Shy Indian Wife Ch. 10

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How Jyoti became Joy.
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Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 02/05/2017
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Well dear readers our story is at a crucial & delicate juncture, I have brought some kink out of Jyoti, my true conservative wife. I am mesmerized and surprised by our very vocal and open sex last night but I am very nervous and anxious about facing her today morning. Everything that happened yesterday was due to our horny feelings and we went with the flow but today is another day.

Today is Saturday and tomorrow being the day when my beloved will go on a date with a young 18-year-old. This is not some private date but the guy will introduce his complete community that she is her girlfriend. Phew!!! What a thought. Let me pinch myself! How has this become possible?

Also, the truth is that Jyoti is naïve about this situation and her POV is that she is helping Luke out of trouble and giving back favors to the Martin's. She has realization that she is venturing in the realm of sinners and morally bankrupt but she has some consolation that her own husband has proposed this idea and that I have insisted on this.

As a person, Jyoti is most loyal, highly moral, very pure soul with caring heart. She can't betray me in her dreams of dream but our story has come to this juncture where she has to take these steps. In our country, women will go to any extent to save their modesty and perceived character & more so a woman from an undeveloped part of the state.

All said and done, our women have unwavering resolve and if they set to achieve something then they will leave no stone unturned. I love my wife more that I can ever express and my pursuit to modernize her thinking and attitude has met with strong resilience of modesty and fidelity of my wife. The only tool at my disposal is the love that we have and the respect and position of strength a husband commands in our relationship.

When we woke up, Jyoti was not able to look me in the eyes while talking and she was avoiding me and running away to do some chores just to get out of my view. I can understand that she can't believe what she did and said yesterday.

I held her to myself very tightly and looked her in the eyes. She immediately looked down. I said to her that as I promised yesterday, nothing can stop me from loving & caring my wife. Please realize that I am in my senses and I am not guided by any horny feelings now. I want you to believe me when I say that I will respect you and will always believe in you and will trust you. I will never ever humiliate you or look down upon you. You will always be my queen and will rule my heart and my life.

Jyoti started tearing up and hugged me. She said that, "How can I be so lucky to have such a loving husband. Thank you, my Jaan. I was really feeling scared about last night. Somehow you have lowered my fear and angst. I don't know how to behave in this world".

"Carla always tells me that I have the best partner but now I realize why she tells what she tells. Even after all my sins, even after you knowing my cheap act on the bikini competition day and other such acts, even after my misbehaviors, you always remain calm and always think about me".

I stopped her from saying anything else and said that what you mentioned as bad and cheap acts like yesterday night or when you roamed naked in front of men and women on bikini competition day is what makes me love you more. The naughtier you become, the more loving I will be. The more shameless acts you do, the more respect you get from me.

Jyoti was silent, she was just shocked with my last line. I just kissed her forehead and told her to not over analyze this. And the doorbell rang.

In comes Marla, all happy and excited having a box full of cookies and sweets in her hand. She handed it to me and hugged Jyoti. She was so relieved that her son is at last excited about something and happy. She asked Jyoti about his date. Jyoti got cold feet and instinctively lied about Carla as Luke's Date for Sunday.

Marla was all happy and said that Luke is eager to meet her and he may come to us to further take some info. I asked Marla to not disclose the name to Luke and We will tell him personally. Marla was content and was praising Jyoti without stopping.

When she left, Jyoti started walking briskly here and there and started talking to herself. I told her to compose herself, its okay. She was not listening. I offered her coffee and some breakfast. After that, she went to bedroom and closed the door.

Well I waited for her and then went inside, I looked at her. She was dejected. I asked her what happened. Why she is so upset. I was starting to lose cool. I was also living this emotional sea saw and that was bringing out feelings of desperation but then I remembered Angela's words, when she said that Jyoti is meant to rule the world but we all have to convince her with care and not push her too far.

I took few deep breaths and hugged her while she was sitting. She was in her Indian Kurta Shalwar. I told her, "Darling, I want to confess to you about something." She just looked me without any expression. I told her, "I will tell you my true feeling, I have been holding this thought all this time and was very worried that if you come to know it then you will think bad about me".

She turned towards me and with a questioning look said what is the matter.

Me -- Dear, I have told some of it to you but I want to open up.

Joy -- So tell me please!! I am getting worried.

Me -- My love, I am not sure if it's a problem or its natural but I love it when you attract attention, I love it when you feel confident. I love it when you take lead and do something risqué.

Me -- I feel myself so lucky to have you as my wife because you are so beautiful and loving. I want you to feel the same way about yourself. We have lived with each other for sometime now but after our fights and our many naughty adventures, the saddest thing is your lack of self-belief. This is when you look your worst.

Last line got her attention and she started saying something but I stopped her.

Me -- I want you to become modern, not only with your looks but also with your attitude and belief. You know, the day of the bikini competition was the greatest and the worst day of my life.

Joy -- Why?

Me -- Greatest because of what you did, how you behaved, what you wore or not wore, how you treated stranger MEN, how you wanted to make me proud and how sexy and hot you looked.

Jyoti became self-conscious and wanted to get buried into the bed.

Me -- Do you want to know, why it's the worst day of my life.

Joy -- Because I left the competition?

Me -- No, not at all. It is because, I couldn't witness it, I was not there to praise you and not there to hug you and say that how proud I am. I want to see that kind of attitude from you. I want to witness it and that will give me the satisfaction I am desperately seeking in my mind.

Joy -- But but...

Me -- Yes, I know what you will say, how can a husband feel like this, do you even love me or care for me etc etc....

Me -- Whenever I orgasm, I imagine you in a bikini in a hotel lobby full of strange men. I get really hard. In my imagination you act so confident and you don't care about your lack of cloth. I see you happy in a bikini.

Me -- Sometimes I wish you give me a surprise when I come back from office by opening the door in your shortest clothes or without them. I imagine you coming with me to restaurants and malls in tightest and shortest dresses. I wish you start wearing heels. I wish you become outgoing and make friends. Oh, I desire for you to feel hot and horny and share those feelings with me.

I looked her in the eyes and repeated myself.

Me -- I, your husband, your life partner and your love want you to go on a date. And I promise you that this one act of yours will be the biggest gift you can give me. I want you to explore this and experience first hand how loving and naughty wife behave when supported by husbands.

Joy -- I am speechless, what do you mean by naughty wife.

Me -- How to tell you this without hurting you. I want you to be a hotwife and exhibitionist hot wife. There I said it. Uffff!

I started huffing as if a big weight has lifted from me.

With eyes as big as she can get, Joy -- Hotwife, what is that?

Me -- Well you can search all about it on the internet. You know, it takes hell lot of courage to open up and tell your deepest desire and secret to your partner. I am so vulnerable right now. It feels like I have given my control to you.

I stood up and started walking briskly around the bed. I was so nervous. There was some sweat on my head. I too felt like crossing a major boundary in our relationship. I plead to her to not get angry on me and not think of me as a horrible low life of a person.

Jyoti got up and held me with her arm to stop me from moving. She put her palm on my chest to stop me and realized my heart beat was jacked up. She looked me in the eye but I looked away. She took my face and kissed me and hugged me. She said, "I love you, I have already said sorry for what I said to you yesterday and before."

Joy -- I am not angry but I am curious and I get worried, how these feelings of yours will affect our marriage. I always feel inadequate and live under pressure of expectation.

I started feeling bad about all the desires that I have and wanted jyoti my pure wife to fulfill them.

Joy -- I realized now that what you expect from me is coming from a place of love and you don't have any intention to betray me. Even though I am not clear what you want from me but the way you have shown courage to open up and let it out your feelings shows that you trust me.

Joy -- If you trust me then I will trust you and will try to listen to you for the next few hours. Till the Sunday night I will try to do as you expect. I will take this leap of faith.

Me -- Jaan, Oh my sweetest love. Thank you.

Jyoti after listening this picked up the phone and called Marla and asked her to send Luke to our house and in a short while in comes Luke.

Joy -- Hi Luke!

Luke -- Hi Mrs. Sharma and Mr. Sharma!

I said Hi and asked him about some mundane things.

Joy -- Luke, there is something I need to tell you. I know you are very excited about tomorrow and all.

Luke -- I knew it. How can I be that lucky. There is no girl right. You lied to me. Fucking hell!

I stopped Luke from further getting upset and asked him to atleast listen to Jyoti my wife.

Joy -- Well its my mistake, I promised you something without asking my only friend and somehow she is not in town and she cant make it.

Luke sat on the couch and put his head in his palms and started blabber about his fate. I looked at my beautiful wife and she was all nervous. How can she not. Something she has to utter now which is against every moral fiber present in her body. Luke was dejected and started to get up to leave. My pious wife ran and stood in front of Luke and asked him to stop.

Joy -- I have a suggestion if you agree.

Luke just looked her with some hope.

Joy -- I want, umm, Sid wants to...

Luke got frustrated and was starting to leave when Jyoti held his hand and said with loud voice.

Joy -- Luke don't leave, just listen to me.

Luke -- What!

Joy -- I can come with you as your girlfriend tomorrow.

Jyoti quickly moved towards me and stood with me. Luke looked down while shaking his head and said.

Luke -- I know you mean good but thank you.

Joy -- Luke, I am serious, I will come with you. You don't need to feel bad.

Luke -- I don't need your pity. I am not capable of making a girlfriend and you don't need to be doing something for me out of sympathy.

Joy -- No luke, I am serious. This is not the time to debate on what I am doing and why.

Luke -- Hey, I needed a girlfriend to go on a date and not a neighbor who is married.

No one said anything for few seconds.

Luke -- Well, you want to come with me as a date, look at you, look at your dress. How do you think they will behave when they see you like this. My friends and cousins will bully me to hell.

As a husband, Jyoti was my pride and joy. She was everything good about my life right now and I cant let any Tom Dick and Luke to make her feel sub-standard.

Me -- Luke, I think you are showing your lack of experience with the fairer sex. Jyoti if need be can become a dream girl in a second. She is the most beautiful women I have seen. She cant be compared to all the thirsty Nancy's parading here and there but given a chance she can be one of them or even hotter than the hottest girl in Brazil.

Me -- Do you know, Jyoti has participated in a bikini competition. Jyoti has won hearts and praises of the top bikini models. She is just limited by her desire to be morally straight but when she decides she becomes The Goddess.

Jyoti after listening to this was so pumped that she hugged me in front of Luke and had tears in her eyes.

Me -- It was my idea to help you get out of this misery of a state as you are now our friend but it seems you are selfish and thankless.

Joy -- No Please! Luke isn't thankless, he is just confused. I can understand.

Luke -- I am sorry Mr. Verma but you can't understand. Just for example, what will I introduce her as. Her name is so so ...oriental that they won't believe me that she is my Girlfriend.

Me -- You can introduce her as Joy. Even I will call her by that name to make her respond to it when she is called.

Luke -- I am sorry to both of you and especially Joy. I don't know how to say this but she is very beautiful and I realized this when I first saw her but....but my friends will start talking when they will see her in something she is wearing right now.

Me -- Joy! Luke has a point here; you need to dress for the occasion.

Joy -- Stop calling me Joy.

Me -- I always wanted to give you a name of endearment and what better name than Joy and what better occasion than this and I winked at her.

Joy -- Ok I have my few t shirts and jeans. I can wear them.

Luke -- Joy, look at this....

Luke after that picked out his phone and opened Instagram, He said

Luke -- These are my cousins with their friends and GFs and some of them are my school mates. See these. He started scrolling pics of them.

Luke scrolled through pictures of some hot girls. Before Luke went overboard, I took his phone and spoke

Me -- That's nice Luke. I will make sure Joy is aptly dressed.

Hey! What kind of husband I am. I just assured my wife's boyfriend that my shy wife will dress in a sexy dress for their 1st date.

Joy looked at me and said

Joy -- What about Marla and Luke's family when they come to know about this. What Marla will think of me. Oh I haven't even thought of this.

Luke -- Don't worry about mom, She will jump with joy. She thinks you are the best girl ever and she asks my sister to learn from you. She thinks you are beautiful and wishes to find a girl like to marry me.

Luke by his inexperience uttered something so outrageous that myself and Joy got shocked.

I asked Luke to go for now and we will discuss details further. When Luke left. I pounced on Joy and started massaging her breast and ass and smooching her neck.

She asked me, Joy -- Do you love me?

Me -- Of course darling. You are my precious wife.

Joy -- Do you think I am cheap?

Me -- You are my queen darling? I can't praise you enough. You are great.

Joy -- What about Marla? What about the stupid dress that Luke wants me to wear. I don't know what to do.

About that time, Marla came again and asked Jyoti to come with her for discussion in our kitchen. Before Marla could say anything, Jyoti started blabbering.

Joy -- I am sorry Marla, I never meant to do any such thing but I cant leave Luke like this after promising him a date and my friend was not in town. I am sorry, I am sorry.

Marla -- What are you saying, I am so grateful that I have friends who are so selfless and can go any extend to help us. But what about Sid, does he know.

Joy -- Yes, he even proposed this idea when my friend couldn't come.

Marla had a twinkle in her eyes.

Marla -- You know you are so lucky to have a husband like this.

Joy -- Everyone seems to tell me this but I don't understand why?

Marla -- You told me he asks you to wear modern dresses, make friends, go out and enjoy and now he arranged a date for you. He is like a man made in heaven for you.

Joy -- I love him but I don't understand his requests and now you are saying this too. He said something like he wants a hotwife. I know I am beautiful but I am not that kind of girl that looks very good in that sense.

Marla -- Jyoti, Jyoti! wake up my dear, what world are you living in. The way you talk is like a naïve school girl who doesn't know a thing. Its ok. I am sure Sid has thought it through. Anyways I am so happy about this.

Marla -- Tomorrow my son will get a beautiful date to show and my friend you will learn a thing or two about Brazil and what it means to be a young beautiful hot woman in Brazil.

Marla left and Joy was wondering what she meant when she came and told me about Marla's discussion.

It was around 1pm and I said we need to go for some shopping.

Jyoti said, why we have to do shopping, I have enough clothes.

Me -- You promised me something yesterday and today and I want you to make me happy till Sunday night and if you want to go back to your Salwar suit after that then I won't stop you.

I got an Idea during Luke's visit and I asked Jyoti to give me her phone. I quickly downloaded Instagram and made an ID in the name of Joy Sharma. Married Wife.

Joy -- What this, you know I don't like this. My family hates all this and they deleted these apps from my brother's phone and warned all of us to ever use them.

Me -- My dear wife, you are not only their daughter anymore but my wedded wife and I want my wife to shine and see I have put your pet name Joy Sharma.

Joy -- But they will see my face and recognize me.

Me -- You are not supposed to add any of our family members or friends back home. This app will help you socialize here in our home and back in US. I want you to be the most leading lady of Instagram. Let's put a picture of yours. I clicked a pic of her in Salwar suit and put some filters to make her look a bit unlike her.

I am so excited; things are moving and amazing things are supposed to happen. I want to re-establish that I love my wife and my respect and love is growing since she is agreeing to experiment with my ideas.

To be cont.....

Next chapter coming soon.

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AnonymousAnonymous17 minutes ago

The Closet door has been opened ...

But, opening ones Mind is a dark endless place which needs to be truly experienced at another level, beyond the body touch and the slip of Joy’s panties. ( peeling off layers of the mind is the best part of the journey ) The Mind never reaches its destination, its always living in the present moment.

Please continue, allowing your Jyoti to have her own Mind, in this good to the Bone story you have written so far, she is after all a good Person and a wife, as your pen says, with real feelings and emotions and Not just a Husbands plastic Doll like all other copy and paste stories we get to read here ... 🥱

I would like to believe that your good taste in building this great story, along with your erotic imagination will bring us closer and closer in experiencing a deep burn and a hunger for Jyoti’s tug of war, of the good and the proper in her, the unknown and the forbidden , the deep down hidden beast of lust slowly growing inside her mind and body, and all our Minds not just her husbands... imagining ones Balls Deep all the way into her raw married Indian pussy. (please keep it real) like the rest of her .

with Respect ...

~ Alx

AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

This story has reached a crossroads. I'd like to see Joy discover what a hotwife means before the date. And then confront her husband whether he wants her to have sex with Luke. Furthermore, and most importantly, this story needs Joy having sex with Luke. Issues of unprotected sex, and pregnancy could help develop the story further. Another development could include whether Luke's friends and neighbors witness or become aware of Joy's sexual activity with Luke. I hope the author does not wimp out with this story.

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Next part will be more excitement of love

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

Let's bring something new and lengthier...

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Please show that plumber again

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