Sex on the Beach


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She wanted to please him.

Keri held the rigid stalk to her lips, kissing once it's bulbous cap, before raising her azure eyes to his, asking permission, though she knew it wasn't needed.

She ran her hand up and down along the meaty length, watching his eyes flutter, a long blow of air left his lungs.

At just that moment Keri slipped her mouth over the swollen head of his prick, sucking gently.

"Aaah..." Buck let out a low, lusty groan.

"Oh my god..." he muttered into the salty night air.

Two weeks ago he'd only just met her. Now she was sucking his cock. It wasn't a 'first' for Buck; he'd had plenty of easy scores.

But damn, this girl was something special. She sucked him right. She didn't play with imitating some porn star. She was sucking for her own pleasure, like his cock was a delicious treat.

Buck held her skull gently in both hands, widening his stance, bracing his legs in the sand. He let his head loll back, wondering at the star-filled sky.

"Goddamn! Life is good," he communed with the Universe.

Keri did enjoy sucking a good looking guy, and Buck was certainly good-looking. His penis tasted clean and fresh. His pubic hair was trimmed, and he had a nice sac o' nuts too! She held his cock up to his belly and popped one of his balls into her mouth like it was a bon-bon. She milked his erection with her hand while savoring his nuts, first one then the other. With the walnut-sized gland in her mouth, she pulled away from his sac and let the tension pull it back out through her lips. She would enjoy him in her pussy later.

"Mmm..." she purred, nuzzling her face into musky warmth of his genitals, taking the heavy cock sausage back into her mouth.

Keri tugged his shorts down to his knees, and got her hands on his firm ass. Something about a guys butt, his nice firm glutes filling her hands, excited her.

"This is a real man's cock" she reminded herself, savoring it's fullness, its 'maturity'. Like a fine wine. Not like the modestly mature boys from school.

"Cock-sucker," she teased herself, and renewed her grip on his penis, using both hands, one over the other, squeezing and milking him into her mouth.

Her vagina was very wet, and her breasts ached for freedom, but that could wait for later. She danced her tongue around the tip of his swollen penis, and made teasing swirls around his glans.

He seemed close to cumming. She used one hand to cradle his balls, and felt him growing in her mouth.

She licked, and sucked, masturbating him; feeling him tremble, his legs unsteady, like a building ready to fall.

Then he let out an unearthly yelp and went rigid, fists clenching as every muscle snapped taut.

"Unng-Unng-Unng..." he grunted, a paroxysmal jerking of his hips drove his penis obscenely into Keri's warm, receptive mouth.

She sucked. Savoring the bursts of semen that flooded over her tongue, cascading down her throat.

As the last bit of jism left his drained erection, Buck more or less collapsed onto the sand. Keri sank down with him, keeping his penis in her mouth. Still cradling his balls in her hand. Cooing gently, like a happy pigeon.

Over the next few days, certain presumptions were made. Not that anyone had gossiped, but it seemed to be known that Keri had "done something" with Buck. Maybe it was a change in the way they looked each other. Kat and Jenna could see the signs, while the guys seemed less certain. But Buck wasn't the exclusive type, for that matter neither was Keri. However, both were eager to enjoy a consummation of their brief intimacy. Keri looked forward to the next bonfire.

Friday, Keri decided to go home and change before the party. She showered and freshened up. Putting on some white, lightweight beach pants and a grayish, loose-fitting patterned top. She opted to go without a brasserie, enjoying the free, natural sway of her breasts.

It was nearing sunset when she got back to the beach. Kat and Deke were getting the wood pile together. Tim and Tom were goofing around in the shallows, tossing a football back and forth. Buck wasn't around yet, neither was Jenna.

"Hey Keri, c'mon." they shouted.

Keri walked down to the shore.

"Where's Buck?" she asked innocently.

Tim, or Tom, made a motion with an arm to indicate down the beach toward Pilot Knob. Keri decided to walk that way, thinking "maybe he's waiting for me." Tim, or Tom, made some sort of chuckling comment she couldn't make out, but it hardly mattered.

The sun was already low. Kat and Deke had the bonfire started, and each had a beer.

At that latitude the setting sun lingers grandly at the horizon for a few spectacular minutes, before quickly dissolving into the broad expanse of ocean.

Even the short walk to Pilot's Knob was enough time for a shade of darkness to have settled over the beach.

Just as Keri got to the spit of land where the beach turned and the big Pilot's Knob rock offered some concealment she spotted movement. A few more steps and she could make out the blonde hair, short blonde hair. She put it together very quickly. Approaching slowly she could see it was Jenna for sure. She was moving up and down, as if riding a pony on the carousel. But she wasn't alone. There was a man beneath her. Just to be sure, Keri got closer. It was Buck, and Jenna was riding him at a gallop.

Without a look back, Keri returned to the bonfire, got herself a beer, and joined the rest of the group. Andre was there now too. What feelings she may have had for Buck, evaporated. It wasn't too much later that Buck and Jenna came back up the beach together.

At the first opportunity Buck came and sat beside her, whispering into her ear, "lets go for a walk," he smiled. Keri didn't budge.

"Did you have fun?" she said coldly.

"I sure did," he responded warmly, "And i want some more." He dropped his big hand to her thigh and gave it a squeeze.

"I saw you." Keri said intently.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"With Jenna?" she smarted.

Keri had satisfaction in seeing a tight-lipped shock of realization disrupt his handsome features. Without a word Buck transferred himself to the other side of the bonfire.

Despite her personal set-back, there was an enhanced joviality among the group that night. Tom Grady had rescued a child from drowning just the day before. Kat and Deke were getting a little beer "buzz" on, they looked like lovers, sitting side by side, sharing a blanket.

Tim brought her another beer. She knew it was Tim, 'cause Tom was detailing his rescue for Kat and Deke.

"Sorry about that," he said quietly. Indicating the stretch of beach down Pilot's Knob.

He knew.

"Bastard," Keri grinned, meaning Buck. She and Tim "clinked" bottles and sat together on the big log.

Jenna had claimed Buck. More or less draping herself over his back, smoothing her hand over his chest.

No matter. Keri relaxed in the camaraderie of her fellows. She felt very pleased to be among these nice people. Buck was okay; just being a man.

Tim was a man too, and Tom, and Deke of course. Maybe the beer was getting to her, a little bit.

"Ooo-ph" Keri stood up with an exhalation. "I need to stretch out," she said.

She moved over to a blanket, half-reclining, propped on her elbows. Tim followed her.

"Here, let me do this," he said.

Sitting behind her, he rubbed her neck and shoulders. She was tense alright, she could feel it leaving her now, under Tim's strong hands.

Tim was about 25, not bad looking. Like his brother, had curly light-brown hair and laughing green eyes. They had limber, athletic bodies.

"You look great tonight by-the-way" Tim confided into her ear.

"Thanks" she responded easily. It was always nice to be appreciated.

"How come you changed clothes?" He wanted to know.

"Oh, I don't know..." she drifted off.

Tim could almost guess why; he figured it had something to do with Buck.

As the fire dwindled, Keri was pleased to note Kat and Deke giggling together, nose to nose. A conspiratorial canoodling of sorts. She watched them across the fire and saw Deke surreptitiously dip his hand between Kat's legs, whispering, making her giggle and blush.

After a while, the fire had dwindled down to glowing embers. Buck and Jenna had disappeared.

Keri almost felt like taking a nap. She laid out on her stomach and rested her head on her arms, while Tim rubbed her back.

"Mmm... thanks Tim," she half-mumbled.

It was nice to have men around. She thought about Buck, but smiled to herself, "there's plenty more where that comes from."

She wondered if Tim wanted to fuck her. Probably Tom too; and Deke.

She opened one eye to look across the glowing red-orange remnants of the bonfire, surprised to see Deke and Kat had left.

Were they fucking right now? She wouldn't mind seeing Deke naked. He was a good-looking man. She wondered if he had a nice penis, a nice big hard penis...

She nearly let her pubis press into the sand. Her body still carried the arousal of expectation she'd had at the start of the evening. Before,Jenna.

If she knew Tim and little better, they could...

Just to test the waters she turned onto her back and let Tim's hand slide across her tummy. He stayed with it.

Without fanfare, Tim lowered his face to hers.

In a slow, building kiss, Keri accepted Tim's tongue into her mouth, and in a short while was reciprocating.

It was so easy, and felt so natural.

Tim eased his hand up and caught the lush under-swell of her breast. Magnificently bra-less, he tested the supple, resilient flesh tenderly.

Something about Tim's kiss pleased her. He lips and tongue weren't greedy, or urgently demanding. He "shared" his kiss, gently letting his tongue twine with hers in a ballet of intimacy.

Keri maneuvered her torso, twisting her shoulders, inviting Tim's hand to move up over her breast, letting the physical pleasure of his massage help sooth away her "tension."

"Mmm, that feels nice," Keri smiled up at him.

He was nice. She let her hand onto his bare leg and felt the hairy, masculine strength there.

Her sexual arousal was already there.

Tim gently pinched the bud of her nipple and saw the amazingly sexual, libidinous response of her hips, lifting and rocking in an obscene pantomime of sexual intercourse.

For Keri, it was all about the moment. The ocean is incredibly feminine, the stars masculine, the moon was her own womb, waxing and waning, giving and receiving.

She was a naturally sexual being.

Tim slid his hand down her tummy, into the crotch of her vulva, and through her thin panties, felt the soft pliant folds of her labia on either side of his finger.

"Mmm..." Keri purred musically, closing her eyes, and lifted her hand to feel if he had an erection. He did.

"It's the best compliment a man can give a woman." Her mother had taught her.

It was true.

Keri ran her finger along the bulge beneath his red trunks, subconsciously measuring him.

Tom had come up quietly on Keri's blind side. It was a little game the twins played whenever they could.

When Keri closed her eyes, Tom dropped softly onto the blanket. He leaned over Keri, kissing her, and felt her tongue eagerly responding to his.

While Tim smoothly massaged Keri's feminine slit, Tom tongue-wrestled her and felt-up one of her amazing tits. To maintain the charade, he could only use one hand.

He carefully unbuttoned her bodice while kissing, folding open the shirt on either side of her beautiful, young body.

Keri's tits were large, thrusting parabolic cones. Her nipples impudent cherry stones dressed in a rose-hued skirt of areola.

Tom moved his mouth to her breasts, sucking each in turn. The incomparable mammary flesh, like tender morsels of some extravagant haute cuisine, brought a deep-seated joy to his mouth and his person. His penis springing to erection.

Keri noticed something, but it hadn't registered yet. She was fondling his cock with her right hand while he fingered her, and yet... somehow he was sucking her left breast without leaning over.

It was a beautiful sensation.

Tom let his hand glide down over her trim stomach, and then lower, beneath the waist-line of her beach pants, into the snug sea-foam green panties covering her sex. He journeyed past the small forest of pubic hair and found the warm, damp center of her sexuality, sliding his finger up and down over her clitoris.

Tom covered her mouth again, kissing her, and Keri with her hand in his hair, realized...

Keri startled suddenly. Her eyes popped open.

"Wha..." she started to say.

Immediately Tim soothed her, "It's okay..." he said calmly.

"It's okay," repeated Tom, reasonably, on her other side.

Well, of course she'd heard of it... she had fucked different guys on the same day, once or twice maybe, but never actually two guys at the same time.

Tom caught her hand, and yanking down his trunks, guided it to his exposed erection.

"It's okay," he whispered again softly, and bent to kiss her.

The kind of bliss that Keri was caught up in didn't allow for any real decision making.

She simply responded.

Accepting the finger in her cunny, the tongue in her mouth, and now the hands everywhere on her body.

Tim shucked down his swim trunks too, and now Keri had two stiff cocks, one in each hand. It was a sort of heaven.

She pulled at them both, while the boys kissed her, and suckled her succulent, sensitive breasts.

"Yes," she told herself, "I would."

The guys took turns kissing her, and she loved it. One, then the other.

Both cocks were nice heavy sausages.

One of guys was tugging off her slacks, and then gently removing her panties.

At last her hungry pussy could feed.

Now that it was certain, she embraced the situation.

Both men looked remarkably similar, even their penises. Of course that was only natural, she mused.

"Which one is which?" she asked.

"Does it matter?" They voiced in unison.

Tom was sliding his finger up and down her slickly oiled slit, while Tim raked his fingernails along the nearest thigh and bothered her nipples with the other hand.

"Not REALLY," she giggled, gasping as the outrageous sensations pounded her senses.

Now Tim, or Tom, had knee-walked up level with her head, his long, thick boner waggling in her face.

He asked her nicely, levering with his hand to lightly trace her lips with the warm sponge of his penile corona.

She opened her mouth like a baby bird, and was rewarded with a knob of cock.

She sucked greedily, truly savoring the opportunity to indulge herself sexually.

His penis was warm and meaty. She got her hand beneath his balls and tugged at them gently while she sucked his hose.

At the same time Tom, or Tim, had got between her legs. His strong hands pressing her thighs wide open, she felt the insane pleasure of his mouth covering her clitoris.

It was such an enormous relief to have a man between her legs, eating her pussy. Keri "checked out" of reality. The blanket, the beach, her job... nothing existed now except the waves of pleasure relentlessly penetrating ever deeper into every fiber of her being. As the tentacles of ecstasy wound tightly around her sexual core, and she knew the orgasm was going to happen, her senses suddenly returned. Every grain of sand, every star, the ocean itself seemed to resonate in her as she exploded into ten-thousand points of light. A bursting, shimmering cascade of scintillating particles that drifted slowly, slowly back to Earth. Finally coalescing into the familiar form of her own body.

Her smile inside was a mile wide.

After several beautifully timeless minutes, the one between her legs moved to her side.

"Tom?" he gestured grandly, with a wave of his hand. Inviting his brother to use her tender pussy as he pleased.

Then she knew. Tim cradled her head into his shoulder, kissing her softly, but deeply; massaging her breasts. Keri blissfully thanked him with her tongue, communicating in the subtle language of osculation.

She couldn't bear any more direct contact to her ravaged clitoris. With her thighs cast wide open, the picture she presented seemed somewhat incongruous as her hand protected her sex in an illusory gesture of modesty. But she soon relented.

Tom knelt between her legs and tenderly pressed the head of his penis into the mouth of her vagina. Both of the men were very considerate she thought.

It felt wonderful. It felt fantastic. To be gently, deeply, truly fucked after cumming, is pure paradise.

Tom pressed his erection all the way inside her, and fucked her smoothly. Not frantically, but thoroughly. He gave her every bit of his cock, and she loved every moment.

Tim brought her hand to his penis, reminding her of his erection. Now she wanted very much to please him.

Keri loved Tim's cock with her hand, while his brother screwed her. It was beautiful.

"Let me suck you," she whispered eagerly.

Tim moved up on the blanket, till his hips were level with her face.

His erection bold and beautiful.

She scooped him into her mouth, the satisfying fullness thrilling her.

Keri concentrated on sucking Tim, while Tom fucked her pussy.

Keri thanked him for the beautiful orgasm with her mouth and tongue. Laving at his lovely, thick organ salaciously. Holding him in her mouth, while shagging his penile stalk with her hand.

Both guys were ready to pop.

Tom found her pussy very receptive to his organ. Molding itself around his contours. A light, hydro-static seal pulling at his organ as he withdrew. Her hips rocking him like a baby, his penis sliced into her with long, deep strokes.

"Gonna cum," Tom grunted from between her legs.

A brief moment of alarm ensued as the rapidly expanding cock in her pussy threatened to over-fill her, but before she could process the experience, she made cum again. This time a gut-wrenching spasm, deep in her vagina. Both men were squirting simultaneously. The cock in her pussy like a canon. The cock in her mouth like a fountain. Tim's beautiful warm sperm sprayed into her mouth, coating her back teeth with his semen. She swallowed happily, cradling his balls in her hand, milking him with her mouth, until his organ had exhausted it's creamy release.

She could feel Tom's cum oozing lazily in her vagina. While Tim's cock fell from her mouth, carrying a thin bridge of semen from her lips.

The three of them luxuriated in the pervasive after-glow of their mutual orgasm. Tim came down beside her and kissed her mouth, tasting his own sperm there. Tom came up on her other side, gently kissing her breast and shoulder, his penis lazed across her golden thigh.

It was quite a while before any of them attempted to speak, and then they all started at once, but immediately decomposed into giggling laughter.

Keri managed it well.

"What are you guys doing New Year's Eve?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Your punctuation is off

The random additions of "..." and '...' were pretty distracting

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
little over the top with the descriptions

some of the writing is a little hyperbolic - I actually started laughing. And spelling errors - oh! "all right", not "alright" bonfire, not bon-fire. There are others.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Made me cum so hard

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