Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 15A


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'Yeah, you both know you're under my... thumb,' he had chuckled, pointedly cleaning his spend cockhead off on the other stripper's pouting lips, 'I can do whatever I want to you both... or not.' He had smiled, shrugging after Phoebe left at his gesture, 'But you're right, you're both more than just help now.' Sharon had felt her smile as wide as the one she had seen lighting Kelly's face, 'Just don't think it means you can git uppity.' The women had nodded, putting themselves back together, resigned to the maddening sense of need he had left each with . 'An that trinket's from the guy you schooled last week, Sharon.'

Sharon had been honestly puzzled, until Kelly laughed, 'The big soldier... the one that wanted to take a year's frustrations out on you, remember?' Even then, it took a moment before she had remembered the show she had put on with a strange soldier in the champagne room. Go was nodding.

'Yep, that's the one.'

'But, why, I mean, it was just sex...' Kelly had snorted, and Go had stared at her with obvious surprise.

'Girl, you are something,' he had shaken his head, 'That boy had more rage in him than I had seen in any ten men in the last year or two. He came in wanting you to beg for him to stop.'

'I would've,' Kelly piped up, 'Every girl here agreed you had to have been putting that lidocaine lube in your snatch.' Sharon had blushed, but shook her head.

'He just wanted it rough,' her blush deepened, 'It just felt right... it's what I needed, too.'

'Well, he realized he was way over the line, but you took it... you showed him up.' A too small voice in Sharon's head had asked if that meant she had been over the same line, but had not noticed. 'He asked me to give this to you.'

'I can't!' Sharon imagined how Chris would react if she wore home such expensive new jewelry, 'It's too expensive.' Go shook his head.

'You can't refuse... Boy paid good money for it. He'll be back to see if you're wearing it, sure as shit. Don't get so dramatic,' he rolled is eyes, then, 'You did good... Gave the boy just what he needed. That's what wins you regulars. And regulars pony up like you're an honest to goodness girlfriend.' So Sharon had worn the bracelet when she and Kelly were dancing... Had taken to wearing it all of the time; she could admit it was beautiful and it made her feel good that she had so impressed the young man he had wanted to give her such a thank you.

She had not been surprised when the intense young soldier was present and had offered a hesitant wave from his front row position the next Friday night. She had flashed the bracelet, smiled, and mouthed 'thank you' before putting on an especially aggressive 69 with Kelly, trying to make sure her beau had a great view. He had been in the same place for all three sets, gently tucking $20 bills into her G string, even when she pouted and reminded him he did not need to be more generous.

But he had not been there to enjoy another screw afterwards. Instead, Sharon had found herself being railed by another stranger. When the man had finished and she had cleaned up, she had caught Raoul by the elbow. The big bouncer was the one watching the Champagne room that night.

'Where's my... well, my, uh, my fan?' Sharon had suddenly found she did not know how to describe the soldier she had expected to be interested in a fuck. Raoul had shrugged, but not because he had not known who she was talking about. He had lifted the mike hanging by his jaw, speaking into it, and after listening for a moment, he had shrugged again.

'He left after your last set, Shar', didn't have a lap dance, didn't go to the shower. Chet says looks like he was here to watch you, but just to watch. Ya know?' Sharon had thanked the big bouncer, then had returned to the dressing room where Kelly had been waiting. The younger woman had been puzzled at Sharon's willing return to the champagne room.

On the way home Sharon had asked what Kelly thought about her admirer's stand off attitude. Kelly had shrugged, 'He could be married.' The idea horrified the married white housewife... He would cheat on his wife like that? Buy another woman expensive jewelry? 'I don't think so, though...' Kelly had continued, 'No ring, and no enlisted man can afford that sort of 'thank you' that you're wearing there.' Sharon had nodded, wondering about the soldier, and embarrassed that she did not even know the young man's name.

He had not been back in the next week, although the crowd rushing to get seats whenever Sharon and Kelly were on stage was obviously getting bigger, and Go had begun asking both women to 'do specials' after their sets. Sharon was doing more than her friend, but Kelly wasn't having the problems finding satisfaction like the older woman.

Sharon had finally asked Go if he could find out what the story was. The big black man had initially worried the soldier was stalking her, following her home or trying to convince her to run off with him. He had seemed puzzled when she explained instead she had not seen him, but had agreed to see what he could find. Sharon was long past surprised that the club kept recordings of the extensive 'security cameras' set throughout. With the check of driver's license or military ID that they made of every patron coming through the door, Go actually needed only to check a couple dates, and then make a call to get the answer.

To Sharon's surprise the young soldier with whom she had interrupted the champagne room's usual activities had volunteered to go back to Afghanistan. Go did not have more information and did not offer to try to get more, leaving the lost housewife more confused... what sort of man would spend more than a thousand dollars on jewelry for a stranger, not take advantage of the sex his purchase guaranteed, and in fact would then intentionally put himself in harm's way? The new worry-- that somehow she had pushed the young man to put himself at risk-- gave her nightmares that only a pre-bedtime bowl from the never empty supply on her mantle seemed to dampen, and she found herself sleeping even less than before, throwing herself into taking care of the BZ 'chip holders' and her work at the club.

"I don't know," Sharon answered with a shrug, "Probably get some more costumes or some new tapes for Kelly and I to use." She had almost answered that she could just give it to the frat. Dave kept insisting she was getting rich, but thinking about the money always reminded her how she had earned it, and that was embarrassing... bad enough to be the frat's house slut... If she was making money it would mean she was a whore. Sharon barked a laugh at that, ignoring the way the other women rocked back, not having been privy to her inner thoughts.

"We could all go to a weekend in Vegas with that money," Kelly pointed out.

"As if Go would ever close down for a weekend," Glory sniffed.

"Fine," Sharon narrowed her eyes at the haughty younger woman, "The rest of us can go, you can work the runway and the champagne room with the new girls." Glory considered arguing, Kelly could tell, but she eyed the older woman and wisely thought better of it. Kelly was reminded of the way young men posture and fight... But the professor in her psychology class had been very specific: women did not behave that way socially. Glancing around she could tell that some of the other women had noticed the decidedly masculine attitude the two alpha dancers were putting out. Satisfied she had cowed the younger woman, Sharon shrugged, "I'm just kidding, we need all of Go's best girls if we were going to do Sin City right." Glory ducked her head, accepting the compliment.

"It's a dream, though," Fallon shrugged, "Go doesn't have enough new girls to let us all go, even if he was willing to do it." Kelly shrugged,

"Oh, you never know," she stopped, aware that all of the dancers were looking at her suspiciously. Including Sharon. She giggled, "I just thought Sharon could fuck him senseless... not let up until he agreed... signed it on a club napkin, you know..." The other girls laughed. Sharon's smile was lupine.

"Well, girls," Sharon reluctantly reached for her oversized bag; she did not bother to change out of the clothes she had been wearing, simply tugging a pair of sweats and a hoodie over the Velcro costume," I have to get some sleep before lunch." The others laughed. When Kelly pointed out that she was having the service crew clean her costume from that night, Sharon winked at her & then quickly shimmied out of the costume without removing the sweats, "See, she wants me nearly naked before we even get home."

With that, the pair left, arm in arm. Kelly could still feel herself blushing at Sharon's exit line.

"They're going to talk," she scolded the older woman. Sharon barked a laugh.

"Fuck 'em," she declared, then shrugged as she caught Kelly, planting an impressive and not slightly possessive kiss on the smaller woman to the delight of a trio of young men who were similarly leaving the bar. "Fuck them, too," Sharon huffed, leading the shocked and aroused younger woman by the hand to the Range Rover, "They'll talk about us anyway, so might as well give them something to talk about we don't care about." Kelly just nodded, trying to decipher her friend and lover's meaning... was Sharon not concerned about the other women talking about them being an item. The thought left her with a pleasant warmth deep inside. She was almost certain Sharon did not mean that she did not care who talked about her sexuality-- even with the new, aggressive woman her fellow BZ Bitch had become, Kelly knew Sharon loved her husband and family, so she could not mean it so callously.

Sharon squealed the tires as the big SUV tipped and cut out of the parking lot onto the road. Her driving had changed., too... What was that movie? 'Drive Angry' That was a good description of it, Kelly considered, making sure she had her belt on. Twice Sharon had been stopped on the way home from work since Thanksgiving, once getting a warning, the second time arranging for a 'private visit' in the champagne room to get out of an impressive ticket. The memory of that made the young co-ed smile... Sharon had left the guy a panting mess-- had finished him off in under two minutes to the amusement of several of the employees.

"Shar," she warned, realizing the humiliated cop could be lurking, waiting his chance to get even, "I don't wanna get carsick, & I don't want to pull a train for the whole night shift, after that stunt you pulled the other night, so take it easy?" Sharon offered a challenging smile... a smirk, really, but she did scale it back, and not three blocks later they passed the waiting shadow of a city cop. Kelly giggled when Sharon ducked her head.

"Thanks, babe," she said, reaching over to expertly dip a lacquer nailed finger tip over the younger woman's sex. Kelly shivered & groaned, confident they were going to spend another hour or two at Sharon's apartment as the older woman worked to 'tire them both out,' as she had taken to calling it.

The sun was nearly peeking over the horizon when Kelly agreed that staying at Sharon's was the best idea for the night or what was left of it. The room was heavy with both women's musk, & the younger woman found herself drifting to sleep, amazed that Sharon was still more than ready to go.

"We need to sleep," she scolded, pinching Sharon's pierced nipple for emphasis, "You crazy nymphomaniac."

"You love it and you know it," Sharon rolled away, though, to lay panting on the rumpled, damp sheets, the strap on dildo she had brought home after finding it in the dressing room after the holidays still glistening with Kelly's juices. Kelly shivered at just how masculine her partner looked lying beside her on the bed.

She woke, her hand pressed firmly between her bare legs, and realized with a brief assessment where she was. And that Sharon was not in bed with her.

"Shar?" she lifted her head to find the older blonde was wearing a less than new 'Snake Eyes' hoodie and BZ Bitch sweat bottom combination. "Where are you going, it has to be early."

"It's almost 10," Sharon picked up her purse.

"See what I mean? That's horribly early," Kelly complained, "We don't have to be to the tanning beds until after 3." Go had told both women they should 'fake bake' to get uniform and 'sexy' tans, and the women had begun leaving for work early enough to hit the local Suntana place. Go had beds but not the new state of the art units that were less prone to causing burns. And when they had tried tanning at Snake Eyes they had learned quickly enough it wasn't free-- patrons could watch them tan, & they were expected to be performing even while in the clamshell beds. The blinking eyes of the various cameras had made the decision easy for Sharon-- she knew that Go was selling time to voyeurs who wanted to watch women tanning, and minimizing her exposure to other people-- people who might know Chris was still a conscious worry. She was embarrassed at how much she had come to need the sex... and could admit it was a 'need,' but she was still determined to protect her marriage.

That was part of the reason she was up when she would have preferred to be snuggled against Kelly, dead to the world. As it was, she had burned most of one of the thick joints that were always in the tin on the mantle down while struggling to get ready despite being dog tired. Sharon was embarrassed to admit to Kelly she had another appointment at the clinic. Being careful not to slip on the ice still scattered along the walk, she headed out to the car, thinking back.

The first week back, she had visited on Wednesday, and had nearly been late to work at Go's after waiting for fully three hours for just the blood draw, genital swab, and urine collection one of the sour nurses had collected after hearing her story about being drunk and having a stranger take advantage of her. The woman had all but sneered listening to Sharon's story-- she clearly didn't believe a word of it-- worse, she had been outright rude... nasty, whispering 'prissy slut' loudly enough Sharon and the other women in the care room had heard her when Sharon had asked about the Gardasil shots.

"Think she a young chicken just because she away at school, shaking her ass..."

True, the women in the waiting area had glared at her, and had whispered to each other, occasionally nodding as if some especially emphatic point had been made to mutual agreement. The handful of men had stared, a couple of the younger men primping and posturing until the women they were with took offense, staring daggers at Sharon as if she had been responsible. Sharon was long used to people whispering in her wake, though, and she ignored it without a second thought.

Having the women who were supposed to be taking care of her behave like she was trash though... that stung. And considering the empathy they had shown to some of the other dregs of society who had been sharing the waiting room with her, Sharon had been just incensed enough to make an issue of it, though afterwards, she had still been shocked she had been so forward.

"You don't look so dried up that you'd be that bitter," she had snapped without really thinking about it, and while the other women in the back of the clinic had hidden their faces at their colleague's impertinent remark, all activity had stopped, every eye fixing on the pair as the painfully skinny older black woman had straightened in surprise before whipping around and thrusting a skeletal finger at Sharon's chest.

"Don't sass me, you Jezebel... We all know what you are. Harlot... Homewrecker." Once upon a time, Sharon would have meekly accepted whatever admonition a stranger would have made. That day, though, it was as if she was burning. She barely felt the 'Twang' of arousal so out of place in the clinic, but to which she had become familiar in the past days.

"You listen to me, you self-righteous bitch," Sharon had swatted the other woman's hand away, stepping toward her as she continued, "You don't know me. You don't know my life. Stop acting like you do, or maybe you'd like me to introduce you to the choices I have to make every day."

"I seen that fancy truck you pulled up in," the woman sneered, closing the distance instead of backing away, "You come in here all sexed up, making every man give you an eye even if they with their woman... Disgraceful. You sit out there like you don't want to touch anything... like you're better than those other poor folk. So I wonder why you're even here... It doesn't look like you're hurting too much to have to come here in the first place if you don't like the care."

"You know shit about me," Sharon had snarled, the women's breasts in contact as they shouted at each other, audible in the waiting room, "I didn't ask to have a black man seduce me, get evidence that could ruin my marriage, and then turn me into his whore," Sharon's spittle landed on the suddenly quiet older nurse's face, but the BZ Bitch did not notice, "I didn't ask to be tattooed, to be marked so any brother who recognizes it can use me like the slut you think I am... I didn't ask to have strangers empty themselves into me so I'd have to come here to see if I've been infected. I'm here in the car my husband bought me because I love him and I'm terrified I'll pass some filth onto him; is that enough information for you, you snooping, judgmental bitch!?"

And then Sharon had realized she was almost looming over the smaller woman... No, she had been looming over the cowering figure, fist raised as if she might strike... might hit another human being. Horrified at her behavior, Sharon had collapsed back, hand covering her face as she had begun to sob, horrified anew at having lost control of herself in front of strangers... at what she had just admitted to women who moments before were treating her like white trash, and at having lost control once more as the wracking sobs threatened to overcome her as completely as her anger had.

"Shhh.... Shhh," the same nurse who had been so openly hostile was the one who had guided Sharon away from the open front desk window and the cluster of suddenly alert and interested patients, back to one of the exam rooms again. And she had not been alone... the other nurse, one of the clerks, and the nurse's assistant were along, all of them clucking maternally at Sharon, trying to sooth the emotional white woman.

After disappearing for a moment, the head nurse had returned with a Dixie cup, insisting Sharon 'take it down.' She had, gasping in surprise at the burn of whiskey. Eyes watering, she had coughed before glaring at the older woman.

"What the hell?" she sputtered, pushing away from the women, clutching at the flimsy hospital style gown she had donned for the testing to be done, "Are you going to take advantage of me, too?!"

"Honey," the nurse had arched an eyebrow, letting her eye wander over Sharon's body, which wasn't adequately hidden be the threadbare garment, "If you think any woman here would touch you when you're here to see if you've got the clap or worse, you aren't thinking." And considering that had made Sharon laugh... And laugh... Fresh tears spilled down her face, but it felt good, and seeing the other women were laughing... knowing they were supportive after all, Sharon had found herself dwelling on the strange thought that she felt safe in the clinic.

The nurse had finally shooed the others away, before she had caught Sharon's hands in her own, apologizing for making assumptions and asking the amazed younger housewife and mother if there was anything she could do. Smiling gratefully, Sharon had shook her head sadly.

"Bettie," the nurse's nametag read 'Bettie Seele' and to Sharon she felt like a sure friend, "I've thought about it... I've looked at it every way I can think... If I refuse to... well, if I say no Chris will find out... He'll be destroyed... he won't ever be able t forgive me, and I think I'd just wind up back in their control but without a family to go home to.
