Sex Club for Nerds and Geeks Ch. 14


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I wanted to jump her right then.

I had gotten as far as having my pants and jockeys below my knees when she grabbed my cock.

"Fuck me Carl, now, NOW!" she demanded, and pulled me down to her, then humped her pussy and found a way to get part of the head inside.

I leaned forward and slid an inche in. That were enough, because Margery grabbed my shoulders and pulled me the rest of the way inside. I started pumping and she pushed her pussy against me, struggling to get her clit slammed by my pubic bone.

"Fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes OH FUUUUCK!" and she came again. She must have sensed that I hadn't because she changed her movements and swung her pussy in a circular motion, not pulling me into her but straining to get the cockhead at the edge.

It worked, and I came, loudly. "Ohhhh FUUUUUCK Margery, I'm cumming, here it — ohmigod, I'm cumming, cummmming!" and I blasted into her.

God, that was awkward. God, that was wonderful.

We recovered as I lay beside her, wiping the sweat and hair from her face and kissing as her dreamy grin slowly faded.

I levered my pants off and pulled my shirt up and tossed it. I was naked, but Margery still had her blouse and bra on.

"Can I —" as I stoked her sweaty belly.

"Yeah, get rid of them. I can't bear to be halfway dressed with you around." She pushed herself up, giving me enough room to unclip her bra and slide the blouse off her arms and then away. She tossed the bra.

"God, I'm glad you came. I don't have the energy to get you off right now," she mock-moaned as I settled beside her.

We cuddled.

"Oh god, it's dripping down my leg," she yelped, jumping up.

"Damn, I'm sorry," I said, and hustled to the bathroom for a warm washcloth and a towel. I cleaned her up, swabbed the blanket, and we re-arranged ourselves on the bed, with the towel under her.


"Oh my, where did that come from?" she blushed, putting her hand in front of her mouth.

"You, lover. I guess a good meal and a good fucking agree with you. C'mon, bathroom time."

Around two she woke me by gently sucking me hard. When I was fully awake, she swung herself on top of me, took my shaft into her, and began to sway.

Every time I'd tried to hold her steady at the top of her stroke, she'd adjusted and come down on me, knocking the breath out of me. This time I rode up with her and just stayed up, by pulling my legs under us. I bounced against her again and again.

"Whee! Do me, fuck me, this is so nice, so gooood."

Well, yeah, but I couldn't sustain it. We crashed down and finished with her cumming and then leaning forward to pumping me into a furious cum.

"It's a weeknight, we have to go to work," I semi-complained after I'd recovered.

"It's always a weeknight with us. We're young, we can fuck the night away and still do our jobs. That was really nice."

We did it in the shower in the morning, and I arrived at the lab slightly the worse for wear. I mean, three times in 12 hours wasn't so bad, but usually I didn't have to look chipper for work an hour later.

"Too much last night, eh?" snarked Anna.

When we quit for the day, my attitude had recovered enough that I was looking forward to dinner with Martha.


"We're doing another lunchtime gig," she perked as the food came.

"Wow! Maybe Jerry-the-owner was right, you guys ought to turn pro."

"It's Charlie. Or rather, the music department. He told us Monday that the group that was supposed to work Friday had crapped out, they just couldn't get it together.

"We're stoked! We picked eight songs from our vast repertoire. I was hoping for something new to learn, but Charlie says you have to get used to doing the same stuff over and over, every night. Same stuff, different venue, but it's gotta seem fresh, like you were doing it especially for this audience. We're performers, entertainers, gotta give the crowd its money's worth."

"My job still available?"

"Damn right it is! We're gonna have a new look. Last time it was kinda informal, not especially organized. This time we're gonna be all denim, shirts and jeans. If Charlie had his way, we'd all be in string ties and cowboy hats, but we revolted!"

"What was the mature judgment about Lit?"

"The show or the after party?" Crap, she noticed, or was told.

"Both, actually."

"We'll talk about the party later.

"The show was amazing. Your buddy Janice is one terrific woman! Charlie worked with her on the fiddle and slid her into every phase of the show. We had to re-arrange half the songs to make it work, but the crowd really dug it. Bluegrass needs a fiddle player.

"Yesterday, she told us her violin teacher was in the audience and called her early on Sunday morning to say how much she enjoyed the show and how impressed she was with how Janice played.

"Charlie was kinda hard on us at the Monday-morning recap. Evan had gotten nervous for some reason and blew his part in a couple of songs. Probably not noticeable, but Charlie said he had to concentrate more. He bitched at Helen and Francis for spending too much time in bed and not enough practicing.

"And he complained that Mike's sex appeal was making it tough for him, Charlie, to pick up girls, could he please tone it down and leave some for him. We all roared because nobody'd told him about Mike's, eh, persuasion. Charlie was really embarrassed. Apparently the teenybopper has dumped him.

"He explained that having Janice play in the background was usually the way it is with bluegrass groups, but for Friday he wants to move her up front and do a duet with her. Janice pointed out that she doesn't sing and Charlie said he meant he would sing to the fiddle and she would fiddle back — there are a couple of songs that work that way. She's really excited and they're gonna work on one for Friday."

We talked all through dinner and were finished by the time she got to her own review.

"Charlie says our 'Flat-Top Box' is so good, he wants a video of it, for YouTube. He was gonna set up a studio session, but when the Friday gig came along he's decided do it live — he's gotten the AV department to video the whole show."

We strolled back to the apartment. I was not looking forward to her review of mySaturday night performance. We dropped our shoes and she folded her legs under herself in the middle of the couch. I sat at the end and girded my loins.

"Thanks for getting me drunk."

Well now, that's different.

"Uh, you're welcome."

"Michael and I drank like everybody else at college. 18 is legal, you can go to bars, and it's everywhere on campus. We weren't there two weeks when we went to a frat party that his roommate knew about. We'd had beer at a couple of high school parties, so I knew about the taste and the buzz, but this time we each had three in about two hours and got blasted.

"The next morning we were really hurting, and his roommate laughed at us when he came back from his girlfriend's. 'You guys need to practice,' he said, so that night he took us to another party and made sure we got drunk.

"The next week we did the same thing. It turned out I could hold three beers pretty well, but Michael was sorta wobbly.

"Perry, the roommate, took us to the same frat house the next Saturday and got us mixed drinks. First it was gin and tonic, then seven-and-seven, then whiskey sours. We had no idea what we had done, so after we threw up twice, they let us crash in one of the rooms upstairs.

"After another couple of weekend parties, we got much better at it. Michael was still uncertain about all the drinking, and I was cautious too, but I liked the feeling of freedom that I got from it. And if we drank in moderation, we had really good sex.

"We got smashed at a New Year's Eve party, where somebody spiked the punchbowl. He got me home safely but got pulled over by the cops. His parents were furious and made him pay the fine out of his own money and took away his car privileges. I had to drive us everywhere the rest of winter break.

"For our 18-month anniversary dinner, we went out for a lovely dinner and drank a bottle of classy wine. That was all, but we had to take a cab home. It made the sex wonderful, even if I did fall asleep right after we finished.

"Beer in a bar with a tequila chaser is a new thing. Charlie whispered that I should take it slowly, not all at once, so I was feeling fine when you ordered the second round. I would've sipped that one too except you were doing this toastmaster thing and I felt obliged to chug it. After that, it's pretty hazy."

I wasn't about to tell Martha the details of my morning-after-the-night-before story, so I hit the highlights.

"I woke up with a terrible headache and barely got to the bathroom before I threw up. I went back to bed and got up around noon. I didn't feel very solid for the rest of the day.

"My drinking experience is a single beer. Two tequilas was something I should never have done, and I don't know why I did what I did. I know this, I'll never do it again."

My relief at not having to explain everything that happened on Sunday emboldened me, and I reached for her knee. She pounced and pushed me back and unzipped me.

"Hips up," she said, and had my jeans and jockeys on the floor.

"Bedroom please, I don't want to stain Pete's couch."

"Who's Pete?" she was stroking my cock as we got up.

"My roommate. He's moving in with his girlfriend when school starts, it's his couch," I panted.

Martha led me by my cock and, inside, she yanked my shirt up and off and slammed herself to me. I grabbed her ass and we ground into each other.

"I've never done it with a girl who didn't take her pants off."

"And you're not going to," she said. I beat her to the zipper and got them down in two swipes.

She leaned back on to the foot of the bed and spread her legs. I knelt and started licking her. She must have taken off her shirt and bra, but I couldn't tell because I was feasting on her pussy. She liked me to flutter her clit while I had two fingers inside, and I stroked her ass cheeks while I did it, coming pretty close to her asshole. She groaned at that and I was tempted. Later, later.

Her climax was thrilling. She beat her pussy against my face while she held me tight. I flashed back to the time where I passied out in this position, so I made sure I could breathe, even if the air was suffused with sex.


She was still thrashing around when I stood and pushed my cock into her. She scooted up the bed and I followed her, slamming into her again and again.

"Now you're talkin'! Take me to heaven!" We strained against each other, she grabbed my ass with her heels and pulled me furiously into her, again and again, faster and faster.

I came in stars and fireworks. "Martha-Martha-Martha! Oh god I'm cumming, cuuuummmmming, ooooooooh! ARRRGHHH!" and I streamed cum into her pussy, then crashed onto her.

It was after 10:30 when I woke. Martha was still sleeping, my cock had slipped out, and there were pools of cum under us both. Since that would not do, I slipped away to the bathroom for a warm cloth and cleaned up. There was no way the blanket would be suitable for sleeping on, but I didn't want to wake her, so I cuddled into her and dozed.

She shook me awake around eleven. "You're a good lay," she said, "but you know I hate the wet spot. Why didn't you wake me and get rid of this thing?" meaning the blanket.

"Because I was afraid you'd attack me."

"No, I don't think so, I'll need another hour. C'mon, let's clean this thing up."

We took the blanket to the bathroom. It was more wet than dry when I finished washing the cum out of it, so I hung it on the shower rod to dry.

"We'll have to huddle for bodily warmth, I don't have a second blanket."

"That's okay. On your belly, I'll sleep on your back." I felt her breasts and bush in the right places. I sighed in happiness, and we drifted away.

About 3 a.m., I woke as Martha jiggled me getting back into bed.

"Can we talk? I want to get something off my chest."

"Sure." I was apprehensive, I had no idea what was coming.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

I have to say this is a brilliant series so far and I can't wait to read the coming chapters, I really think the story is starting to twist a bit put of line from its seeming direction at the start but as a reader I will follow where it leads. As said before I can't wait to see where this all goes to, brilliant writing keep up the good work

PeterspeterPeterspeterabout 13 years agoAuthor
Constructive comment very much appreciated.

Hey Anon,

You have done me a real favor with this comment. I take no offense at all in fact, I wish I got more comments, public or private.

I wish Id begun knowing Sex Club for Nerds and Geeks would become a series. I was inspired by Penelope Streets story T.F.W.B.C. to write my own version. When it got good ratings, I realized it could be a series. Then RaleighBoy did me the honor of doing his take on my story. I wish he would continue (and lend me some of his sky-high ratings and comments!).

Its true, the series has rambled. Chalk it up to not doing an overall outline for a series that has no seeming end. What Ive been doing is creating situations where Mrs. McGowens charge (that its going to take a girl, or a couple of girls, to convince you that you, just like you are, are attractive and desirable) is so vital. I have a preachy streak, I guess.

Remember the dinner conversation between Carl and Margery, about the future of the club? The ostensible point of the club is to get its members laid. But the larger goal is to launch them into the world.

Volunteer, goal-oriented organizations can easily fall apart as they mature. And thats whats happening to the club. Mrs. McGowens away, for some reason, and she has been the vital center. Carls roommate Pete, whod been a club leader, is going off with his live-in girlfriend. Some of the women leaders graduated, leaving Margery. So suddenly Carl, a raw recruit, has been thrust into a leadership role. The clubs fragility is exposed: will it survive?

When Ive let Carl get obsessed over STDs, the story has dragged. Thats been an unfortunate detour and Ill stop it. The same thing, by the way, happens when he fumbles into self doubt, like the impotence chapter. In both cases, the result has been dismal ratings.

While his job may be boring, it is the constant of Carls life. Imagine what hed be doing without it. Ive tried to use Anna, the graduate student, to push him into new areas, but that hasnt worked. The job will provide some fireworks two chapters from now, and the town will show some spark as well.

The summer-time lovers sure are a varied lot. Janis doesnt seem like recurring material, but she could be a malevolent presence in the future. Kate? Kim, or one of her buddies? Carrie and Lisa? Both will be around in the fall. And there are others.

The whole things been an adventure. Ive only written journalism in my life, so I really appreciate getting the kind of feedback you have provided here. I hope this excursion into the innards of the series has been worthwhile for you to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Constructive Criticism

Hey, Peterspeter. I apologize in advance for this lengthy comment. I debated whether to send this privately as feedback but ultimately I decided that I want to post it publicly so others can give their 2¢ as well. I want you to know that I've enjoyed your ongoing story so please take this comment as some constructive criticism.

First off, the part about STDs was a turn off. When I'm reading something like this, I really don't want to think about the possibility of the characters contracting AIDS, herpes, gonorrhea, or anything else. I realize that in the real world we all should be very careful when it comes to sexual encounters with anybody; but it really brings a story to a screeching halt due to the imagery those words invoke. Gonorrhea.... gross and not sexy at all. AIDS... well, I don't wan to think of any characters here on Lit having such a horrible affliction.

Secondly, I am aware that this is a fantasy situation, but the characters (especially Carl) are becoming unbelievable. All Carl seems to do is go to work, have sex and revel in self doubt and depreciation. He's clearly a good guy who thinks his partners are more than sperm receptacles, but his actions do not reflect this. By continuing to sleep around without any thought of dating any of the girls or even an attraction to some of them, he’s shying away from the true reason he joined the club in the first place: To gain more self-esteem and find a girlfriend. I want to like Carl. In fact, I did like him. But the choices he’s been making lately are making me wonder whether he’s growing as a person or simply becoming a womanizer. For instance, he and Janice obviously are not a good match for any sort of relationship, and yet I get the feeling that he and she would still have sex with one another regardless.

Please don’t misunderstand me. As I said at the beginning, I enjoy your story! It’s fun, imaginative and erotic. This current situation, however, is becoming tedious. I feel like this summer session is taking far too long to play out. We had 6 chapters of his entire Sophomore year and have had 8 chapters of this summer with more to come. I get it… He has a boring summer job in a boring college town. There aren’t many people around b/c they’ve all gone home for the summer break. Maybe it’s time to wrap up this summer break and get back to the real story: Carl’s involvement in the Club during the school year.

Please keep in mind that I really do enjoy your story. I want to keep reading it! And I want to root for Carl again! I hope you’ll take some of this to heart. Please keep up the great work, I’m eagerly awaiting to find out what the future holds for Carl and his friends!

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