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To shave the pubes or not to shave? Should it be a question?
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I read an article recently that had a lot to say, in a very clearly opinionated way, about why women shouldn't shave their nether regions. Apparently, there are serious consequences to shaving "down there"–like red bumps and friction-burn and even decreased sex appeal.

Ummm... okay.

Clearly this article was written by someone who appreciates the hirsute, which is all well and good. But to come out and say: "We have hair there for a reason, and it should stay there!" We have fingernails, too. Should we never cut those, either?

I'll come right out and say that I'm biased. I'm completely shaved. Bald as a baby. I started shaving ten years ago, and haven't stopped since. I enjoy shaving. (Well, I enjoy being bare!) I don't mind nor am I saying that "au naturale" is a bad thing. Not at all. I love females in all shapes, sizes, and textures. Equal opportunity lover, that's me. Women are beautiful, however they come... (every pun intended there!)

But what is this "Real women don't shave!" nonsense all about? The moral judgment there is enormous and completely unnecessary. Last time I checked, not every man had facial hair. They choose to shave–or not–depending on their personal tastes. I didn't see any articles out there on "Real Men Don't Shave!" — at least, not outside of the Amish or Orthodox communities, and I don't think I'll be seeing their views on the Internet any time soon.

So men can wear goatees or full beards or shave twice a day - and no one talks about the "shoulds." It's all about "want." Men do what they want, according to their preference. The topic of women's pubic hair, though, that's apparently up for debate. Discussions rage all over the Internet whether a woman should or shouldn't have the option of a landing strip, a full triangle, or shaving bare. Holy double standard, Batman!

Not only that, but men have actually started trimming or shaving (or waxing, or using depilatory cream on) their nether regions, too. But I don't hear the same debate going on about men shaving that I do about women. Who gets to say if I go hairless or hairy? Frankly, I do. No one else – not my husband, not my culture, and certainly not some judgmental Internet article.

I shave because I love the feeling of being shaved – I love the increased sensation, the baby soft feel of my vulva, the extra friction created, the extra wetness. Hair down there irritates me, in more ways than one. I want to shave, so I shave. It has nothing to do with cultural fashion mandates. It has to do with what I want, what my preference and desires are.

An older friend of mine expressed surprise when she found out I shaved "down there." (We were at the gym at the time.) She informed me, rather wryly, "Just wait until you're my age. The hair down there just starts falling out on its own!" Funny, that our cultural judgment is that shaving bald makes a woman look "pre-pubescent," when, in fact, we could equally judge that it makes her look "old" instead!

I think we need to have a little more acceptance and a whole lot less judgment when it comes to the women's bodies. And what we need more of, a bunch more of, is love when it comes to the feminine form, whether we're talking about weight or breast size or the care and feeding of the kitty. We need a lot less "shoulds" and a lot more "wants." Desire itself should be the only thing driving the decision to go hairless or hirsute or something in between.

So, if a woman wants to give herself a Sinead O'Connor cut, I say, yes!

If a woman wants to let her pubic hair grow like Cousin It, I say, yes!

In fact, I think that's the root (ha, pun intended) of the whole debate. There really shouldn't be a debate at all–and that's the only "should" we should be throwing around. I may be fashionably bare, but I don't do it because I want to be fashionable. I also don't defiantly not shave because I want to make a fashion statement. That's just playing the game.

I do what I want to do. If more people would, fashion would have a lot less influence over our perceptions. So say "yes" to what you want, when it comes to your body. Let's all say "yes!" a whole lot more... to ourselves, and to each other.




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bottovarnisbottovarnisalmost 3 years ago

Great observation! To shave or not is personal choice. I very much prefer bare (I am a male that does do that- not as hard as it seems, so to speak. Totally bare vulvas are absolutely beautiful an I worship at this altar. I'm a figure artist and many of our models, both genders, are bare. It gives the body streamlining that it didn't have before and its very sexual. Love it! Thank you.

UncleHal1UncleHal1almost 10 years ago

Fuzzy wuzzy was fuzzy, til she wasn't...

Scheherazade73Scheherazade73over 11 years ago
a thoughtful, well-written piece...

...and timely, since there does seem to be a lot of buzz about the grooming of lady parts these days. Thank you for your sisterly support of all of us ladies, regardless of our grooming choices!

CQMSCQMSabout 14 years ago
To Shave or not To Shave

Dearst Selena.

I could not agree with you more. To shave or not shave is a personell preference.

Me, I love a shaved pussy and have the added bonus of being my wifes private barber. For me it has nothing to do with pre-pubesent girls, I have allways had a strong attraction to mature women.

At 53 (dont tell any body) my wife’s pre-pubesent days are far behind her, all tho she could still pass for 39/40.

It also has nothing (for me) with hygene, I love the tast and the silky feel of a freshly shaved pussy and I love how it feels when I slide my cock into her. It feels as if I am deeper inside her and she diffinightly gets a lot wetter.

Love you voice on tape, Bluebeard's Wife is my all time favourate . You might say I allways get a rise out of listening to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Razor technology...

and the development of grooming tools in general is an interesting related topic. The "natural" arguement is naive and vain. It is natural for humans to alter our appearance as our technology allows. We are not wild animals who could care less about fashion, and who mate without a fraction of our social sophistication.

When razors were lethal weapons, men rarely shaved their faces themselves and a shave from a skilled professional was a luxury. Safety razors were developed scarcely 100 years ago, and only became widely affordable closer to 50. It has taken a little while for women to go from using this technology to shave under arms, and their legs, and finally the "bikini area", and as these parts became more commonly bare, fashion exposed these same areas more and more. It was only a matter of time.

As a photographer of art nudes, I am often criticised for having a preference for hairless bodies, and my critics often use the "not natural" arguement, to which I ask whether they wear only animal skins and ashew deodorant while sleeping under the stars and killing their own food. What is natural for a bear is not "natural" for a human. We have advanced, and like wild animals the behaviors that are natural for us are simply those that occur to us to be practical, enjoyable, and helpful in attracting a mate. With our big damn brains come greater innovation, advancement, and imagination, and there is nothing "unnatural" about any of that. Fashion is an absolutely natural expression for humans whether it is in the form of clothing, grooming, or even drastic plastic surgery.

As far as the "pre-pubescent" arguement is concerned, if you see a nude, fully grown woman with no body hair and say that she looks like a little girl, then you simply aren't paying attention!

sweet_escapesweet_escapeabout 16 years ago
Liked Your Essay

It amazes me someone would make the comment 'real women don't shave'. If that was true, we'd all be walking around with hairy underarms. That idea annoys me just as much as the 'real women have curves' debate. Every living, breathing woman is real. Why can't we all just be ourselves and let others do the same?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Oh, I couldn't agree more...

I may not shave completely, but I do trim as far down as my trimmer will take it. I am a guy and I cannot stand pubic hair period; whether on myself or another guy/girl. For me it just feels a little unclean, but it makes for just being cooler and more comfortable. So, I say shave if you want, don't if you don't, and let's all worry about more important things!! Kudos to you, dear Selena, I couldn't have said it better myself!


MagnificoGiganticusMagnificoGiganticusover 16 years ago
Totally agree.

To each his own. But, yeah the "real men/women don't shave" thing is hogwash. I love it for exactly the same reason Selena stated. It feels baby smooth, and to me smooth and soft = feminine. Also, you feel like less is in the way between you and your partner. When that little pad of skin between a woman's navel and the top of her vagina is smooth, its so fun to rub, especially with your cheek and nose during oral sex. As a guy, I also like myself bare. When you take your close off, you feel more "naked" without the hair down there, and "getting naked" is what its all about when you strip. Plus, if your one of those guys who worries about size (or appearance of size) your cock looks bigger with out a nest of hair at its base. Lets face it, even the biggest guy out there doesn't mind appearing an extra inch longer. Finally, and I think this is most important for me, its about respect. For some this may not be an issue, for it me its: I love going down on a woman, but its much less enjoyable when your always getting hair in your mouth, and tickling your nose. I first shaved myself thinking if I feel this way, maybe my partner does too, so as a common courtesy, I shaved it all off. She loved it!

calgary guycalgary guyover 16 years ago
I agree..

I whole heartedly should be the person's choice and nothing else. I am a male and am shaved and have been for more then 12yrs. I do this because I enjoy the sensation and I think it is a 'cleaner' look.

I remember I was having sex with a woman I had recently met and her comment was " I didn't realize I was going to have sex with a 12 yr old", well after we finished she certainly changed her tune and said that going down on me was quite a bit more pleasurable.

Thanks for your opinion and to everyone else....Life is too short to have everything dictated to what you want as long as you enjoy it...


Scorpio44Scorpio44over 16 years ago
I remember a daughter of mine

who couldn't wait to grow hair, "down there." Three years later she started shaving. For graduation she wanted laser treatments to her vulva and pits. Her choice. Her mother didn't even want to trim so hair didn't show when she wore a bathing suit. Her choice.

I agree with you... it's all about choice not should.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Right on!

Right on girl!

pdv990pdv990over 16 years ago
Personal freedom


Got to say I back your point all the way - if you want to be smooth, it's your choice. It shouldn't lead anybody else to make value judgements about you.

Personally, I prefer girlfriends who are smooth shaven - or waxed - I enjoy oral sex, and don't like stray hairs in my mouth - and I find licking just gives them a nicer sensation if they don't have pubic hair. Equally, I was happy to remove my own pubic hair when my girlfriend said she found it nicer sucking my cock like that....

So it's a pesonal decision, albeit one your partner needs to be happy with...but if it makes you feel sexier/more attractive, I'm sure there'll be partners happy to go along.

Body hair's a cultural thing anyway - especially for women - in some coutries, hairy legs or arms are the norm, in others they're a no-no. Some women like a guy with a hairy chest, others like the smooth look. Whatever floats your boat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Love the controversy

I'm a heterosexual male with both nipples pierced and shaved pubes. Why? Because I do! Isn't it cool how something as simple as shaving pubic hair can cause so much controversy?

melsdadmelsdadover 16 years ago
What would people think?

I'm male, and I like both shaved and natural, though I'll admit, too much is not what I, nor I dare say, most of us are used to these days, so I guess I'm a person who likes to see a little grooming. I occasionally shave, but to be honest, at 60, I do wonder what people may think of me, if for instance, I were to be rushed to hospital or something similar, where my enjoyable secret was exposed to the world. I don't deny I find it a turn on and it also makes me look bigger, which in fairness, is every mans wish, lol. I totally reject the paedophile theory, it's simply something many adults find appealing or enjoyable, so until you've tried it, don't knock it.

Emerald_DragonEmerald_Dragonover 16 years ago

I swear that American's are the prudes of the world. It is the Eropeans that had toppless beaches, women not shaving their underarms (and not giving a rats ass what anyone thinks).

I loved the parallel with men shaving their faces. You so rock!!

velvetpievelvetpieover 16 years ago
Clean, close shave is best!!!

I have been shaving for 35 years now and I love it for two major reasons: 1) when it's that time of the month, I feel cleaner and 2) sexually, it's incredible. The only drawback I once found is that it's itchy (imagine me in church scrubbing my pussy under a hymnal!) but I've learned that a liberal dose of baby oil the first few days keeps it from itching and afterwards, keeps ingrown hairs away.


JPTurner70JPTurner70over 16 years ago

Feminists have made this argument before as if liking a shaved vulva makes you a pedophile? Crazy. That's like saying people who have fantasies about breastfeeding want to be babies or people who fantasize about rape want to really be raped. It's faulty logic. I think Selena is right on, if you go out of your way to go against the current fashion trend you are doing no better than those who follow it blindly. Only a woman who makes the choice for herself and herself alone is making a real statement.

pouncingtigresspouncingtigressover 16 years ago
different angle

The question is not if you should shave or not. That`s your personal preference (hey, it`s your body). It`s more important to make note of the connection "shaved vulva - look of pre-pubescent girl - pedophilia" and if men who like completely shaved women are more likely to have pedophiliac tendencies, probably on a subconscious level. I understand feminists POV of dissing bald vulvas. Personally, I don`t think p0rn-chic is a trend that should be sustained.

sharon_sharin_sexsharon_sharin_sexover 16 years ago
1/2 & 1/2

Personally I see shaving as a personal thing.

Personally I love the feeling of how more sensitive my labia are & how after-shaving I feel more sexual. I am w/ a furry top since I adore the look. Sometimes trimmed (bikini time) sometimes a real bush.

So I am thus half bald & half furred!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
That Was Lovely

To the real Irish Lady,skin like cream,red hair,a fiery loyal temper,what more does a man wantJAMES CAMBELL

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