Shareholders' Conference

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Rachel cheats on her husband.
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This is going to be awkward. I knew if ever the day came, and I honestly hoped it never would, it was going to be awkward.

This was the first time I had ever attended the shareholders meeting; my mother had left me her shares in her Will. I had always wanted to come to the conference and see for myself what went off, after all it is not normal for someone like me to own shares in a big company.

I made my hotel reservation on the internet, booking into the President Hotel in Bloomsbury, London. It is an easy walk from Kings Cross Station to the hotel. I caught the train at 12.00 noon in Leeds intending to arrive at my hotel and book-in sometime before four o'clock. John took me to the station, he is so sweet. He kissed me just as I was getting on the train.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He said with a half laugh.

"And you behave yourself," I said teasingly, "Keep that little three-inch monster in your trousers." I saw the scowl on his face. It always seemed to touch a raw nerve when I teased him about his little cock.

We have been married 12 years now and I know he is very self-conscious about is little dick. I am sure it is a major factor that affects his confidence. I have not had sex with anyone else but he is always asking me if I have. I have told him over and over that I have not had sex with anyone else, only him, never cheated on him, and that if I ever did I would be honest about it. Let me straight about this, it was not something I was ruling out.

"How do you mean?" He said tossing my words back to me "If you ever did!"

"John, I have never had sex with anyone else and don't particularly want to," I assured him. "But if it ever did, by the remotest chance happen, I would tell you, I would not sneak around doing it behind your back."

I made my way through the first carriage, there were plenty of seats and I found one with a table and sat down. I had all four seats to myself. The train pulled away and I waved to John as he stood on the platform.

I was nicely settled on the train by the time it left Sheffield and I got the shareholders' conference pack from the briefcase I had brought with me and started to read it. It made no sense to me at all, figures and graphs defeat me.

I was aware of a man sat on the opposite side of the aisle a few seats away. He was sat where he could easily see me and occasionally I would look up and catch him looking in my direction. From what I could adduce, with him being sat down, he was quite tall, dark and very manly looking. He had a five o'clock shadow which enhanced his dark looks and brown eyes. There was an evil quality to him but an attractive one. He was wearing a dark suit and open-necked white shirt. He looked every inch a successful business man but of athletic build. As I gave him a quick once-over I also noticed his classy black leather shoes so shiny you could see your face in them.

I continued to pretend I was reading the conference pack conscious all the time that he kept looking in my direction, not staring in a creepy way but occasionally looking as if I really interested him.

The train stopped at Peterborough and a few people got on and one or two got off. It was while the train was stood at this station that I looked across the aisle and for the first time actually made eye contact with the man as he looked again in my direction. He smiled flashing the most amazing white teeth and I smiled back. The train pulled out of Peterborough station.

The eye contact and smiles occurred more often and soon he stood up and came and sat in the seat opposite me.

"I notice you have the shareholders' pack for the meeting." He said, "I hope you don't mind if I sit here for the rest of the journey. I am going to the meeting too."

"Not at all, please do." I replied, my stomach churning. "I am afraid the conference pack makes very little sense to me though." I said.

He just smiled in a very charming way. I was sure, from the look on his face that he fully understood everything in the pack but he said nothing.

"Will you be going to the pre-conference dance tonight?" He asked.

In the pack I had a ticket for the dance, for me and a partner, but without John I was not going to go.

"My husband has to work unfortunately and could not come. I would not know anyone and couldn't go alone."

He stretched his hand across the table, "David McGowan." He said in a low husky voice."

I shook hands with him and noticed his short, manicured fingernails.

"Rachel Quinn." I said looking into the loveliest smouldering brown eyes.

"Well Rachel, you have a partner now if I will do. Where are you staying?"

Would he do? Would he ever? I thought. "I am staying at the President Hotel, in Bloomsbury."

"I know it," He said cutting me short. "I will get a taxi and pick you up at eight o'clock prompt, wait in the foyer and I will come and collect you."

It is now 1.30am. David has just left to go back to his hotel. I do not need to get undressed, I already am. I know that John is a light sleeper and will probably be awake. I pick my mobile phone up from the little bedside table. I always promised I would tell him and now I must keep that promise. He is going to be devastated. I am so worried that this will destroy what little confidence he has ever had in himself.

"Hello!" John's voice sounded distant and tired, I knew I must have woken him up.

"John darling, it's Rachel."

"Where have you been, I expected you phoning me ages ago."

"John, I went to the pre-conference dance, I could not phone you."

"But you wouldn't know anyone Rachel, what made you go there?"

"John dearest, I have something I must tell you and I don't want you to get angry or feel hurt."

"Feel hurt! Why would I feel hurt?"

"John, you know I have always said I would tell you, you know, if I ever went with another man."

John swallowed deeply, I could sense his chest had tightened, his breathing had stopped. He was trying to say something but it would not come out of his mouth.

"John I met a man called David today on the train and he took me to the dance and then brought me back to my hotel."


"Well John, I am telling you like I said I would if it ever happened."

There is silence that seems to last forever.

"What? What has happened Rachel?" John's voice sounds nervous, his breathing tight.

"I think it is better that you do not ask questions John, you will only get drag this out, can't we just leave it at that? I said I would always tell if it happened and now I have told you my love."

"Are you telling me this man you met on the train has fucked you? Please Rachel don't tell me that, don't tell me that Rachel." I can hear him sobbing and sniffling.

"Don't ask me John, please don't ask me too many questions."

"Just tell me this Rachel, did you dance with him?"

I hesitate slightly, "Yes darling we only had two dances."

My mind springs back to the dances with David and how I had felt his big erection pressing against me, how his leg had pressed between mine and how my clitoris had rubbed against his muscular thigh.

"Did you kiss him?"

"John, I did not want to get into such details, can't we just say goodnight now, I am getting really tired."

"Did you kiss him Rachel? Did you? I need to know."


"Come on Rachel, you have always said you would be honest and up front with me. Did you kiss him passionately?

"I suppose so."

"You suppose so? You kissed him very passionately didn't you Rachel?

"Yes, yes."

"Did this David see you back to your hotel, did he come into your room tonight?"

"Please John, this is not good, I do not want to get into every detail surely you can imagine the rest and just leave it at that."

"No, I need to know what has happened Rachel, I need to know."

"OK, OK but don't say I have not warned you John, if you get hurt now it is your own fault, not mine. I have tried to be as honest as necessary without hurting you. Now John what do you want to know? Do you really want all the sordid details?"

"Yes Rachel I do."

"He brought me back to the hotel and we came to my room for a nightcap."

I wait, there is silence.

"You want to know if I opened up my legs don't you?"

There was still silence apart from short intakes of breath and the occasional sniffle. I could tell he was crying.

"OK John, yes I did." Suddenly my thoughts fly back to the exotic evening I have just shared with David. The sight of his magnificently tanned torso, the way he undressed me, how I had frantically torn at his gleaming white shirt, the hair on his chest and how it ran down over his stomach pointing like a finger towards his boxers like directing me to his cock.

"John, I had another man in my bed tonight, you know now, isn't that enough?

"Did he have a big cock Rachel?"

Oh God, why did I get into this? I am beginning to think that it would have been better to have kept it to myself. John need never have known, now he wants to know everything, stupidly I had not counted on this.

"I love your cock John, what has size got to do with it?"

"Did he have a big cock Rachel?" His voice is harsh and stern.

In my mind I can see David stripped naked climbing between my legs his cock hard and throbbing rampantly, point upwards towards his navel in a way John's has never done. My knees were spread out sideways with my slit exposed at David's mercy and at the mercy of his cock, yes his BIG thick twitching cock with a crown on it like a hard boiled egg.

"Don't tell me your husband has a cock like this?" David had said exuding total confidence. "I am going to drill your little cunt and your husband's precious little darling is going to get spunked up. I am going to give you a cream-pie that will be running out of your crack for a week." I was in no frame of mind to resist him and made sure he had all the access he needed.

"His cock was very big John but please don't let it upset you. I don't mind your little cock, it's cute. David's cock was big and ugly and really gruesome, not at all little and sweet like yours. And where yours slides in easy, he had to force his up me and at first it hurt a bit as he stretched my vagina."

"Was he better than me Rachel, did he fuck better?" I can hear the torment in his voice getting worse.

"It took a lot longer than when you do it sweetheart."

"Did you have an orgasm? If you did how long did it take?"

I knew straight away that this was going to be the awkward bit. Sex with John lasted only about five minutes and I faked my orgasms, I had never had an orgasm with John. David had prepared me for sex. The sliding of his muscular thigh between my legs as we danced teasing my cit, his cock pushing up against my stomach, his masculine body against me, moving rhythmically to the music as we danced, the pool of juice from my pussy that wet my panties and seeped through them onto my thighs.

I wanted David in a way I had never wanted John or any other man. David just transmitted sex from every fibre of his being. He was not a five-minute man either we had fucked together for a good hour and a half before he had shot his jism.

"John my first orgasm was almost instant as I felt his cock fill me up, we fucked for about an hour and a half, I did have some more orgasms. I did warn you John not to push this too far with too many questions."

Now I could really hear John weeping and snivelling. I could tell he was heartbroken, why hadn't I just had a fling with David and kept the whole thing from John? There would surely have been less hurt in the long run. As I heard John weeping I felt something oozing from my pussy. I reached for my vanity mirror and put it between my thighs so I could see my pussy. There was a thick slither of David's jism running out of me and sliding very slowly down into the soft curvy cheeks of my ass and then onto the sheets.

"You know fine well you are not protected." I heard John say, his voice breaking up and trembling. "I hope you did not let him cum inside you Rachel."

I was still looking into the vanity mirror and, as John spoke in my ear, another dollop of spunk appeared from my hole and slid between my ass cheeks to join the last lot on my the bed-sheets.

"John, please, I promise you that first thing tomorrow morning I am going to the chemist shop, just around the corner from the hotel, and I will get the morning-after-pill, let's hope it works."

"He did cum inside you then, are you sure that he did Rachel?"

Once again I peer at the mess all around my pussy. "I think he did John, I will get the morning-after-pill tomorrow just to be on the safe side."

I put the vanity mirror down and reached for a tissue and wiped my slit, holding my mobile phone in my other hand. I looked at the tissue and the thick white gluey mess. My mind drifted again, I could remember David grunting as he drove his hard cock into me, my legs over his shoulders, my knees nearly touching my ears. His body was shaking; the muscles of his stomach tightening with each thrust, his ass clenching and unclenching as he rose right up pushing his pubic bone hard against my clit as he shot a thunderbolt of virile jism deep into me.

"How do you mean you think he did? Surely you know whether he did or not, have checked?"

"Yes, I have checked."

"Well, did he shoot his fucking load, this is important Rachel?"

"It looks like it John."

"It fucking looks like it, come on Rachel you must have known he was going to do it, you must have felt it, you let him do it didn't you? You fucking wanted him to didn't you?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I fucking well wanted him to. We were fucking for Christ's sake, my mind was in a mess, I wasn't on this planet and he was gong all the way, there was no stopping it, we were over the edge."

"So you are telling me that you are speaking to me, on the phone, with your cunt like a cream-pie full of another man's fucking jism?"

"Well a lot of it has come out now John, I will get the pill tomorrow; it should be fine."

"Rachel, you are down there for two nights, you are not seeing this David character tomorrow night are you?"

"John, why are you beating yourself up about this, he has fucked me now surely another fuck tomorrow night is neither here nor there now."

"So you have arranged to meet him tomorrow and you are going to do it again."

"John, I will call you again tomorrow, I do not want to talk about this now. I am really tired and need to sleep."

I have put the phone down and make my way to the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror with my legs spread apart. I look at my reflection and see a thick slither of cum emerge and stretch like a thick white finger towards the floor until it gets too heavy for itself and then it drops onto the bathroom tiles.

It is now midnight on my second night here in the President Hotel. David is here with me. We have fucked again and gone all the way. I went to the chemist shop and got some morning-after pills. I took one this morning and I have just taken another. I was going to ask David not to spunk but I got carried away, enthralled by the amazing sex and the passion of one orgasm after another. The feel of his lovely cock inside me had me delirious so when he hit his high I wasn't about to stop him.

He is not happy about me taking the pill. He says I should have his baby. I have told him maybe if we meet again I might, but I am not ready for a baby yet and John would know it wasn't his.

"Phone him" David whispers in my ear.

"Phone him? Are you joking?"

"I never joke, phone him, I want to talk to him."

"I can't possible phone him with you here in my bed."

"Why? It will be fun, go on phone him for me. Tell him I want to talk to him."

Strangely I find myself giggling at the thought of it. David, my lover, talking to John, my husband, on the phone, it intrigues me.

"Phone him and tell him your credit is running out and ask him to phone you back, let's have some fun."

John's mobile rings.

"Hello John."

"Hello Rachel, where are you?"

"John, my credit is low on my mobile, can you call me back?"


David has just taken the mobile off me and switched it to vibrate.

"Open your thighs Rachel, open them wide that's a good girl."

I feel my mobile pressed against my clit and David holds it there. Soon it starts to buzz and vibrate. We both laugh and for me the feeling is so wild. David leaves it vibrating against my clit for an inordinate amount of time until it stops vibrating and my recorded voice invites John to leave a message.

"Hello, hello, I hear my husband shouting with David's hand pressing the phone sideways and hard into my pussy then with an impish smile on his lovely manly looks David pulls the phone from me and answerers it.

"Hello, is that John? David here"

"What are you doing there?"

"Well if you really want to know I have just fucked Rachel and spunked up her but don't worry she has bunged herself a pill. By the way this mobile phone is full of my jism it was vibrating inside Rachel's twat when you just phoned."

"You fucking bastard."

"Now, now, no need for that John Boy" Then looking at me David says "Turn over Rachel, come to edge of the bed on your knees and spread 'em out."

"What are you doing, put Rachel on the phone."

"Good girl Rachel. John, I am going to shove Rachel a length doggie fashion and empty my balls again. She has the cutest little twat looked at from the back."

With his free hand David holds his marvellous cock and slides it inside my pussy.

"I am right inside your wife John, hope you are listening to this."

David starts thrusting into me, exaggerating his grunts.

I listen but hear nothing from John.

"Hope you are listening to this John Boy." David is holding the phone near my pussy as it squishes with each inward plunge.

Soon I am delirious again. My orgasm is mounting, the contractions getting stronger and more powerful, my head is pounding.

"She's cumming John Boy, your wife is cumming, the dirty bitch is squirting her cunt all over my fucking cock, listen to your wife John Boy."

"Fuck me, fuck me, oh god fuck me faster." I hear my own shouts but they do not sound as if they are from me immersed as I am in delirium.

"She fucks like a banshee John Boy."

I cannot hear John make any reply, I know he will be in bits but I am in an exotic trance of fuck and I will deal with it later.

David passes me the phone.

"Tell your husband you want a cunt full of spunk, say it to him, say it now."

"John," I gasp breathlessly through my ecstasy, "John I ... I"

"Tell him, fucking tell him." I hear David shout has he rams his cock up me.

"I want a cunt full of spunk David, please, please spunk me."

David's grunts fill the room just as they had earlier and he gushes his fatty load into me.

David opens my legs wider and using my mobile he takes a photo of his thick cum seeping out of my pussy and then sends it to John.

"Enjoy that for now John Boy, sending her home to you tomorrow. Bye."


I am on the train going home. I caught a later train than David, I needed to think.

The train is just pulling into Leeds station, John is standing on the platform.

This is going to be awkward. I knew if ever the day came, and I honestly hoped it never would, it was going to be awkward.

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iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

One of the worst cuck's wet dream crap I've thrown up from reading.

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Ew. What tedious cardboard characters.

Might have worked for a comical story, but as it stands, can't see any reason to care about any of them.

HikingThruHikingThrualmost 4 years ago
Well that's that

I think we all know how that ends.

lisablissfullisablissfulover 4 years ago
what a bitch, what a bastard.

What a bitch, she couldn't wait until she got home, to tell him she had been fucked by a big cock, what a bastard sending a photo of his cum oozing out of her pussy to an insecure husband. If that had been me, my belongings' would have been on the lawn and the locks changed, with a message on my phone telling me to get a taxi from the station. Like other comments with which I agree, he'd never in a thousand years settled down with her, she was just someone who he could empty his spunk into whilst away from home. Not just a bitch a stupid cow, ruining her life because she couldn't keep her mouth shut

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 5 years ago
David needs a cricket bat

In his face and in his crotch. Assholes like that get what is coming to them. Rachel is a whore and after being cruel to John, deserves to be dumped naked in the woods somewhere far from home. While she tries to return, John can donate all her clothes to charity and change the locks. Nothing erotic in this story just two selfish, mean assholes.

Finchy1955Finchy1955over 5 years ago

What utter shite, cant believe a sane person could write this crap

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Not even worth finishing. So bad on all levels.

shang40shang40about 8 years ago
phone of wife

My wife once called me when I was lying in hotel room and she at home.

And she was not alone, her lover Prashant had just finished fucking her and during call he was taking liberties.

Next evening I returned to my house and found her sleeping with over oozing cunt.

aptonthe503aptonthe503almost 9 years ago
Disrespect is Never Love

Thought this story sucked. The wife’s “ this is an awkward moment” and yet she deliberately humiliated the man she supposedly loved.

aptonthe503aptonthe503almost 9 years ago

Clearly she set out to cheat and she didnt stop there. Her willful and deliberate humiliation of her husband was unacceptable.

The story is incomplete. What is the husband's reaction? While you portrayed him as selfconscience, is he a wimp or is he a man?

He should not accept her behavior and should respond immediately and harshly.

Finish the story!

carvohicarvohialmost 9 years ago
Oh my...

I wonder how her stocks did. I'll check to see if you wrote a follow up. If you didn't then I'll assume her husband wasn't at the station and the house was empty when she got home.

bigdnc13bigdnc13almost 9 years ago
Slut/Cuck - 1 Star

Another slut & cuck tale with no ending. It takes a decent writer to deal the complex interactions of a cheating wife story and provide an ending worthy of the events. It can be a BTB or reconciliation as long as it consistent with the facts as presented. When you make the husband a cuck, he gives up his self respect and standing in the marriage.

impo_61impo_61almost 9 years ago

If her husband wasn't waiting for her in the station, then a part 2 was needed!!! But he was...for what? He accepted the cheating? Is the only answer...If he didn't accepted it, the divorce server would be the one waiting for her...This end turns this story in another sad tale about people without a drop of moral...1*

seekerazseekerazabout 9 years ago
Sick Shit

Sick fuck. But perfect for reading in mommy's basement.

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