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A text conversation with my ex goes too far.
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Awe, honey! Thank you, you're so sweet...but you're right, I can't even be humble today, I do look fucking hot!

And, thank you for picking out the Oh, yeah, I did leave off the panties. Well, it's not like I'm going to need them.

Oh, and I'll bring you my leftovers if I'm home by dinner... you know I can never eat all of anything.

Honey! Don't say that, of course I'll come home... I'm just not sure when. Well, it's been a while, so we'll have a lot of reminiscing to do.

You're my husband, love, I'm not leaving you...just having lunch.

Which, I better get going, don't want to be late...well, yes, I am excited but... Wait, do I have to remind you this was all your idea? Well, maybe not all...But mostly.

Yes! When we ran into Jeff at the mall the other day...You were the one who struck up a conversation when he came over to say "hi." I was just out for a fun day of shopping with my husband. I really wasn't interested in reminiscing with one of my ex-boyfriends. Especially not that asshole.

Well... I wasn't going to be rude once you had already been chatting him up. Maybe I was being a little flirty but, come on, I was with him for a couple years, I guess it was just old habits. Babe! I was not blushing that bad! He just got me giggling and, well, I guess I kinda remembered he wasn't always a total jerk...

I've told you before, it's not that he treated me badly... Jeff Anderson is just one of those loudmouthed, know-it-all types. It's hard to have any kind of conversation with him that doesn't turn into an argument, and gawd, he can be so embarrassing to be out in public with, or even just around other people in general.

So why was I his girlfriend for so long? Well...I guess, for the same reason I agreed to meet him for lunch today...

And I do have to admit, he was looking pretty good when we ran into him. I mean, it's not that he has a perfect body, but that tight tee shirt really made his muscles pop. Which we've talked about is one of the minor little things I miss being with you. I swear, honey, if you just hit the gym a little bit...Okay, never mind...

Anyway, you know I'm also kind of a sucker for a guy in designer jeans, and he had on those Deisel straight legs, MM! ...So yes, you caught me checking him out, a little. Okay, maybe more than a little, I was looking pretty hard, wasn't I... But he's a good-looking guy, I can't help that.

And it's not like he wasn't checking me out. But you noticed that too, didn't you... While you two were going on and on about the game, or usual... It was pretty obvious how he kept glancing down at my tits, flashing that smug fucking grin and then giving me the side-eye like he wanted me to know he was looking.

Can you blame him? My tits did look pretty great in that tight, low-cut top. Which I wore for you, by the way! I know you like when I show off a little cleavage...just like I know you like when other guys check it out. I used to think it was just for bragging rights, but now we know it's something else, don't we?

Okay so maybe I did think about it that day, just for a minute, but it wasn't like that, I swear, hun! I was with him for a couple years and I can't help if certain memories pop into my head when I see him.

What kind of memories? I guess there's no reason to hide it now...but, you know, memories about being with him. If you really want to know why I stayed with Jeff so long, well, it's because he was really fucking good in bed.

Don't laugh! Yes, I'm serious, girls can be horn-balls too y'know... and you know how I get. It just seemed like every time I started wanting to breakup, he would fuck my brains out again and I'd kind of forget why I was I so fed up for little longer. What can I say, really good dick can be hard to find.

Oh, hun, don't ask me that. Please? Do I ever complain about our sex life? No. It's perfectly fine... Are you sure you really want to know? Well, okay then... if you really must know, Jeff is better. Like, a lot. To be honest, you don't even compare to him in bed.

Don't get mad, you're the one who asked...

Hun, you know you don't have a very big dick...I mean, it still feels good inside me though. And well, okay it's not that I mind, but you always want to "make love" and that's sweet and romantic...but honestly, honey, sometimes a girl just wants - just needs to be held down and fucked so hard she screams herself hoarse, and cums so hard her brains are leaking out of her ears. You're just not the kinda guy who can do that. Jeff is.

And that's okay...I swear you are so much better to be in a relationship with, that's why I married you. I love you so much, honey. I would never trade what we have...Which brings me back to my original point, that this was all your idea.

After he left, I didn't even think about Jeff the rest of that afternoon...not until he texted me. [Good seeing you today, looking hot as ever. Guess married life agrees with you. Lol.] And I totally showed you that message so you wouldn't get all suspicious and jealous, like you do, wondering who was texting me.

Well, yes, I know his message was really forward but Jeff's not like you, hun, he's bold. He doesn't get nervous and beat around the bush...if he knows what he wants, he'll say so, go for it, whatever. It's actually one of his more attractive qualities.

And you know what else, I probably wouldn't even have text him back if you hadn't thought it'd be fun to try and mess with him. What was the reply you had me send? [You looked really hot too, been thinking about old times.] Babe, you're even the one who actually pushed SEND, remember? I wasn't going to...

Why not? Well, because I knew what would happen. I mean not exactly... but I know what Jeff is like and I know what kind of effect he has on me. I know I've never been very good at saying "no" to him. And I did warn you how good he is at pressing my buttons and getting me wound up, didn't I?

Ohhh, you thought I just meant he knew how to annoy me? Well yes, he definitely does, but I was trying to warn you how good he is at getting me wound up, as in very fucking horny. Somehow, he has just always known exactly what to say to to make me blush...make we want... how to get me wet...

Hm, would it have changed your mind if you knew?

This all started as your clever prank; let's sext with my ex and have a laugh... and you are my husband, so I went along with it, but Jeff wasn't playing your silly little game, was he? Would you still have started it if you'd known he would end up completely seducing your loving wife?

So when did you realize what was happening, hun? When I stopped showing you his messages? When I started replying on my own? Could you tell what was happening to me, or did you just think that I had lost track of the prank?

At first, I stopped showing you because he had brought up one of those times him and I were together, [We always had fun. Remember that night outside Tooty's?] One of the memories I mentioned earlier... and I wasn't sure you would want to see him talking about things he had actually done to your wife. [You looked so fucking hot bent over that fence. Your pussy was so dripping wet and I almost came just pushing in!] And yes, I was a little nervous that you'd see how thinking about them was already affecting me...

Well, it's one thing when memories like that just pop into my head, I can usually just dismiss those. But when I'm actually reminiscing with the guy about those times... [I remember you fucking me so hard, I thought the fence was gonna break...or my hip! Lol] ...about how fun they good they felt... well babe, it's kind of hard not to remember what fucking him is not get a little turned on. Okay, A LOT turned on.

Which is what I tried to warn you about. I knew Jeff would find some way to get me riled up, and I knew I wouldn't be able to resist his advances... [I can tell you need fucked, right, guess hubby doesn't know what a whore you are?] ...or at least not the temptation to keep flirting and messaging with him... and before I knew it, I was sexting him behind your back. I know it was wrong and I'm sorry...but honey, I just couldn't help myself. He wasn't just pressing my buttons, he had me completely captivated.

The things he was saying to me, gawd, I guess I didn't realize how much I was missing that... I know you're not into dirty talk, hun, and pretty bad at it the couple times you tried...But Jeff is like a porn poet. [I'll be gnawing on your neck, hands pinned down, wrap those sexy ass legs around me and just take this dick!] Every text he sent had me picturing exactly what he wanted to do to me...exactly how good it would make me was like his hands were already on me. [I'll throw your legs back, grab your wrists so your trapped, and pound that cunt loose!] Mmm, fuck! I swear, it got be where every time even just the notification buzzed, my nipples would get hard!

And then reading the actual message would turn me on so bad I HAD to respond. Me and Jeff used to talk dirty like that all the time...[I want to suck your cock after it's covered in my pussy juice, feel you cum down my throat while I'm choking on it!] Tell me, hun, did you know your sweet little wife could be so nasty?

It felt so good letting that side of me out. I guess it's been cooped up since you and me got together, so I was just dying for Jeff to bring it back out of he always has. Although, to be honest, even I didn't expect him to be able to get me that turned on from just a little sexting.

But I'm not the only one, am I, hun?

I know you got jealous when you realized that I was still sexting Jeff. And you really had every reason to that time, I was already wanting him so bad I could practically taste his cock in my mouth. I know you could tell too, you acted mad but even that was a little exciting, wasn't it? Seeing how wound up I was, how flustered I'd gotten...

...and then, when I let you read the whole thread, what happened? I could see the look in your eyes changing as you scrolled through... Reading all those things he wanted to do to me... you fucking loved it, didn't you?

What was it like, hun, seeing another man talking to your sweet little wife that way? [You're so easy, I know you're already getting wet for me.] I was. [Your cum tastes so fucking good, I'm gonna devour that little cunt.] Gawd, that man's mouth is magic. [Make you moan and scream with my tongue.] It makes she shiver just thinking about having him go down on me again. [Then it's your turn, stick this big dick down your whore throat.] I'm drooling and gasping just at the thought. [Then I'm gonna stretch that tight little pussy out, make you beg for it, fuck you so deep you can barely breath, but you're still gonna scream my name like a good little slut!] Fuck yes, yes please!

Did you start to picture it, honey, just like I was? Were you imagining Jeff Anderson fucking your sweet loving wife like a dirty whore? Isn't it so fucking hot when a guy like that just takes charge? It's like his lust is intoxicating, right? Even through text, he had my panties soaking wet...and it seemed like you were getting just as turned on. I think Jeff seduced you just as much as he seduced to me.

Come on honey, admit the time you were done reading those texts, we were BOTH drooling over the idea of Jeff fucking me again.

And that's why when he asked if I wanted to grab lunch this week...YOU said I should. And that's why, I'm reminding you, this was all YOUR idea. Honey.

Okay, mostly your idea...

Would I still be going without your permission? Honey! You know how much you mean to me... You're my husband and I would never cheat on you!

...but... Well, I did tell you, I've never been very good at saying "no" to Jeff Anderson. Especially when sex is involved...and he has made it VERY fucking clear that when I meet him for lunch, sex will be involved!

So what do you think, hun? Do you think I really would have been able to turn him down...for you? Or do you think that Jeff would have talked me into going behind your back and meeting him anyway?

Oh! You do, do you?

I guess maybe you DO know how badly I want Jeff, then... Does it turn you on to think about it? The idea that another man could turn my head like that? Make me crave him so badly, that I'd lie and tell you I was meeting a girl-friend... maybe sneak a sexier outfit into my purse and change after I left. Meet him somewhere I know none of our friends will see me, so Jeff can have me all to himself...well, hun, you might be right. He did have me completely fucking mesmerized by that point.

I'm not saying I would have...but I really could not stop thinking about his big hard it would be when I wrapped my lips around amazing it would feel sliding into my soaking wet pussy... So I guess I am saying that, knowing what he wanted to do to me, it would have been really fucking hard not to sneak off and meet him and fuck him behind your back.

Luckily, it was ALL your idea for me to go!

Wasn't it so exciting, honey, when Jeff finally made his move on me? [You're just as sexy as I remember. Meet me for lunch this week so we can REMINICSE in person.] There was no question what he meant with that all-caps "reminisce" least not in my mind.

Were you nervous as I typed, knowing how badly I wanted to say yes? [sounds like fun. How about Wednesday? I'll be DESSERT.] Did it make you jealous seeing my response, knowing I was agreeing to so much more than just lunch?

But it was still YOU who pressed SEND, hun. Again. You knew exactly what was going to happen...exactly what Jeff Anderson was going to do to your beautiful wife...and you sent that message anyway.

I'm glad you did. It's been so cute how excited you are. I know you try to play it cool, but, hun, you must have read those messages a thousand times the last two days. Okay, I'll admit, I get a little hot too every time you ask to see my phone.

Knowing that my loving husband can't stop thinking and wondering about everything Jeff is going to do to me really gets me going...

I guess that's why I've had so much fun teasing you the last few nights. I know you were confused, maybe even a little hurt when I told you we couldn't "make love" because I was saving my pussy for Wednesday...for HIM. But be honest, didn't that just add a delicious little edge, pun intended, to our anticipation?

Hasn't it ached in the best way, lying next to your beautiful sexy naked wife...snuggling against my soft, warm body...but knowing you can't have me because this week I belong to another man?

Well, because I could feel how hard you got, silly. Yes, every night. While you were holding me so close...but weren't you really thinking about Jeff's big cock plowing this pussy, the pussy that used to be yours and only yours? You saw how big and strong his is, were you imagining him putting me into any position he wants...legs up and spread wide, so he can fuck me as deep as he likes...then held together and turned to the side so I'm nice and tight around his throbbing cock...flipping me over, face down ass up like a cheap slut, so he can grab my hips and pound my hot wet cunt!

Mmmm, Fuck, honey...because I was! Doesn't it just drive you crazy, in the best way, knowing that as tight as you held me, as close as I snuggled, and even when you kissed my lips...I was fantasizing Jeff Anderson?

Could you hear me screaming already? Calling his name like he likes and begging for him to go harder...faster...deeper! Did you see my face, eyes wide and glassy as my orgasm starts building, mouth open, gasping and moaning with every hard thrust...tits bouncing hard every time he plunges into know how wet I get just with you, can you even imagine how Jeff's big hard cock will have my hot slick juices running down my thighs?

Gawd, yes! I haven't cum really hard since I've been with you, honey, and Jeff never finishes until I've climaxed at least 3 or 4 times...when I finally do get home, my brains really might be leaking out of my ears!

Geez...I'm already so wet just thinking about it. Maybe I should have worn panties, not that there'd be much point today...but I don't want to walk into the restaurant with a wet spot on my skirt!

Speaking of...look at the time, honey, I'd better get going...don't want to keep Jeff waiting do we?

Mm hm, I love you too, have a good afternoon, honey... you know I will.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Loved it! Need to add another part where she actually bucks her ex than goes home and tells her husband about it while jacking him off!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

All your one sided stories sucked You seem to hate a marriage and think the female is the Alpha while Husbands are not even a beta .But I guess in a brain like you have one side of a story is all your Little brain could come up with.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Yep, hope you quit for good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Suicide is an option. Just throwing it out there in case the author reads the comments

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

To the next comment,:. I also was totally trusting and naive. Yours and my experiences are similar. We were both 27 when we met, dated a year then married. She had been married, same month she graduated from college. I asked nothing, figuring she would tell me what was important. I have no idea if her first marriage lasted one week or five years. Like you I think I met her during a good girl phase. I was dumb to trust like that.

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