Sheep and Wolf Ch. 03-04

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Gary gets a little closer to the girls, and a dog to him.
6.8k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/16/2017
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2017/07/18: The finished story has been given a different chapter count, which is why the change here.


* Warning again, no sex in this story. :-p

* Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think of it. Always looking to improve my writing. :-)


Chapter 03

Gary's confused mood was lifted when he saw Suzy in the morning again. 'Good morning.' he said, smiling a little.

'Good morning.' she said, closing her door.

He cleared his throat. 'Missed you yesterday.' he said with a soft chuckle.

She smiled a little. 'Yeah, I didn't feel well for some reason, decided to take a day off.'

'Oh? You're feeling okay now though?'

She nodded. 'It was nothing serious. Just a little off.' she said on the way down. 'Maybe I ate something that disagreed with me.'

'I hate it too when food can't win at a discussion with me and makes me sick instead.' he said.

She chuckled. 'Some foods are just sore losers.'

They paused outside again, looking up at the sky as it drizzled. 'I heard there might be rain tonight.' Suzy said.

'That would be nice.' Gary said. 'I like to fall asleep with the sound of rain.'

'Yeah, me too.' she said. 'Anyway, have a good day at work.'

'You too.' he said and walked a few steps backwards. 'And try to avoid food that can't come up with good arguments.'

'I will.' she said with a little grin. 'See you later.'

Gary turned around and smiled, thinking today would be a good day.


The transformation in the evening felt different. It went on as before, but this time Gary felt more in control. There was still the urge to go to the park, but he could stop himself from going with a little willpower. He thought about staying at home, but a voice in the back of his head wanted to know if the wolf was there, if she was okay.

'Da-amn it.' he muttered and gave in.

He waited at the corner of the alley, looking at the park for a sign of her. He saw nothing and took a walk through the park to see if she might be on the other side.

He reached the centre with the playground for kids when he spotted her, peeking from behind a bush again.

'Ehm, hi-i?' he said, holding up his hand in greeting.

She looked at him, away, then back at him again, her ears moving forward and back.

'I-i don't mea-ean you a-any ha-arm.' he said. 'So plea-ease don't try-y to ea-eat me, oka-ay? I-i'd rather be-e friends.'

She looked away for a moment again, then up at the sky. Rain started to come down and a flurry of flashes shot through the clouds.

'Ah!' Gary said, looking up. 'Forgo-ot about tha-at!'

The rain came down hard while lightning and thunder started the rock and roll concert with light show. Gary saw the wolf looking around quickly with her ears flat, then noticed the small hut on a low hill at the playground. 'He-ere!' he called out to her, pointing at the hut. 'We-e can ta-ake she-elter the-ere!'

She hesitated for a moment while he moved towards the hut, then followed him as he beckoned her. Gary crawled inside and sat back when she crawled in quickly, her fur soaking wet. She sat back in one corner, clutching her tail in front of her. Gary shook himself a little, the rain hadn't soaked his thick coat yet.

The rain played it's drum solo hard on the wooden roof of the hut while the lightning lit up the entire area. He watched her going left and right quickly, her ears flat against her head. 'We'll be oka-ay he-ere.' he said, giving her a gentle smile. 'A-and whe-en it comes do-own this ha-ard, it usua-ally ends qui-ickly.'

She nodded once quickly and he tried to focus on the spectacle outside, but his attention kept going back to her. She had a very dark coat, brown black and a larger tail than he could remember from nature documentaries. Her blue eyes lit up with each flash and he thought they looked lovely. Huddled back in the corner, she didn't look dangerous at all and he wondered who she was.

He cleared his throat and concentrated on his speech. 'I'm Gary.' he said.

She looked at him, outside when lightning flashed again, then back at him.

'Gary.' he said, placing a hand against his chest. 'Do you understa-and?'

She gave him a slow nod.

'Your na-ame?'

She looked away, then down and shook her head once.

'You don't know?'

She shook her head again.

'I see.'

The rain changed to a light shower and both lightning and thunder moved away. Gary stuck his head out of a window. 'Looks like it's o-over.' he said and pulled back. He gave her a gentle smile. 'Told you it would pa-ass qui-ickly.'

She gave him a nod, looked outside, then crawled out of the hut, looking back once before hurrying off into the night. Gary sat back again. "That was interesting." he thought.


'Good morning, Gary.'

Gary turned around to see Suzy coming out of her apartment. 'Good morning, Suzy. Did you sleep well?'

She looked down a little. 'Ehm, I, don't really like thunderstorms.' she said, then gave him a grin. 'It's silly, I know.'

'Oh, I can imagine.' he said. 'She was pretty spooked too.'


'Ah.' he said. 'A.., woman I saw last evening. At the store.'

'Oh.' she said. 'I thought the store wasn't open that late?'

'It wasn't.' he said. 'It was when it was still open. She mentioned she didn't like lightning and thunder. And she already looked nervous and all. Like a puppy. Not that I mean she was a puppy, just that she was skittish.'

Suzy nodded. 'Okay..' she said. 'I'll see you later again.'

'Yeah.' he said. 'Later.'

He watched her walk away for a moment, then went on his way with a feeling in the back of his head that he had missed something.

A thunderstorm had started just before Gary finished his meeting with a client who wanted to update the logo and look of her hair studio. He watched the sky and the street as people rushed home, pondering whether to wait it out or hurry home through the rain.

The rain hadn't lessened after a minute and he prepared to become very wet on his way home when he saw Suzy walking out of the veterinary clinic next to the studio, then huddle in the doorway when thunder rumbled overhead.

'Not a great time to go home.' he said.

She saw him and looked up. 'Not really, no.'

Gary hurried over to her doorway. 'Finished work?'

She nodded. 'Yes. Thought I could go home before the storm started.'

'Yeah..' he said, watching the street again. 'I hadn't checked on the weather. Got taken by surprise.'

She chuckled, then held herself when lightning flashed across the sky. Gary watched her, moved a little closer and got an idea when he smelled pizza. 'Care for a bite to eat while we wait for the storm to pass?'

She looked up. 'Eat?'

'Pizza?' he asked, gesturing at the restaurant next door. 'My treat.'


'Or something else?'

She looked up at the sky while the storm did its thing again, then glanced at him and smiled a little. 'Okay.' she said. 'Don't mind it when I can avoid this thunder storm.'

He chuckled. 'Let's go then.' he said.

They hurried into the restaurant and sat down at a table after ordering. 'Thanks.' she said after a sip from their wine.

'No problem, I started to get hungry too.' he said, watching the owner construct their order.

She smiled softly. 'I meant for keeping me company during this storm.'

'Ohhh. That.' he said, casually looking in his glass.

She chuckled. 'Yes, that.'

'I just thought I'd help a neighbour out while improving my dinner time.' he said with a slight grin.

She smiled and sipped more wine, looking outside.

'Something on your mind?' he asked.

She turned to him. 'Oh, sorry.' she said, pulling back a strand of hair behind her ear. 'Just thinking of Larry.'


'It's the collie from mister Jones.' she said, turning her glass in her hands. 'It ran away yesterday.'

'Mister Jones?' he asked. 'The old man who's often at the library?'

She nodded. 'Died recently, heart attack. Larry ran away from a friend who took him in for the time being.'

'He might be missing mister Jones.'

'Most likely.' she said, looking outside again. 'I hope he turns up soon.'

'I hope so too.' he said when the pizza got served. 'If he doesn't turn up soon, maybe we can lure him with pizza later.'

She smiled a little. 'Maybe.'

The thunderstorm took longer than expected and it was already dark when Suzy and Gary walked from the restaurant to their home.

'Pizza was good.' Suzy said when they had arrived at their floor.

'Company was better.' said Gary with a chuckle.

She chuckled, then rubbed her arm slowly. 'Thanks again for the save.' she said with a gentle smile.

'No problem.' he said, rubbing the back of his head. 'We can do this again at the next storm?'

She nodded. 'When you're in the neighbourhood.' she said and pulled her keys from her pocket. 'It has made me pretty tired though.'

'I can imagine.' he said. 'I'm thinking about going to bed early too. Lots of things on my mind today.' He gestured at his door. 'I'll see you later then. Have a good night.'

'You too, Gary.' she said, getting in her door. 'Later.'

'Later, Suzy.' he said and went into his own apartment, pulled off his coat and shirt quickly and rubbed his arms, itching from the growing hair. 'Crap.' he said and undressed quickly while losing his sight slowly.


'And crap again.' he said when he tasted grass again. He sighed, heard a noise behind him and looked back in time to see the wolf running at him, her fangs bared.

He bleated in fear as he rolled over and she pounced him, growling softly.

'Wait!' he bleated. 'It's me!'

She growled more, her teeth getting closer to his face.

'It's me! Gary! Remember that thunderstorm!?'

She stopped growling, then blinked.

'Gary?' he said. 'In the hut last night? Together?'

She pulled back a little.

'You remember now?'

She looked away.

'I'm glad you do.' he said, sitting up. 'You do remember, right?'

She nodded once and sat back.

He let out a deep sigh in relief. 'Tha-ank goodne-ess.' he said and frowned. 'Oh grea-eat.' She tilted her head as she looked at him. He pointed at himself, cleared his throat and concentrated. 'The sheep, accent.' She gave him a nod. 'You can't, speak?' he asked and she shook her head.

Gary felt a couple of raindrops fall on his nose and looked up. 'Starting to, rain again.' he said and looked toward the playground. 'Let's, take shelter, there again.'

The wolf nodded and they hurried to the hut while rain started coming down more. They shook their bodies and sat down at opposite sides.

'So,' Gary started. 'who, are you, really? What's your, name?'

She shook her head.

'You don't, remember?'

She shook her head again.

'Are you like, me, transforming in the, night?'

She frowned for a moment looking up, then nodded slowly.

'But you, don't know who you, really are?'

She nodded slowly again.

'Da-amn.' he said and cleared his throat. 'At least, I do, most of the, time.'

She looked through the window at the rain coming down and listened to the patter on the roof of the hut. Gary watched her and thought about any way he could help her.

'I, wonder if you remember, anything as a, human.' he said.

She tilted her head and shrugged.

'Probably not.' he said. 'Or, maybe not a lot.'

They sat in silence while the rain kept coming down. Gary looked outside at one of the streets surrounding the park, lights from shops and street lights reflecting in the surface.

'What do you, do at night?' he asked, turning back to her.

She shrugged and gestured with one hand around her, then held up both in a pounce.

'So you, go around, and hunt things?' he asked. 'Like, what?'

She looked at him for a moment, then grinned her teeth at him.

A chill ran down his spine and he pushed himself back against the wall, swallowing.

She chuckled and gave him a smirk.

Gary let out a deep sigh and relaxed more. 'Don't sca-are me like tha-at.' he said and she chuckled even more. He shook his head. 'Have you caught, anything?'

She pointed at him and he raised his eyebrows.

'Really?' he asked. 'Only me?'

She nodded.

'Wow.' he said and leaned on his knees with his arms and chin upon them. 'That's not much, but I'm, glad no, animals or others got hurt.'

She pulled up her knees and hugged them, wrapping her tail around her feet and flattening her ears.

'I don't, mean to say you would.' he said, leaning closer. 'It's just, that the usual image of, werewolves is a scary one.'

She gestured at herself, then a pounce at him.

He nodded. 'Yeah, you, scared me, but now, that I know a bit more, about you it's okay.' he said and gave her a gentle smile. 'I'd like us to, be friends.'

She looked at him and her ears perked up as she nodded and smiled.

'Okay then.' he said and held out his hand to her. 'Friends.'

She took his hand and shook it.

The rain had stopped and Gary had invited the wolf for a stroll around the park to stretch their legs.

'I, always enjoyed the, smell of a field of, grass after rain.' he said after his stomach started to rumble. 'Never thought it would, make me hungry.'

She chuckled but then her stomach rumbled too. She looked at Gary and he backed away one step.

'Friends, remember?' he asked.

She chuckled and nodded.

He let out a little sigh but kept an eye on her as they continued their walk, just to be sure.

'How about, having a bite, at my place?' he asked. 'I, have some, beef at home.'

She bit her lip and looked down.

'It's okay.' he said with a little smile at her. 'I can't, let a friend, be hungry.'

She gave a small nod and he smiled. 'Okay then. Let's go.'

Gary and the wolf tried to move silently through the hallway when the bald neighbour opened the door, looking like he wanted to go outside.

He stared at Gary and the wolf and she growled softly at him.

Gary took her hand in his. 'This is just the, effect of, stress at work.' he said. 'You should, take a few, days off.'

The neighbour nodded slowly and backed away, closing the door.

Gary led the wolf into his own apartment and started working in the kitchen while she sat in the living room. He was glad the whole being a weresheep thing hadn't ruined his appetite for a good piece of meat and made them two juicy pieces of grilled beef with bread.

'Here we go.' he said as he walked into the living room with two plates, then bleated when the wolf nearly pounced him.

She backed off with some effort, licking her lips.

'I guess the sme-ell has gotten you e-even more hungry.' he said.

She looked down and nodded.

He handed her the plate. 'I can imagine how you, feel.' he said. 'I felt it, when I, smelled grass in this form.'

He sat down next to her and saw her stare at the beef, her hands shaking slightly. 'Don't hold back, just, enjoy it.' he said and cut his own piece.

She smiled and cut the meat in big pieces, eating them eagerly and he chuckled.

After the meal Gary felt tired and saw the wolf yawn when he came out of the kitchen. 'Do you know, where you live?' he asked.

She frowned in thought, then shook her head slowly.

He looked at his couch. 'If you, want, you can, sleep on the couch.'

Her ears perked up.

'It would be rude to, send you out the door, when you don't know where to go.'

She looked up at him, smiling softly.

'I'll get you, a blanket and pillow.' he said and went into his bedroom.

He made sure she had everything she needed before retiring to his bedroom, letting her get comfortable and fall asleep with a smile on her face.

An hour later Gary still couldn't sleep from the constant thoughts of having a woman staying the night, on top of her being a wolf and him being a sheep and no guarantee she wouldn't get hungry again and eat him in his sleep.


The wolf was gone when Gary woke up and checked the living room. A breeze blew in through an open window and he watched it for a moment before taking the blanket and pillow and placing it on a corner of the couch. 'At least I didn't get eaten.' he said.

He barely closed his door later to go to work when Suzy opened hers. She was fiddling with her keys as she walked out and closed her door.

'Hey, Suzy.' he said, startling her and making her drop her keys. 'Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you.' He picked up her keys and handed them to her.

'I'm okay.' she said, giving him a quick smile. 'I just, had a weird dream and it still feels unreal.'

'Weird dream?'

She nodded. 'I dreamt I was roaming around the neighbourhood.' she said. 'It felt so real. My bed was a mess when I woke up.'

'Ah.' he said and nodded. 'Maybe it was the pizza. How are you with peppers?'

She chuckled. 'Yeah, maybe that was it.' she said and walked with him.

Gary grinned a little. 'Next time when we're caught in a storm, we'll go for the pizza with fish.'

'Or maybe I'll pick the restaurant.' she said and poked his shoulder.


Chapter 04

Gary spit out the grass. 'You know, this ne-ever get tired.' he said, then bleated loud from a sudden pain in his thigh. He looked back and saw the wolf holding it in her mouth.

'Ouch! Why'd you do that for?'

She looked at him, blinked, then let him go quickly, covering her muzzle.

Gary sat back and rubbed his leg, the pain quickly numbing. She sat on her knees holding her tail in front of her and looking down, glancing only occasionally at him.

'Okay, I get it.' he said, checking his skin but there were no puncture wounds. 'You were still running on instinct. You couldn't help it.'

She nodded.

He looked at her. 'I wonder if the pet store has any wolf collars with bells.'

She looked up at him.

'But I doubt you'd put it on yourself when you turn.'

She shook her head.

He chuckled. 'I could try spreading pepper on me, but I'd feel like I'd just make myself more appetising by seasoning myself.'

She nodded with a slight grin.

'Great.' he said looking up. 'A gourmet wolf.' She chuckled and he smiled at her. 'Just in case, I bought extra today at the store so we can eat if we really get hungry.' He rubbed his thigh. 'And not just get the munchies for kebab.'

She smiled back and nodded again.

'All right.' he said and stood up. 'What shall we do tonight?'

They had walked for a bit when the wolf started to get restless, looking around.

'What is, it?' Gary asked.

She clenched her thighs together, flattened her ears and tucked in her tail.

It took a moment for the coin to drop. 'Ohhh..' he said and looked around, then pointed at a small building a little further off. 'The restroom's over there.'

He chuckled silently as she hurried to it, then strolled around, looking at the grass and pondering about the quality and taste of it before giving himself a mental slap in the face. He turned to see if the wolf was ready and found a collie standing a bit away from him, its fur a mess.

'Larry?' he said.

The collie growled at him, shaking on its legs.

'Good boy..' Gary said, holding out his hands. 'Be nice and I'll get you something good to eat.'

Larry barked once and ran at him.

'Down Larry!' Gary yelled as he ran away from the dog.

Larry growled more as he chased Gary across the field.

'STAY!' yelled Gary, then stepped into a hole hidden in the grass, tumbling face forward, bleating loud before hitting the ground.

Larry was only a couple of metres away from sinking his sharp teeth in him when Gary looked back to see the dog coming at him. Gary turned to scramble away when a dark shadow rushed him. It pushed him down on the grass and snarled loud at Larry.

The collie froze in its path and whined softly as he made himself small.

The wolf moved slowly closer, growling menacingly.

'Wait!' Gary said as he rolled over on his back. 'Don't hurt him!'

The wolf stopped moving closer but kept her eyes on Larry.

Gary stood up and watched Larry cower on the ground. 'He's not a, bad dog.' he said. 'He just lost his, master and is probably lonely, and confused.'
