Sexfest Studs and Sluts

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The annual Great Western College sex sporting contest.
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"Distinguished students, Ladies and Gentlemen, Saints and Sinners. It's that time of the Great Western academic calendar again!" the voice roared through a distorted amplifier. Hank balanced unsteadily atop a plastic chair in the middle of the dining hall wearing nothing but red underpants and a baseball cap and holding the microphone to his beaming lopsided grin.

A crowd of unruly students gave a shout, and surged in closer towards Hank. Plastic cups touched in cheers and cheap booze sloshed on the floor as the pack crushed inward, enabling some of the students who had spilled outside to squeeze back into the hall.

Hank was the Dorm Captain of Abbey Residence, the most prestigious dormitory hall on the campus of Great Western College. Ever since anyone could remember, Abbey would host the famous annual Sexfest contest which would pit students against each other in a week long orgy of fucking and debauchery to establish who was the sexual King or Queen of the campus.

Although Abbey hosted the event, it was open to all students. As residents of Abbey, we were expected to participate, and to be honest, it was the reason that entry into the institution was so hotly contested. Generations had passed through Great Western, and parents would look forward to their offspring returning home from summer break, always to be met with the question: "How did you fare at Sexfest?"

Great Western was a mid-sized college, but we were fiercely competitive and punched above our weight across all manner of sporting events. Football, baseball, hockey, gym -- we were at the forefront of the state and often beat the bigger universities. But nothing was more important to college pride than the annual Sexfest competition.

Excitedly I took a sip of the sickly wine in my flimsy plastic cup. I had only just arrived at Abbey as a freshman and this would be my very first Sexfest. My best friend from school, Izzy had also been accepted into Abbey and joined me for the competition briefing party.

"Fuck there's a lot of hot bodies here tonight", Izzy shouted into my ear above the din. There certainly was. Just like us, everyone in the room presented in underwear, and there was plenty of flesh showing through the boxers, panties and bras.

I had looked forward to this moment for years - ever since my older sister came home from college regaling me with tales about her experience across the three years of her degree. This would be my first contest, but I hoped to participate in more.

Hank fumbled with the microphone and a torn slip of paper containing his notes as he recovered after a momentary drunken imbalance. He was a well-established college identity in fourth year and Hank was completely familiar with how Sexfest worked.

"Welcome to Sexfest and the launch of the 2024 Student Studs and Sluts Competition." Another drunken cheer.

"For those of you who are freshers, or here for the first time, I offer you a special welcome. Where are the first timers?"

Izzy and I let off a cheer, along with a small chorus of others.

"Enjoy the week. What an icebreaker huh? Let me tell you, this is a great way to meet new people here at college. And I just want to say, everyone is in with a chance. We had a fresher win Sexfest just a couple of years ago, so I encourage you to give it your best shot."

My friend Izzy touched me on the butt and smiled. "It could be you Sarah!"

"Maybe!" I replied.

"I'm so glad Sexfest is going ahead this year. I heard that they wanted to shut it down," Izzy complained.

"No chance," I replied. I knew how things worked. There was no way that Sexfest would ever get shut down. It was a rite of passage for everyone coming through the college and the staff, the senate, the president - they had all been through Sexfest and they knew how important it was. It was just our God given right and it was the most fundamental tradition of the college.

After my sister graduated, she managed to get some casual teaching work back at the college in her old department. She showed me the online application form for new staff, and there was an entry box for people to submit their rankings at Sexfest during their student years. It was optional to provide the data, but I'm sure that it was strongly taken into account.

Sure, there had been some complaints from the wowsers, but the college had taken on board their concerns, and developed a risk management plan. I knew that we'd all be instructed on just what constituted acceptable behaviour and that there would be safety officers and supervision for the week. But by the time we enrolled in college, we were all adults over eighteen, and ready to do adult things!

"Is everyone listening carefully?" Hank completed a circle looking over the throngs surrounding him. "I'm going to give you the rules for this year's competition. And then I'm going to give you the important safety briefing that the college says I have to give you."

There was another drunken cheer for no real reason, and with Hank's patience, the cacophony of the crowd died down.

"The official committee has prepared this year's competition rules," Hank announced to an audience hanging on his words. I wondered what would score the points this year. I remember the feeling of excitement that coursed through my body when my sister explained how it worked for the three times that she participated in Sexfest.

"The rules will be posted on the notice board for all you nerds who want to get it all exactly right. But here we go." He squinted to consult his paperwork again.

"For the fellas, you get one point for oral, two points for the pussy and three points in the ass." A harmony of deep voices responded with approval. "Then, you need to get a photo of your conquest and upload it into the Sexfest App and the committee will give her a rating out of 10. Multiply your fuck by her rating and that's your basic score. So for a 10 out of 10 babe, with a triple dip, you can score a total of 60 points. Does everyone understand that?"

The crowd cheered which sounded like comprehension but I think they were hyped up to cheer at anything by that stage.

"Now rules for the ladies. Here's what gets you the points. You have the mission of resistance this week ladies. You will receive two points for getting your pussy eaten and three for the ass." The ladies in the crowd squealed. "But here's the kicker - you lose all those points if there is any pussy or ass penetration. So you do not want to give a fuck this week quite literally!" Hank sniggered at his own joke. "And ladies, for the multiplier - all guys score a 10 so there's no need to upload any photos." The guys whooped along.

Hank continued to provide some slightly inebriated insight. "So just to make sure you understand the point system girls, if your fella eats your pussy, and then you turn around and he eats out your ass, well there's an instant 50 points." The girls cheered. "Provided - ," Hank waited for the noise to subside, "Provided you don't fuck him afterwards."

That sounded pretty hot to me. I loved getting my pussy and ass licked. Preferably at the same time by two different people. Immediately my brain started strategising -- if I had two people going down on me, then I could just get them to swap and hey presto that would be -- I took a moment to calculate twice 10 times two plus three -- 100 points! Multiplied by 7 days and that was a good start.

Hank continued with the briefing. "Now just to clear things up, if you're gay or bi, that's OK, your partner can be either sex. But you can only count the same partner once each day. So if you find someone you like and fuck their brains out all day long, you can only count it once. Until tomorrow. Then you can do it all again of course."

"Now, I know you're all waiting for this bit," Hank continued, confident that everyone was keen to learn of the kicker. "This year, we've got the special bonus points condition." The crowd swooned with an "Ooooo" sound.

"For Sexfest this year, you will get double points for a partner over 60 years of age." The mood of the crowd changed instantly and a huge boo echoed around the hall. I was a little worried at first before I realised that it was actually a light hearted response, and the crowed started laughing at themselves straight after once they'd absorbed the idea.

Hank took it in his stride and carried on with the instructions. "The competition clock starts at midnight tonight and finishes in 7 day's time. You need to keep a record of your conquests in the App which I hope you've all downloaded. So much easier than the paper version. And be honest people -- the committee can audit you to ensure that you're not making things up."

"Any questions before I give the safety briefing?" asked Hank.

Some drunken girl yelled from the back, "Can you lick my pussy Hank?"

"Ha-ha, very funny," he replied. "No, I'm on the committee so I'm not in contention this year. OK, here's the safety. As always, keep it consensual. For goodness sake people, just ask for permission. There's no need to be embarrassed, we're all in this together."

"If anything goes wrong, just call out for a friend or give college security a call. Everyone knows what's acceptable so if you're getting into trouble, then someone's going to pull them into line."

"Anyway, what's the point - they're not going to get the points if it's not consensual or safe. And speaking of safety, here's the barrel of condoms courtesy of our friends at Durex. Take one, take a handful. And use them please."

Hank stepped down from the chair and the circle of people drew tight around him, offering pats on the back and congratulations on the briefing. Sexfest had almost started and the challenge had been issued. The party would continue for the rest of the evening, and transition into plenty of sex as soon as the clock struck twelve. There was still a few hours of drinking until then, but I decided to leave the party before it descended into a total mess. I bid goodnight to my Izzy, who resolved to see the night out and I returned to my dorm. As I left, I could see plenty of guys and girls getting into the spirit of the festival, with lots of deep kissing, wandering hands and plenty of prominent boners showing through the guys' boxers. For me, it could all wait until tomorrow.

The next morning I went to the dining hall for breakfast, pleased with my decision to avoid a hangover. The hall had been completely cleaned and tidied from the night before as if the party had never happened. The other student residents had obviously continued partying hard into the night because there was hardly anyone else at breakfast. Either that, or they were busy fucking already to get points on the board.

Solitude gave me the opportunity to think about the competition. I concluded that the rules were quite well constructed, especially if they were developed by a clown like Hank, although I guess he had some experience and leveraged off the different rule sets that had been used at Sexfest over the years.

The guys would be trying to fuck as many holes as they could. The ladies would be trying to get themselves eaten out as much as possible, but with the condition that there would be no penetration afterwards. Talk about a conflict of interest!

I was wondering what strategies everyone was going to come up with when Izzy sidled up beside me with her breakfast tray. She looked the worse for wear, but she was still chatty.

"Morning Sarah," she greeted me. "You made a good choice to go home early last night. I feel so hungover this morning, but on the positive side I got some points on the board already."

"Congratulations Izzy. Great start!"

"There's a cooperative of us girls that are going to get points up every day. You know how gay is okay for the contest? Well, we're all signing up to meet in Tracy's room at 10 am every day -- you know Tracy from C block -- and we're all going to share a daily girly lick. You know, help each other out with points. Do you want to join in?"

That sounded like a good strategy. That's the thing with Sexfest -- it might be an individual contest, but you had to do deals and leverage off everyone else. If they were all doing it, then I'd be silly not to join in.

I wondered if the guys would be concocting some similar scheme. They would definitely be approaching all the hot girls pressing for the holy trinity of mouth, pussy and ass. I could not see them forming a gay co-op to suck each other off and fuck each other in the ass each day, but who knows, Sexfest has been renowned for people going to extremes.

I also thought about the bonus points arrangement for having sex with older people. At first it sounded like a way to boost points, but then I wondered what would be the chance of guys hooking up with a sixty or seventy year old who scores a ten. They would more like score a three, and even when the points were doubled, would it be worth it? The guys might as well target the younger women who were hot and keen for sex already.

After breakfast and a bit of downtime, I visited Tracy's room to participate in the ladies' point sharing strategy. Around 30 girls turned up, and over the next hour we all squeezed into a couple of dorm rooms, stripped down and went about eating out more pussy and ass than most of us had in a lifetime. By the end of the session, my cunt had received so much attention that I was sopping wet, and I was happy to make the App entries to add 1,500 points to my tally.

The Sexfest App let you see how you compared against everyone else's progress, and who was on top of the leaderboard. The App had a feature where you could load your conquests but you didn't have to hit the publish button until later. I decided to keep my powder dry and my totals private. At lunchtime I sat down in the dining hall to review everybody's scores. The progress of some players was incredible and as I scrolled, I found myself in absolute in awe to observe just how many studs and sluts Great Western College boasted.

At lunch I was approached by a good looking guy in one of the later years who noticed me browsing. He introduced himself as Troy and asked if this was my first Sexfest. I admitted that it was and I asked how many he'd done.

"This is my fourth, and probably my last," he replied. "But I've given them my best shot. You know, I was the winner last year right?"

I hadn't realised that I was dining with a sex sporting legend. "Wow, congratulations," I offered. "How many points did you score?"

"A lot," he replied, "But there was a different rule set last year, so you can't always compare. Would you like to help each other get some points up after this?"

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"Well, if you give me a BJ and I eat your pussy and ass, then we both get points. I think you're a 9 or 10, so that'll be a good multiplier for me."

"Sounds good," I replied feeling flattered, and I gulped down my meal and followed Troy back to his dorm. Troy was so hot that even outside of Sexfest I'd be happy to go to bed with him, and when we got into the swing of things on his bed, I found him even hotter.

The problem was that when we started the session I was already in an extremely horny mood after the earlier lesbian lickfest. He was a master at cunnilingus and I got so fucking horny when he was eating my pussy that I didn't put the brakes on when he offered me his dick, and I ended up fucking him. Pow! All the points with him were gone in an instant.

When I got back to my dorm room I started thinking hard about exactly how I was going to win this Sexfest contest to claim the Slut of 2024 crown.

I knew that there were always cooperative groups that formed to boost each other's scores. There was no rule against collaboration so there would be cliques and teams with little deals to meet up every day to share sex acts and points, just like the lesbian lickfest that I'd attended that morning.

Izzy and I would have to work our way into as many of these gangs as we could to get the basic foundation of points but then that would just put us on the par with everyone else, and I knew that I'd have to be especially slutty above and beyond that to be in contention.

Alternatively I could go the other way and try to bring everyone else down. One year there was a girl who started a rumour about an unidentified person having some infectious disease, so it slowed sexual activity across the whole week and brought everyone's point scores right down. The organisers frowned upon a false rumour strategy, but it wasn't against the rules, so they couldn't stop it. Free condoms this year was going to make that approach fairly ineffective.

I needed to think of a way to get my pussy and ass eaten out. A lot. Like wholesale. I knew that we were not restricted to just interacting with Abbey residents, or even students from the college. The double points from older folk was a real strategic appeal as well.

I knew that there would always be the pressure of reciprocation. When you get a guy to eat out your pussy, you know what that always means right? You have to give it back to him with interest.

I sat soberly at the desk in my dorm trying my hardest to think. Now what do old people like to lick a lot? Icecream - maybe? Lollypops - probably not. Dentures - I didn't really know anything about them.

When I thought harder about it, the answer was obvious. Young pussy. It's a timeless attraction. And then I realised that the idea was perfect - there would be no expectation of a fuck in return - they probably wouldn't even get hard. When I started drilling into the plan even deeper, I remembered that Izzy's dad ran a firm that contracted out to health facilities and aged care homes. Perfect!

Izzy convinced her dad to arrange contractor passes for us both. It did not take much convincing since he was a Sexfest alumnus and knew how important it was to for both of us to perform well.

Izzy and I mapped out all of the aged people's facilities in the state and we planned a daily road trip. In a magnanimous move, Izzy conceded to me. "Sarah, this is your idea and you're a contender. I'm happy to drop out of the race to help you become the champion -- but you got to promise me one thing -- you gotta go hard girl!" I gladly agreed.

Each day, we conducted our daily lesbian lickfest and then we hit the road in Izzy's car for a day-long sequence of visits. When we arrived at each aged-care facility, Izzy pulled out her badge and rolled out our cover story. Something about internships and educational visits, and approved contractors, but I didn't really listen.

Administration would let us in, then we'd set ourselves up on a food serving trolley. I would lie with my chest pressed to the tray and my pussy and ass up in the air, hanging off the edge of the trolley. I would wear a short skirt with no underwear, so it would be ready to flip up to expose everything down below.

Izzy would wheel me from ward to ward, announcing 'treats'. It would pique the interest of the old timers expecting food and drink, but they became way more excited when they saw what was really on offer. Izzy would drive me right up to their beds or wheelchairs to show me off. The old fellows would not even have to move, let alone stand up -- they just leaned forward, or angled their heads a bit, and they'd be offered pussy and ass right to their mouths.

There were no specific rules in the Sexfest app about how long the pussy and ass eating had to go for, so between us Izzy and I agreed that few licks on the pussy and ass would technically cover the requirements. Afterwards, I'd wipe off my nether parts with a scented disposable wipe to make me fresh and clean for the next old-timer -- plus we really wanted to be sure that none of those vulnerable oldies transmitted anything between me and each other.