Sex Fighting League Ch. 05

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Jenny has her first fight and we make a foolish wager.
12.2k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 01/21/2024
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I am not sure what I expected after our fight. I will be the first to admit that having some sort of open-top bus homecoming for me would have been awkwardly weird and I would have vetoed it if I had the chance. Even just having a party would have been weird, but there was nothing. People who knew me congratulated me on my win, but that was it. We had two days off training to recover, but that was it. The two days off were mainly filled with creating content for our channels. It was ice baths (tastefully naked) and genuine behind-the-scenes of what effects a fight like that has on the human body. In a word, ow, in two words, fucking ow, etc etc. It was also the usual debriefing. To summarise it for you. Round 1, I was clumsy and lucky to get out of it. Round 2 was a mess more akin to a schoolyard scrap than a fight. Finally, Round 3 was a good display of boxing generally. Me pulling that left hook to totally finish her off was mentioned, but only in passing. I shouldn't have done it, I should have made sure, but under the circumstances, it was understood and they left it at that.

I was fairly ache-free after 24 hours. I was too stiff to get into a ring again, but to watch me moving around you would not be able to spot that I was still a little bit rickety. Abi was still hobbling around at the end of day two. She had probably advanced from being a 90-year-old and she was now akin to a 60-year-old. That had been rough on her body and she was feeling it. She was given the good drugs at the end of the second day which would make her fighting fit the following day. We had enough content for our recovery, so any further content along those lines would be wearing a little bit thin. We had been kept separate for the two days. This was partially workload, but it was also to aid the content. Genuine reaction was hard to replicate so our meetings were kept strictly to a pre-arranged joint content schedule.

I was lying on my bed reading when the door opened and Abi came in. We grinned widely at each other and I got up. "Hi," I said as I gave her a hug. She hugged me back and then sat on her bed. I would love to claim that we professionally exchanged notes and used them as a joint learning experience, but we just gossiped like excited school girls. I laid down with her on her bed while we chatted. We were back to regular training and routine tomorrow, but tonight was our own. We had been told to not do anything work-related and to just have a night off. I had of course ignored that and done a little bit of work, but I was instantly cut off. No notification, no visit, just cut off from all media.

It was reactivated an hour after I had been cut off with another warning to just have a night off. I got a call from Dad which I answered. Abi put her headphones on to afford me a little privacy with the conversation. I could have gone out if I really wanted privacy, but it was Dad, what could we possibly discuss what would need privacy? He asked how I was and I updated him on the last two days. He had enjoyed the event a lot, and not just because he got to have sex with Abi, but genuinely enjoyed the experience. Our vacations and days out like that were always on a budget. We had fun and they were memories that I would treasure for the rest of my life, but they were on a shoestring. Everything was budgeted. It was nice for him to just have fun. He did stray outside of the complimentary service when he treated himself to a cocktail and his breakfast was premium. I didn't even tell him, I paid it for him. It wasn't a lot (less than 100 credits), but he would have been mortified had he known he had cost me money.

I saw Abi get up and I paused the call with Dad to check she was okay. She was, she was going to go for a shower. I resumed the call with Dad and we just chatted about everything and yet nothing at the same time. It was just nice and for some reason I felt closer to him. We were close anyway, but this was probably the first thing that we had a shared interest in. He was embarrassingly proud of me, but that is what Dad's do. They are your Number One fan.

We hung up and Abi came back a while later wrapped in a towel. "Chaos out there," she said as she saw I was not on the phone anymore.

"Oh? Why?" I asked.

"I think Dave has slept with someone else and Jenny is not amused," Abi said.

"Oh. I didn't even realise Jenny and Dave were a thing," I said to which Abi just shrugged. "Serious kickoff or is she just a little pissed off?" I asked.

She shrugged again. It is hard to tell if Jenny is genuinely annoying or if she is just playing to the audience. "She is not amused," Abi said as she sat on her bed.

"She is never amused," I observed, "Moody bitch." She had been hard work the past few days. I am not sure if it was her hormones that were fighting back or something else. As girls our cycles were chemically suppressed and our hormones were monitored by the medical systems. Adjustments were automatically administered and only checked once or twice a week by an actual person. Sometimes these went off a bit and we got insane mood swings. It can be caused by several things, stress, illness, a change of diet, etc. It was strange to not have a period, but in this lifestyle, they were more hassle than they were worth. On the plus side, sex was always on the cards. On the negative side, you had one less excuse if you really couldn't be bothered that night.

Abi let the towel slip off and I admired her nudity for the few seconds it was on display until she pulled some panties on. "Your Dad okay?" she asked as she sat at the desk to do her skin routine.

"Yeah," I said, "The usual. Embarrassing number one fan," I added.

"Hahah, yeah," she laughed as she looked at me using the mirror, "It is odd that they have no issue showing their mates their daughter dancing around a boxing ring wearing just underwear."

I nodded in agreement. "And not even full underwear," I said. We could still hear the argument going on in the communal area between Dave and Jenny. "I would defo class a bra as required underwear."

"Yeah, bullshit isn't it," she agreed. "Pays well though," she said with a grin. That was very much directed towards me. In such a small-scale fight like that her cut of it would have been pitiful. My cut was hardly brilliant and I won it.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked her.

"Like a bitch knocked fuck out of me, then fucked fuck out of me, then let the entire audience fuck the shit out of me," she said with a grin.

"So feeling good then?" I quipped.

"Oh hell yeah, no complaints," she said with a giggle. She was currently moisturising her semi-naked body which was fairly distracting. "I can't believe you made me squirt. Fucking bitch," she said.

"Yeah, you did make a mess. And in front of your Dad."

"Oh my God, don't remind me," she said with a laugh. "Did your Dad enjoy me?" she asked sticking her tongue out playfully.

"He hasn't aired any complaints to me."

"Always a good thing."

"And your Dad?" I asked with a mischievous grin.

"Surprisingly we have not discussed my performance when he fucked me."

"And his performance?" I questioned.

"A cock in you is a cock in you," she said with a shrug, "Less than ideal, no matter who the owner is. He wasn't the first. Comfortably numb as they say."

"A cock in your ass," I clarified.

"Mouth, ass, pussy, ass, if you are being accurate," she said.

"Worst one?" I asked.

"Pussy," she said instantly, "But I think that was more the position. Looking up at your own Dad while he drills you is weird. Really fucking weird."

"I would have assumed mouth would be the worst," I said with a shrug.

"Let's be honest here, there a very few good options when you are being fucked by your own Dad, the differences are negligible."

She smiled at me a few times using the mirror to get eye contact. This subject was not done with yet, she had more to say. "Honestly?" she asked, to which I just shrugged and then nodded. "It was the most loving and considerate anal sex I have ever had. So gentle and controlled throughout. At no stage did he cause me any discomfort. Even at the end, it was so gentle."

I just nodded, smiled at her and continued to watch as she continued her skin routine. She was just verbalising the conflict in her mind, she was not trying to restart the conversation. She had no idea how she felt about how she felt. She was on her own with that one, I can't help her compartmentalise that. I have no frame of reference, not yet anyway, if my Dad keeps coming to my fights, one day I will lose one and I will likely be in the same boat as her, but for now, I was just an ear to listen.

She stood up and ran her fingers around the elastic of her panties as she sorted out how they were sitting. She stroked the front of them and paused for a second. She faced me and pulled the front of her panties down. Not far enough to actually flash herself to me, but fairly close. "Do I need waxing?" she asked. I looked at her and shrugged. "No, seriously, I am not booked in for my next wax until next week, but I defo need doing. Here," she said as she stepped towards me and guided my hand onto the area in question.

It was fairly scratchy. "Yeah, probably," I replied. "You will be able to plait it in a week." She wouldn't, it was barely stubble and even in a week she would be far from hairy. I have had to prompt them a few times for my 'maintenance'. Different times of the month seem to make it grow quicker and slower.

"Oo yeah, I could put it into pigtails and let him ride my pussy like he rides my face with the pigtail handlebars," I just laughed. She did have a great way with words. "I will prompt them," she said as she picked her phone up.

"What is the plan?" I asked as she finally got dressed into a skirt and T-shirt. "Out for dinner, or stay in?"

Just then we heard Jenny call Dave some fairly nasty names and we just looked at each other. "Out," we both said together.

We did some make-up and sorted our hair so we both looked beautiful. We went out into the living room to see Jenny and Dave on the sofa. Dave was very much the apologiser as Jenny just scowled at him. We felt very much like we had disturbed them. Well, we had, but they had a room, go and fight in one of your rooms. In fact no, just go and have sex with each other. That makes most things better. "Darren and Martin in?" I asked to which Dave said they were in their room.

"Can you believe him?" Jenny asked as she looked at us.

"Not getting involved," Abi said as she held her hands up in surrender. I blanked her and went towards Martin's room. Like Abi, there is no way I am getting involved.

I tapped on Martin's door to invite him for dinner and he leapt at the chance. As did Darren. We didn't invite Dave or Jenny. No one needs that atmosphere during dinner. "Leave ya to it," I said as we left the room, "Try not to kill each other. I can't be bothered with the paperwork." I closed the door quickly. She did not currently have a sense of humour.

Dinner was lovely. As was the company. Darren and Martin are always amusing. They are funny and entertaining. I think they were mainly relieved to just be out of the house for a while. I paid for all of it as I was feeling generous after my winnings. Oh yeah, on the subject of winnings. The ticket sales were 5000 credits (50 tickets at 100 credits each). Of that, the arena kept 80% to pay for staff and running costs. There was also the champagne for the board room and the 24-carat gold condoms with which to fuck you over with. I am being facetious, I am sure an event of that type is fairly pricey to put on, but whatever. I bet the takings over the bar covered most costs. That left 1000, and that was mine as the winner. Less my 75% to the management team, less tax. So fairly shit, but I felt I needed to treat Abi for doing that to her and it felt rude to not just pay for all of it. Martin and Darren protested, but not strongly. I also got around 200 credits from the betting cut. Apparently, 20,000 got wagered on our fight. 1% woohoo. Again, less my fee and the tax. I would have to keep working, for now anyway. Retirement on that would be a struggle.

We went to the bar area and treated ourselves with a smoothie each. Darren bought them. We were just giving Dave and Jenny enough time to either argue themselves to sleep or to kiss and make up. At half 11 we ventured back to the house. I opened the door quietly hoping for an empty room, but Jenny was sitting on the sofa watching TV in the dark. Darren and Dave were men, and so they said good night, ignored Jenny's puffy red eyes and went to their rooms. "You okay?" I asked softly. She just nodded her head. I could see the lines of her tears glistening from the light from the TV. I looked at Abi who looked back at me with 'she is so not okay eyes'. I so nearly took Jenny's nod as genuine and went to bed, but I didn't. "See ya in a bit," I said softly to Abi who just nodded and went to our room. The last thing Jenny needed was a crowd feeling sorry for her, but I couldn't leave her sitting up on her own all upset. Of course, I am now free to have sex with Abi as and when I want, so that was a terribly tough decision to make, but the right one. I think.

I turned the coffee machine on to sort a drink out for myself. "Coffee?" I asked. Jenny shook her head. "Juice?" I offered to which Jenny just shrugged. She was sat with her feet up on the sofa hugging her knees. She had obviously been crying and I am not totally sure that she wasn't still crying.

"Water?" I suggested to which she shrugged again. I placed a glass of water on the table for her and then went back to the kitchen while I waited for the coffee machine to finish my drink. I sipped it and grinned at the taste. I love coffee. Even if the machine had decided on my behalf that I wanted decaf at this time of night. "Wanna talk about it?" I offered.

She looked at me with an expression of both surprise and thanks. It was no secret that I didn't like her, but she was a girl, and I was a girl, just because she is a twat at times doesn't mean that she doesn't have feelings. I have sat on my own crying after a boyfriend fight many a time and the one thing you need is a someone. It doesn't matter who, just a someone. She shrugged, which was better than a "no, fuck off," and so I sat on the sofa next to her.

I watched the TV for a second or so. "Anything good on?" I asked.

"I have no idea," she said, "I am not watching it."

"Probably for the best," I said, "This time of night it is just shit or porn and it is not porn," I added with a smile.

She smiled at that and wiped her hand across her eyes to remove some of the tears. I handed her a tissue. "I thought we had something," she said. Here we go. I hated the coffee machine at that moment in time for dispensing decaf. I didn't say anything, I just waited. "Why are guys dicks?"

"It is all they have," I said with a shrug. She smiled again and took a sip of her water. "I didn't even realise you two were together."

"We kept it quiet," she said, "It just raises too many questions otherwise."

"You did a good job keeping it quiet," I said, "Good job in such a small place."

I let her chat it out and just listened. Turns out she thought they were exclusive, Dave had not had that memo and was caught balls-deep in another girl. That got back to Jenny. Fuse lit. Kaboom. Shit hit the fan. Traditional relationships are impossible in this environment. I didn't tell her that, but the dynamic is so hard to negotiate. I believe Jenny is due her first fight in a week or so and if she loses that she is taking a lot of cock. It is a strange place to try and have a normal relationship. I actually cracked her and got a laugh out of her at one point in the conversation though, so I am taking that a a win.

I tucked my feet up on the sofa to get more comfortable as we chatted. Luckily the TV channel changed from whatever shit was on to the news and weather endless loop. Not sure how helpful it would be for Jenny to watch porn in her current state of mind. "Thanks," she said.

She got up and we had a hug. "You gonna be okay?" I asked. I felt her nod her head.

"Gonna go to bed," she said, "Sorry for ruining your night."

"Not at all," I said, "Any time," I added with a smile.

She hugged me again and then she went to her room. I went to mine and I sent her a message to let her know she could text me if she needed. She reacted with a heart emoji. "She okay?" I heard Abi ask from the darkness.

"Yeah," I replied, "She thought they were exclusive..." I began.

"And he didn't get the memo," Abi replied as she finished my sentence. "Guys are dicks," she added which caused me to smile. That had generally been how my conversation with Jenny went.

I stripped naked in the darkness and pulled the sheets back on my bed. "Er... no," Abi said. I looked at her and I could see she had pulled the sheets back on her bed for me. I smiled at her and got in bed with her. I cuddled into her and let her cuddle me back. She was also naked and her skin felt so nice against mine. "Thanks for dinner," she said softly.

"Any time," I replied as I kissed her gently on the lips. She kissed me back and we engaged with each other for a while. Kisses and cuddles and strokes across our bare arms and legs. Both of our phones tinged with a notification at the same time. We were on a curfew and we were both still awake at 1 am. We wouldn't get in trouble for it, but getting enough sleep was helpful when training this intensely. I stopped kissing her, rested my forehead against hers and giggled. "Like being a kid," I said.

She laughed as well and gave me another kiss. "Night," she said. She rolled so she was facing away from me and I rolled the other way. We shuffled backwards until the full length of our backs, from neck to bum were touching and then we tangled our legs together. My sleep was disturbed by another nightmare, but I didn't wake Abi up. I laid awake for most of the night after that.

I was still awake before the alarm, I didn't sleep well after I had a nightmare so I had just watched the time tick by. The alarm went off and Abi cancelled hers with a grumble. She dozed until the second alarm and then kicked the sheets off the both of us. She clumsily climbed over me, pausing halfway over for a naked good-morning kiss and a cuddle. She blew me a kiss and went to the bathroom wearing just a T-shirt. While she was gone I got up and put a T-shirt on and went into the living room. I snapped the coffee machine on and was very pleased that it allowed me to have the proper stuff.

Jenny and Dave avoided each other. I was going to pull them up on it as it would wear thin fairly quickly. They really needed to get along in a small house, it was too small to at least not be civil with each other. It had only been a few hours though, so I didn't mention anything. I was just in a shit mood as I was late to bed and had very little sleep and not even for good fun reasons. "You have a lot of nightmares," Abi said while we were getting ready.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, but that is fine," she said, "You do have a lot of them though."

I just shrugged. Couldn't argue with that. I had one a week maybe. Sometimes more. "Can I interfere?" she asked.

"Does my answer matter?"

"Well, no," she replied with a smile, "You should mention it."

"My medical feeds haven't flagged it," I reasoned.

"They don't monitor that during the night and you know it. They don't give a shit what you dream of, in fact, they probably don't want to know," she with a grin, "Mention it. They can probably stop them for you."

"Or find something terrible and kick me off the program."

"Oh yeah, cos they kick people out for nightmares," she mocked.

"They do for brain tumours," I said dramatically.