Shared Bathroom with Coed Roommate Ch. 02


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"Let's hope." She crossed her fingers and left for the night.

Once she was gone I began to imagine how he'd react. This was hard to do never having met him before, but surely he'd appreciate the effort she went through for him. And then it hit me, the fact that she did it all for him. And not for me.

Not for me? What does that even mean? I denied it for quite some time before reaching the obvious conclusion that I was a little jealous. Ash and I had shared so many intimate moments, I felt a closeness with her that I never felt with anyone, and I didn't want her to experience that with anyone else either. And that thought worried me.

We're just friends, I can't be jealous I told myself. It would ruin my relationship with Ashley and my girlfriend. And what worried me even more was that I was worried about those two relationships in exactly that order...afraid of losing what I had with Ashley more than my girlfriend. That was a depressing thought, which quickly shifted into thinking about how sad I felt for Ashley. What an awful feeling to feel unwanted from the person you love, to never get the kind attention you're craving.

The next afternoon Ashley came home with a straight face and dropped her purse on the table.

"So, any luck? Did he explore your hidden hairless hole?" I say jokingly.

Shaking her head, she looked quite sad and headed straight for her bedroom before I could even ask what was wrong.

"Ash?" I knocked on her door and entered without waiting for an answer. Her face was buried in her pillow, lying on her belly with her short dress just barely covering her cheeks. I could easily tilt my head and get a full upskirt view from this angle, which normally I would do in a heartbeat, but I was too focused on how upset she was. I've never seen her look this sad. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"Nothing happened." She said muffled through her pillow. It sounded like she wanted to cry.

I gently started to rub her upper back to calm her down without even thinking about it.

"I just don't get it. Did we miss some spots?" She said helplessly.

I ran my hand down her back on her dress and lightly over her butt. "No, I don't think we missed any spots. I can check if you like?" I say jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood.

She subtly shrugs her shoulders. Did she think I was serious about checking? I noticed my hand was still resting on the top of her firm butt over the dress. What right do I have to keep my hand on her ass? My conscious asked me rhetorically.

"Well if there's no hair, is it the smell? Am I really that gross?"

My hand slowly slid to the bottom of her cheeks, over the dress and down to the warm flesh of her thighs. Gently kneading her upper hamstrings, moving upward until I found myself rubbing the crease where her cheeks and thighs met.

"I really don't think it smells." I say almost in disbelief that a girl so sexy and confident has been reduced to feel this insecure...and by her boyfriend of all people. My instinct to comfort her jumped into overdrive, and I realized I slipped a finger under her panties and was gently massaging the tender curves of her lower cheeks. Does she know I'm doing this? Does she care? I brush it off reassuring myself I'm just helping her relax.

"How would you know if it smells?" She says almost defensively, "It probably smells awful, no wonder he wants nothing to do with it." She sounded so sad.

Continuing to knead her behind from under her panties, my palms were resting halfway up the middle of her cheeks. I slid my hands out and pulled the elastic band down incredibly slowly revealing her crack inch by inch until her panties were resting by her thighs.

"What are you doing?" She says softly and more breathy than her last sentence.

"Just helping you relax, Ash." I said carefully helping myself to two handfuls of her firm cheeks.

"Well don't get too close, you'll probably run away from the smell." It almost sounded like a dare.

"Jeez, Ash it doesn't smell." Something in me finally snapped, and I spread her cheeks slowly, exposing her perfect little hole. "See?" I said as I dipped my head lower and lower until I could practically feel the tingle of her skin on my face. I breathed in deeply and audibly. The smell was faint, but inviting. My nose circled around her hole without touching any skin, taking in the different scents that ranged from an earthy musk around her anus to the distinct smell of her now wet slit.

"Jason...what, what are you...?" She said breathing so hard she was unable to finish the words.

I felt the sides of her round cheeks gently pressing on both sides of my face as she squirmed from the shock. My nose dove into her hairless, knotted hole leaving my mouth hovering above her wet lips. I breathed in deeply savoring every nuance of her intimate odor.

What am I doing? I thought helplessly as I bit into the side of her cheek feeling thick, tender flesh squish between my teeth.

She let out a soft moan, a confused and frustrated sigh. "Jason!?" she cried into her pillow.

My brain was two steps behind my body at this point, thinking I needed to stop this now as my tongue slid completely over her forbidden hole. She let out a loud gasp as she forced her head deeper into the pillow to silence herself.

Over and over I tasted her ass, sliding my tongue in as deep as I could consuming her sour and lovely taste that was not at all what I expected. My head flooded with so many thoughts...STOP I screamed to myself mentally, I can't do this, and strangely I think back to our shared moment in the bathroom...and what came out of this hole. How is that even possible she was able to push that out of this super sexy, tight and perfect hole? Why am I thinking about that now? I scold myself unaware my tongue has been diving in and out of her for who knows how long, teasing her anus, craving more of her taste.

Her hips wiggled uncontrollably as she lets out an unexpected scream. My mind focused for a second, realizing what I'm doing. How long has my hand been rubbing her clit? I don't remember even starting to do that, as my fingers moved faster and harder over her aroused tiny mound.

I heard more gasps as if they were coming from a tunnel somewhere else. "Oh my god..." I know it's coming from her as she's buried in the pillow, but it doesn't seem to register in my focused brain. She moaned louder, lifting her hips off the bed, shoving her ass upward toward me, forcing my tongue deeper in her anus. I realize how close I am to coming from dry humping her bed. Have I been doing that this whole time?

On the brink of erupting, any tiny ounce of my conscious left screams at every fiber in my body to STOP! It jolts me out of it and I lift my face slightly from between her wet cheeks. Breathing heavily as I stare at her two holes from the most intimate perspective, I can feel my breath bouncing off her carrying her seductive scent back into me. The air tingles my face as I feel it cool over her juices covering my mouth and the sides of my cheeks.

I stand up immediately disgusted with myself. What have I done? My erection painfully throbbed against my pants. "I'm so sorry." I say as genuinely and regretfully as possible and run out of the room leaving her with her ass out in the open and her face still buried in her pillow.

I rushed out of the apartment before truly grasping what I've done. I'm not a cheater, I tell myself over and over again. I don't want to hurt my girlfriend; I love her. Another thought terrifies me. Did I force myself on Ashley? The guilt was crushing me. It was too awful to think about. I couldn't go back to the apartment that night. Maybe ever.

The next day she sent me a text. "We need to talk. Meet me at the coffee shop."

A public place for a breakup, this is bad. If she doesn't call the cops I'll be lucky.

I walk into the coffee shop and find her sitting alone in the corner booth. I slid in and scooted close enough to her so that neither one of us had to make direct eye contact. The silence became too much for me to take. "Ash, I'm so, so sorry." I say with shame and guilt. The words don't even begin to cover it.

"You should be." She said softly, still not looking at me. "That was really fucked up, Jason."

I don't have a reply. She's right.

After another long awkward silence she breaks the tension. "But I don't entirely blame you."

"What?" I whisper in disbelief.

"I've been going over it in my mind and I think this is my fault."

"How so?"

"I knew Mark wouldn't do anything even if I was waxed, but I just wanted some attention there." She said now with her own guilty look.

"That's fair, and mature of you to admit. But that doesn't give me the right to..." I can't even finish the sentence it sounds so bad in my head.

"No, it doesn't. You should not have done that." After another long silence she continues. "But if I'm being honest with myself, I thought it would happen, and I didn't stop it." After a long pause, "I think I wanted it to happen."

Again I didn't know how to respond, and watched her own guilt begin to wear on her. "Don't do that." I finally said. "Don't take the blame for this." I added, "This is my fault. I took advantage of you while you were feeling vulnerable." I felt a little better actually saying those words, but not much.

She looked sad, in a strange reflective way. "Jason. I asked you to wax my asshole." She said in all seriousness, under any other circumstances hearing that phrase said so seriously would have been hilarious. Now it was just awkward. "Not only that, I asked you to do that after I knew you were turned on from that area...from, well you remember."

I nodded. How could I forget?

"I asked you to wax me because I wanted someone to touch me there. Someone to be turned on from it."

I nodded again. It made sense. "But still, I shouldn't have..."

"No, you're right." She cut me off. "But jeez, I'm not naive. I could have told you to stop. Hell I asked you if it smelled, practically begging you to check. Face it, I wanted you to do it." She lowered her head. "And you did."

I almost felt used, but that wasn't quite right. Confused and guilty was more accurate.

"In fact that was why I stopped using the bathroom with you after that last time." She said softly.

"Why? Because you didn't want me to get turned on? Take things too far? That doesn't make any sense. I thought you liked that I was turned on from that." I was lost.

"I did like it, but that's not why I stopped. I didn't want you to get too used to it. I wanted you to miss it."


"Once I knew I decided I wanted you to wax me, I wanted you to miss those private you'd," she paused, almost wondering if she should admit it, "so you'd be thinking about it, dying to see it again. So you'd be tempted to do more from the anticipation."

I was speechless. She really did want me to do it. My gut reaction was to be mad. She played games, manipulated me and I fell for it hook, line and stinker. It was deceitful, but truthfully I was amazed that she put that much thought into turning me on. It was flattering in a way. Not even my girlfriend had ever put that much thought into truly turning me on.

Suddenly I was overwhelmed with thoughts of my girlfriend. She may never have done anything like that, but she certainly never tried to trick me either. She didn't deserve her boyfriend to do something like this. So many thoughts fell heavy on my conscious.

"So where does this leave us?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"Do you want me to move out?" I asked when I didn't really see many other options for us.

"One of us probably should." She looked down again. "But I don't want that." She said in almost a whisper. "I don't want to lose you." She reached over and grabbed my hand. I lightly stroked the back of her hand with my thumb.

"I don't want to lose you either." I said, surprising myself that I said it so quickly. We both sighed a little, relieved and amazed we felt the same way about our friendship.

"Should we come clean? You tell Mark, I'll tell Shannon...and explain everything. Maybe they'll understand." I offer as a suggestion.

"NO!" She said immediately. "They'd never understand. Well at least Mark wouldn't, I don't know if Shannon would...I've never met her. This has to be our secret. We'll just leave it as a fond a fantasy and nothing more."

"That will be hard to do." I said truthfully.

"I know." She agreed quietly. Her eyebrows raised as if a light bulb just went off above her head. "Mark and I are going camping next weekend. We've had it planned for a while now. You and Shannon should join us." She looked optimistic and added, "in a separate tent of course."

"You think that's a good idea?" I asked hesitantly.

"We've never even met each other's partners. Mark has mentioned wanting to meet you, this will be a chance to get to know each other quickly."

"Well, Shannon would love to meet you finally." So many thoughts ran through my head of how the trip could turn into a disaster, but the hopeful look on Ashley's face was impossible to turn down.

"Besides," she turned a little more serious, "if we meet them, maybe it will make us realize what's at stake. Who we are hurting when we..." I could tell she was overcome with guilt and couldn't even finish the sentence.

"You're right. It would be good to meet them. Put a face to the name. Shannon is not much of an outdoors girl, but I think I can convince her. Count us in."

Ashley's face lit up. It was good to see her carefree smile again. We toasted to each other and sipped on our coffee as the mood lightened.

"Talk about a first." I add holding back a laugh.

"Which one?" She joked. "Waxing someone?" The she blushed and added, "Rimming a girl?"

"No, not that...licking a girl's asshole before kissing her lips." I said almost undermining all that we just talked about.

She blushed more than I've ever seen her before, which is saying something considering all the situations I've seen her blush.

She tried not to acknowledge it, but it was impossible to ignore the sly grin she was holding back. "To camping next week!" We toasted again, but just like that, the awkward tension had returned.

To be continued...

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lbcafrolbcafroover 7 years ago
Great series!

I love your style. It keeps you wanting more in a very alluring way!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 8 years ago
Really intimate

Ashley sure isn't shy. Very few women would let a guy wax her asshole--even her husband. Great story, by the way.

ProfDavrosProfDavrosover 8 years ago
Great set up

What an enticing story !

Well constructed and writen, a joy to read. Stimulating and stirring, it encompasses the reality of lust and guilt in a forbidden situation.

The internal struggle makes the characterters so much more loveable and identifiable. I can't wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Please continue. Really like your story telling style.

JrockittJrockittalmost 9 years ago
A gem

Man, what a turn on! Great descriptions of lust on his part (would have loved to examine her lustful feelings, too) and it's all for naught, for now. This camping trip has me hard just in anticipation. I can think of four different endings so far.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 9 years ago
Definitely a WINNER!

I am truly hooked on your story...different sensual sublime...a really HOT story! Hope you continue writing this!!!!

albertsonalbertsonalmost 9 years ago
Really great story about teasing

One of the best stories on Literotica for sure!

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