She Deserves Bigger & Better! Ch. 18


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I wasn't in a smiling mood right now.

Nia apologised for sloping off to bed, but she had to get away from him. You know, he's been given certain rights at home, including free use of me anytime before Ervan gets home from work, but I'm also sent to his room sometimes at night, between him and Abam. Poor Ejo has to clean my pussy and ass before I'm allowed back into my bed, so nowadays I serve three men in the house.

His mom thinks I'm his paid whore, but they still expect me to party with whoever whenever, and that Mark Tully, with his fucking 11" dick, became a favourite for several weeks; nobody cared about the damage. I've not told Jess this yet, but I can't have ******** now. I'm twenty-four years old, planning to have two **** in my thirties. Ervan got a kick out of seeing Mark shove his huge dick in me. A month ago, I was in the hospital being repaired.

Sh*t, when he spoke about Jess replacing me at the weekend, I thought we had to leave, but now he wants your Jess. No fucking way, I have to stop him."

I then started to relate to Nia and what had occurred and been spoken of since she had gone upstairs. I held back nothing.

"How he thought it funny he was teaching the teacher how to service and please black men, how Jess had enjoyed Sam's cock multiple times, able to orgasm several times this evening alone, how I've had to clean her many times tonight, fucked if I know how Sam can keep shooting so much, and also I told her how he coerced me into making him hard again for Jess, and she loved it."

Nia said, "Jess, had Sam given her something? How did she seem--excited, giggly, her eyes--dilated, slurring words, anything different or odd?

I mean, I can understand her liking him; he's handsome, his great body, and his cock; it's just the right size; believe me, after Mark, Ervam, and Abam, his, Sam's, I mean, is perfect; the problem is he knows it, plus his brothers; in fact, his whole family, the US side, and the African lot all believe women, black or white, are whores; on earth for men to use fuck, cook, entertain other men, have ******, that's a woman's lot!"

"You ask if Jess has been drugged at all, well."

I went on to tell Nia about the gym bag, the little white paper packages, and talk of snow."

Nia cursed him, then said,

"Right, several things. One, Sam spoke of training; he is not training her; he is using'snow' to lure Jess into a life she doesn't want but does not know yet; it's all about money and sex.

I suppose he has mentioned earning a lot of money, yes? (I nodded.) Nia continued by saying, Somehow we have to get him out of this house, with his gym bag, preferably in their car that I drove up in, and then get the police to stop and search him somehow. Any ideas on how?"

"Yo, Cucky, you're needed again."

"Bugger, here I go again. Doesn't he ever sleep? That's over six hours since dinner, and you went to bed. Don't go away. I'll go and see how she is."

I got out of bed and quickly pulled on my knickers again, heading off down the landing to the guestroom. Sam stood by the open doorway, looking not so fresh and boastful but still nude, with that same hot, sweaty sheen that near-black skin has had more than once tonight. Around the dark pubic hair and his genitals was an off-white mess, where both his and Jess's orgasmic juices had mixed and matted as both groins had ground together. The magnificently hard black cock that has jutted out proudly each time is no longer; it's now only semi-hard, hanging down over his bollocks and covered in his creamy mixed semen.

"It took you long enough, Cucky Boy; she needs your skillful tongue again."

By now I'm at the bedroom door. I can see Jess lying there but appears to be asleep, curled up in a foetal position, and Sam is partly blocking the way in, so I have to push past him. No way was I going to turn my back on him or offer my ass to be anywhere near his dick, so facing him to pass each other, we pause, our bodies just inches apart, his bare chest looking twice the size of mine, and we're looking into each other's eyes. I think for a moment he's going to kiss me.

How Jess could easily fall for this man as he really is handsome, and in a dominant way, anyone would be thrilled to be liked by him, even used by him, and it cannot be denied that Jess has been very well used by him tonight, and so have I.

"You got lucky tonight that Jess stopped me twice earlier, when I so damn near took your virgin ass, again as I fucked your throat, I'd have enjoyed being your first, Sissy Boy, but I have a question."

Glancing at the sleeping Jess, then back at me, looking at my eyes directly,

"The truth now, is that the first time you sucked a cock--any cock, is it? Being a sissy boy, you've got to love sucking big cocks, but am I your first black?"

"Believe what you want, but I'm not gay, bi, or even a sissy boy, and I've never sucked a cock, any cock anywhere, until you forced me tonight."

"So why then did she stop me from enjoying your ass and mouth earlier on?

Why do you think she stopped us?"

"Because she thinks you are bisexual, that you wanted me, but she didn't want to share you with me, she knows I'm not bi, she is also developing feelings for you a bit. I haven't ever seen my Jess want somebody quite as much as you;

you seem almost perfect to her, with a perfect body and a perfect size cock, and somehow manage to fuck her several times and not just the once like me.

Also, of course, there's the fact she is submissive to you, and that turns her on; you could tell her to do almost anything and it would turn her on, and that's why I don't want her to go down to Bristol with you;

you've told her you want her gangbanged this weekend in place of Nia; that will turn her on, both--cause you've told her to plus the challenge of being better than Nia, other men wanting her more than Nia, all a turn on--she wants to be a slut, and you can make her."

Again, Sam glances at the sleeping Jess and then back at me.

I shall deny this if you repeat it, then beat you to a pulp, got it.

When I was much younger, I was sent to live with family in America. Three years later, I was suspended from school, caught naked in the showers with an educator, a teacher; he was jailed, and I was sent to live with big brothers in Bristol. I was told to use any woman, even have free use of Nia, but I cannot even look at a guy.

Nia has been ruined and ended up in the hospital, and nobody in the family talks about why, and when I use Nia like that, I have to use her ass.

When you two turned up in Bristol at that time, I first saw Jess. I wanted her so bad; she is a goddess, with pure angelic looks, she is sex on legs, when I got here with instructions to get her to replace Nia, once I saw her eyes and her smile, I knew I had maybe two days to enjoy her.

It took me only twenty minutes to find out she's a submissive, twenty-five to get her on her knees, blowing me. I already knew you were submissive too, and when I saw the knickers, I knew I'd have you both because I want you both. I daren't take your ass; it's worth too much to big brother. I know I only have tomorrow to make the most of having your wife all to myself.

"I'm going for a shower; if you'd like, you can join me."

"The only shower is in our bathroom, where Nia is, so I won't; besides, there's Jess."

"Yes, you better go and help your Jess; she needs to clean up; she is done for now, but she'll want more in the morning after sleeping it off, and I'll need her fresh to start; then I'm going to take her out for lunch; I have a couple of tests to run."

I went to Jess; I didn't wake her up; I just cuddled her, but she was so restless that I got back up after hearing Sam go downstairs after his shower and go to our room to speak with Nia. I found Ejo in with her there; both asked after Jess how she was and told them how restless she seemed, so Ejo went to her to sleep, and Nia and I talked the rest of the night.

The following morning, I must have dozed off because the first thing I knew of the morning was Jess breezing through to the bathroom. She had a pee, brushed her teeth, turned the shower on, bounced back into the bedroom, pecked Ejo on the lips, and said good morning again. Ejo headed down to make cups of tea. Jess came over to the bed, leaned to peck my lips, then Nia asked how she was this lovely morning, how was the ankle, and then said,

"Listen, I can't stop, as I need a shower and to wash my hair. I'm smelling a bit ripe. Omg, that man can fuck. He made me orgasm a dozen times. I must go."

Then she's singing in the shower, then blow-drying her beautiful red hair to a silky shine. She did her eyes up a bit, and Lippy too slipped naked into a short thigh-length silky kimono, white with a green and red dragon on the back. The whole operation of getting ready usually takes half an hour, but this morning it took 15 minutes. She then sipped the tea that Ejo had bought us all, drank maybe half the mug, and then announced she better go check on our visitor. She literally bounced down the stairs, humming a tune.

Ten minutes later, I needed another drink, so I took everyone's mug down to make more tea and coffee for me. Part way down the stairs, I heard Jess gasp, and then, talking in a low voice, she said

"Fuck, I love your body so much. Not just your beautiful hard cock, but I love it all. I love the way you fuck me and make me cum. I wish you lived more locally, like Manchester, Liverpool, or somewhere; if you were nearer, we could have met up now and again, 'cus fuck, I'd love more of this."

"What you saying is, girl, you like my dick up you, fucking you hard like this, yeah?"

"Oh sh*t, I'm cumming; fuck me, you bastard; yes, fuck me. (then whispering) I love you, Sam, now fucking use me, cumming, ugmmmm."

I retreated back upstairs to talk to Nia again.

Half an hour later, they came upstairs. Jess went into our bathroom, and Sam collected his gym bag and went out. Jess, having used the loo, came in to get something to wear and said,

"He'd gone to meet some people and be back soon; meanwhile, he told me to shower again and be ready to go out. You too, Pete, he said to shower and shave; we're meeting someone for lunch."

After I'd shaved and showered and wrapped in a towel, I went through to the guest room, where Jess sat wearing a white tennis skirt, topless and doing makeup, and Nia had hobbled in and sat on the bed talking to her. Nia shook her head slightly to tell me to go, so I dressed in my bedroom, pants, jeans, and a black shirt that has two pockets on the chest. Then I went down to the kitchen to find Ejo putting bed sheets in the washer. She looked back at me and said, These were in a right mess, and this cover is as well. I see she's kneeling on one of the sofa cushions where Sam and Jess were shagging this morning when I'd overheard her as they again fucked. I nodded, then made us all coffee and tea for Nia, who rarely has coffee.

Ejo joined me at the table, kissed my forehead, took the drinks upstairs, returned a couple of minutes, asked if I was okay, took my hand, and said,

"She didn't mean any of it; you know, Jess loves you; what she was saying to him was her just babbling as she cum; you know how horny she gets and how exciting it is to be fucking someone new; he's a Dom; Jess is submissive therefore will say and do whatever is needed to get her fix; a hard cock fucking her pussy; you know it, you know she's all. Shush, here she is; come now; talk to her; I'll leave you alone."

"Thanks, but I fear you are wrong, Ejo; I think she has fallen for him."

"Shss, talk to her."

"Hi, you want another coffee." Pete, I think I'm having one. Sam should be back soon, and it's nearly lunchtime. I hope this outfit is okay for wherever he's planning on taking me to eat. I meant taking us to eat. I'm a little surprised about that, actually. I mean taking you along with us. After what was said last night and what we talked about, you know about it because I told you in the bedroom how he has exclusive free use of me for the 36 hours before he takes me to Bristol.

And again this morning, I was saying something to him about him and me when he suddenly said, You were coming with us to lunch today; again tonight, when he takes me out, hopefully dancing in Manchester, you're to come as well, and I'm glad I persuaded him to take you to Bristol with us tomorrow; that way we still live together as a couple for the next ten weeks. Good, yeah."

"Listen, Jess, has Nia not spoken to you? She told you about life in Bristol and how."

"Yes, yes, I know about being shared by the other two, and it's not too bad; we'll get used to it, and it won't affect you anyway. It's the wrong hole for you, and Sam is better at it."

"Bloody hells fire, Jess; you are being taken to Bristol to replace Nia as a whore, a slut to be gangbanged by other men, mostly black men."

Jess jumps up, saying, "Sam's back; he'll tell you you're wrong; he wouldn't do that to me; he loves and cares for me; just wait."

Sam came in the front door. Jess threw her arms around him, kissed him twice, and started to tell him what I'd just said, and his hands pushed her to arm's length and said,

"You both are ready. ' I can feel you are, Pete, wearing what she told you to?"

"Oh, sh*t Sam, I forgot to get them for him; shall I take him to put them on now? Sorry, do we have time to go and change now?"

"No, you go and get them; I need a word, and he can change here, go on, upstairs, and give us a couple of minutes, ok, Jess."

She kissed him again and then happily ran upstairs.

Sam then turned to me and said,

"What have you been telling her, you stupid sissy cuckold? If you've done or said anything to make it harder to get her working this Saturday, so help me. I'll make you a proper sissy. I'll rip your fucking balls off with my bare hands, and then I'll tell you what my brothers will do to me if that slut isn't with me in Bristol by Friday evening, so behave; you don't have to be there, but she thinks you're still a couple, and admittingly, you could be a very nice bonus to my brothers. Now shut it; she's coming back."

Jess came down carrying a pair of pink frilly lace knickers, a darker pink six-strap suspender belt, and a pair of grey stockings, hold-ups that didn't need the belt. She kissed him on the lips, then chuckled them on the sofa, and stretched up to put her arms around Sam's neck to begin kissing him again. It lifted the hem of her skirt high enough that I saw bare bum cheeks, so I'm guessing a thong. She kissed him, but he moved his head and told me, "To put them on, sissy, they'll suit you." They start making out, and he's cupping her ass over the skirt. In the meantime, I've taken off my jogging bottoms and pants. I also undid a couple of the bottom buttons of my shirt.

"Take that off too; we want to see the true sissy effect, don't we, sweetheart? You have ever seen him in sussies too; I bet he looks as sexy as you will in black ones."

He turned her so she stood in front of him. Jess smirked as I pulled on the panties, giggling, and leaned back, half turning her head to face him, as she said.

"Oh, lots of times, I've had him in panties, hold-ups, I've had him in the full works; he has heels and breast forms upstairs; the first time I made him up in full makeup, he cried; till I threatened him; we've been to the seaside; I take her; that's Petrina out to dinner at our favourite restaurant and to the pub."

By now, the pants, belt, and stockings are on; I just need to fix them to the suspenders. Sam said, "Hurry up, sissy boy, or you'll miss lunch with my friends. What's the matter? You need momma here to help you get dressed little sissy boy. Have you got any more sexy stories about him?

Jess, I fully understand your need to cuckold the sissy with bigger things."

Jess is back facing me, and I know she's turned on and getting wet and horny, not helped by Sam humiliating me further by lifting her skirt to show me that Jess isn't wearing a thong. Two of his fingers are frigging her bare pussy, and I smell her arousal, and she is biting her bottom lip.

"Do you think your wife here looks sexy dressed up? Because I do. I can't wait to see you, my sexy little minx, dressed like that, but not in sissy pink--sexy black ones. My friends and me on Saturday night, fuck sweetheart, they'll love you like I do."

With a look of delight on her face, Jess whizzed around, jumping up, arms around his neck, and her legs wrapped around his hips. She excitedly asked, "Do you love me? Say it again, Sam, do you love me?"

"Of course, I told you that last night and told you again this morning: What's not to love about you, Jess? You have the sexiest body around, and you like to show it off and make guys love you. The guys we are going to meet this lunchtime will definitely love you for looking as sexy as you do now.

You know what? I think we better leave your sissy cuck here and go. I cannot wait for my new business associates to see my pretty girl here in all her glory.

Be cruel to take her there; they'd only laugh at her, and I only need my little sex goddess to help. Wash your face, dry your eyes, and stay just like that till we get back, ok? Come on, sweetheart, you can't be late now."

"Oh, okay, bye Pete," she pecked me quickly on the lips, barely touching them, and said, Fuck, you look so sweet and sexy right now; I wish we had time 'cus he made me so wet just now; see you later; love you; bye."

Taking his hand and smiling, they left. Nia and Ejo, who were on the stairs, found me sobbing on the sofa, and both of them tried to cuddle me. Then Ejo went to make a drink, and Nia tried to comfort me, telling me that.

"She'd be back. Jess loves you, Peter."

But all I could think of and say was,

"Why? Why can't she see what he's doing? I mean, can I understand her wanting him? He has the looks, the body, and knows how to please her with that damn big cock of his without hurting her, not like the brothers. I heard her talking of him moving more locally after the ten weeks down in Bristol; she mentioned Manchester to him so she could meet up with him, stay over with him there, or come back here. I can't believe it's only been two days, for fucks sake."

Nia told me, "I think Jess must be on something; I believe Sam has access to all sorts of stuff and has given her something, not to make her high enough to know but something to make her a bit pliant. I don't know what it is, but when Ervan started dating me over a year ago, it was E's that they used then, but I think it's more subtle now, and hug drug is only for their parties.

You know Jess isn't in love with him; she loves that he's tall, dark, and handsome, has a nice cock to give her everything in bed, and still has you lovingly comforting her, supporting her, and cleaning her used pussycat ready for her next fuck."

The talk stopped as Ejo came in with the mugs, handing Nia her phone and mouthing 'Ervan'. Nia took it, listened, then had a long talk in their language back and forth before throwing the phone away onto the coffee table. "They're trying to reach Samuel, but he's not picking up; same with the messages; Jess's phone is off, and he is to call home asap. I think someone's been a naughty boy by the sounds of it."

Not knowing how long they would be gone and feeling tired--more drained, really--we all took our drinks upstairs to lay down. Nia needed the loo. Ejo started kissing me and said,

"I know you're not in the mood just now; maybe tonight when Jess is back home, but you are turning me on in this underwear. I'd love to wear it for you because seeing you wearing my pants and belt makes me so wet, and I've been so wet for you since yesterday afternoon watching you with them on the other bed."

Just then Nia joined us on the bed, leaning down to kiss me on the lips, and said,