Shadows from the House of Scent Ch. 02


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At first, she liked the kinky game they played of her being dominated. She would act like a slave. But, Dean simply wasn't dominant enough for her. It only lasted until he had an orgasm, and then he was back to normal. She wanted to be treated like a slave and be dominated for real.

So, when she started to act in the scenes in Kurst, at least some of those latent fantasies that she had could be realized. Through the kinky scenes of Kurst, she could play the role of the slave, and at least during the filming -- at least at first -- Dean did act out the role of a dominant Master.

It simply wasn't enough. And then it became stale.

Now, she is doing it to help him. Now it is a sacrifice that she makes because she loves Dean.

However, as she looked in the mirror, she wondered if it would be like to see her body pregnant. She pushes her belly out, but she has no body fat. Lately, she is far too skinny. Each day, looking more and more like the emaciated, but sexy femme fatale of Kurst's novels. She is metamorphosing into Kath.

She looks at her impromptu improvisation of being pregnant, but he hears Dean's voice.

"Lizzy, not now. Kath is skinny and she can't get pregnant.... not now, later. OK?"

And then she thinks of the countless conversations along similar lines.

"Why don't we get married, Dean?"

"We definitely will. After the project is done. It is going to be a big hit. All will be different. You'll see."

So, she waits. She continues to believe in him. Soon she would be on her way to the library and forget about all this.

However time -- that incongruent aspect of the screenplay of life -- just goes by. Often, inconspicuously. Until one moment. It is at that one surprising instant when our gaze lifts to the mirror and we see that person looking back. The person looking back is then foreign. Unknown. And we are shocked back into reality.

Moistness filled her eyes briefly.

A lump formed in her stomach. For an instant, she didn't know the naked woman who looked back at her.


Her phone rang. She was brought back to the present. It was in the bedroom on the nightstand. Still naked, she walked back into the bedroom. Walking into the cooler morning air of the bedroom, she felt goosebumps on her arms.

She looked at the screen. It was Dean.

"Hi, Dean."

"Hey Lizzy. Still at home?"

"Yeah. I am getting dressed now."

"Are you still with Amber?"

"Not at the moment. We had coffee together and we chatted for a while. She is really a lovely girl."

Dean's thoughts went back to her sitting on the toilet with him there and then cleaning her pussy right in front of him.

"Yeah, she seems nice," he said matter-of-factly. "Listen, I will swing by the library and pick you up and we can go to the Chinese restaurant that I told you about. You know. To do the scene."

"I don't know, Dean," she sounded reluctant, and not really wanting to do it. "I mean, with Amber here and only the second night. Don't you think it is best if we come right home?"

"Oh come on, Lizzy," he sounded conflictive and frustrated. "We talked about this and you agreed. It is really important to me. I brought my camera and the lighting, and I went and bought the cuffs, the ribbon, and the makeup. Everything is all ready."


"Come on. Say you will."

Lizzy hesitated. She knew after living with Dean for so long that she wouldn't get anywhere in this conversation. They would end up arguing and it wasn't worth it; less so with Amber living at home. She thought it would be easier to do it and get it over with.

"OK. ok. What time will you come by? I can't leave until 5 pm."

"I'll be there right at 5."

She was about to hang up.

"Oh Lizzy!" he stopped her.


"I almost forgot. Don't forget to wear those small black panties. The ones we stuff in your mouth for the scene."

"Alright," Lizzy answered unenthusiastically.

"Oh, and one more thing," he paused. "Last night you agreed, remember?"

"What?" she responded, even though she was aware of what he was going to say.

"You have to shave your pubic hair. Remember? You'll do it, right? It's important. That is how Kath is in the scene."

She hadn't thought he was serious the night before. But now, she just wanted to get it over with.

"Oh, Dean!"

"Come on, you said you would. I'm counting on that."

"Ok. I'll do it," with resignation.


"Yes. I promise," she said.

There seemed to be no limit to what she was willing to do for Dean. For love.


Lizzy took a lot longer to shave than she had expected. It had been several years since she shaved her pussy completely. There was a time that she trimmed it, but recently she let it grow out. In her alone time, she loved running her fingers through it.

Dean often pleaded with her to shave, but she would say that it itched too much afterward -- which was true. But, the fact was she didn't like the way it looked completely shaved, even if it did feel nice being smooth

With so much hair, she first used an electric trimmer to remove most of her hair. It fell off in clumps. Soon, the dark black pubic hair covered the bathroom floor.

"Gosh," she thought. "I knew there was a lot, but never this much hair

When most of it was removed, she used a hair removal cream and washed it off in the shower.

As the water ran down her body, she felt that she was completely smooth. She ran her fingers over and between her legs, to make sure that all had been removed. The feeling was not unpleasant. She had to admit, she felt sexy. The smoothness also made her feel and look a lot younger.

When she dried herself and looked in the mirror, she felt so exposed. Her meaty pussy lips were clearly visible. It was like her pussy was on complete display and it looked so vulgar.

"Gosh," she whispered. "This is crazy that I will let him film me like this."

While Lizzy was shaving, Amber was organizing the clothing in her room. She was looking through another box and discovered a whole set of CDs with similar titles to the ones she found previously.

When she emerged, she still heard Lizzy moving around in the bedroom. She sipped on her juice and flipped through a New Yorker magazine that was on the coffee table.

"Well, I'm off. I am running a bit late this morning," Lizzy said slightly in a rush and nervous about getting a late start.

Amber looked up at her. "Ok, Aunty. I hope you have a nice day."

"You too. I hope you won't be bored."

"Not at all. Don't worry about me. I will read a bit and maybe take a walk through the city."

"Be careful, Amber. This can be dangerous. Make sure you don't go anywhere strange."

Amber smiled. She was happy someone cared about her. "I won't, Aunty. I promise.".

"Oh, Amber. Dean and I have to go somewhere after work. We might be slightly late, maybe an hour or two," she said as she grabbed her bag and some books for work. "I hope you don't mind. I hate to have to do this the second night you are here, but it can't be avoided."

Lizzy thought that if Amber knew that it was to go and film her hanging naked from her wrists with cuffs, she would die of embarrassment.

"No problem, Auntie."

Lizzy came over, kissed Amber on the cheek, and left.


During the entire morning, Amber remained sitting in the living room in only her t-shirt. She had gone to the window, and opened it, letting the cool morning breeze enter the room. If anyone was looking, maybe they even might see her semi-naked.

She thought about the previous night and masturbated once again to the scenes of Lizzy, this time not worrying about getting caught. She had the most miraculous orgasm, just when Lizzy also orgasmed. It was as if they orgasmed together and she felt closer to Lizzy.

She picked out some graphic novels by Daniel Kurst and began to read them. She realized that these were not just graphic novels, like Marvel or DC comics; these were fully erotic graphic novels, with BDSM and other fetishes. They depicted men and woman kinky sexual acts. The men had big beautiful cocks with well-defined muscles and the women had perfect voluptuous bodies. The graphics of the novels are well done and so erotic. Even though they are drawings, mostly even line drawings, they could evoke realistic scenes.

Since she had all morning, she started at the beginning of the series. After all, Dean had all the graphic novels that were ever published in print.

Amber settled on the couch. At first, she had her shirt on, but as she read, she took her shirt off and sat there completely naked. As she read, she twirled her nipples between her fingers. Amber is aroused by certain scenes so much that she puts her fingers between her legs and rubs slowly as she turns the page, devouring the books anxiously while remaining always in a state of perpetual arousal.

She read about Guy and Kath. Guy is a detective and Kath is his sidekick. They are in love with each other, but for some reason, never seem to admit it. But they have sex. Each has tainted pasts that they constantly try to atone for in each other's eyes; Kath was a prostitute, Guy was falsely framed and convicted as a bent copper.

Kath often has to go undercover, playing the part she is so desperately trying to leave in her past: a prostitute, or the kinky victim of BDSM. In so many scenes, she is tied, bound, and treated as a submissive sex slave.

But then, there are the scenes of Kath and Guy making love; having sex raw and hard. And Amber masturbates to these scenes. She keeps the book open to those scenes with one hand, as her other rubs her pussy until she reaches orgasm.

However, it is the subtle tenderness between the two characters. The frailty behind the facade. From this, Amber falls in love with the character Kath. However, she realizes that Kath is so much like Lizzy. Looking at Kath and reading about Kath is like reading about Lizzy. This of course is made more possible because there is a remarkable likeness between Lizzy and Kath.

It occurred to her that maybe Dean had selected Lizzy because she looked so much like Kath.


She remembers some of the titles on the CDs. Before they didn't make sense, but now she would know what some mean. She went back to the cases in her room. She flips through them, finding more in another box in the closet. They are labeled the film that Dean is making. She picks out the ones that she remembers from the books that she just read.

Lizzy is in all the scenes. There are many scenes. Most are scenes with Lizzy naked and in erotic situations. She is not always having sex, but sometimes simply at different locations exposing herself. Other scenes are quite artistic.

Most of the scenes seem to be very well done, artistically. She is mesmerized by the images of Lizzy. There is a long scene where Lizzy is a submissive slave. Amber is glued to scene after scene. In her wildest dreams, she couldn't imagine something so erotic.

At one point, she realized that between the books and the movies with Lizzy, filmed by Dean, she had spent nearly 5 hours with her finger rubbing her pussy, masturbating, and touching her nipples, only once getting up to go to the bathroom. Exhausted, she fell asleep on the couch, in her t-shirt that didn't cover her.

As she was dozing off to sleep, she dreamed of being in the scenes with Lizzy.


A half hour had passed. She woke up an hour later from her nap. She sat up.

She went into the kitchen and prepared a toast for lunch. The whole while she thought about the novel, but mostly about the scenes with Lizzy. And the scenes that Dean was fucking Lizzy. His face was never in the images, but it was his body. It was his cock.

He thought about Dean's obsession. He tried to reproduce every scene. It occurred to her that if there was another girl in the novel, Dean would have to find that girl. If the girl looked like herself, then Dean would have to ask her to be in the scenes and she would make love with Lizzy.

This crazy idea started to make more sense with the moments that passed. It started to take shape. She realized what she must do.

She had to get Lizzy to write the story.

She has to get Lizzy to include her in the story. Then, because Dean would have to put this into his movie, she would have to make love to Lizzy. And, she would do this with the consent of Dean.

She has to get Lizzy to write to Kurst.

~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~

6: (House of Scent A1.S8) Second visit with Chick

ACT 1: Scene 8: The scene is in Guy's office.

Guy walks into Chick's office, holding the card he found at the opium den. He's hesitant but hopeful for a breakthrough.

GUY: "Chick, I'm not sure if this is connected, but I found this at the opium den." He hands over the card. "Someone who bought that specific perfume also had a black ribbon..."

CHICK: "Hmm, let me see that." He examines the card. "Oh, I know this guy. He's a wealthy patron, mixes a lot with politicians."

GUY: "Does he fit this description?" Guy describes the man from the opium den.

CHICK: "Yeah, that sounds like him. What's this address and date?"

GUY: "Found it with the ribbon and perfume. Seems important."

Chick types the address into his computer.


GUY: "There has to be a connection. The ribbon, the perfume, the opium den... What does it mean? The House of Scent. I tell you Chick, it's more than just an opium den. It freaks people out. The woman in the scent shop, the anonymous caller. "

The camera focuses on Chick. He takes a drag from the cigarette and sends a plume of smoke into the air.

CHICK: "Kath's gotta get on the inside. She needs to get close to the guy with the mole. Loosen him up, like."

The camera switches to Guy. He knew it would go here. He knew that Chick would suggest that Kath offer her body for the information. It bothered him, but he kept his mouth shut.

GUY: "Oh. I don't think Kath will do it. She's not right for this."

CHICK: "Nonsense. With that hot body, and well, being how she is. Like that type of girl."

GUY: "What do you mean? What type of girl do you think she is?"

CHICK: "Oh come on, Guy. You know what I mean. What's gotten into you, anyway? Getting soft?"

GUY: "I just don't think she will do it."

CHICK: "I mean look at how goddam sexy she is! She'll have him eating out her hands; or something else [he grins at his joke]. He was careless enough to write the address on the card and then leave it in his coat; I bet he will slip up again and spill the beans when he is in the sack with Kath. She could blow the guy until she gets information"

The camera switches to Guy. He is trying to remain emotionally detached, all serious.

GUY: "Let's forget about Kath. She will be terrible for the job. We'll have to find someone else."

CHICK: "Are you crazy? For Christ sake Guy. Get your head together. We don't have time. Another girl could turn up dead any moment and here we are fucking around. Just convince Kath she has to go this party. Don't tell her the details."

GUY: "OK, ok. Assuming she agrees, how will Kath get into the party?"

CHICK: "I can get her an invitation to the party. Don't worry about that. I got a guy down at the Mayor's office that owes me one."

Guy stands up, turns, and starts to walk toward the door.

CHICK: "Make sure she'll do it. Got it?"

GUY: "I'll try. I don't think she'll do it, but I'll try. Anyway, you just get the invitation. See ya."

The camera focuses on Guy leaving the office. It then pans to Chick. He grabs the phone and makes a call.

The scene fades.

---------------- xxx --------------------

7: Cappuccino, new friend, and a spill

Amber had gone out for a walk and to a coffee shop. She ordered a Cappuccino and sat in a booth at the far corner to observe people. Also, she brought her laptop and navigated some job offers. There wasn't anything that interested her. Besides, she just arrived yesterday and didn't want to rush into a dead-end job.

As she sipped her coffee, she relished the feeling. Her past seemed so far behind her now. She felt free for the first time. But, it was strange. Not to be owned. Not to be told what to do.

In the coffee shop, there was a guy who kept looking at her. He was a college student at the nearby university. At first, it made her feel a bit self-conscious. Then she became slightly annoyed.

"If he is so interested in me," she thought. "Why doesn't he just say hello?"

Then she began to wonder about him. "Is his cock getting hard while he is looking at me?"

She decided to play with his mind. While she looked at her laptop, she acted as if she was becoming aroused.

First it was an act, but then she knew how she could become aroused for real.

She opened the ebook reader and chose her favorite erotic story. It is about a submissive young woman who becomes a slave to a rich billionaire. The first thing he makes her do is masturbate in front of him.

This always arouses Amber.

In the story, she is in public and he tells her to put her finger under her skirt.

Amber does what the Master says in the story. She imagines that the Master is talking to her.

While the young guy at the other table is watching her, Amber opens her legs and starts to rub pussy over her thin white panties.

The Master says, "Do it faster and open your legs more."

Amber imagines she is taking orders from the Master. She pulls up her denim skirt further up and spreads her legs. She continued to watch her laptop, but stole one glance and could see that the guy was watching her.

With her finger, she traced the outline of her pussy over her white panties. Back and forth. First slowly, but then as the Master had commanded, she did it faster and faster.

"God!" she gasped. She knew he could have heard her.

Her panties were becoming wet.

Even though she had started by acting like she was aroused, now she really was. She had lost the notion of the guy at the other table and was totally absorbed in her role as the submissive slave.

With her other hand, she cupped her breasts. First over her sweater, but then she became frustrated and pulled her sweater off, and she put her hand frantically under her shirt to feel her hardened nipples. She always rolls her nipples between her fingers when she rubs her pussy like this.

She continues to read the erotic story.

"You like that, don't you, my little slutty slave?" the Master asked.

Amber responded, with the words of the woman in the dialog. She gasped while reading.

"Yes, oh God yes."

"Tell me you are my little slut," he said.

When Amber read the words, she answered, "Yes, I am your little slut."

She rubbed faster as she continued to read. She looked up this time. Now she looked directly at the guy at the other table. Right into his eyes. Then she looked down at her opened legs. After that, she pulled up her legs in a crouching position so that her feet were poised on the edge of the chair. Like this, her skirt rose completely up.

Then the Master said, "Put your finger under your panties and inside your entrance."

When she finished reading this, she obeyed. As her finger entered her pussy, she looked up at the guy.

He was staring at her in amazement but didn't say anything. He just watched with unabashed desire.

She returned to the ebook. The Master said, "I want you to pee a bit in your panties."

Since Amber knew the story; she had read it hundreds of times, she had anticipated this, and she was ready. She began to pee. Not a lot, but enough to completely soak her panties and for the pee to leak on the floor forming a small puddle.

"Now, my little slave, take off your panties," the Master said. "Then you must rub yourself to orgasm."

Amber obeyed her Master from the story. She removed the panties and put them on the table in front of her. Her auburn pubic hair was wet with her juices and the pee. As instructed, she began to rub herself. She closed her eyes concentrating on the feeling, close to a state of ecstasy.
