She Surprises Her Husband


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Fast forward to Friday. I left work early and was home by 5:00. I was wondering if Jenna had changed her mind as we had not talked about the meeting at all since we had set it. The kids were not there as they were taken to my sisters for the evening. Everything was a go.

Jenna since we dated had always been a conservative dresser. Maybe she had tight Jeans or dresses, but never short and rarely low cut on top. I wondered how she would be for our little meeting. Roy had not been descriptive of what he expected from her so I was wondering myself how she would be. She finally appeared 10 minutes before we had to leave and she was stunning. A tighter than tight black dress that stopped way above her knee was what I saw as she walked down the steps. 4 inch heels that propped up her meaty but shapely legs. They looked great I thought as I wondered why she always kept them under wraps. Her tits were also sticking out the top as the dress choice maximized her breast size to the fullest. She had on more makeup than I had ever seen on her as she looked beautiful, sultry and slutty all at once. I was thoroughly impressed but as I think of it now, I can't believe I didn't wonder why she never did this for me.

"You look unbelievable honey, but nothing is going to happen tonight," I said.

"If I am going to do this, I am going to look hot. I don't want to be turned down," she explained.

I responded, "There is no way this guy won't want you unless he doesn't show up or is crazy."

"Or found a better piece of ass," she said. "I was on the site the other day and there were quite a few good looking sluts. I am not taking any chances."

Wow, she really was into this I thought. This is not something she is doing for me, like I envisioned. She wants to be a hot desirable slut. Again I thought to myself, hey this is what you wanted, Enjoy. We got in the car to go to the Bar Roy had selected.

We arrived 10 minutes early and waited outside in the car while we scoped out the place. We were in a predominately white area so I thought he would be easy to find. Even though I saw some young hotties in this place, I was assuming my wife would be the only middle aged Korean slut that was there, so he should have no problem finding us either. We entered the place and I immediately saw him at a table in the far corner. As we approached, he looked quite intimidating. A big man dressed immaculately in a dark dress pants and a non collared shirt, his muscular body was on full display. He had a very short hair cut and facially he had an arrogant menacing look although still handsome. He waved to us as we neared and then directed Jenna to sit next to him on the bench near the window while I was to sit down across the table. He welcomed Jenna with a full lip kiss as if they had been long time friends and I was a stranger. I shrank in his presence like the meek little man I was.

After a few pleasantries, I could tell that Jenna really liked what she saw. I knew he did too and I figured after dinner, they would arrange a meeting. I was trying to figure out how to control things when Roy commanded our attention.

"Listen Jenna, Randy," he began. "this meeting was designed as a no pressure get together because I wanted to see if you were for real and that the pictures were real. I can see that they are. I find you extremely attractive and that you guys are here means you are for real. But I have no desire for small talk or friendship. What I am searching for is a an older slut, who does not want to fall in love, but is willing to please her lover no matter what he wants. No limits. That I am taking a white man's wife is a bonus, but to be honest I really don't care about you whatsoever, just that she goes back to you to be taken care of after she takes care of my needs. Do you understand and agree?" he finished.

We both nodded in silence as I had to admit I was impressed with this young bucks game.

"Okay then," he continued. "I also have no desire to waste my time sitting here chatting with a couple that is old enough to be my parents. So I will make you this offer. I am going to get up and go outside and wait five minutes for you to make up your mind. Either you can both get up and leave together and I will go back and pay for my drink, or you can send Jenna out to go back to my place and stay and pay for my drink. Before I leave with your sexy wife, I will have her text you from my phone my address so you have my contact information, but you are to go directly home as I will keep her all night and drop her off sometime tomorrow. That is the deal and it is non negotiable. It was a pleasure meeting you both," he said as he walked away.

My dick was hard, but this progressed way too fast and Jenna was generally very cautious. I knew she would be too nervous to go without me, so I thought to myself that we likely missed our chance. I was getting ready to get up when Jenna stunned me once again.

"OK honey, I am going with Roy," she stated positively.

"Honey, we don't even know him," I tried to explain.

But her mind appeared made up. "Babe, he is so sexy, handsome and what a man for a college kid. He is a real man who wants me and I can't tell you how turned on I am. I am not letting another slut get him, he is mine," she said. And with that, she got up and went to the door.

I had nothing to say. My wife wore the pants in our relationship and had taken charge. What could I do, this is what I wanted. And at that point, for better or for worse, the decision was made. I was a cuckold. I was a wimp. My wife was a slut. I could only hope that he was just a dominant man and not a sick twisted criminal as I watched Jenna French kiss him at the door. Two minutes later, the text came in with his local address. I paid the bill and went home. The waitress had a condescending look at me as I felt she knew I had just given my wife to a young black stud. How could she know? But this is what I wanted. Me and my hard on got into the car and left.

As I was walking in the door, my phone buzzed for a text message. 'Keep an eye on your email for further updates' was the message with a short video clip. I played the clip and got to watch my Jenna sucking his mammoth cock for a 12 second clip. She was definitely working it like I had never seen before. Right in his car, he was getting a hummer, driving and filming all at once. She looked gorgeous as she worked his hard cock. I was going crazy with shame and guilt while being unbelievably horny. I hit the computer and surfed as much Black/Asian porn as I could find. Within 5 minutes I had shot my load.

It was still relatively early in the evening and I was pacing the walls, wondering what was happening. An hour and a half after getting the clip, my email received a link to an amateur porno site. No description just a link and I clicked it right away. After a few seconds there was my wife fully clothed sitting on a double bed looking sexy and hot. The camera zoomed in.

The voice of Roy spoke as a clear, high definition shot of my wife's face was taking up the screen, "Hello lovely lady, what is your name/what is your background?" he asked.

She responded as the camera panned backed slowly to include her body as well, "Jenna Davidson. I am a 46 year old married housewife."

He continued, "Are you here voluntarily or do you want to leave?"

"Oh I definitely want to be here," she responded seductively.

The interview continued, "We have been hearing a lot about women, well really girls claiming they did not give consent for sexual relations. As a result, I now film all of my sexual conquests so that there will be no misunderstandings. Do you consent not only to sexual relations, but do you consent to be filmed?" he asked.

She responded, "Yes, I can't wait to fuck baby. You can film me all you want."

"You understand that I don't love you. All you are is a piece of fuckmeat to me, to be used and dumped like the whore you are," he demeaned.

"Yes, Yes. Just a dirty whore like you told me," Jenna understood.

Roy went on. "You understand that while I promise I will not send any of the videos directly to people you know as blackmail, I will be openly posting many of them to an internet account I maintain as well as sharing them with my friends," he clarified.

Jenna replied, "Yes I understand. Do what you want but come fuck me!"

"Hold on their baby," Roy teased. "If anyone you know cruises my page, they are gonna see you sucking and fucking a black man. They will know you are a total slut. That you are a married cheating whore. Of course if they are cruising my page, they are sluts and wimps as well. "

"Who cares, I am a slut. My husband knows and approves. C'mon baby, I need to feel that cock!" she begged.

"All right slut," he mused. "You proved you could suck dick. Let's see if your body can handle the workload."

And then the video clip ended. Wow was I stunned. What had come over her. I could not believe she could be so stupid, or was it I was stupid. The humiliation of people finding out was embarrassing. It was also likely. What were the chances of the kids from the boys school running across this? The guys at the office?

Of course, my cock was rock hard once again. I was fucking horny. I was really turned on by all this. There was no way back. Unless maybe Roy would pull the video down and was just fucking with me/us. I quickly got to his webpage to see what else he had posted. I noted 4 folders each with a woman's name. I clicked on Jenna and saw one video (the one I just watched) posted. I clicked on Alyssa next and Bam, 12 videos. I clicked on the first video and it loaded an interview similar to Jenna's. She was a 40ish white brunette lady. She was dressed kind of classy showing plenty of shapely leg. She was not as pretty as my wife, but a tad bustier and a bigger ass for sure. They went through the same interview questions, but while she consented to all, she did not come off as desperate. But she had also revealed her full name so I quickly searched it with our county and got a few hits. A quick link to social media showed I had the right lady. Alyssa (44) and her husband Brian (47) literally lived 10 minutes from our house. If I spent a few dollars, I could probably get there whole life stories in under 10 minutes. I resigned myself to the fact that people were going to figure out me and my wife were perverts. But like Roy had said, they probably were as fucked up as us.

I then started to browse through Alyssa's videos. The next one on the list was a one stationary camera distant video that I sped through. It lasted 50 plus minutes and Roy lasted the entire time of fucking the married slut. The video was not that revealing being from a distant so I fast forwarded through most of it and moved on to the next one. The third one was a much better video. A third person was operating the camera. It panned in and out getting close ups of Alyssa's face, tits, ass, pussy. She was radiant as he fucked her as she really loved the pounding she was taking. As the videos progressed, the quality of video appeared to improve as the close up of her ass being fucked was unreal. She appeared in a dual penetration video, then a three-man action before a video of a five man gang bang occurred. I skimmed them all as I could not wait to see what was next. Video number 9 was an interview with her husband Brian. He sat naked, very average looking and not all that muscular (like me) as he was asked several questions. He was asked about his inadequacies as a lover, what it was like to see his wife so happy with black lovers, and whether Roy was more of a man than he was (he answered obviously yes.) At the end he thanked Roy for fucking Alyssa the way she deserved. It was sobering to watch. He then appeared as the humiliated husband in the last few videos as Roy was verbally harsher to Alyssa calling her derogatory terms he had not done in the earlier videos.

A lot of time had passed as I went back to Jenna's folder and there appeared a second video lasting 48:24. I clicked on it and she appeared in just her high heels looking right into the camera. It panned back to cover the bed and Roy appeared with that large beefy cock standing straight out. Jenna dove straight on his cock, sucking him off at a rapid pace she had never exhibited before. I had seen countless cuckold videos of black men and white or asian wives, but this one I knew was real. No actors/actresses. Just a young stud and my middle aged wife. Despite the fact that the video quality was not fantastic, you could tell it was Jenna (if you knew her obviously) and she looked hot. But what got me was just how submissive she was, Whatever he said, she did. No racial talk or slurs. Just sexual prompting. She sucked his cock, ate his ass, bent over on command, spread her legs a mile. No shame, no questioning. No Opinion? She did as commanded. Then near the end of the video, he pulled out of her swollen mess of a pussy and blew his load all over her face. Her eyes were covered in cum and she just smiled throughout it all. I don't even want to consider what would have happened had I tried that maneuver.

But this was what I wanted. And I had a feeling it was only going to get more interesting.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Husband is a spineless cuck, wife is too stupid to realise what will happen to video.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

And knew that this was a piece of faggot bullshit. These cuckold husbands are really just homosexuals in denial. It only takes a bit of time before they are sucking the cum directly out of some other guy instead of using the woman he claims to love as a surrogate cum dump.

I cannot fully express the contempt I have for these pathetic excuses of manhood. The horrible thing is that I do think that there are, in reality, guys like this out there somewhere.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

This fucked up racist price of shit doesn't belong in LW. Neither does the sick dog Spot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Did a sixth-grader write this?

Had to be a sixth-grader. My seventh-grader would have proof read it before letting anyone else see it.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 7 years ago
Thanks for posting, and for allowing scores and comments

Pretty decent as a stroke story. Pretty Cliché, unlikeable due to wimp hubby ruled by his fetish, and wife ruled by her cunt. In her defense, when they married he probably seemed normal, and that is what she thought. So it was sort of fraud on his part.

No Lit here, but some erotic content for the cuck fetish folks. The Lit part is in exploring the nuance of the cuckolding fetish, and almost no one on Literotica does that, it is mostly cliché sexual arc to the story, then either BTB or SAAC (Suffer at all Costs.)

There is such a thing as an asymmetric relationship with love and consideration, but it is tough to write about.

Thanks again, I hope you keep writing LW stories, I just hope you will put your talents toward exploring the relationship side a bit more. There is plenty of cuck fetish strokers posting here already, and the genre is like men's room crack-writing limerick. Diverting enough, but below what you could be writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Show and Tell - how not to do it

Way to much telling and not enough showing through action. Also too much pre-story - autobiographies are great for famous people but not so much for erotica. First two pages could be distilled to, "I was a horn dog with lots of perversions."

Rich5SpotRich5Spotover 7 years agoAuthor

You have inspired me to write another. If you leave vile inane comments, who cares. Put your user ID and I will pay attention. I will be keeping my dick attached Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
great stuff!

part 2 please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Really? A husband who doesn't worry about his wife's safety?

"I could only hope that he was just a dominant man and not a sick twisted criminal"

No, you could do something about it and not take the chance that this stranger would hurt your wife. And how big a moron do you have to be to let this jerk film your wife and post it on-line?

OOAAOOAAalmost 8 years ago
Amazing story!!!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Only idiotic and cheap!!! MINUS 5*!!!

What a bunch of crap!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

The kind of story only Swinger Joe could love. His wife probably goes for all the BBC's at those swinging parties he brags about.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
@anonymous "Who."

Swingerjoe is the user name of an asshole who likes racist stories, as long as they're about really whorish women who love BBC's. He didn't come to defend this one, which is very strange. He's usually on all the racist stories, talking about how they really aren't racist and why the whores aren't really whores.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Who, or what, the hell is a swingerjoe??

Seriously, never heard of this one. And I agree 100% this crap needs to be in IR or the toilet, which to me are the same.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This was awful.

gordo12gordo12almost 8 years ago
You know there is a cross dressing category...

Erotic tales of gender bending fun.

Gave it up around the second paragraph as it's obviously descending into the toilet.

Wrong category 1*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I think you should reconsider.

Your highest LW rated story is a 3.86. Your highest rated story is in the Fetish category, where this story also belongs. Have you ever considered sticking with what you do best?

Also had a humorous thought while reading your bio. We've all heard of a New York City minute. You bio made me think of the analogous term, a New York City marriage. I suspect they both have the same time span.

Good luck with your future writing, and your marriage.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 8 years ago
In the wrong category...Why?

In the wrong category...Why? Some examples: 1 - "I used to wear Mom's pantyhose and jam into her 2 inch high heels"...2 - "I loved forced feminization"...3 - "I dabbled with a professional dominatrix"...4 - "I found Mistress that advertised forced feminization"...5 - "Had she put a guy in front of me and told me to suck, I would have sucked it. She then strap on fucked me" a deserved 1* (where are the negative ratings when we heed them?)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
1. Engage brain

2. Outline Story

3. Read outline

4. Puke

5. Scrap Outline

6. Give up writing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Haven't you figured out Swingerjoe yet anon ?

It's called being an attention whore , he's a textbook case really .

He's obviously got some serious problems , maybe he didn't get enough attention as a child and now desperately inserts himself into any situation to get it.

He should be pitied .

Just ignoring him would cut his "reward" .

tazz317tazz317almost 8 years ago

you got the brass ring, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Stupid racist shit

Post in IR, motherfucker. Swingerjoe is the only one here that likes racist shit.

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