and grammatical errors are mine however some are intentional. Which is witch I leave as an exercise for those anal enough to care.

Votes and comments are as always gratefully received. E-mail will get personnel response if you remember to leave me a return e-mail address.


Dom Woolf

Seventy Two Hours

Karen was distracted as she sat with her girlfriends at lunch basically ignoring the conversations going on around her. Her husband Bill was turning forty today and she wanted to do something special for his birthday. They had been married since he was twenty one and she was a innocent teenaged seventeen.

Maybe that was the problem, Karen thought. We never really had a chance to play around, to discover our individual sexuality. We have just always been together and maybe he resents not sowing his oats when he could. Maybe...

"Karen! Earth to Karen, darling are you in there?" Janet her older and twice married friend tapped her arm shaking her out of her revelry.

"Sorry Janet. I didn't mean to ignore you all." Karen looked around at the empty table. Six friends had sat down to lunch and now only Janet and she were left.

"My god darling, you really have been out of it. What's bothering you so much that you zombied out clear through lunch?

"Bill" She sighed. "It's like we are just going through the motions." She shook her hair back out of her face. "It's not as if there is anything really wrong. It's just that life and stuff has gotten so predictable and and..."

"Repetitive." Janet reached over and took Karen's hands. "Your sex life is a bore and you're worried about losing him."

"Oh God, no! I'm not worried about him leaving or cheating or something, it's just I need to spice things up a bit, shake us out of the doldrums. Remind him of when we were young."

"Ahh, you want to give him the ultimate experience!" Janet grinned.

"What in the world is that?"

"David, my darling husband, has these kinky little fantasies. Not my idea of fun at all, so about once a year I give him a coupon for the ultimate experience; for twenty four hours he can do anything he wants with me." Janet laughed. "He gets these little whips and handcuffs and well you know what I mean, for twenty four hours he lives out his fantasy and then it's out of his system."

Karen blushed, thinking of dark stately Janet all handcuffed in bondage with David running around in a black hood with a whip.

"That sounds perfect!" Karen grinned at her friend, kissed her, and headed off towards home wondering what Bill would do with his ultimate fantasy experience.


Karen spent a long time finding the perfect gift card. It had a cute submissive in a maids uniform on the cover. In side she wrote; This entitles the bearer to 72 hours of the ultimate fantasy experience. Beginning on Friday nite at six pm and ending Monday night at 6 pm. During those hours the bearer may use this card to demand any fantasy be fulfilled by the giftee. No recriminations, no regrets, no limits. Love Karen.

She stuck the card under his birthday cake and waited to see his face.

Bill enjoyed his birthday party, his favorite dinner of steak, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes and gravy (none of which he was allowed very often by his doctor or wife), his favorite beer and a few friends all wishing him a happy fortieth. The card from his wife he read once stopped and reread it and then put it in his pocket. His friends laughingly called on him to share but he said it was personal, sexy, and just between him and his wife which got a lot of good natured ribbing.

Once the party was over and the guests had gone, Bill took the card and reread it. He found Karen in the kitchen and waved the card at her.

"This says I can ask you to do anything for seventy two hours, the whole three day holiday, make any fantasy come true with no possible recriminations come Monday night."

Karen kissed him as she finished the party dishes and headed up to bed. "That's right big fella, so dig out all those old fantasies and get ready to rumble."

Bill sank down in the kitchen chair as his wife headed up to bed with a strange smile on his face.

Karen was amazed at the change in Bill the rest of the week, he was positively bouncy, grinning at her like the cat that ate the canary and still had the feathers in the corner of its mouth.

Every time he looked at her he got the same funny grin. Karen had expected the gift would please him but this was a whole new level of enjoyment. She just knew it was the perfect gift.

Thursday night bill spent a lot of time in their room after dinner instead of watching TV or surfing the net as was their usual routine. Friday morning he kissed her as he headed off to work and asked her again if she was sure she wanted to give him such an open ended gift?

When she laughed and said she really, really did, he told her to bathe, shave, and get dolled up in the outfit he had left in his closet and he would pick her up at six thirty on the dot.

Karen pushed him out the door saying she would be ready, Oh Master. She was very pleased at how happy this whole ultimate gift thing was making her husband.

Karen wasn't very surprised at the outfit Bill had chosen. It included her laciest and raciest black bra and matching thong panties, her garter belt and stocking with the stripe up the backs. Her black silk skirt that zipped down from the waistband so she could show as much or as little leg as she wanted and an almost see through black lacy top with a deep front cleavage. Bill was certainly going all out and it was an outfit that was a lot racier than anything she would normally wear, but if that was what he wanted for this weekend she would play the vamp.

Bill pulled into their driveway at six thirty on the dot and Karen hurried out to the car. He stopped her and had her do a slow turn for him. He unbuttoned a single button on her blouse showing even more of her already pushed up and partially exposed breasts, and then he unzipped the skirt until it was just barely zipped at all. She started to protest then stopped herself. This was Bill's weekend and she might end up blushing until next weekend but she had agreed and damned if she would back out.

Bill took her to a high end restaurant, one of the most expensive in town and he seemed to enjoy the looks she was getting as the valet helped her from the car. Bill was carrying a digital camera and had her pose several times in front of the restaurants' ornate statues, showing so much leg that the tops of her stocking showed.

Dinner was fantastic and the wine steward seemed to be pouring more wine slowly into her glass while staring down her exposed cleavage every time she took a sip. Bill just sat and grinned.

Bill kept glancing at his watch and at eight thirty on the dot escorted her back to the car. He wasn't headed for home but pulled into a lot a few miles from the restaurant. No valet here and he had her pose by the car several times for his camera before escorting her through a back door into a club.

"Fantasy part one." He announced. A man stepped over to them and handed Bill a clipboard. "Karen, honey sign here and initial here and here. The club was so dark Karen could barely make out the clipboard let alone read what she was signing. Bill handed it back to the man who gave Bill a number and pointed to a table.

Bill escorted Karen to the table and a big busted girl in a bikini set two drinks down then moved away as they took their seats.

'Bill what's going on? Where are we? Karen eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness and she could make out a crowded club full of men and a few bikinied women.

"Part of my fantasy, I entered you in an amateur contest."

Karen looked around, beginning to realize exactly what type of club this was. He couldn't mean for her to get up on a stage and strip in front of a room full of strangers! That was insane; she couldn't do it in a million years. Karen began to protest that this wasn't what she signed up for; then she recalled the wording of the gift card and how Bill had asked her not once but several times if she really meant what it said.

I am really going to have a talk with Janet when this is over, she thought. I was ready for a little bondage, maybe some unusual sex, but somehow I never figured that Bill would want to see me dance naked in front of strangers.

The DJ began his spiel and Karen was recalling the time over their marriage when Bill seemed to want her to show off more body than she was comfortable doing. He never pushed it when she set limits, until now, but then she was the one who had removed the limits, hadn't she?

She recalled the times Bill's friends had taken him to strip clubs for bachelor parties and birthdays and how he had talked about the experiences. Now she began to realize how much he enjoyed seeing other women strip and why this would be his fantasy.

Karen grimaced; I walked myself into this, guess I have to pay the piper. Karen watched as the first few amateurs got up on the stage with their twenty something bodies and a few with huge silicone boobs. Most couldn't dance and just pulled off their clothes revealing saggy tits and the beginnings of a belly paunch. A few were obviously semi-pros at the very least and made good use of the stripper pole and could at least shake their bodies in time to the music.

Karen got up and smiled at Bill telling him to wait there. She went up to the DJ and asked to look over his music. She finally found one of the pieces she was hoping he had and asked to have it played during her turn.

She hadn't even made it back to the table when the DJ called her number. This was it. She started to walk towards the steps going up to the stage and then changed her walk into a strut. The DJ started her music and Karen strutted onstage.

She walked the length of the catwalk like a model, one foot placed just to the other side of center and repeat. She threw back her shoulders so her breasts strained the blouse and bounced as she walked. She unzipped the skirt until the only thing holding it on was the button at the top so she could show every bit of silky gartered thigh.

At the end of the catwalk she stood with her legs apart and unbuttoned the skirt, swirling it around her body before tossing it to a stunned Bill sitting on the left of the stage. She slowly bent down in time to the music and unbuttoned the blouse. As she came back up the blouse swirled away and landed in Bills lap. She gave a bump and grind in time to the music thrusting her pelvis out towards the audience.

She could hear the whistles and catcalls but the lights were too bright for her to be able to see much of the crowd. Karen was beginning to enjoy the attention, after all here she was at thirty six competing against a bunch of twenty something's, and the guys seemed to love it. She spun back towards the rear of the catwalk and did a slow bend over legs apart. She let her hands slid down her legs and then back up to her panties.

Karen listened to the calls from the men as they watched every move she made. She heard calls to take it off and compliments about her tits and ass. She also heard lewd comments by guys that wanted to fuck her snatch, ass and tits or wanted to shove their dicks in her mouth and cum all over her. It started to excite her to know she was the object of so much male lust.

She stalked back up the cat walk, exaggerating ever twist, bump and thrust. She stood with her back to them all and reached behind her back for the bra clasp.

The clasp came unhooked and now Karen knew this was her moment of truth. So far she hadn't showed any more than what everyone saw when she wore a bikini at the beach.

She brought her hands across her body and slid them up and down her naked back. Karen twirled around removing the bra and launching it out into the audience. She stalked her way to the pole and wrapped her tits around the pole, pressing at the sides and sliding up and down as if the pole was a cock between her tits.

The crowd was cheering and she decided to give them a show. She reached down and snagged one of the chairs beside the stage. Sitting on the edge she slowly unsnapped and rolled down the nylons one at a time and tossed them into the audience. She did a slow walk back up the catwalk pushing down her panties as she walked. Once she reached the end she stopped and they dropped to the stage where she kicked them out to the waiting men.

She slowly slid down on to the stage and spread her legs giving them a perfect shot of her spread pussy then rolled over and slowly stood back up as the watched her ass. Then Karen went through the curtain.

She stood backstage shaking but her nipples were hard as rocks. She had done it. Bill met her at the edge of the stage with her blouse and skirt.

"I never thought you would go through with it! Damn baby watching you up there made me want to jump up and fuck you in front of all those guys."

Karen slipped into her blouse as one of the semi-pros walked by and stopped to comment. "You got a nice tight body honey. You're a little old to be starting the circuit but it's gonna cost you a fortune if you keep tossing your clothes to the animals, cause they never give um back." The girl smiled at Bill, shook her tits to settle them into the glittery bra she had on and strode out onto the stage.

One of the club managers walked over and advised her to wear just the skirt when she went out in the final line up to see who won the contest. "Ya got great tits babe and showing um will get the crowd to give ya more votes, specially if ya shake um when they call for your number."

Bill handed her the skirt, kissed her, and headed back out to his table so he could vote for his sexy wife. Karen sat in the back with the other contestants and drank bottled water. She listened to the guys in the audience calling out to the various girls on stage and smiled. It had been fun and exciting to be the object of so much male attention.

When it came time for the vote she slipped off her top and lined up with the other girls. She remembered to shake her tits as they called her number and was pleased at the volume of the response. She came in second and received a small trophy of a naked dancer as prize and one hundred and fifty dollars.

On the ride home Bill handed her a big wad of dollar bills the guys had thrown at her while she was stripping on stage. Karen had been so nervous she hadn't even noticed. Bill slipped his hand under her skirt slit and fingered her all the way home.

Late Saturday morning Karen awoke to sunlight streaming across her naked body. She stretched a little sore from Bill's enthusiastic love making. They had barely made it into the house before he was all over her last night.

She went down stairs to find her husband cooking breakfast, still with an ear to ear grin. Her trophy was in her husband's trophy case along with his bowling trophies and pictures of them at various events. He had placed the trophy top and center and had put two pictures from the ones he had taken at the club one on either side. The first showed her receiving her trophy, the other contestants in the background and her tits prominently displayed. The other was a full nude shot of her on stage strutting up the catwalk.

Karen wasn't sure she wanted those pictures and the trophy displayed in the living room where everyone would see them but for now she didn't complain, this was Bill's weekend after all.

After breakfast Bill told her to shower while he picked her out another outfit. Karen wondered as she showered just what else her devious husband could have in mind. His first idea had certainly been something she would never have imagined. Karen found she was getting excited just wondering what was up next.

Karen finished brushing out her hair and checked once more in the mirror. Makeup and hair perfect, armpits, legs and bikini area shaved clean and smooth, she felt as ready as she was going to be. In her bedroom she found a thin white sundress, white stockings, and a pair of garters she hadn't seen in years. No bra, no panties, and white high heeled shoes.

Karen got dressed and checked herself out in her closet full length mirror. Now she remembered why she quit wearing the sundress. It came down to just below her ass in the back and a good six inches above the knees in front. If she forgot while sitting down it showed her panties, front and rear or it would have if her husband had included panties.

The top was an elastic band that outlined her d cup tits and had a tendency to slip down constantly. She remembered being tired of having to pull it up all the time and how it used to drop enough to show her bra, except now she wasn't wearing one and the top was so thin you could see the areola plainly through the dress.

Karen gave one last push to her hair before going downstairs to find Bill.

Bill heard her coming and took a few snapshots as she came down the stairs with his new canon digital camera. It had been an expensive buy but he now was grateful for every penny he had spent. The camera had the max when it came to pixels per shot and the extended lens could zoom up to incredible close-ups while shooting from a distance.

With the Wi-Fi feature Bill could download pics to his email address while filming so he never had to worry about running out of hard drive space.

"Honey" he started at the same time she spoke. "Bill." He paused and she continued. "Dear this outfit leaves nothing to the imagination. If we run into any of our friends..." she trailed off at his grin.

"That's the whole idea! Fantasy part two, today we are going to the Brookhaven mall where you are going to flash your tits, ass and pussy at me as much as you can get away with and I'm going to get it all on film or at least on the hard drive."

"You are going to get us arrested." She walked past him and reached down to squeeze his pants where his cock was outlined and hard as a rock. "I hope we get a single cell."

She waltzed to the front door, opened it, spun around raising the skirt, showing her ass and bare pussy and then skipped down the walk towards the car.

Damn, Bill thought, I am going to have to be a lot faster with the camera.

Karen surprised Bill and herself by raising the skirt and spreading her legs a couple of times on the way to the mall but had to stop when Bill almost rear ended another car at a stop light.

Karen was amazed at herself by how much she was getting into this whole flashing thing. It was almost as if once Bill gave his permission, she could let herself go and release her inner slut.

It wasn't until the sliding doors of the mall hit her with a blast of cold air conditioning and she heard the camera behind her that she finally got nervous. Karen wasn't sure how she was going to get away with this without getting caught.

She wandered over to the escalator and waited until it appeared that nobody was headed for the up stairs, and then stepped aboard. Bill stayed at the bottom until she was half way up, then he followed her. His camera watched her ass all the way up. Near the top she spread her legs and bent forward so he got a perfect shot of her ass and pussy with people on the down escalator in the shot.

This might be easier than she thought it would be. She strolled down the walkway past various store fronts. One of the stores was closed with a big for lease sign in the door. The door was recessed back away from the walkway a few feet. Karen stepped in to the recess and turned to the walkway. As Bill leaned on the rail camera pointed towards her, she raised her skirt and fingered her pussy open.