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Part One Shayla


I wasn't worried. Max had been my boyfriend for six months and Andy didn't have a clue. And I knew my Andy. He would be so desperate to keep me that I knew he would go along with it even if he didn't like it. Max wanted to take me to Cancun for a week and I decided to go. I decided to break it to Andy after dinner on Wednesday. That would give him two days to get used to the idea.

I fixed his favorite meal and opened a bottle of Merlot to go with it. When we finished earing I said:

"I'm going to Cancun for a week. I'll be leaving from work on Friday and should be back a week later on Saturday afternoon."

I couldn't read the look that came his face at the news.


What a stupid question!

"Of course not silly. Nobody goes to Cancun alone."


Another silly question. He really didn't need to know who and I certainly wasn't going to tell him.

"You don't know him."

Still a look on his face I couldn't read.

"When will I be served?"


"Yes dear; when will I be getting the divorce papers?"

"Divorce? Oh no sweetie; there isn't going to be a divorce. This won't hurt us. I just feel the need for something a little different. You are and always will be my main man. This is just a little fling."

"A fling is a once or twice thing. More than that and it is an affair and if I'm right it has been going on for about six months now. It has probably been longer, but six months ago is when I finally got it in my head that you were cheating on me."

How could he know? I was extremely careful to keep it hidden.

"It has only been four months and it will be over when I get back."

That was partly true. It had started six months ago, but it was only kissing and make out sessions at first. I didn't give it up to Max until four months ago and it would be over when I got back from Cancun.

"Have fun then. I'll sleep on the couch until you're gone."

"Oh no you won't! I'm going to spend the next two nights before I leave thanking you for letting me do this. If I do it right you won't be able to get out of bed to go to work in the morning."

"No thank you. Save it for your lover. You need to be fresh and eager for him when you get to Cancun. And besides that we need to get one thing straight here. I'm not letting you do anything. You told me what you are going to do; I'm just not putting up a fight. As far as the couch is concerned I'll be sleeping there because I don't want to be in bed with you and getting sloppy seconds. I could handle it when I only thought you were cheating, but knowing for sure changes things."

This was not going the way it was supposed to. I knew he would be upset, but he loved me and he always - ALWAYS - gave me what I wanted. Oh well, not to worry; I'll just have to work a little harder to bring him around.

"I've never given you sloppy seconds."

"Just seconds then. Still the same thing."

"You are looking at it the wrong way honey; I'm giving him seconds. Look at it this way; I've been giving him your leftovers. Yes, I have been going behind your back for a bit, but it hasn't hurt us any. We still make love four or five times a week. I shower you with love and attention and I don't ever intend to stop. You are my man."

"Whatever. It doesn't change anything. Since you have him you no longer have me."

He was pissed, but then I'd known he would be. I knew how to get to him and reel him back in. At bedtime I walked into the living room naked except for what Andy called my "Come fuck me" heels. He had never been able to keep his hands off me when I wore my heels. He looked up from the TV and saw me.

"This is yours baby and has always been yours so stop the foolishness and come to bed."

"No thanks. It isn't mine and by your own admission it hasn't been mine for four months."

"Don't be this way baby; you know I love you."

"Maybe, but just not enough. At least not enough for me. And one other thing. We haven't been married three years and you are already finding other cock. That tells me that I'm not getting the job done in the bedroom. Knowing that I'd only disappoint you again if I took you up on your offer I'll take a pass on it."

"You are fine in the bedroom; I just wanted something a little different."

"I call bullshit on that. I could maybe, just maybe, buy it if it took place seven or eight years after we were married. The seven year itch thing, but after only a little less than three years? No way. Now leave me alone. I need to get some sleep before I go into work tomorrow."

He rolled over and turned his back on me. He must really be pissed if he could turn down me in my heels. Maybe honesty wasn't the best policy. Maybe I should have told him it was a work related trip. I did have to go on them from time to time. Usually only for two or three days, but it would have been a hell of a lot easier to sell a work trip than a trip to Cancun.

I'd wake him in the morning with a blow job. That should help mellow him out. Wake him with a hummer and when h was stiff climb on and ride him cowgirl. That would do it. I set the clock to wake me an hour earlier than usual and went to bed.

When the clock went off I got up and headed for the living room with a smile on my face as I imagined what Andy's face would look like when my mouth on his cock woke him up. My smile faded when I found out he wasn't on the couch. A quick look around the apartment showed he was gone. Oh well, all was not lost. We had never gone more than two days without making love so Andy would be primed and ready when he got home from work.


At work Max wanted to know how Andy had taken the news. He'd been against my telling Andy what we were going to do.

"He's a man babe and his ego is going to take a hit. He will not take it well."

I didn't want to let him tell me "I told you so" so I lied and said Andy hadn't been happy, but he had accepted it and told me that I was going to have to make it up to him.

At eleven Max asked me to take a long lunch with him and I turned him down.

"I need to fuck Andy's socks off tonight and I don't want to disrespect him by giving him sloppy seconds."

"You can clean yourself in the hotel bathroom."

"I've never gone to him after doing you and I'm not going to start now. Save it. You are going to need it if you are going to keep up with me during our week in Cancun."

"I guess I can wait two days."

"You will be getting a week" I thought "and you had better enjoy it because when the week is over with so are you."

I was sorry I ever took up with Max. I didn't even know why. Bullshit Shayla; you know exactly why. Donna Sue told you how big his cock was and you had never a really big one and curiosity got to you. It was as big as advertised and you liked it. I liked it a lot, but if I didn't break myself away from it I could end up messing up my life. When I got home I fixed dinner and put on a mini skirt and my heels. Andy was in for a night he'd never forget.

When he wasn't by eight I put dinner in the fridge. He could have it as leftovers. When he wasn't home by nine I took off the skirt and heels, took a shower and then started to pack for the trip. I was just finishing my packing when Andy got home. I was still nude from the shower when Andy walked into the room. I smiled at him and said:

"Hurry up and get naked baby; I want to ring your chimes."

He ignored me, got some underwear out of the dresser and went out to the couch. I went out to him intending to convince him we would be okay, but he turned his back to me and ignored me. Maybe in the morning after a good night's sleep he would be more welcoming to a talk. Except in the morning he was already gone when I got up.

I had to try once more. I called the shop and Brady told me Andy wasn't there yet. I asked him to have Andy call me as soon as he got there. Five minutes later the phone rang and I answered it.

"What the hell do you want?"

He sounded harsh.

"We need to talk baby. Can you meet me for lunch?"

"Nothing to talk about Shay. The time for talk was before you started your four month lapse in judgement."

"That's what we need to talk about sweetie. I need to convince you that this isn't going to hurt us."

"That's the problem Shay. It has already hurt us. Or at least me anyway. Have fun on your trip. Goodbye."

As I hung up the phone I wondered if I should forget the trip and be waiting for Andy when he got home that night. I gave it some serious thought and then decided to go. The damage was already done. I'd admitted that I'd gone behind his back for four months. I would have to eat a lot of crow when I got back and it would probably take a while to get Andy back in the fold. I knew my Andy. He had wanted me for too long just to walk away from me. That's what I loved about him. The fact that he would do whatever it took to please me and make me happy. That's why I married him in the first place. He was like a puppy; eager to get my attention and willing to do anything to get it. It would take a while, but I'd bring him around.

I remembered high school and how Andy always had his eyes on me and I had often wondered why he never made any attempt to ask me out. Not that it would have done him any good back then. He was a cute guy but Andy was a follower and I was a girl into take charge guys. When we graduated I went off to college and never expected to see him again. In a way college was what got Andy and me together. I'd had fifteen boyfriends in the four years I was in college, but none of them were husband material. They were all good in bed, but none of them would give me what I needed in a husband.

As I mentioned earlier I was a girl who was into take charge guys, but the problem with take charge guys was that it was all about them. I was expected to bow to their wishes. Weird right? I was into them, but at the same time didn't want to be what they wanted which was a girl who would take a back seat to them. I just wasn't a back seat kind of girl. I wanted to be the one calling the shots. I could fuck them, but I couldn't live with them. I finally accepted that if I was ever going to be married I was going to have to find a guy who would treat me like a queen and let me have my way.

After I graduated and went to work I dated a lot, but never found what I was looking for. I was beginning to believe that the man I needed did not exist and then fate sent me to Brady's Collision. I saw Andy and remembered him from high school and I remembered the way he was always looking at me. I also remembered my assessment of him as a follower. He was good looking and a likeable guy so what did I have to lose? I'm sure I surprised the hell out of him when I went over to him and hugged him. The man behind the counter said:

"I take it that you know each other."

"Andy and I were classmates in high school. I wanted to be more than classmates, but I could never get the idiot to ask me out."

"Careful of who you call an idiot" Brady said. "He's the one who will be working on your car."

I asked Andy what time he got off work and he said five which was only an hour away so I said instead of calling a cab I would wait for him to get off work and he could give me a ride home. Once I was in his pickup truck I asked:

"Buy a girl a drink" and I almost laughed when I saw the look that came over his face. I guess he wasn't used to girls who went after what they wanted. He sounded a bit flustered when he said:

"Wont that piss off your husband?"

"I don't have one of those things" I said and then I threw in "I don't have a boyfriend either" and I saw surprise register on his face.

He took me to Bud's Bar and over drinks we caught up on the years since we had last seen each other and then I hit him with the same question he had asked me earlier. I didn't see a ring and I needed to know.

"Is your wife going to be upset with your stopping to have a drink with me?"

He smiled and repeated my words back to me.

"Don't got one of those things. Don't have a girlfriend either."

He had just taken a sip of his drink and he almost spit it out when I asked "Taking applications?"

He recovered enough to say "I am."

"You have a form I need to fill out?"

"No; just a verbal commitment."

"When is our first date and what will we do?"

He didn't know it, but that was the perfect thing to say to a girl who liked being in charge. I told him what I wanted to do and I saw a strange look come over his face and he said: "Start here or do you need to go home first."

"I need to go home and change."

"Then let's finish our drinks and get out of here."

He dropped me at my apartment and told me he would be back in half an hour. When he rang my bell and I opened the door I just knew that fate had sent me to that body shop. Andy and I were mirror images of each other. He was dressed identical to me. Cowboy boots, Levis, bush popper shirt and a black cowboy hat. I laughed and said:

"Well aren't we the pair."

After the waiter had taken our order and headed for the kitchen Andy asked "How long have you had private detectives on me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know my favorite restaurant, you know where I spend my weekends and you even know what I always eat when I come here. You even knew how to dress to match me tonight. You must be having me watched."

"Maybe it's just fates way of letting us know we belong together."

He sat there open mouthed and just looked at me.

"What's the matter Andy? Not used to girls being assertive and going after what they want? I saw the way you looked at me all through high school and I kept waiting for you to ask me out but you never did. Back then my mind set was that girls don't ask boys out; boys have to ask girls. As a result we never connected. Four years of college taught me that if you want something you need to go after it. Fate put me in that body shop today. I saw you and took my shot and here we are."

I had a great time that night and over the next three months he did everything that convinced me he was the man I needed. He never did anything without asking me first what I wanted. He was great in bed and the best pussy eater I had ever run across. Yes indeed he was perfect for me and while I may not have been head over heels in love with him at the start I came to love him and when he asked me to marry him I said yes. We had three great years and then I let curiosity get the best of me. Dumb! Not just dumb, but stupid!

My work was cut out for me when I got back from Cancun, but I knew my Andy. It might take a bit, but I owned him and we both knew it.


I had a great time in Cancun. Skin and scuba diving, para-sailing and laying on the sunny beach during the day, dancing and drinking in the evening and being fucked by that monster cock at night. I was going to miss it, but Max wasn't a keeper and Andy was.

When we got back to town I let Max know it was over between us and I don't think it even bothered him. He would just move on to the next girl who was curious. As I drove home from the airport I planned out how I was going to handle Andy. I knew it was going to take a week or so to bring him around, but I knew my Andy. He was mine and he knew it. As I unlocked the door to the apartment I knew one thing; Andy was going to get laid tonight even if I had to rape him to get it done. I opened the door and went into the apartment.


Stay tuned for Part Two - Andy. Coming soon to a computer screen near you.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Here is the follow up. JPB never bothers with details as naming the continuation same as the first part

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hey Nitpic, thought you might want to see this. Last paragraph of the story.

"Stay tuned for Part Two - Andy. Coming soon to a computer screen near you."

It's even in the "Similar Stories" list.

You are welcome.

NitpicNitpic8 months ago

Well,where is part two.?If there isn't one,then this load of nothing needs removing.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Finish the story don me dig hanging

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You could have also looked at the similar stories right above and seen the follow up. Did your parents have any children that lived?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

How fucking stupid are you people? Sbrooks103x you should no better too. The follow up was posted the next day. JPB even gave you the title to look for! Morons!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

Over three years and no part 2? One star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

one star slut tale

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Can't give a zero rating so a 1 will have to do for incomplete work

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Where the H is part 2?

Total waste of time as usual?

Such a jerk writer writing half-a$$ half-finished stories!

Let’s just leave this one and readers in the dumpster and go ahead and write the next one to further pi$$ any and all readers.

Wish there were negative ratings or $$$$ subtraction?

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