Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 14


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When the chorus began, The lithe young woman deftly lifted off of Chris and jumped to the floor, wiggling her hips invitingly. Her body still lunging at the steady thrust of dream-Go's cock, Sharon shook her head 'no' and cried out the same, still pounding her fist on the heavy oak surface of Go's desk. No one seemed to hear her. As she watched, Chris levered himself up as if he was 21 again, rushing to drop to his knees behind Kelly. Sharon whimpered as her husband eagerly fitted his dripping cock to the young woman's sex and speared into her doggie style. Kelly threw back her head, keening while the feathers adorning her ass shivered and the crowd went wild.

Chris roared, holding himself inside of Sharon's lover, obviously cumming during the beginning of the song's final chorus. He fell away, sagging back onto the dental chair which magically pulled him back stage while dream-Kelly rolled to her back and began to play with their mingled spend leaking from her publicly fucked pussy. Sharon heard herself saying 'No, no, no,' and any thought of getting off on Go's amazing cock or of getting her boss off was long gone. She looked frantically for the door to his office, only to find that there was no longer any door... What did that mean?

"Give it up for Kelly and her partner, Chris!" the deejay announced, "And tell your friends-- they'll be here all week..."

That's when Sharon woke, desperate to stop it, far too late to have succeeded. As she calmed, she wondered what it all meant. She wished she could ask Kelly, but was sure she would be too embarrassed to mention it. Unable to simply go back to sleep, Sharon went in and used the toilet, applied more of the ointment, and managed to resist the temptation to masturbate with the residual arousal that her nightmare had triggered. She scolded herself, for calling it a nightmare-- strangely, she found herself wondering if having Chris fuck her lover in a way that he thought he had been the seducer would protect her. Thinking of the way Kelly had gyrated and performed in her dream... and knowing the real sexual gymnastics her young ZB Sister could demonstrate, Sharon was a little scared Chris would simply choose to trade her in for a younger sexier model. She scolded herself for the uncharitable thought-- she knew Chris loved her. Having sex with Kelly would be almost like having sex with their daughter. And that thought made her feel guilty once again, even though Sharon knew she really had had no choice. Shaking her head, She tried to relax and find sleep once again, her last conscious thought nearly disturbing enough to rouse her once again: at least it hadn't been Cathy.

Sharon overslept on Tuesday morning, finding only a note that Cathy and Kelly were shopping, Chris had been called in to work, and Scott was at practice and then would be 'hanging' with friends. The wizened little housekeeper was home, but stayed out of site. Smiling grimly that running behind schedule had always been a problem, Sharon rushed to shower and get ready. She had scheduled a manicure and pedicure for before lunch with her friends. Glancing at the clock she cursed and stopped trying to dry her hair-- the short sides at least made it easier to do that without her hair looking hideous-- and rushing for the Range Rover.

At the nearby Korean owned shop, Sharon ignored the women's chatter and let them work. She had opted for the new 'longer lasting' gel but applied to fresh inch long extensions and after a hesitation went with a darker maroon instead of the bright red she had been wearing since Dave had first brought her home. The ZB Brothers might like the candy apple color, but she was sure they would appreciate the more luxurious darker red and was less concerned about such little things triggering the horrible consequences with which she had lived since almost the start of her freshman year. She was learning which were the important rules and which had been rules of convenience, meant to demonstrate who was in control. She made an appointment for Kelly the next day, leaving a text for her fellow student about the color. She pre-paid the treatment, and after a moment added Catherine, too. She was not sure why, but for some reason that left her feeling decidedly uneasy.

Back home, Sharon contented herself that Flora had lunch under control, and went into the bedroom. The urge to get herself off was so ever present she had wondered if Chris or the kids would notice; even sitting in the chair while getting her manicure, Sharon had found herself focused on the knowledge that her clit was aching for attention. Just brushing her hand down the front of her dress, she could feel it was swollen. Teasing it slightly, she wondered if becoming a BZ Bitch had done that, or if she had always been a hopeless slut, but just had not known it.

She frowned at the clothes hanging in her closet; though expensive, everything was depressingly conservative. A momentary thought of the closet in her rental only amplified her need. She found herself checking the clock on the nightstand, then scolded herself, wondering if she had truly been contemplating trying to hurry all the way across the city to the mall and the tattoo shop.

"Stop acting like their slut and remember who you are, Sharon," she scolded the woman in the closet's full-length mirror, "This is real life, not the fun and games at school." She chose a button front green dress that would work well with her nails, grabbing one of the lacy bra and panty sets she had purchased to replace the dowdy undergarments she once had favored. Careful to protect the new nails, Sharon showered, then carefully did her hair and make up, toning down what she had grown accustomed to wearing. She was surprised when the dress was loose, then smiled, telling herself it was the dancing that had helped her to keep from gaining any weight. The wide belt she chose accentuated her narrow waist, and with some of the buttons undone she decided the look 'would do' but resolved to do some shopping with Kelly and Catherine before she had to go back to school.

The thought of her young lover triggered another spasm of need that seemed to echo between Sharon's legs. She blushed, at thinking so wantonly about Kelly in the same thought as her daughter. Ignoring the need lingering at her sex, Sharon deftly picked up the bathroom and the few things she had gotten out in the bedroom, then went to the kitchen. Perhaps a Pop of champagne would settle her nerves.

Sharon settled for a kir royale, from the pitcher Flora had left in the refrigerator to chill. There was a pitcher each of bloody mary and of mimosa. Sharon enjoyed the effervescent cocktail while padding through the house, pausing at pictures and mementos on the walls and shelves, smiling at the memory of all the things her family had enjoyed. She abruptly broke off, though, unsure why the trip down memory lane was leaving her increasingly unsettled. A second wineglass of the alcoholic mixture silenced whatever ghosts were trying to darken the morning. Suitably lubricated, Sharon sought out the housekeeper, thanking her effusively for the lunch preparations and for taking such great care of the family while she was away at school.

Flora eyed the usually straitlaced woman with a mix of suspicion and pride. Mrs. Sharon had always been more than stand-offish, as if their different stations precluded real interaction. Eyes bright, her employer was obviously enjoying the alcohol, but was not drunk-- she had found Chris more than inebriated several times since Sharon had gone to school, and had reasoned escaping that boorish behavior would make any woman more relaxed and outgoing. She ducked her head in thanks, though, not ready yet to speak to the tall blonde as if they were friends or equals. Sharon laughed and turned toward the front door when the bell rang, the movement leaving it obvious to the housekeeper most of the buttons on the dress were open. While she was wearing a bra, the casual exposure of her cleavage would have been unthinkable before she had gone off to school. Shrugging to herself again at how much people she thought she knew could change, Flora hurried to make certain the brunch was ready. This was a much nicer employer to have than the imagined witch, shrieking that the food was horrid and had ruined the day; Mrs. Sharon had never behaved like that before, but given the obvious changes everyone else seemed unaware of, she was not going to risk a thing.

The women arrived over the next forty minutes. Linda and Madolen were first, laughing and cheering and hugging Sharon before starting on how great she looked, asking after whatever she was doing to have lost even more weight, and to have been so daring with her hair and nails. Sharon was delighted by the women's response, having wondered if they would somehow take one look at her and somehow 'know.' Before they had calmed down or had finished their first drinks, the bell rang. Sharon stayed with her friends, enjoying the story on the latest goings on their street, as Madolen's home was just four doors down.

"Royce-- he's the neighbor on the other side, you know-- came home last month to find a man standing in his kitchen eating a roast beef sandwich." Linda nodded solemnly,

"A black man," she added as if it was an important detail.

"Royce was left to wonder if his wife was cheating on him or if this was the new handyman, but fortunately Evelyn was out with us shopping at the time." Linda nodded seriously, eyes wide at the memory.

"He had slipped in through the sliding door at the pool," she continued the story, "And would certainly have been looting their place if he had not decided to stop to make himself lunch, first." Sharon found herself wondering if the intruder might stop at their home to offer her some relief; her clit was maddeningly hard and her friend's words 'a black man' had made it twitch enough she had imagined the other women must see. She pressed a hand against her crotch, glad to be sitting down.

"Oh, don't worry, honey," Madolen leaned over to pat Sharon's hand, right over her aroused crotch, "He ran off. When he ran, Royce was sure he was up to no good. He tried to chase him down, but... Anyway, they have stepped up the security patrols and warned everyone to lock all of their doors. It reminded me of the day there was a truck parked out front and several young men were going in and out. You had not mentioned it, but you've been gone, and they were obviously going in to work, not taking things out, so I was relieved Chris must have just had some work done. Did he have an in house sound system installed?" Sharon just blinked, surprised at what she was hearing. Chris had not said anything.

"Sharon, it's been ages!" The girls jumped up as Jennifer Gowen swept into the room. She rushed up to Sharon, hugging her and offering each cheek a theatrical air kiss before pushing her away, still holding her arms, as she looked he up and down. "Goodness, you simply must come home more often, dear," she said, the others easily discerning the disdain in the prissy socialite's characteristic backhanded compliments, "You're simply skin and bones... The dress is about to fall off of you, good heavens, dear." Her eyes moved over Sharon's dyed hair, nose wrinkling whether at the style or color Sharon could not guess. She clucked, seeing the high piercing, "Oh dear, I thought sending our girl off to school you would show the poor urchins what real class and style are, not fall victim to their hideous rituals.

"Jen, you're just jealous you can't go back and relive your college days," Rhonda interrupted the older woman's continuing evisceration of the hostess as she came into the room. She pulled Sharon away from their sometimes friend and hugged her, eyeing her seriously, "And I've thought about getting a high piercing like that... We have to do what we can to stay young, right girls?" She leaned close adding in an intentionally non whisper, "So did you get your belly button pierced, too?" Linda and Madolen laughed at Sharon's response, but Rhonda was unfazed, "Well show us, girl!" Blushing, Sharon unbuttoned sufficiently to show off her belly, where the frat's bauble shown in the room. The women clapped and cheered, Rhonda short circuiting another prissy tirade by shaking her head, "Damn, but you still have the body to pull that off," she sighed, "I wish I looked that good. You must have guys falling out of their seats trying to watch you." She winked at Sharon, then collected her drink from Flora as the women retuned the conversation to getting Sharon up to speed with what was happening in their world.

Apparently there had been a lot of things Sharon had missed, although she found herself musing as she listened and nodded that none of it had been important or very exciting. In fact, the only thing all of the other women agreed about was that the school board's decision to have 'rivalry games' on the Friday after Thanksgiving as a break between the division games and the play offs had everyone talking.

"Who are we playing?" Sharon was mildly embarrassed that she did not know, considering Scott was not just a bench warmer. She assumed it would be one of the parochial schools, or maybe Shawnee Mission North-- they always seemed to find a way to beat the Vikings.

"When the mayors and school board agreed to do out of conference game I thought it would be Rockhurst," Linda, whose son, Gavin, was a receiver, answered, "But they apparently decided we have a rivalry with Raytown."

"Harold says we're three touchdown underdogs," Jennifer sniffed. She and her husband, the aforementioned Harold, had no children, although both seemed to honestly believe the brace of miniature schnauzers were equivalent to the other families' kids.

"I can't believe it!" Linda shook her head, "We haven't lost yet. They're saying we could still win state."

"Well, they play in a different state," Rhonda pointed out, "And they have more reason to play well." Linda gasped.

"Are you implying they're better because they're black?" Sharon blinked at Linda's statement, watching her friends' conversation with a mix of horror and amusement. Rhonda rolled her eyes.

"Not directly," she countered tiredly, "I'm just saying some of those boys only have a shot at college if they play well enough to get a scholarship." Linda looked like she wanted to argue but swallowed instead. "And I'm not saying we can't win," Rhonda added quickly to change the subject.

"Right," Sharon chimed in, acutely aware that sometimes the team that's supposed to win doesn't.

"Too bad their quarterback isn't on our team," Madolen lamented, "With your boys catching what he throws we'd be a shoe in for state." Sharon just nodded; she followed her kids and her friends' kids, but had never been 'into' sports.

"He will be on Sharon's team next year," Rhonda said, missing entirely the momentary shock that crossed her friend's face.

"Uhm, what?" Sharon stammered, certain her friend was about to start in about BZ sex parties.

"It was in the news last week: He's going to State to play football next year." Linda nodded.

"Along with the team's best linebacker. It's a bit of a coup," she added, "They thought he'd be going to Texas or one of the SEC schools." Relieved it was just about football recruits, Sharon did not think more about it as the women began to ask her about what she had been up to.

"Hello, everybody... I'm so sorry I'm late!" The others just laughed when the busty young redhead came around the corner.

"Dorothy!" Sharon exclaimed, "You made it!"

"Better late, I suppose," Jennifer rolled her eyes, but Sharon's friend, the quintessential redhead, was bubbly and perky enough that the words bounced off of her. Smiling, she hugged Sharon, then arched a carefully plucked brow, eyeing the changes. "Oh, my God," she laughed, "My daughter has been begging me to let her change her hair like that... and get that piercing... Would you believe she wants her tongue pierced, too?! Who does that?"

"Mine's said the same thing," Linda admitted. The women got done hugging and greeting the last of their little clique when Flora rang the bell, indicating lunch was served.

The meal was delightful. Flora served an airy broccoli and chicken quiche after pasta and fruit salads. Crème puffs were dessert, and of course there was always a pitcher or two at the table. The women talked and laughed. Sharon was delighted that to a woman her friends wished they were her. There had always been some jealousy where Jennifer was concerned-- Harold insisted they did not have the income for a housekeeper. The older woman was absolutely green with envy at Sharon's being in college. Her snips and snipes about dress and hair and weight were obvious to all of the others.

For the most part Sharon told the truth. She found herself gushing about the Sisters, and how much fun it was helping the athletes. Linda's obvious prejudice was something the 'pre college Sharon' had never noticed. She and Jennifer both sniffed haughtily at Sharon's description of how hard the guys had to work once their eligibility was up and all of the perks went away. Like Rhonda had pointed out, most of the guys in the BZ frat would be working nowhere jobs if it was not for sports. Sharon insisted that once the school was done with them too many student athletes fell by the wayside and never made anything of their lives, so it was up to the frat to push and push and make sure the student athletes who were not pro bound still had a degree and a way to make a good living. She was proud of herself for remembering what she had heard the frat members telling potential recruits that had come through while she was in the house.

Dorothy was the most pointedly interested in what university life was like socially. She asked if guys hit on her, and Sharon insisted that the BZ Brothers watched out for her. Dorothy asked if she had been 'tempted' with so much 'young stud' testosterone around. Sharon blushed but managed a laugh as she assured them the 'real hotties' like Kelly and the other younger Sisters drew the attention and 'had all of that sort of fun.' Linda sniffed-- another clear sign she was horrified at the idea of Kelly and a black player 'doing it.' For a moment Sharon imagined telling the women how amazing sex with any of the members of the Frat was, reeling almost visibly at having had that thought as she savagely stifled the impulse. She was also terribly aware she was slightly aroused, she assumed at the topic, and waved a hand as she guessed she must be blushing, insisting that she 'never thought about the Frat members like that' and was embarrassed that the women were suggesting otherwise. The other women laughed, teasing Sharon for being so naïve, and Sharon felt a wave of relief. Only Rhonda seemed to be watching her more closely-- almost skeptically-- as she answered and afterwards.

Rhonda asked if Chris missed her, and how he liked the 'new Sharon.' Without thinking, Sharon answered that he had been delighted when she had taken Kelly's advice to 'try oral sex.' Dorothy giggled at that, Rhonda laughed. Madelon seemed intrigued, while Jennifer and Linda expressed disgust. Sharon's body took that moment to remind her she was in need of some relief, and Sharon found herself defending herself, pointedly asking if Jennifer and Linda were really such prudes, or whether the shock was just feigned. The women rolled their eyes.

"You sound just like my daughter," Linda rolled her eyes, then mimicked, "All the girls are doing it, mom, it's no big deal." Jennifer nodded, "I thought that's why brides smile so broadly-- they don't have to submit to that special horror again," the other women laughed.

"Kelly and the girls act like it's no big thing," Sharon insisted, "They don't even really think of it as being sex." Without thinking she added, "Kelly told me if Chris likes it that much I should get my tongue pierced because he'd go wild." She realized, too late, that she had just told two of her friends that their daughters were doing to same with their boyfriends. Dorothy and Linda managed to nod and smile, and Rhonda deftly turned the conversation elsewhere before Jennifer could explode.