She’s So European.


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"Yes, baby. I'll be the best wife you could hope for."

I kissed her and we were congratulated with hugs by my Dad and crying Mom.

"Okay Dad, hit her with it."

"Mary, about six years ago I took the family to Vegas to celebrate Alan's 21st birthday. One of his gifts was a PowerBall ticket. Alan, believe it or not, won the lottery hungover sitting in his hotel room in a casino."

She put her hand over her mouth in shock and tears were falling. "How much did he win?"

"I won a couple hundred million, give or take after taxes and the lump sum cut," I said.

"Oh my god."

"Dad set up all kinds of trusts to protect the money and I used some of it to take care of my family, but I still have most of it. Dad manages it full time with Mom's help.

I'm not a money guy, I make guitars. We meet quarterly to talk about it, but I really don't care about it. I take a $5000 distribution every month to live on, even though I make enough with the business that I don't need it. According to dad, it's less than the interest that the money in that account is making and I should be taking more."

"I don't know what to say," she said.

"You don't have to say anything other than I love you and the date of the wedding. I've got a Mom and a couple of sisters that have been waiting for this day for a long time and if I were you, I'd let them help with the planning."

I guess someone told my sisters about it prior to us coming over because they burst into the room a short time later. The four women ran off to talk wedding stuff and Dad and I stayed in his office.

"Well son, I hope you're right about her."

"I'm taking a chance, but isn't that what love is? I couldn't shut myself down forever."

"You're right. We'll support you no matter what."



When I woke up that morning I was a poor girl working two jobs trying to make ends meet. By that afternoon I was engaged to a millionaire. I was still in shock when we got to his house.

He opened a bottle of Dom Perignon and poured me a glass.

"To us," he toasted.

I took a drink and set it down. "Alan, if you love me so much, why didn't you tell me that you were rich when you thought you were losing me to Jackson. If you thought all I wanted was money, then why didn't you tell me that you had it to try to keep me?"

"I didn't want you to stay with me because I had money. I wanted you to stay with me because you loved me. That's all I've ever wanted."

I hugged him and cried in his arms.

"All of my previous relationships ended because of my money. A few years back when my lottery win was still fresh, the women I met knew about it going in. A couple of them found out by an innocent google search of my name. I figured at some point you too would find out like that."

"I did google you. The first page was all about your guitars, and I didn't go any farther."

"I'm glad you didn't."

"What's next for us, love?" I asked.

"Well, I suppose you moving in with me. Do you like this house or would you like to pick your own house?"

"You've only got 3 bedrooms."

"Is that not enough?"

"Not nearly. I'm going to give you a litter of babies."

"I guess I'll actually have to spend some of my money then. You're the only one I've ever met worthy of that."

"And I will prove that to you every day."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I approached and heard her say, "Yes Jackson, I'm in a relationship with Alan.

There was a long pause while he was talking.

"No, it's not serious. I could go to lunch with you."

=====> Umm how do you get past hearing that. Yes she had immediate remorse, but think it would take a much grander gesture or show of love to get him back. Like breakup and reconnect two yeas or so later. Her words were just devastating. "Not serious? And the the attempted sexual assault from Jackson was dumb. He better still demand the prenuptial. I would have an easier time forgiving a drunken one night stand with a stripper on hen night, provided she confessed and was abjectly remorseful and penitent than reconcilingcafter her phone conversation with Jackson.

Ocker53Ocker535 months ago

No sorry this story just doesn’t feel right to me⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

As much as I HATE gold diggers of either gender, I hope she proves to be a keeper (her background doesn't sound bad, "nice girl from the poor side of the tracks") we've read stories with ones who should have been burned at the stake.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Sure hope she sign the Prenup. I wouldn't trust her fully.

I don't understand why he have to give away some money to his extended family. What have they done to deserve that ?????

woodrangewoodrangeover 1 year ago

Ah money,the toilet paper of life

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hope she lives up to her promises.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good story, but I'd like to hear a bit more for an ending.

LifeisadventureLifeisadventureover 2 years ago

Liked the story but not sure about a part 2? I think if they live happily ever after what’s the point? If they don’t live happily ever after what’s the point? However, as much as I liked the story the ending was a little abrupt and maybe rushed. So a page or 2 more could help if it was something clever and well thought out? But 5 stars for me.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Great story and I agree that it deserves a part 2. Another 5 BIG FAT SHINY STARS!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good story. Deserves a part2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"Hello Kettle. My Name is Pot. You're Black."

"So European"? When it comes to divorce rates or gold digging - or hypocrisy in general, the US versus the EU is "Six Of One; Half A Dozen Of The Other".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wonderful story. He found out she loved him before he discussed money. She also told him she wants lots of bedrooms for their babies. Please write a Part 2...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

If you won 425 million on power ball your cash out after taxes would be about one third or $141 million. If you gave your family 10 million each (total of 30 million) that would leave you with 111 million. With conservative blue stock investments, you would earn 4 to 5 percent gross income and about 3% after taxes. That represents $2500 per month per million. So each family person group would get $25,000 per month. You would get more than $275,000 per month. All of these figures are after taxes.

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionover 3 years ago

Enjoyable take on the rich-man/poor-girl theme, I really enjoyed it, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wouldn’t trust her.

BTW You’re lucky to get a 4* from Overcritical.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good, but Ended a bit quickly.

Good story, though could have been better with a more robust ending. Maybe an epilog.

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