Shadow Dagger Ch. 17


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"I can see you're pleased with my plans," Sura said, smiling at him.

"What? Oh yes, your plans. Yes, they're quite good. Is that all you have to report?"

"It is, Grand Master. You will think over my suggestion about the Merchant Quarter?"

"Certainly," Raynolt said, though he didn't have the faintest clue as to what she was talking about.

Sura stood up and turned to leave. "Do you want me to send in--"

"No," Raynolt said quickly, cutting her off. "I'm quite tired. I will hear more reports in the morning. Good night, Sura."

"Goodnight, Grand Master," she replied, bowing.

"Come out, Lenard," Raynolt said, as the door closed behind Sura. He had noticed his wards flashing several minutes ago.

The hidden door on the wall swung open and the red-haired Magi walked in. "Good evening, Grand Master," he said, bowing.

"Anything new to report tonight?"

Lenard looked like he was about to say something but he just shook his head instead. "It's pretty quiet, so far. There haven't been any battles tonight that I know of."

"The meeting went well," Raynolt said, conversationally.

Lenard walked to the chair Sura had just vacated and sat down. "I still don't trust them."

"Good," Raynolt replied, nodding. "I distrust everybody. That way, I'm prepared for anything. Still, I can't help but believe their offer is genuine. After all, they will get no help from my Magi if Jon Laurent doesn't come through on his end of the bargain."

"True," Lenard admitted. "Though having Magi help still doesn't guarantee victory. The plans we hatched tonight were very basic, at best. Reynar would laugh in our faces."

Raynolt shrugged. "It was the first meeting. The groundwork has to be laid first before we come up with a more complicated plan. I feel good about our chances, especially with that sword Sophina possesses."

"A truly remarkable weapon," Lenard agreed. He couldn't quite hide the hunger in his eyes as he said it. Raynolt smiled and filed that information away for later.

"With that sword, Peron's mercenaries, and my Magi, I think we stand a good chance. In fact, I--"

The wards on his door suddenly flashed. The door shook as somebody hammered on it with a fist. "Raynolt Teryus, open up."

"What is this?" Raynolt asked Lenard. Lenard shrugged.

Raynolt stood up but didn't move to the door. "Who is it that so rudely pounds on my door?"

"Sereph, manservant to King Reynar. In the name of the King, open up!"

Raynolt shared a startled look with Lenard. Hesitantly, Raynolt filled himself with his magic and gestured briefly at his door. The wards flashed silver and dulled to gray. He hoped the Magi guarding his door would be alert for any sign of trouble.

The door swung open as soon as the wards faded. Sereph strolled into the room followed by a large group of the King's royal guards.

"What is this?" Raynolt demanded. Lenard stood up and hovered by Raynolt's side.

Sereph stared at him coldly. "Raynolt Teryus, by the order of King Reynar Lobare, I hereby order your arrest for treason against the crown."

Raynolt felt a cold lump settle in his stomach. His hand twitched nervously. "What did you say?" he said quietly.

"You are under arrest," Sereph replied. "We know about your traitorous plot with Sophina Crews and the Chieftain Peron of Raves."

Raynolt's head snapped back, almost as though somebody had just punched him.How did they find out? he thought hysterically. He looked over at Lenard. Lenard turned toward him, his eyes wide and frightened.

Raynolt clenched his hands into fists. "I resent your accusations. I demand that you leave my office at once."

"Resistance, is it?" Sereph said, sneering. "I thoughts so. Guards, arrest him!"

Every guard crammed into the room suddenly unsheathed their swords. The rasp of metal echoed around the room.

"Do you know who you're dealing with?" Raynolt said, his voice as deadly as he could make it. Magic rushed through his veins like waves crashing against the dock. His eyes burned silver.

Sereph didn't look cowed. "Don't try it, Raynolt." He turned toward Lenard. "If he tries anything, stop him."

Lenard looked at Raynolt. Raynolt said nothing, but stared at him with burning silver eyes. Lenard turned back toward Sereph. "I don't think so."

Raynolt smiled. Lenard's loyalty had just given him an idea. He quickly formed the necessary runes around his mouth. He took a deep breath and bellowed, "The Grand Master is under attack by the King's guards! All Magi who are loyal report to my office immediately!"

His voice rang throughout the room like thunder. He knew his voice had just reached all the Magi within the city. The call was designed specifically to seek out anyone who could use magic.

"You just made a huge mistake!" Sereph hissed. "Guards, seize him!"

Raynolt spread out his hands as the guards rushed toward him. Arrows of flames flashed from the runes of his palms and shot straight toward the guards. Several arrows exploded violently against armor, sending bits of flesh and metal flying throughout the room.

Lenard had copied him, his arrows much more focused and stream-lined. They shot straight through several chests and exploded against the bookshelves on the wall.

In a matter of seconds, the room was cleared of guards. Raynolt scanned the room quickly and didn't see Sereph anywhere. "Where did he go?" he asked Lenard.

Just then, they could hear his voice down the hallway, echoing off the walls. "Raynolt has just betrayed the King! Stop him!"

"Let's go!" Raynolt roared, almost slipping on the mess on the floor as he ran for the door.

He immediately saw several of his men hurrying toward him, including two of his 10th Tier Magi. "Grand Master! What's going on?"

"Seize him!" came the call from the opposite side of the hallway. Sura was pointing straight at Raynolt. She had several Magi behind her.

The hallway exploded with power. Bolts of lightning, balls of flame, crumbling stone, and just about every offensive spell Magi knew thundered through the hallway.

Raynolt quickly surrounded himself with his 10th Tier protection spell. Several lightning bolts cackled and dispersed as they hit his shield.

"Protect the Grand Master!"

"Seize him! Don't let him get away!"

"Stop this madness!"


"Everyone, stop! Don't do this!"

Raynolt ducked as a large portion of the ceiling came crashing down around him. Cries of pain rang through his skull as dust filled the hallway. "Lenard!" he choked.

"Here, Grand Master!" came his voice. A hand grabbed his elbow. "We have to get you out of here!"

Raynolt didn't even bother replying. He ran as fast as he could, careful not to trip on loose stones and bodies. A Magi staggered in front of him, clearly disoriented. Raynolt growled and blasted him away with a quick spell of wind. He didn't even know if the man was loyal or not.

He turned into another hallway and stopped. More Magi battles were raging right in front of him. Several large groups of guards were attempting to push they way through the hallway.

"There he is!" a guard cried.

Raynolt flung a fireball at the man and smiled grimly as he cried out, his body quickly consumed by flames.

A Magi blasted another Magi through the stone wall of the hallway and turned to Raynolt. He flung out his hand and sent three quick arrows of flame at him.

Raynolt grimaced as the successive impacts almost penetrated his protection spell. The attack was of the 9th Tier. The last arrow briefly opened his shield but it closed quickly.

Thank the God that the was the last arrow!

Suddenly furious, Raynolt wove his fingers through the air and chanted under his breath. Runes settled over the ceiling. An instant later, the hallway shook as the ceiling cracked all the way down.

The Magi who shot the arrows of flame cried out as a large section of the ceiling crashed over him. Several more Magi screamed in terror as the hallway collapsed. The rubble effectively blocked off the group of soldiers still trying desperately to get to him.

"This way!" Lenard gasped, pulling Raynolt's arm. He pulled him in the other direction.

The silence of the opposite hallway gave Raynolt chills. He could still hear echoes and bangs but they grew more distant as Lenard and he made their way through the deserted hallway.

"Here," Lenard said, stopping by a door. He opened it up, revealing a spiraling staircase.

A staircase full of guards.

Lenard cried out in shock as a sword sliced across his stomach. He stumbled back and fell heavily to his rear.

"You bastards!" Raynolt roared, as the guards struggled to exit the staircase.

He was beginning to feel fatigued but he brushed that feeling aside. He drew his power in deeply and quickly maneuvered his fingers through the air. He finished the spell in his mind and felt his energy drain as small bolts of lightning fired from each fingertip in multiple waves.

Each bolt shot clean through the guard's armor. Because of the way they were bottlenecked in the staircase, one bolt passed through several guards. Raynolt grimaced and continued to wave his fingers until every last guard was dead.

Exhausted, he collapsed next to Lenard, who was holding the gash in his stomach and panting hard. "Good one," Lenard said. "I've never seen that spell before."

Raynolt groaned as he stretched his muscles. "I've been practicing ever since Reynar chastised me for not inventing spells of my own."

"You showed him," Lenard said, as he rested his head against the wall.

A loud bang echoed down the hallway they occupied. Faint screams could be heard in the silence that followed.

"You have to go," Lenard gasped.

"Then get up," Raynolt said, standing.

"I can't," Lenard replied, showing Raynolt the long gash in his stomach. "I need a medic to even move."

Raynolt frowned down at him. Another loud crash sounded closer to them. "I don't know healing spells," Raynolt admitted.

"Me either," Lenard said, smiling grimly. "Go, I'll be ok."

Raynolt turned his head toward the staircase. He hesitated. "Where should I go?"

Lenard sighed and struggled to keep his eyes open. "Go...find...Sophina and her group. She...can hide you."

"They're probably already dead," Raynolt said, though he highly doubted it.

"Go...before the swarming with guards. Take...the...staircase. It the kitchens." Lenard closed his eyes, his head thumping back against the wall.

"Find me, my friend," Raynolt said quietly. Lenard didn't stir.

Raynolt ran down the spiraling steps as fast as he could. In moments, he became dizzy as the staircase spiraled tightly against itself. He passed a dead Magi on the stairs but didn't stop to look.

After several long, exhausting minutes, the staircase finally leveled out. Raynolt tugged open the door and ran into the cavernous kitchen. It was deserted.

What am I going to do? Raynolt asked himself as he passed by several rows of long tables. Cups and plates were set out and food was left half-eaten. He had evidently interrupted the dinner of those Magi who didn't feel like attending the feast at the wedding.

That's why there were only small groups of resistance, Raynolt realized. A large portion of the Magi were either still at the feast or were on the way home.

He ran through another large door and found himself breathing fresh air. The kitchens led out to a small courtyard where Magi could take their meals and enjoy the weather.

Raynolt looked nervously around but didn't see one sign of life. He ran quickly to the wall surrounding the courtyard and stopped. What was that spell that would allow him to climb a smooth surface?

"I thought you would come this way," a voice said from behind him.

Raynolt spun around and winced as a small, stinging pain shot through his arm. Sereph stepped back, a long needle dangling in his fingers.

"What...did..." Raynolt blinked. His vision swam before his eyes and the earth lurched beneath his feet.

He fell to his knees, his ears ringing and his vision darkening. Distantly, as from a long tunnel, he heard Sereph speaking. "It pays to know the general layout of the Emporium, don't you think, Grand Master? I knew which way you would go."

Raynolt collapsed to his side. His whole body was shaking. He tried to talk but his teeth were clenched as muscles spasmed in his jaw.

A shadow stood over him. "A very curious poison, yes? It quickly paralyzes the victim and, at the same time, inflicts searing pain throughout the body. Don't worry, you won't die...yet."

Raynolt's thoughts drifted through his mind like a stick through mud. He was about to die and he couldn't even form coherent thoughts to be afraid.

His vision faded in and out, the world blurring around him. Sereph continued to stand over him, watching in fascination. Raynolt longed to close his eyes but they wouldn't respond to his command.

Something, a shadow perhaps, fell from the sky and landed behind Sereph. Or maybe it wasn't Sereph. Raynolt couldn't tell anymore. The two shadows merged, jerking and twisting.

Raynolt's vision swirled before his eyes and brought him, kicking and punching, down into deep oblivion.


Note: Yes, no Jon in this chapter but this chapter took place in a single night, the same night that Jon became Chieftain.

And I promise that I will finish the last 3 chapters as fast as I can! I have most of it planned out and I can't wait to write a few certain scenes...

Chapter 18 - Events start to speed along as Jon struggles to make his way toward the Goddess, Sophina makes a difficult choice, and Raynolt discovers something shocking.

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kris10ekris10eabout 10 years ago


All the way! I would of preferred Marcus and Saphina....but I figure Marcus will probably die. I hate to say that but at least he would be in peace. Death seems to be an easier place for everyone except Saphina and of course Evelyn (due to the baby and all). But everyone else has such painful ores of life that they need to be put out of their misery. Frown!! Kisses

WerefanWerefanabout 13 years ago
Bump bump

You have crafted a wonderful story. The effect of "Bump bump" made the marriage consumation bearable, Thank you.

Prepare yourself for a barrage of requests to write a sequel:-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Love this story

Its just amazing! Its hard to find good solid fantasy-theme stories on here. I bet most of your readers are mesmerized by your story telling abilities. I sure am because I spent an entire night reading the series. I'm just simply refreshing your page to see if chapter 18 is up (seeing that you updated a couple days ago :X)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

keep um coming, this series is getting better and better, if you can believe that with how good the first was

curleyrchcurleyrchover 13 years ago

am waiting with baited breath for the next instalments of this amazing tale

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Keep 'em coming!!

It's good to hear that you're excited about writing the ending to this awesome story. Just reading that got me all excited about it too. In fact, I've been checking nearly daily for new releases!! But don't let that put any pressure on you. Don't want to rush it at the cost of quality.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 13 years ago

Another awesome chapter!

JazCullenJazCullenover 13 years ago
My wish list...

Has only one wish on it...I wish I had even one tenth of your amazing talent!

You leave me breathless, spellbound, and feeling very inferior :-)

Totally awesome chapter! Full of action and betrayal. My heart bled for Evelyn and I still can't help feeling for Reynar too. Marcus in torment, enemies coming together to stand side by side. I don't think I can work out who are the bad guys any more in the tale.

This is just totally sublime!

mokkelkemokkelkeover 13 years ago

three more chapters? how are you going to fit everything in only three chapters? noooo

nonetheless was thrilled with this update and will wait for the rest to come.

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