Sheeple Ch. 09


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Eric followed the sidewalk and then headed up the alley. He hadn't jumped the fence as he wasn't certain of just how co-ordinated Kate was yet on four legs. Kate peered around the edge of the garage, saw where Eric was and joined him in the alley. They moved down the alley, Eric pausing at the road edges, knowing that cars in town were his worst enemy. They got to the school playground and he led her to the culvert. Eric sniffed, found no one in it and headed through it. Kate paused at the entrance and then ducked into the culvert.

The two of them exited the culvert and started across the fields and out into the prairie. Eric had to keep waiting for Kate as she stopped to sniff and investigate almost every bush or hole she passed. It reminded him of the time he had taken a pack of puppies out so that their mother could hunt. Her curiosity was slowing them down. He let it go on for a few minutes and then moved around behind her and nipped her haunches.

Kate had been nose deep in a bush, smelling mice when Eric bit her on the left hip. She turned with a yip and then realized that he was trying to get her to run with him. He pranced in place for a moment and then ran off towards the hills. Kate followed. They ran and ran until they reached Eric's favorite spot. The rocks were cool, but not cold. Eric flopped down on the rock and caught his breath. Kate laid down next to him. Her senses were still on overload, and she was trying to process all of the input. The world was shades of gray, brown and blue. Her sight was so precise that she could see the mice off in the field and the antelope down in the arroyo at the bottom of the hill. Her nose was also much more sensitive. She was amazed at the richness. Two legs were so sensory deprived.

Eric stood and decided to be playful. He bumped noses with Kate and then nipped at her shoulder and then stepped back. She rolled away from him to start to stand up and he dived in to nip at her ribs. She tried to nip back, but found that he had already moved away again. He moved around behind her and nipped at the base of her tail.

Kate tried to use her teeth to nip back at Eric, but he was faster than she was. The nips didn't hurt. In fact, they felt good. She stood up and he had moved around behind her and she felt him nip the base of her tail. That sent shivers down her spine.

Eric nipped at her flanks again and then stuck his nose between her hind legs. His tongue licked her and then he moved back.

Eric's tongue felt so good that Kate moved her tail off to one side. Eric moved closer, putting his paws on her back. She felt him enter her at the same time his teeth sank into her shoulders. The rhythm was fast and it was over before she had time to think about much more than how good it felt. The both plopped panting to the rock.

Eric felt good. So alive. He couldn't help that his tongue was hanging out and he was panting and drooling all over Kate's fur. Kate turned towards him and he could see that she was doing the canine version of a silly grin. They both laid there recovering. Eric didn't want to be out too long as he wasn't certain when Kate would shift back to two leg form. He nudged her and motioned with his head back towards town.

Twenty minutes later, they were back in town and walking through the culvert when Eric froze. The culvert echoed with the sounds of stones striking back and forth against the walls. Behind him Kate whimpered as the scent of the rattlesnake struck her nose. The snake had been seeking warmth, and the culvert offered a bit of cover. Eric and Kate slowly backed out of the culvert. When they got a few yards away, Kate was visibly shaking. Eric wasn't too sturdy himself. That was a close call. Instead of using the culvert, he moved them down the streets and back alleys.

While crossing the main road, Eric saw a truck moving. It was big, white and reminded him of something. He sniffed the air and realized that it was Ronny, the man who sometimes brought snacks by for him. Kate whimpered again, and he figured he better get moving. It would not do to be caught by the dog catcher tonight. He moved into the alleys and headed home as fast as he could. They got to the yard and up the stairs just as the truck passed the house. Both of them held as still as possible. When the truck had finally passed, Eric pawed the door open and in they went.

Kate moved down the hall to their room and jumped up on the bed. Turning around three times, she settled in amongst the pillows. Eric stopped to get a drink out of the dog bowl and then followed her to bed. He curled up with her and was soon asleep.


Light coming through the window curtains woke Kate. She stretched and was happy to see that she once again had fingers. At first, as she laid there Kate wondered if it had all been a dream. She went to roll over and talk to Eric when she realized that there was sand in the bed and a fine coat of dust on her skin. It hadn't been a dream. Her hands and feet also felt as if she had run barefoot all night long. Well, she had...

"Eric,... Eric, wake up."

Eric moaned, rolled towards her and stretched. He opened one eye and then smiled at Kate. He leaned forward as if to kiss her. Instead, his tongue shot out and licked the tip of her nose.

"Oh Eric!"

"What?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"You are just so... so.. doggy some days."

"Like you aren't?" Eric rolled over, noticed the sand and sat up to dust it out of the bed.

Kate just sighed and shook her head. "Okay, you have me there. Did that really happen last night? I didn't dream it?"

"Nope. You shifted. Must have been right after the last orgasm, because last thing I remember was you sharing the whole emotional mix and sort of passing out. Next thing I know, you are bumping my nose with yours and we went out to play."

Kate nodded. "That's what I though. What an experience. I remember things in snatches. Scents, noises and running. Oh, and the snake. That was just as scary on four legs as it is on two."

"With good reason. The bite that would make me sick as a human might kill the wolf. That was a close call last night."

"Oh yes. Other things from last night aren't as clear. I don't understand all of it."

"There will be disparity between memories. You and your wolf self aren't integrated very well yet so there are bits that don't translate. Hell, I've been doing this since I was a teen and still have days when we cross communicate."

Kate stretched again and realized just how grimy she was. "Shall we go shower?"

"Sounds good." Eric got up out of bed and the two of them dusted out the sheets. Sand, bits of sagebrush and grass were swept to the floor.


After a long hot shower, Kate was cooking breakfast and Eric went to take the dogs out for a mid-morning romp in the back yard. He let the dogs out and was getting ready to turn back in when he saw a bag hanging on the door lever. It was a bag from the local pet store. Eric took a look inside and began to laugh.

Kate heard the laughter and turned to find Eric holding a bag and a note. "What do you have there Eric?"

Apparently, Ronny has paid us a visit and left us a gift."

"You mean he left Max a gift." Ronny had made a habit of leaving things for Max on the back door ever since the big fight.

"No, not just Max." He handed a note to Kate. It read:

Deer Kate an Eric

heer is a nuw colur for Max saw him wifout one this mornin heer is one for hiz nuw gurlfrend to got the tags on um. dont furget um. i dont wants to pik them up for no shots.


"Oh my gods. He did see us this morning." Kate sat down on the kitchen stool.

"Yes, he did. Lucky for us, he didn't pick us up. Me showing up naked in the pound can be put off to a prank. You naked at the pound would be a whole other story." Then Eric reached in the bag and pulled out two dog collars. Both of them for large dogs. One forest green and the other purple with a sliver and blue pattern wove into it. Tags jangled from each one.

Kate just looked at them and didn't know whether to laugh or not. Eric took advantage of her lapse of conversation and dropped the purple collar over her head. "Oh thanks Eric.".

"Well, at least it fits."

"Yeah." Kate took it off and turned it over in her hands. That's when she noticed that the tags were more than just the normal city license. She looked at hers and then at Eric's. "Did you notice the extra tag?"

"No." Eric looked at his collar and then laughed. On his was a tag marked MAX. On Kate's was one marked LADY. The two of them dissolved into laughter.


School was finally over. Mark and Jamie had each participated in the 8th grade graduation ceremony. Mark had held a pole marking the archway for the graduating students to pass through with one of his classmates opposite him. Jamie had tossed confetti along the path that had been taped across the gym floor. Jamie looked so cute in the dress Anne had made her. After the ceremony, there was the usual reception with refreshments provided by the community. Zach had almost spewed punch clear across the cafeteria when he noticed Jamie 'hunting' her brother. She had stalked him from across the room using various groups of adults for cover. Eric and Kate just smiled.

Summer school started in two weeks. Pat and Tammy had promised to take the kids for a week so that Eric and Kate could relax a bit. It was a good plan, but between Eric's first call out on a Search and Rescue mission that required 'Max' and Suzanne taking a week of vacation, life stayed hectic. Before they knew it, it was Sunday night.

"Jamie and Mark, get into bed!" Eric hollered for the third time. Both children were bouncing up and out of bed like jack-in-the-boxes.

"What happened to your great 'sleepy-vibes'?" Kate asked Eric as he plopped exhausted into a chair.

"Shush you!"

"How about a cup of tea?"

"I'd love one." He headed downstairs one last time to try and get the kids in bed.


By the time he was back, Kate had tea and gingersnaps on the kitchen table.

"Heaven in a cup," he said between sips. It had taken what seemed like forever to get Mark and Jamie settled down. In the end, Eric did resort to sleepy vibes for Jamie. It was the only way to get her to stop talking.

Kate smiled and handed him a cookie. Tomorrow they were going to drop the children off at school and then head up into the hills for the few hours of summer school. Both of them were looking forward to running in the hills. They finished their cups in silence and then headed to bed.


"Oh that was fun!" Kate exclaimed. They had just rounded a tight curve and stopped for a moment before continuing down the valley.

Eric looked over at her and smiled. They had been taking the Subaru higher and higher up the valley each day. He usually drove, but today had been Kate's turn. She was nervous about driving the narrow rutted road, but was gaining confidence. "Told you it was doable."

"For you, yes. However, I never thought I'd get past that one really steep part where it feels like the road falls away."

"You did really well. When we get down to the big meadow with the old cabin, let's park."

Kate nodded and started down the road. It wound down the western side of the valley and through thick stands of aspen. A small meadow opened up and then a bigger one appeared as they rounded to the east. Here Kate pulled off the road and they got out to stretch.

"That has got to be one of my favorite views in the whole world." She looked back up the valley they had just driven down.

"It's one of mine as well. I'm so glad that I was able to get the time off to spend with you up here every day. It's worth the chatter we have so early in the morning." He was thinking of Jamie and her non-stop monologues on the morning drives.

"Yes, it is." Kate leaned up against Eric. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. They had had some lovely picnics over the last two weeks. Kate had even managed to shift with Eric one morning and they had run clear up the valley. The only unsettling bit had been Eric trying to explain where Kate was when he went to pick up the kids. After dropping them off at the Maes ranch, he'd gone back up the valley to pick her up. Kate had managed to shift back and was wading happily in the river waiting for Eric. He was glad that he'd had enough forethought to leave her clothes with her.

Eric let go of Kate and turned to reach in for the water bottle on the back seat. After taking a drink, he handed her the bottle. She finished off the last of the water and handed it back to Eric.

"Are you sure you can't have Zach pick up the computer parts in the morning?"

"Yeah. The supplier is being a pain in the ass. Something about Zach changing all of his passwords to Satan last time he was in the shop."

"That was three years ago! You'd think the man would get over it." Kate was exasperated.

Eric just smiled. He glanced at his watch and saw that they had thirty minutes before summer school was over for the day. "We need to get moving Kate. I'll drive." They moved to get into the car.

Kate smiled as he re-adjusted the seat. He was trying to pretzel himself in before moving the seat back. In the end, he gave up and got back out to adjust the seat. Kate looked away before she burst out laughing.


The trip down the valley to the school was fast and bumpy. Kate swore that Eric tried to hit every puddle possible. It was a contest lately to see who could muddy the Subbie the most. Eric was winning as usual. They pulled into the parking lot of the school just as the kids were lining up by the front gate. Eric and Kate got out to meet the kids. Other parents were doing the same thing.

"Don't forget to be careful tonight," said a voice behind Kate.

Kate turned to see one of the older kids grandpa behind her. He smiled at her and she returned the smile. "Now why should we be careful tonight Joe?"

"Ah, it's a full moon tonight, and there will be werewolves and witches out you know," he said in all seriousness. "Them creatures come out on nights like that and you never know what'll happen."

Eric who had been listening bit his lip trying not to laugh. He managed to turn towards Joe and nod. "That's the truth Joe. You never know what you'll find up in the hills around here."

"Yep." Joe turned to grab his grandson by the shoulder and headed off down the road.

As he walked off, Kate turned to Eric. She rolled her eyes and bent over giggling. Eric joined her and they were still giggling when Jamie and Mark ran over to them.

"Why ya laughing Mama Kate?"

"Oh, Grandpa Joe said something funny."

Jamie smiled. "He came and tolded us stories about peoples who turn into wolves and coyotes today and ghosts and witches."

"Ah, that sounds interesting." Eric scooped Jamie up and carried her upside down to the car.

Jamie giggled and every time she tried to talk, Eric gave her a bit of a shake. When they got to the car, he turned her upright.

"Shall we hunt triffids on the way home?"

"Yes! We gots to hunt triffids! Lots and lots of them got away last time," Jamie said excitedly.

They all got in the car and prepared to keep an eye out for triffids. Kate wondered just how many sunflowers, also known as triffids they would be pulling out of the grill this time. So many of the yellow flowers were hanging over the road edge that it made it almost impossible not to hit them. On the way home the first day of summer school, Eric had started making a game of it to hit the sunflowers and send the heads bouncing across the hood of the car. Kate had made a comment about triffids and the name had stuck. Every afternoon they tallied their 'kill' and wrote it up on a piece of paper in the kitchen. As Eric swerved close to the edge of the road to bag the first triffid of the day, Kate though about how tomorrow would be a victory for the triffids as Eric was headed to town while Kate came up here by herself. The thudding of a large triffid across the windshield caught her attention and she started to tally hits and misses as they drove back into town.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief10 months ago

Not the ending I expected, ended with more of a whimper than anything. Guess they just kind of drifted off into the triffids. It would have been nice to see how Jamie handled shifting her first time and some of the other loose ends.

Enjoyed the story just the same. The sex in the story was more loving than porn, even if it was between canines at times.

StrixalucoStrixalucoover 1 year ago

I think I quote like that ending. Though the story ends, the life of the characters continues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
That's how it ends?

Damn that was an abrupt ending to a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Thanks for the clarification

It really helped. Didn't understand the ending until then.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
good stuff m'Lady


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