She Wears The Trousers

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We switch roles, I become the "wife" at home.
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I knew that Wendy was a strong willed, ambitious woman when we met. She had been active in a left wing feminist group at University and had landed a good job with prospects after leaving. In contrast I am not a high achiever and dropped out of Uni after a couple of years. Since then I have had a number of low paid jobs and am presently unemployed. To be honest I am rather lazy and cannot understand what Wendy sees in me. I am happy for her to take most of the important decisions in our lives. Just lately she has suggested that I make a few changes to my appearance indicating that it might help our sexual relationship.

We met at a party and it was Wendy who picked me up. Wendy rarely wears skirts and on this occasion had on a smart, well cut jacket and trousers. She is tall and I remember staring at the level of her cleavage as I am a good six inches smaller than her.

I had been persuaded to wear a kilt to the party. Knowing I am Scottish some of my mates had dared me to wear it saying that women find them sexy. I had been on my own for some months and hoped I might find myself a girlfriend. As the night went on I realised it was hopeless as my shyness prevented me from talking to the women who were there. As usual most already seemed to be taken anyway. Wendy was on her own but seemed way out of my league. We made eye contact across the room and she smiled and appeared to be sizing me up. She strolled over and kissed me on the lips as if we knew each other.

"Can I buy you a drink, pretty boy?" She said "I want to know if what they say about Scots men and kilts is true."

She came back with a large glass of red wine (I had asked for a small one).

"Well, what about it?" she asked grinning "Let's go somewhere private and you can show me"

Having had a few drinks I was emboldened enough to say;

"How about if I show you mine you'll show me yours?"

Wendy was amused but just said; "We'll see."

Behind the locked bathroom door I hiked up my kilt to reveal an old fashioned pair of pale blue Y fronts.

"Oh dear." Wendy said "They will never do."

I still had both hands holding my kilt up and she quickly grasped the offending pants and pulled them off. I meekly lifted up each leg as she took them off me completely.

I let the kilt fall to hide my penis which had begun to stand to attention.

"Now you are a proper Scotsman" she said smiling broadly. "Just stay where you are, you can watch me have a pee."

Without any trace of embarrassment Wendy pulled down her slacks and panties and sat on the toilet. A huge flood of urine poured out of her as she sat with her legs open showing off her nicely trimmed pussy. I was entranced and more than a little aroused by her forward behaviour.

"Come over here and kneel in front of me. I want you to lick me please. You can wipe off the piss drips first if you like."

I knelt before her as instructed and paid homage to that wonderful part of her anatomy. This was a new experience for me but I loved the feeling of subservience to such a beautiful woman. My tongue explored inside the folds of her cunt and her clitoris became engorged with blood and rose up from it's hiding place.

"I hope you like my clittie Simon dear. It's quite big isn't it? I'd love it if you gave it a suck. Not too roughly. Be gentle with it like a good boy. That's it. Lovely."

I was able to get quite a lot of her clitoris in my mouth and gently sucked on it. Wendy was moaning with pleasure so I carried on until she orgasmed.

We went back into the party, drank some more and kissed and cuddled on a sofa until the party ended. Wendy insisted on throwing my underpants in the dustbin. She took pleasure in letting other guests catch glimpses of my bare backside as we danced. It embarrassed me but the alcohol helped me cope. I was so happy to be with Wendy and was hoping she would want to see me again. I was not to get a chance to bring myself off with her that night although I masturbated back at my flat to the memory of what had happened. I remembered the part of the night when the others were laughing at my bare bottom and it was a turn on. She had taken my mobile number and said she would ring soon.

She rang me a week later. Apparently she had a live in boyfriend but they had argued a lot and she had just thrown him out. She told me she was looking for a man who would be easier to get along with; someone fairly undemanding. We went out on a few dates and soon afterwards I moved in to her apartment. After the intimacy of our first meeting I expected frequent sexual intercourse but three months had passed and although we were sleeping in the same bed I had yet to achieve penetration of that delectable cunt of hers. I was happy being with Wendy. She was good fun, with a wicked sense of humour and I enjoyed the envious looks of other men when we were out together, so, not wanting to rock the boat, I didn't push it.

As for sex, there was plenty of the kind from our first meeting. Wendy worked long hours and would come home exhausted. I had a part time job and would usually make the evening meal. She loved it that I didn't mind doing household chores. She bought me a frilly apron with flowers on it and said I must be wearing it when she came home. Some days, as soon as she arrived at home she would strip off her power suit, sit on the sofa by the fire and point to the ground in front of her. This was my signal to kneel there and begin cunnilingus. I loved to reach for her wispy panties and pull them slowly down her legs, carefully folding them before putting my mouth to her cunt.

She would talk lovingly to me as I sucked and licked her, stroking my hair which I had begun to grow long as she liked it that way.

One day whilst I was on my knees she said;

"Suck that clittie, there's a good boy. I get so excited seeing you in that pretty apron darling. It gets me all wet. I've noticed how you treat my panties dear. You like them don't you?" I nodded as I sucked. "I want you to wear ladies panties yourself from now on darling. You'd like to do that wouldn't you? Stop for a second and answer me."

"Yes, I would, if it makes you happy my dear."

My answer seemed to excite her even more and she roughly pulled my face back to her pussy, holding it there tightly until her orgasm came.

She threw out all my underpants and we went together to buy my panties. She made me blush telling the shop assistant that they were for me. She would turn up the heating and make me strip off down to my panties and apron in the house. In contrast she would wear men's pyjamas.

It was around this time that I lost my flat. I had neglected to pay rent, gas and electricity bills. Wendy seemed pleased. Thinking back now I think she wanted to be more in control. One night as I was ironing one of the white shirts she liked to wear for work she said;

"Darling, I've been talking to mum about you. I told her that you like to wear ladies panties. You don't mind do you?"

I blushed bright red, but my cock stood up. I was just wearing a thin pair of panties as I had taken off the apron whilst ironing as I had got very hot. Wendy spotted my erection.

"I think I have my reply. Your little pecker has answered for you. You get all worked up if something happens that embarrasses you don't you? I think I'll ask her to come over so you can see the look on her face yourself. She laughed when I told her but I could tell that it excites her like it excites me."

"Yes, you like me to excite you and bring you off but you never do the same for me. Bring me off I mean." I answered petulantly.

"I wondered how long it would take you to bring that up. I do like to get you all excited though don't I? I expect you jerk off when I'm out at work don't you? My mum thinks you would enjoy a spanking. Do you ever jerk off thinking about me smacking you on your little botty?"

Again I flushed crimson. I did fantasise about such things. After a long silence I nodded my head dumbly.

"Mmmm... I think I can help you there. You had better be on your best behaviour from now on. And do all the chores without complaint. As for fucking, we will have to see. To be honest I hadn't thought of you in that way. I don't suppose you've jerked off imagining me with other men have you?"

Once again she was spot on. I hung my head with embarrassment but my penis had leapt to attention once again.

A week after this discussion Wendy's mum Mabel came to stay for the weekend.

She is in her late fifties and divorced. What my mum used to call mutton dressed as lamb but still okay looking. She fixed me with a stern look and from the minute she arrived she ordered me around as if I was a servant. I found her short skirt and low neckline quite distracting.

"Have you got your panties on today Simon?" she said with a smirk shortly after she arrived. "If so I'd like to see them."

Wendy grinned and asked me to drop my trousers.

I'd been expecting this and had put on a dark blue pair with frilly edges. I was hoping she might not notice my erection. Mabel was keen to inspect them closely so my arousal was obvious to her.

"He's quite excitable isn't he Wendy?" When she reached over to touch my penis I stepped back with a jerk.

"It's okay Simon. She won't hurt you." Wendy said. She was enjoying my embarrassment.

"Well you might get a spanking off me if you don't behave." Mabel said. "I just wanted to check your cock out for size." I felt like repeating what my mum used to tell me -- ("You don't look with your hands.") but stood patiently whilst Mabel stroked it through the panties then pulled the panties down.

"You were right about the size Wendy, it's a bit like a chipolata sausage. Still, a cock's a cock when all's said and done. Thanks for letting me have a peak." Mabel addressed this to Wendy as if it was not up to me." I don't see much cock these days. I'll be happy to help with his training."

"You can pull your panties back up again darling. Don't mind my mum. I think she's taken quite a shine to you." I did so; then hid my panties inside my trousers.

Whilst Mabel seemed to ignore me for most of the rest of the evening she was careless about showing herself and I caught glimpses of her knickers from time to time. She was not wearing a bra and her large breasts came into view whenever she bent forwards. She drank a fair bit of wine so that as time went on the glimpses of the intimate parts of her body became more frequent. Wendy had forbidden any "self abuse" for the last two weeks promising something special this weekend. I tried not to look but found I could not resist. Wendy could tell it was making me horny and was more flirtatious than usual. Mabel kissed me hard on the lips as she went to bed, grabbing my willy playfully for a second.

In bed Wendy gave me a big kiss and pushed my head down for the oral servicing she often enjoyed. As we lay together after her orgasm Wendy reached down for my cock and whispered;

"I have to slip into work tomorrow morning. You will be kind to my mum whilst I'm away won't you darling?" She was pulling on my cock as she said this and within seconds my orgasm came, spurting semen all over her hand and body.

"It didn't take much to make you come sweetie pie. I said this weekend would be special. Now lick it all up for me." I did so willingly. "Isn't come tasty darling? I want you to eat it for me every time you jerk off. Will you do that for me, my pretty? You've tasted it before haven't you?"

I had found the taste rather bland but there was something subservient about eating come which appealed to me.

"Never tasted it before. I will if you want me to. But I'd much rather lick it off your body like I did just now."

"Maybe you will dear. Now do you think you could start wearing a nighty in bed from now on? I'd love it if you would. Just think how excited it would get both of us."

How could I refuse such a tempting offer.

Wendy left the house early. I got up shortly after her. I was a little scared of Mabel without her daughter around so I busied myself with my chores to take my mind off her. She was having a lie in. At about 9.30am she came down in one of Wendy's dressing gowns looking a little hung over.

"Get me a couple of paracetamols like a good little sissy. There's something I want to talk to you about."

I fetched them with a glass of water and after gulping them down she looked me in the eyes accusingly.

"I saw you ogling my legs and cleavage last night you dirty little pervert. You've been a naughty boy haven't you? I bet you saw right up my skirt to my panties didn't you?"

I nodded, dreading what was to come, but also strangely excited.

"Bend over the kitchen table whilst I go and get the paddle. You'd better strip off completely first."

I took off all my clothes and bent over the table. Mabel took her time, knowing that keeping me waiting was guaranteed to rack up the tension. I felt a strange tingling in my rear end. It was one of my sexual fantasies about to come true.

"I told Wendy that sissies like to be disciplined. You want me to do this don't you?"

"Yes, please ma'am. I've been naughty and deserve to be punished. Please give me a good spanking."

She laid into me with the rubber paddle giving me about twenty strikes on my bare bottom. I pleaded for her to stop after the first ten and soon after that began to sob. Tears were pouring down my cheeks but I sincerely thanked her at the end.

She became more friendly then and we kissed and hugged for a couple of minutes.

"I think I've got something for you that we both might enjoy." Mabel said, spying my growing erection. "You know Wendy's had a number of lesbian affairs don't you?"

I was taken aback by this but Mabel had left the room before I had time to reply.

"Spanking you has made me randy." She said on her return. "Look what I'm wearing. It's what Wendy uses on her girlfriends."

Mabel removed the dressing gown. She was naked underneath apart from a strap on penis. The contraption was designed so that her cunt was stimulated by the movement of the rubber cock.

"Get down on the floor on your hands and knees Sissy Simon. I want to fuck you up your sissy pussy. Don't worry I've brought KY jelly to help my cock go in. I bet you've always secretly wanted to get a good fucking."

"The cock was of average size and, showing patience and restraint, Mabel finally, after several tries, pushed the rubber todger in all the way up to the balls. She quickly established a nice rhythm reaching round to pull on my willy. She clearly enjoyed this kind of fucking judging by her noisy orgasms and after the first few thrusts I was getting into it as well. It was so strange to be the one being fucked but, with so many things happening to me that were equally strange, I was enjoying it wholeheartedly. I shot my load on the carpet having held on without coming for a number of minutes. Afterwards Mabel became quite tender towards me. She kissed me warmly on the lips and thanked me for her "first proper fuck for a long time".

Wendy was not told about our intimacy on her return home but clearly sensed that something had happened. After I had made and served lunch she suggested that I might like to "get comfortable" and strip down to my girly apron and panties.

Mabel said she had an idea.

"Simon might like to wear a pair of my used ones. How about it, Simon?"

I looked across at Wendy who smiled and nodded. Mabel hiked up her skirt and quickly removed the yellow pair she had on, holding them close to my nose for me to take a sniff. I self consciously drew in a deep breath through my nose.

"You're enjoying this aren't you Simon? I bet you two have been up to stuff whilst I was out haven't you?" Wendy said.

I blushed and Mabel just promised to tell her later. I stripped off in front of them and put on the apron and panties. Wendy and Mabel sat and chatted amiably whilst I tidied up around them, bringing them cups of tea, washing up the lunchtime things and generally looking after them.

"You toddle off and make the dinner. There's something I want to talk to mum about." Wendy said after a time.

As I prepared the vegetables and peeled the potatoes I could hear them whispering in the living room. I dare not eavesdrop as my bottom was smarting after the spanking earlier and I was not in the mood for any more. There was a great deal of laughter, so I knew it was me they were discussing.

Some half an hour later I was summoned through.

Wendy stood up as I came in looking strong and authoritative. She was still in the power suit she wore for the office.

"You like feminine things don't you Simon?"

I nodded affirmatively.

"I'm very pleased with your training so far but want to take things a step further. From now on I want you to dress as a woman all the time. You will have to give up your job at the DIY store but there may be girly jobs you could do. Only part time of course, I need you at home to carry out you wifely duties."

"Wifely duties?" I said, not understanding.

"Yes. Mum says you are becoming a good sissy. I want you to be my little wifey at home. There will be other changes to come but I think you will adapt quite well judging from our chat the other day and what mum has just told me. Well darling? What do you think?"

This didn't seem such a huge change and although I was fearful I knew deep down it was what I wanted. For some reason I became a bit tearful and Wendy gave me a big hug and so did Mabel making me cry more; was it out of gratitude?

"You've settled in well here and it isn't as if you have anywhere else to go, have you?" Wendy said smiling, taking my silence as consent.

Later after dinner Wendy put a very tastefully filmed porno movie on the DVD involving power games between three lesbians. I was soon put to work with my head between, first Wendy's legs and then Mabel's legs. I was happy to service them and was turned on by the idea of mother and daughter being so raunchy and free in front of each other. We stayed in the house together on Sunday, me trying on their clothes, until Mabel had to return home. As we were saying goodbye at the door Mabel dropped her knickers, stepped out of them and pointed to the floor. I knelt and got my head under her skirt licking her pussy a second time as she stood above me. What a weekend!

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fantastic story is good that a mother and daughter took a male and made him into a female litter and made him dress as a female maybe Mabel can move in permanently and he could fuck them both

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Beyond stupid - just trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

loved it

desire more!!

pokeyridepokeyrideover 2 years ago

Great story !!! I wish I could find someone like that !!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Where is there a Wendy and Mabel for me? Lucky guy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ultimate Humiliation

After years of put downs and insults because I’ve not been able to father a child with her daughter and my general lack of ambition has kept me in the same mid-level position while my wife has achieved senior management status and almost doubled my salary, the ultimate humiliation for me would be to have my dominant mother-in-law fucking me! This story has fired me up to think of a way to have her sexually subdue me, thanks.

QuietoldieQuietoldieabout 5 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Feedback is very important to me and I want to thank Littlebeau for his comments. I think we may have a lot in common. I will take on board your wish for a follow up although my story "He wears the panties" might be seen as an extra chapter. This seems to have been my most popular story so hopefully a sequel will bring me even more readers. I believe most men have a feminine side.

LittlebeauLittlebeauabout 5 years ago
Just a wonderfull sweet story.

Oh! How refreshing, you write with such wisdom and intrigue. Please write more on She Wears the Trousers. I am sure more and more men are thinking this way. I personally am leaning strongly toward it. For someone who wishes to wear Lycra pink frilly panties and have a smooth bottom you encourage me to showing my spouse more of my feminine side.

We started out with me being the strong dominant husband but things started happening when a well know ladies man started flirting with her. She asked me if she could stay and enjoy his company with another young girl. It wasn’t long before I learned that I found humilating things exciting. Things started happening when she learned that their are bigger endowed more manly men than me and my little things, she calls it. They made me a cuckold and she enjoyed his much larger member and more manliness for many yrs. I have become like a girlfriend to her as she tellls me about other guys she meets. I’m spanked over her knee occasionally which is so stress relieving that I crave her discipline. She shows her authority over me sometimes in public. Gives me a boner when she unexpectedly orders me sternly to do things. I find myself becoming more submissive, needing her to dominate me and show her my submission. I don’t like cross dressing but have more Lycra underpants and men’s night wear. Hope she will pick up on me becoming more feminine and have me do my housework wearing things like in your story, which she expects to be done without having to tell me to do them. I’m excited how things are changing toward me being more open with my feminine side.

Your story has become my favorite of all. Very exciting, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Same old same old. Sissies, anal sex, humiliation & silly weak men who should know better. No love, no caring, no respect. Blah Blah. Sorry


Tootight1Tootight1about 5 years ago
good story

By the sounds of it, 1 they are not married, or engaged. 2 He has admitted to his desires to basically strangers. I ,as he has, enjoyed what has happened so far. Perhaps this will turn out great for all involved, perhaps not. This story needs another chapter.

Commitments need to be clarified for a future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Too funny for words

This author is definitely a woman that dislikes or hates men. In most all her stories the men come out looking like spineless troglodites. Epically bad writing, combined with horrible characters makes her stories not worth the time to read. Awful garbage.

cdCindy1cdCindy1about 7 years ago
hot wife and mother-in-law

I too am a married CD who loves to dress up for my wife and her mother. She is hot with big tits while her mother also has big tits and nice legs. they both fuck me with their strap-on dildos and make me go out all dressed up to the store to buy them things. The salesgirls giggle when they see me and it's embarrassing but also very exciting at the same time. I now want them to bring their male lovers to our house, dress me up, and then make me suck their real cocks. I want the men to fuck me too. I'm such a sissy CD slut.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What a crock of shit

Nothing to support him turning into a submissive wimp. The minute she starts addressing him as a child. Why would he suddenly be okay with her demeaning, degrading and humiliating him? It makes no sense. Doesn't he have both pride and self respect? The answer to her behavior is a simple "no". And if she pushes, tell her to pack her bags and prepare to be divorced. If she refuses, pack your bags, clear out the accounts and see a lawyer. She's a man hating bitch, abusing him. Why would any man stay with her? Simple answer? They wouldn't.

Terrible story, badly done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
good story

yes i was a man once then i was out of work i was just laying around the house then one day the older man came over and ask if i would like a job for a few weeks i told him yes i need the money and will do anything that good you can this after noon i told him i will be there at noon and bring your swim suit sir i do not have one that all right i have some well i was there at noon he open the door see you are here good you need to wear a swim suit i need my hot tub clean here maybe one of these will fit i look at them they look like girl swim suits i try on a few till i found a red one i put it on it felt really soft now i went out side were the hot tub was he was there he look at me i see you put the red one on they look good on you i told him yes and feel nice her a brush go in the tub and wash the sides down i be back in two hour well after two hours i had it clean he came back will a load of water he told me it well take a hour to heat the tub till then how would you like to clean the house up for me i told him yes sir you find a old apron in there well i found the apron and put it on just then he came in here let me tie it up at the back for you just wash the dishes and mop the floor i got the dishes done and i start to mop the floor when i look in a mirror that when i saw i had tits that when i open up the apron it had fake breasts in it i finish the floor and brought him a cup of tea out he toke the tea that nice girl hey you just call me a girl yes well are you not wearing a girl apron yes sir and girl swim suit too yes now how would you like to go have a shower and come back here and go in the hot tub i told him yes i put some thing on the bed you put them on i had a shower and the fake breast did not come off that when i saw the glue i thought he take them off after i went to the bed room on the bed was a red swim suits i pick it up and put it on it was nice and soft i walk out side to the tub and he look at me you look nice in that now let go in we did it was nice and hot it felt good he came and sat be side me he ask how you like this girl it fine i never thought i would lovey this but why did you glue breast on me i did it as a joke i take them off now if you want no i like them and i like the suit too just then he put his arms around me and after a while my top was down and my breasts was showing and play with them between him playing and the hot water i saw getting hot my hand went to his cock it was hard and i jerk it a bit as now he start to suck my tits i jerk him some more he ask you want to suck my cock girl i told him yes he got up a bit i pull is suit down well after he told me how to suck i made him cum then we went into the house now we shower after the hot tub he had a big shower in his room as we shower he was my back and ass then he did my breast from behind as he did i felt his hard cock he push my legs apart then he push his cock in to my ass hole it hurt at first then it went all the way in he pull out a bit then shove it back in it felt good i told him please cum in my ass he told me you mean your ass his mine yes sir and my breasts too well after a few weeks i move in and become his house sissy bitch

OrdinaryjackOrdinaryjackover 9 years ago
My favourite story

My fantasy cum true. I would love to be taken like that by a large woman and to have the added kinkyness of doing her mum as well - sheer orgasmic bliss!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Well that was bad

Even for fiction. A "1" because zero isn't possible.

devilspy2001devilspy2001over 10 years ago
You write well about CD, tranny things.

I am just wondering when you will do a multi chapter tale of a sissy life? Love to see that.

OverthefallsOverthefallsover 10 years ago

She married a man right? Why would she now want a sissy? If she wants a woman, just divorce her husband. If she wants a toy - buy a blowup doll. If she wants to train something, buy a dog. But since she got married to a man, remind her of her wedding vows to love and honor her husband. There isn't any honor in her disgusting behavior. She continues to act in this manner, see a divorce attorney. Disgusting idea even for fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

yes I did wear the trouser once one day a lady down the hall saw me in a bra and panties you see I live a lone she saw me thought my open door she walk in well what have we here a man dress as a women I ask what she want well I think I have what I want and I said what that you me yes I want you to come with me I said after I change no just like that no you are fine the way you are put I cant walk out like this yes you can and will if you don't I tell any body on this floor you like to dress as a girl I said all right I went with her to her place once there she told me that she work at hair dress and make up and then she told me to sit down I did now I do your make up I ask her why well you want to look like a women knot a man in drag I thought about it that be fine when she was done I look like a women then I thank her I ask her want I can do well you can clean my place I said yes that a good girl well I clean and after a while i was done and dirty she told me to shower and you this cream when I came out I had no hair an my body I wrap a towel around me she was sitting on her bed come here girl I want to look at you to see how clean shave you are yes that do now put these panties on and bra and this dress it was a maid dress now you will wear that and be here every tueday to clean house I said yes well over two month I got use to be a maid now this Tuesday I ask her why my breasts hurt she told me well they have grow a bit yes what lovey breast too do you like I said yes then she put my hand on them feel them I did soon I was rubing them I see my bitch love her tits I said please can I have them for good she said yes there your for good I don't know why I wish I had more women clothes now she said do you I said yes would you do any thing I ask I said yes then show me I ask how just then she open her robe and show me he dido cock I knew what she want I got on my knees and put it in mouth and suck she told me that my bitch suck you mistress cock I did and now become her bitch and never turn back the sex is good I had a man cock she was proud of her sissy now we live to getter I as the wife what a life

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

yes I was too made a sissy girl that I rent a room with she told me there one rule here if you want to stray I ask here any thing you want all right then in this house you will dress as a girl I ask her are you going to dress me yes that fine with me I all way want to be dress as a girl then she ask have you wore panties I said yes well then take your clothes off and I will help you in your new clothes I did as told first she glue on fake breasts then the bra panties and dress there you now look like a girl and don't think they come off they will fall off when your breasts grow into them I ask how you will be on pills now that was three month and I become her slave i cant leave the house yet but soon then it happen my breast are 40d she told me now we can go and get you some new clothes and hair done and nails we went to a store the lady ask her is she the one yes it take a hour that fine make her nice and I hope you have your dido yes I do good and one for her mouth to suck while I do her hair good have fun well it was two hour and I saw turn into a sissy bitch and she shove that dido in my ass and told me you will love cock when we are done she came back and ask is she been good yes what you going to tell your mistress thank you I am your slave girl to please you my mouth and ass is your and please mistress throw out my male clothes well I love this she know her please just then a man walk in lady I need a hair cut the and mistress look at him and said would you like your cock suck he said that not funny just then I was told well girl I went over pull his pants down and pull out this cock and suck it he soon came he said that was good now I tell my friend about this place just then he hand them some money look the money he gave us well now she come here and be pimp out yes to male and female she make us money as a slut

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