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A tale of a gender-confused horse.
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This Story is written for Black Shanglan in response to the challenge of writing a lit story about a gender confused horse. I hope I stand up to the challenge well! Thank you to Neonlyte, Geronimo Appleby and Dreampilot79 for their editing help.

It was a lovely day for a ride, well at least Master thought so. Shanglan had been content to trot around the paddock and chew the hay with a few of his horsy pals but Master never took his feelings into consideration.

It's not really Master's fault, he is completely unaware of Black Shanglan's true species. He's convinced he is a mere male horse, he couldn't be anything but; then again, Master is not even sure that the horse is male. It gets awfully confusing not knowing the species or the gender. For the sake of his sanity, Master decided Black Shanglan was a horse and a male horse at that; it made life just that little step easier.

Shanglan similarly is not sure what he may be but the other horses know he isn't really one of them. Sure they tolerate him, chat with him about the quality of the grass and the lack of space but they kept their distance. Who could blame them? Shanglan certainly didn't, he wasn't sure he liked himself at times.

The one thing he knew was that he alone could read Masters thoughts and influence them. He could hear him loud and clear whether his lips moved or not and understood every nuance. His equine companions could only ever pick out a few words. He learnt early on to use this to his advantage, but not in front of the horses. Shanglan was Master's favourite mount. He looked the most impressive, his sleek black coat sparkling like jet in the sunlight, his muscles perfectly formed to ripple impressively as he gallops along. He is a prime specimen of horsiness. Apart from of course him not being a horse.

Master begins strapping on the riding contraptions. Bridle and saddle and reigns. Master is in a good frame of mind, whistling to himself and thinking of a certain young lady. To add to Shanglan's general confusion he could understand his masters arousal as he thinks of the ruddy cheeked young maiden.

Master has met up with the raven haired beauty on several occasions, each meeting becoming more and more sexually tense, and on the last meeting Master had brushed a kiss along the maiden's lips.

Shanglan enjoyed being in the maidens presence. She made him feel calm like no other being and he suspected she knew some of his turmoil. She would often pet his soft nose and mumble endearments. He always felt serene around her, and as his mind was mostly filled with other peoples emotional torments, this was definitely a welcome change.

He couldn't read her though. No, he only felt the calm she directed towards him and nothing else. Maybe she knew? Maybe she could help? But if she could hear his questions she never acknowledged them. Maybe he was just delusional. Maybe he couldn't read minds and he was just a horse. A gender and species confused horse.

Shanglan enjoyed a good ride. Master was skilled in the saddle and his weight was comfortingly familiar. He enjoyed the feeling of not having to think, of not being in control. He enjoyed being at his masters beck and call, getting a thrill and exhilaration which was far more than that of an equine stretching his muscles. Part of him would wonder what it would be like to be the one in control, He imagined himself in Masters seat riding him with passion and power and need. It scared him how easily it the image came to him, as if a distant memory was trying to assert itself.

He often pondered if he were in fact a human .He has a sharp human-like mind and lack of attraction to equines of either sex. There is however a strange longing and excitement directed towards the humans in his life. Just understanding them, being able to control them in small ways, makes Shanglan wonder if he is under some spell.

Then the limit of his horse-like mind pulls him up by the bit and leaves him panting for breath wanting to know more.

The ride today was short and Master rode with the speed of sexual arousal and the skill of a well trained whore. Shanglan was sweaty, steamy and panting when they reached the unfamiliar enclave of evergreen trees, Master swung down from the saddle and pulling round the reigns, he patted Shanglan's nose and led him between the burred dark wood trunks and beneath the thick canopy of prickly spines.

The smell of evergreen sap was enchanting. Live, fresh and somehow magical, Magical and weirdly familiar. Shanglan puffed and whinnied, his master stroking his neck to allay his fear.

"It's Ok boy. Don't worry. Hush now. Hush."

Shanglan took the intonation of his Master's voice and used it to quell his over sensitive senses reactions. It's fine. It's just a few trees. Just a few trees. Shanglan took control of himself once more but could not completely ignore the tension just tugging at the edges of his brain and heart.

He felt his Masters heart leap and shook his head from left to right. Ahh... there she was, dressed in pine green velvet and blending into the lushness of the background. Her dark hair framing her face like a shadow, the whiteness of her skin shining like the moon , mellow and light.

"Greetings." When she smiled it made Masters heart and male member swell.

Shanglan became aware of the excitement coursing through his masters body almost as if it were coursing through himself. Thoughts and feelings a horse would never entertain emboss themselves on his mind. The sight of her creamy breasts peeking above the low necked dress. The anticipation of lips on lips, of flesh pressed against flesh.

She beckons Master over and to Shanglan's immense surprise Master leads him to the middle of the clearing too.

"Today is the day."

She says placing a hand on Shanglan's soft neck.

"Today is the day."

It was if they were intoning a spell or an incantation of some sort and Shanglan paws the ground as he feels the nervous energy passing between the two humans and he senses something bigger, more potent in the air.

Human hands move each side of Shanglan's neck, joining to form a small circle. Shanglan senses more than hears the repetitive chant barely slipping between their lips.

One minute he is sensing the strange words and the next he is remembering and chanting the unknown language in his mind and somehow remembering the tingling feeling of power evoked by them . As the words sear into his brain his eyes fall shut. Behind the lids he is less surprised than would be expected when he could still see Master and Her.

Stepping away from Shanglan, still chanting they moved into each others arms. Shanglan felt the first thrill of body pressing against body, the nervous excited tension growing as lips meet lips and the powerful sexual arousal as the kiss deepens.

Every touch, every kiss, every movement was channelling into his body and Shanglan piece by piece was remembering; remembering where he was and who he was and how he had become a powerless horse. As Master's hands pull and tug at green velvet, slowly unveiling the white creamy beauty within ,Shanglan remembers her name. Rhona - powerful priestess and immortal, a gift Shanglan had bestowed upon her himself.

He can feel them now, can see the burning lust within them as they become naked. Standing before each other, clothed in only their lust. They join hands once more and the words of the chant change. Shanglan feels the words and chants them, he finds his voice- not a whinny or a snort -but real words slip from his lips and he felt the satisfaction of the humans as they hear the new voice joining their own.

Their voices drop down to nothing as lips engage with flesh.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Shanglan is aware of the heart beats, the skips, the jumps and jolts as Master's lips trail down Rhona's long sloping neck. He kisses down over her collar bone ledges and down onto the hillocks of her chest. Like an animal grazing Masters lips skim gently but thoroughly over the milky white pastures and then fasten purposefully around the hard rock like nipple and causes the whole landscape to quake and buck.

Shanglan feels alive. The memories, the knowledge and the power are flowing back and Shanglan has started answering puzzling questions. Shanglan knows as Master nuzzled between feminine thighs that he is neither a he nor a she. That in fact Shanglan is not human or horse or anything of this Earth.

As Rhona writhes and moans Shanglan feels intense pleasurable "almost pain" and it does not cease until she grinds out her orgasm on Master's juice covered face. Another wave hits Shanglan as Master kneels between outstretched thighs and slips hard rigid cock into soft, supplicant pussy.

That was the moment of transformation. As the two humans entwine and gather momentum The horse that was began to change. With each electrified push and pull of masculine and feminine, Shanglan's features transformed. His body channelled the vibrant passion as it moved and morphed and stretched and compressed. Each wave and pose of human flesh caused ripple and thrust of Equine to newness complete.

The grunts and groans became chants once more and Rhona and her lover intone faster and faster as orgasm approaches. Shanglan feels the swelling of cock, the tightening of cunt and the releasing of juices as the couple shiver and explode together.

In that moment Shanglan is free. The new body wracked with the massive force of spiritual sexual release flexed, groin pointing to the sky, thighs spread, head thrown back and arms spread.

Shanglan's lithe body looks human except for a slight green tinge to the flesh which is only caught through the corner of an eye. A long and thin body, curves out to sexy hips and long into race horse proportioned legs. And black hair glistens with healthy vigour, chestnut and evergreen highlights flicker when caught by dappling of the sun.

Shanglan stands tall and stretches. The man once called Master rolls away from Rhona onto his knees in supplication before the vision of godliness he had helped to re-create. Rhona immediately rises and runs to embrace Shanglan.

"I told you I would bring you back." She purrs holding Shanglan close to her naked body. "So you did." Shanglan's voice rings out through the glade like and echo in a canyon.

"You know I am not fully complete. I need more. I need to feel lust in magnitude."

"We know Shanglan. It is all planned. Planned for sunset. Only a few moments more then you shall be released."

Freedom. It was what Shanglan had always longed for. As a horse he had wanted to be free of his visions, his feelings, his telepathy; everything that made him stand out from his horsey brothers, but before that Shanglan had always longed for home. A home he now remembered and the longing began again renewed and intensified by the years of imprisonment on earth.

Sorcery had been employed by the ancients to keep him trapped. For years they tried to kill him but they never succeeded. It was when Shanglan was close to completing his mission that they tried a new spell, a new approach. This new spell was not created to destroy but prevent. Prevent Shanglan from retuning home.

"They will not come." Rhona breaks into Shanglan's thoughts as if she had been reading them "I have waited and waited. No one remembers it now as anything but a fairytale. The strange alien seducing and controlling an army of barren men and women. Promising them children but turning them into sex made nymphomaniac zombies. No one believes it now. No one questions that it could be anything but a story. No one but those we have chosen."

Rhona pulls the man who was Master to his feet. He smiles and Shanglan returned the gesture, if a little stiffly, it is hard to smile when you're used to having rubbery lips and horse teeth. It is very strange to know that everything between man and former horse has been reversed.

"They're here." Rhona exclaims and with a wave of the hand beckons forth the human forms hovering along the tree line.

"Come to me." Shanglan speaks in a breathy whisper of a voice, encouraging the timid kitten-like couples forward. Shanglan's smile is becoming more natural, and beaming it round this gathering puts people at their ease. Slowly one then another of them walk forward until the glade is filled with bodies. Without really looking Shanglan knows there are fifty assembled couples including Rhona and Master. Perfect.

"Welcome friends." Shanglan's voice winds around the assembled crowd "I am so glad to see you here today. I can sense you are nervous, naturally so, but relax. Nothing will harm you. This moment is about love; Love, lust and freedom. I know you all have chains that bind you, the lack of children in your lives leaves an unfillable hollow in your lives. Today You will conceive. Today you will become whole."

Small smiles of anticipated bliss cross faces throughout the crowd and Shanglan notices the nerves easing. The sun sinks and bathes all assembled in its mellow orange glow.

"Friends." Rhona raises her voice, her body still unclothed and beautiful in it's naked state. "You know what we must now do. Do not be afraid. Shed your clothes and commence."

Clothes are shed, some hesitantly, some boldly. Emotions range from unconvinced desperation to intense hope. Shanglan is overwhelmed by the intense love surrounding him and a tear slips down over a cheek and drips to the floor, where a bright orange flower blossoms.

"Friends." Shanglan's voice is tense with emotion. "I am deeply moved by the love you have for your partners. I am truthfully touched by your need and am greatly blessed by your agreeance to being here on this day. Thank you, Thank you for my freedom."

Overtaken by emotion Shanglan openly allows the tears to fall, every drop turning into a bright blossom around his feet, the heady fragrance of these blooms permeate the clearing.

Rhona starts to chant. Master picks up the words and it spreads through every couple assembled. The scent and the chant seem to boost the level of sexual arousal and Shanglan can feel it. Hands touch and lips meet. All around couples begin the mating dance. Fingers stroke and tongues lick and Shanglan is lost in the moment, lost in the words of the chant and the anticipation of going home.

Actions become more fevered and Shanglan looks around. Lips locked on nipples, hands encouraging erections and sensual faces showing enraptured lust spin around him. The feel of each action coalesces and sparks through Shanglan as if some ancient switch has flicked and re-activated some long forgotten programme.Shanglan's body is charged by the sexual energy surrounding him and as each couple comes closer to that moment of intense coupling, Shanglan's body begins to vibrate, tears still flowing and dripping to the floor.

Hardened cocks enter moistened pussy and Shanglan feels close to his climax, his goal, his freedom, and as before the chant seems to come louder and is mixed with moans and yelps and groans of pleasure. The first couple orgasm, they are is quickly followed by the second couple, then another, and another, until a blanket of orgasms spreads across the assembled group.

Each succeeding orgasm is the most intense ever felt, because each is all of the hundred peoples hundred individual orgasms rolled into one and shared equally between every human person present and Shanglan. As the frenzied coupling subsides, a hush falls.

Where Shanglan had been standing there is a dense bed of livid orange, yellow and red flowers but no Shanglan.

"Shanglan is free once again." Rhona stands up and addresses the couples. "Congratulations to each Lady here. You are now with child. May your lives be blessed with love and please always hold Shanglan in your hearts."

Nine months on and the cries of newborn babies fills the air, Rhona and her new husband cuddle close to each other, their brand new baby girl, Shanglan, lying contentedly in the arms of her Mother.

A new star shines down from the Heavens. A Thankful new father and famous scholar notices it and names it Shanglan's Star after his newborn son.

A myth spreads that the pollen of a certain rare flower (named Shanglan's tears) has the power to make infertile couple conceive.

Shanglan sees all this and smiles. Planning his next visit to that fascinating planet he wonders how many he will meet of the 50 children he helped conceive.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
This treasure stands the test of time! TREMENDOUS

I hope Black Shanglan will allow me to bring forth a most glowing review to be shared with current readers. I was initially tuned off by a "horsey" description but that may have be . Perhaps I'm a little biased. ;) But truly, EL, you did wonderful work with a strange topic. I love where you went with it. You've created beautiful myth that is spiritually appealing and powerfully driven home with images like "the burred dark wood trunks and ... the thick canopy of prickly spines" and "Shanglan openly allows the tears to fall, every drop turning into a bright blossom around his feet." I loved the mythic/fertility god theme and the rich language that brought it to flower."

- Black Shanglan

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
gender confused

Absolutely outstanding ! Without any doubt your best to date. Bravo !!

Dar~Dar~about 19 years ago

I love it, You made a fairy tale out of sweet Shang.

angelicminxangelicminxabout 19 years ago
OMG woman!

I have chills dancing up and down my heated flesh! What a wonderful tribute to the "gender confused horse" that we all know and LOVE. Shanglan is an inspiration to me. I am so pleased to see him immortalized in such a compelling way. Hats off to you EL. ~Minx

geronimo_applebygeronimo_applebyabout 19 years ago
We've spoken already

Nice to see this one up. Spoken about this already EL. Had me gripped from the start and conjoured up all the visuals in my (sordid) imagination.

Read the comments and enjoy. A great piece.

ABSTRUSEABSTRUSEabout 19 years ago

Such a lovely tribute to the horsey I want to keep as mine and mine alone.

Evil AlpacaEvil Alpacaabout 19 years ago
It was better than "Cats"

Beautiful! (Who's Shanglan?)


elfin_odalisqueelfin_odalisqueabout 19 years ago
Shanglan enjoyed a good ride!

Don't we all! Loved it EL.

The lyrical and sensual came together really well, loved the description of emotion. Congratulations! Hope BS is giving you a good commission on the sale of bottles of Shanglan's Tears!

rgraham666rgraham666about 19 years ago
Very nice

A nice little piece of myth and magic.

Well done.

BlackShanglanBlackShanglanabout 19 years ago
Loved it!

I thought it was brilliant. Perhaps I'm a little biased. ;) But truly, EL, you did wonderful work with a strange topic. I love where you went with it. You've created beautiful myth that is spiritually appealing and powerfully driven home with images like "the burred dark wood trunks and ... the thick canopy of prickly spines" and "Shanglan openly allows the tears to fall, every drop turning into a bright blossom around his feet." I loved the mythic/fertility god theme and the rich language that brought it to flower.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Species Confused...not GENDER.

I have to say on one had this story was written extremely well. However, the theme "gender confused" would lead someone to believe that it was about a horse that thought it was either a male when it was a female, female that thought it was a male, a male that thought it liked females only to find that it liked males etc...

Great fluidity of on the flesh..

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