Shattered Boundaries Ch. 07


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She had looked all over for some clasps or buttons that would loosen the garments but had found none. In her frustration she had tried to simply slip out of the tight fitting clothes, and had managed to trap her arm in an awkward position. The more she struggled, the more difficult it became to disentangle herself.

White held back a laugh. She was just so adorable. Her predicament begged the question of how she had gotten dressed in the first place, but he decided to help her rather than dwell on such a question. He knew full well that there was a zipper that ran up the center of the back. He had seen it while... being otherwise occupied with certain parts of her anatomy.

Though she had been ignoring the link she had established up to that point, Annabel immediately sensed his train of thought. Her face reddened in renewed embarrassment and her struggles increased. She had caught the part about the zipper though, and tried to reach it. She twisted this way and that, but simply could not get a hold of it.

White tried to come to her rescue and he held her still. She had ended up in at an odd angle to him and he had to lift himself on one arm to reach the offending item. As he balanced over her, he finally got a decent hold and began pulling it down. Unfortunately, her trapped arm had stretched the material of the dress and the zipper would continually get stuck. With his arm tiring, he tried one last, mighty jerk. The smooth material of the mattress immediately gave way against his socks and he slipped. His attempts to keep his balance were in vain as he ended up overcompensating and landing on his lover.

They both shared a nervous laugh at the accident, but he quickly slid off. Fortunately, his gamble had paid off and the zipper had come down. Now he helped Annabel slip her arms out.

She managed to slide the dress the rest of the way off by herself. Now that her tight clothes were removed, Annabel felt much more comfortable than she could remember. She did not understand why the female Creator's would wear such constricting things. The breeze washed over her bare skin and she languidly stretched out. A slight movement at the edge of her vision reminded her where she was. She embarrassedly turned back towards her Master, only to find his mouth hanging open.

White knew full well the position of his jaw, but could do nothing about it. Her beauty was beyond description. She was all flowing curves, and smooth skin. A pair of virginal white panties and matching brassier were all that kept his eyes from roaming across her most intimate areas. He could not even chalk this up to a dream. His mind could never hope to conjure such a vision of perfection.

At his thoughts, Annabel fidgeted self consciously. Their mental link was still holding strong, but she was having trouble believing that he could heap such praise on her. She tried to keep herself presentable, especially after they had broken through to this world, but she would not call herself perfect.... Despite her modesty, she could not help the smile that spread across her face. It was not every day that you left your Creator speechless.

White shook himself out of his reverie. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. But for now he needed the rest of his clothes off. Quickly, he unzipped and unbuttoned his pants. His last few items of clothing were tossed this way and that.

Beside him, Annabel did not know what else she was to do. His thoughts were all filled with images of her and she could not find a single clue. Doing her best to ignore the impulse to cover herself, she looked on at her Master. As he moved about, his muscles would shift under his skin with such fluidity... But while his body did indeed draw her eyes, it was something else that made her yearn for him. He was the most handsome man she had seen in either of the realms, but he had this magnetism to him that made her so very... Annabel's hand drifted down without her knowing. Her legs closed tightly against each other as she began feeling so very... right.

White was done with his clothes. And about damned time. All these little annoyances were never mentioned in the holobooks or on the vids. It was always to people with barely a stitch of clothing just going at it. But it did not matter, he was ready to....


He turned at the sound of Annabel's voice. It had barely been a whisper, but was full of beseeching. As his eyes came to rest upon her, a glorious sight was laid out before him. Her thighs were slowly rubbing against each other as one of her hands played under her panties. But her eyes were a mix of confusion and pleading. Her other hand opened and closed at her side as if she did not know what to do with it.

White grinned. The angels in heaven must surely have been jealous of him now. Only later would he come to understand the irony of such a thought.

He was not following any plan or advice. All he saw was a beautiful woman in need, and he was the only one that could help her. He did not know where to start, but his hand was immediately drawn atop her own. Sliding her panties a little further down, he began guiding her fingers. She had previously been rubbing around the outside if her womanhood, too embarrassed to move closer. Now though, her Master encouraged her exploration. Little oh's and ah's slipped past her lips at the new sensations.

Perhaps sooner than he wished, White was confident enough in her ministrations to allow his attentions to wander. There was one more sight, or perhaps he should say two more, that he fervently wished to see. He brought up his hand and hooked a finger under one of the cups of her brassiere. He paused and glanced up for her permission to continue. With her eyes closed though, Annabel was not even aware that his attention had shifted. So he went ahead and pulled the cup down. Oh what a glorious sight! Her breast was a bit fuller than he had been able to guess under her clothing, with a dark, puckered little nipple that drew his eyes.

White drew a shuttering breath. This would be his first truly intimate contact with a women. Sure he had just helped guide Annabel's hand, but he had not really touched her. Now he lowered his head, and lightly blew on it. A shiver ran through her, but she did not pay much attention. So she's going to be like the eh? Mischief danced in his eyes. He lowered himself forward and licked ever so slowly around the edge of her areola. Still nothing. He had one more trick up his sleeve though. Drawing down the opposite cup, he got himself in position.

He timed himself, observing the rise and fall of her chest. As it rose with a deep breath, White sprung into action. He sucked in her nipple and began teasing it with tongue. His hand dropped down and began messaging her other breast. The effect was immediate. All the air that she had just breathed in was forcefully expelled in a loud moan, and her eyes shot opening.

It was a chore trying to keep up his assault when a big grin wanted to spread across his face, but he managed it. His ministrations continued, and it was obvious that his love was thoroughly enjoying his attention. She squirmed about and her breaths came shorter. Her free hand came up and entangled itself in his hair to keep him in place.

White was having the time of his life and for the next few minutes would switch back and forth between breasts. This was certainly better than anything he could have imagined, and he had yet to... His heart missed a beat. His apprehensions came back, but it was like a tug of war. He felt the fear, but at the same time, his mind could not concentrate on why specifically he should be afraid. This was all pleasure and wonder.

And then an epiphany came.

He wanted to slap himself for his ignorance. He had always thought of sex and lovemaking as the same thing. That being like a competition or a test. Not in so many words of course, it was just a general idea that he was supposed to measure up and perform to his partners expectations. But that was all wrong. His sweet Annabel was practically putty in his hands and all he had done was what seemed fun to him. This was the truth. The point was not to reach for some unattainable perfection of technique. It was to get her to make all these cute little faces.

All his self doubt and fears of failure were gone. White was ready, and wanted, with all his being, to give his love a night she would never forget. It all became a blur after that. His hands and mouth would wander everywhere. Only stopping when he elicited a particularly delicious sounding moan or his lover held him in place. Sweat poured from their bodies and their breathing became ragged.

Soon though, it was time.

During a particularly impressive display of White's ability to multitask, his love placed a hand on his cheek. He paused in curiosity and looked up. Not a single word passed from her lips, but the look in her eyes was full of meaning. He looked back questioningly. Realizing what he was asking, he quickly shook his to head to clear the expression. Annabel only smiled down at him and nodded her head. With that, their silent conversation came to an end.

White slid up against her, loathe to break their contact while he repositioned. Face to face their gazes locked. Unabashed, pure love flowed between them. This was their last chance to back away, to doubt, or to wait for another day. But neither hesitated. With one last kiss, he thrust forward, and the two young lovers were joined.

Annabel let out a soft cry at the intrusion. Her Master paused. He knew that this was the time in which his love was most vulnerable. When he could most easily hurt her. And so he moved slowly, pausing at the slightest sign of discomfort that she might have given. Bit by bit he entered her, the pulsating warmth all around him testing his self restraint. But he would not dare move more quickly, no matter how he wished to be fully inside her. As their hips inched closer, he stopped. He felt the barrier of her virginity before him. He had heard many stories of how terribly painful this could be.

He looked at her once more, wondering if she understood what was to come. Through their bond, she had heard every one of his thought. But she felt no fear, only absolute trust in her Master. He would never wish to do her harm. She leaned up and kissed him, trying to impart all the confidence she felt for him.

White understood. She was ready.

He pulled back slightly, both of them begrudging every centimeter that they lost. She breathed in and steeled herself for what was to come. And soon he thrust forward. A cry went up that seemed to hang in the air. Her arms tightened around him. The flash of pain shook her, and her breaths became uneven. But it was over. He had claimed her as his own.

Annabel, his dear sweet Annabel, looked up at him with a smile. A single tear still hung at the corner of her eye, but her joy was undeniable. Another kiss was shared, and he began to move once more. At first it was only the slightest of motions, for he still feared to cause her more pain. But soon her eyes fluttered closed and her mouth parted in pleasure. His thrusts grew in confidence, and the room filled with moans and gasps.

A strange thing happened then. Something that Annabel could never have foreseen. The bond she had woven between them warped and flexed. But rather than breaking, it grew stronger. In the midst of their pleasure they never realized something was different. New sounds filled the once quiet spaces of their minds. Heartbeats, strange, yet familiar. Not their own, but belonging to one another. The gift her Master had unknowingly given her, grew to fulfill its true purpose. A bond formed in love, tempered in tears, and quenched in forgiveness.

Higher and higher they climbed, with this unknown link further adding to their bliss. Ah, but all things must come an end. Love is no cruel thing however, and the young couple had one more gift to receive. They felt it nearly upon them. Their motions grew wild. Their breaths came in short gasps. And soon they reached their peak. Stars exploded before their eyes. Fire coursed through their veins. And their entire beings were centered at the point of their union.

As the moonlight streamed in and the wind played against their skin, neither of the lovers could imagine a more perfect night.

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