Siblings Lives SEALed Together

Story Info
Brother and Sister reconnect after several years apart.
21.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/16/2015
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This is my first foray into writing, other than research papers in college and post graduate training. This is entirely a work of fiction, all characters are over eighteen, are imaginary and not based on any person(s) or actual events. This story deals with incest between siblings, so if that offends you, stop and find a different story. This is a pretty long story, and while there is sex, it will take a little time to get to it. I tried to put a story together and the sex occurs where and when it seemed appropriate for the story and character development. I would appreciate your feedback.

Thank You,

Eros Foolscap


Trish's phone pinged notification of yet another text message.

"Jeez," she said seeing it was again from Jill, her best friend and roommate. "She knows I have got to get this paper done and in before four PM today."

"HURRY UP!!" was the message.

Trish shook her head as she went back to her paper. She was nearly done and wanted to give it a final once over before sending it. She thought to herself, Jill is always on the lookout for hot guys, but she usually is not this insistent. Satisfied her paper was as good as she could get it, she attached it to the link for her class and hit send. She then grabbed her keys, phone and headed out the door.

As she got in her car, she called Jill to find out where she was. Jill told her that she had been at the beach watching a couple of guys and waiting, but when they looked like they getting ready to leave, she went down and started talking to them They told her they were heading to a little bar down the road and invited them to come along.

"Gawd they are hot! They seem pretty nice too. Did I mention they are HOT?" Jill excitedly told her.

Trish laughed "I think you might have mentioned that in eight or ten of your texts."

Jill gave Trish the address and told her to hurry.

After a fairly short drive, she found the bar Jill told her about. It sure didn't look like someplace she would normally go. The place looked old and run down. She thought it looked like something from a movie where bar fights break out all the time. There were a few motorcycles parked along one side, several beat up trucks and older cars scattered here and there. She finally saw Jill's car parked beside a new Mustang convertible. She parked and then headed in the door. Once inside she looked around and her first impression of the place did not change. She saw Jill sitting at a table talking to a very good looking guy. He had short dark hair, a dark complexion, dark brown eyes and a dazzling smile. She walked over and asked if she could join them.

Jill jumped up and hugged her roommate. "This is Derrick, Derrick this is my best friend Trish."

Derrick smiled widely, "Nice to meet ya." Trish glanced around a little and Derrick said, "my buddy is at the bar grabbin' us some beers. He'll be back in a minute."

Trish looked over to the bar and saw a medium built guy, maybe 5 foot 10 to 6 feet tall. Short light brown hair, well defined muscular shoulders and arms visible beneath his tee shirt. Not body builder type, just someone that is in very good shape. He had a small butt and muscular legs below his running shorts. She thought not too bad from what she could see.

Jill asked her about her paper and she turned back to the table just as Brandon turned from the bar with several bottles of beer. Trish was still standing, but leaning slightly forward on the table talking to Jill and Derrick. Brandon saw the new arrival and looked her over. She looked to be about five foot three or four, slim, had incredible legs and an amazing ass. She had on a pair of white shorts and a loose light blue blouse. Her hair went a few inches past her shoulders and was a brownish blonde. He smiled and thought if the front side was half as good as this view, it might turn out to be an enjoyable evening.

When he reached the table, he sat the beers down beside Trish. She was startled as she had not heard or seen him coming. When she turned to face him, Trish's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. Brandon also had a surprised look on his face for just a second. He then broke into his characteristic slight lopsided grin. Holding out his hand he said

"Hi, my name is Brandon."

Trish continued to stare wide eyed and open mouthed. Jill and Derrick started laughing.

"The girl standing there catching flies is Trish," Jill laughed.

Trish replied with, "um, yeah, a, I'm, a, Trish, nice to meet you."

Brandon smiled bigger and asked if she would like to sit and have a beer. Trish was still staring at Brandon.

"Yeah, sure" she said as she sat down.

After several minutes Trish began to recover from the surprise and relax, acting more normal, although she was constantly glancing over at Brandon. The girls told them that they were second year students at Old Dominion in Norfolk and had been roommates since they arrived at school. They lived in in a small house they rented off campus. They found out that the guys were in the Navy and stationed at Virginia Beach. Trish realized they were in the Navy but did not know where Brandon was stationed. She continued to not let on that she knew him.

It was starting to get a little louder in the bar as the afternoon wore on into early evening, mainly from a dirty and rough looking group of guys toward the back of the bar. They were loud, apparently drunk and seemed to take great pleasure in harassing the waitress. The bartender finally told them to order from the bar and leave the waitress alone or he was going to throw them out. After several beers, the girls need to go to the ladies room. Unfortunately, they had to walk past the group of drunk guys to get there. There were several comments from the guys as they walked by to the ladies room.

"Hey sweet cheeks, wanna party? Hey babe, want a real man? Wanna go for a ride?"

They ignored them and went on. As they came out to walk through the gauntlet again, Trish realized she left her phone in the bathroom and went back in to grab it. Jill was past the guys and back at the table when Trish reappeared. A tall greasy looking guy grabbed her arm as she started past,

"Hey, not so fast. You're really pretty. Let's party!"

Trish tried to pull her arm away but he had a tight hold and grabbed her other arm.

"How 'bout a kiss for your new boyfriend?" As he leaned his face toward hers.

When Trish did not return with Jill to the table, Brandon turned and looked toward the back. He saw Trish struggling to get away from the tall greasy guy and was shouting "LET GO OF ME!" Brandon jumped up and was across the bar before Derrick could stand up.

"Let her go!" Brandon said firmly.

The tall guy sneered at Brandon, "Fuck off asshole"

As Brandon took another step toward him, two of the other guys stood up to intercept him.

Jill looked at Derrick, "Aren't you going to help him?" She was surprised to see him smiling.

He laughed and said "they ain't gotta clue what a mess they just got their sorry asses into. You want another beer? This floor show ain't gonna last long."

One of the guys took a swing at Brandon, which he easily ducked. He grabbed the guy and threw him into the other guy that was standing knocking both backward. He then reached for the tall guy holding Trish. Letting go with one hand to try to fend off Brandon, allowed Trish to spin around and the guy started to lose his grip on her. He grabbed at her blouse, popping off all the buttons and ripping it off her left side. She crouched down in fear behind the door frame leading to the bathrooms.

Brandon grabbed his arm and the sound of a bone snapping and ligaments tearing could be heard as the guys elbow suddenly bent in the wrong direction. This was accompanied by a shriek of pain. His two buddies that had been thrown together had recovered and were jumping at Brandon. One face met Brandon's heel as he leg kicked and the other face became acquainted with the edge of a nearby table at high speed sending teeth and blood flying.

A big fat guy sitting at the bar that appeared to be the "leader" stood up grinning and pulled out a knife. He probably wishes he hadn't. Brandon quickly grabbed his arm, rearranged his elbow as he done to the other guy, grabbed the knife and as the fat guy was hollering in pain, plunged the knife through his arm pining it to the top of the bar. In well less than a minute it was over.

Brandon calmly told the bartender to call the cops and one maybe two ambulances as he walked over to the door were Trish was huddled in the floor.

Bending down he quietly asked her "are you all right?"

Trish instinctively jerked back in fear until she realized it was Brandon. She started crying. Brandon put his arms around her and held her as he had done many times before years ago, whispering "it's OK, you're safe now."

After several minutes, she whispered, "I was so scared."

About this time she also realized her blouse had essentially been torn off of her leaving her breasts exposed if she moved back away from him. Brandon tried to get her to stand when the cops arrived but she wouldn't. He then realized her predicament. He slid off his tee shirt and told her to put it on.

"Not a fashion statement, but at least the cops won't be drooling when they are talking to you." as he smiled at her.

She told him to turn around, she didn't want him to see her without her blouse on. He grinned as he turned around

"Too late! We are trained to make quick assessments of our surroundings, and may I add, I was impressed with your, surroundings!"

Trish's face turned red as she turned and quickly slid on Brandon's shirt which was way too big, but did cover her. The cops took statements from everyone in the bar while the ambulance crews loaded up the injured assailants. The cops said that they were calling it self-defense and if the morons that got thumped wanted to try to press any charges, they would be reminded of the potential for charges against them. Apparently this was not their first contact with the police, but the first that had landed them in the ER.

Derrick and Jill were standing close by waiting for the police to finish. The officer that had been talking to Brandon looked at him and Derrick for a minute, then asked "you two operators on the teams?" Derrick and Brandon nodded.

"I thought so, I retired from the Navy a few years ago. I was on the teams for ten years. After I got married, the wife finally talked me into leaving the SEALs. That was tough, but probably saved my marriage. Anyway, I doubt your CO will have tooo much to say to you about this, you did show restraint. I'll give him a call, he's my cousin! Take care." And with a grin, added "and try to stay out of trouble!"

Jill was staring open mouthed at Derrick and Brandon,

"You're... you two are...Navy SEALs?"

Derrick shrugged and replied "yep" To him it was not a big deal.

Trish was glued to Brandon's side. The bartender thanked Brandon for helping get rid of the irritating assholes. The waitress, who was very attractive, came over to Brandon on the side opposite Trish. She leaned in very close and thanked him, rubbing her hand up and down his arm, telling him to come back, anytime, and she would personally make sure he was WELL taken care of. This prompted a dagger look from Trish.

Grinning at Trish, Derrick piped up

"Hey, we probably autta be gittin, don't know 'bout y'all, but this made me hungry!"

Trish said she needed to go back to get some clothes to wear since she only had Brandon's tee shirt.

Brandon said "why don't you come to my place, I think there are some things there that will fit you."

Trish looked at him skeptically "you have women's clothes at your place?"

Derrick looked surprised and said "shit dude, she still hasn't picked up all her stuff?"

Trish looked to Brandon questioningly.

Brandon said "no" to Derrick and looking at Trish said "it's a long story. I'll tell you about it later."

Outside they decided that Brandon would drive Trish in her car, Derrick would take Brandon's new Mustang, after a warning to be careful since it was new, and Jill would follow them to Brandon's place. Brandon and Trish would then meet them a little later to eat.

Brandon's condo was not too far away and after they dropped off Brandon's car, Derrick and Jill left.

Inside Brandon told her there was a box of clothes in the spare bedroom she could look through and see if there was anything that she could wear.

Trish asked "so whose clothes are these anyway?"

Brandon said it was an old roommate he had months ago. Trish found several things and picked out a pink and white stripped top and put it on. It was a little larger than she normally wore, but still looked OK. She came out of the room and looked around the condo. It was obviously decorated by a guy. A plain looking couch, a couple of chairs, TV and a coffee table. No pictures, no nick knacks, a table and four chairs in the kitchen area. Sparse was the decorating theme. She was also more than a little curious about the roommate thing.

Brandon had gone into his bedroom and put on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. When he came out, Trish looked at him. He had changed a lot since she had last seen him. He was more mature, had filled out, his muscles were larger and toned, not over done, but very noticeable. He also had an air about him, a confidence he had not had the last time she had seen him. She liked what she saw.

"Why didn't you tell them I was your sister?" She asked, smiling at him.

Brandon gave her the lopsided smile he always seemed to have, shrugged his shoulders "I don't know, didn't seem important. How come you did mention I was your brother?"

She blushed slightly and replied, "same reason I guess...So, are you going to tell me about this OLD roommate?"

Brandon frowned and said, "Not much to tell. Had a roommate for a while, her name was Bree, Breanne. Anyway, I came back from a deployment and there was a note that she couldn't take the stress anymore and she had moved out. She said she would pick up the rest of her stuff, but she never has."

Trish asked how long had it been, maybe she was just busy.

Brandon thought for a minute and said "five, no wait..." as he thought for a few more seconds and said "a little over seven months."

Trish said "I'm sorry."

Brandon looked at her with surprise "Why, I'm not!"

Just then his phone rang. It was Derrick. "Y'all still hungry?"

Brandon relayed questions to Trish on where she would like to eat. Jill had suggested a new Bistro that was supposed to have great food and a nice bar area. That sounded fine to them.

Brandon got the directions from Derrick and told him they would meet them in about half an hour. Trish asked if she could use a bathroom to clean up and brush her hair. Brandon told her to use his bathroom. As she walked off Brandon watched her. She had changed a lot since he had last seen her. She was not the little sister he remembered. She had filled out, nicely. Her face was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her big brown eyes that he had always loved looking at seemed even more alluring. Her legs and ass were not those of the fourteen year old he remembered, but of a gorgeous woman. Her ass was firm and there was a little sway to the hips as she walked, her legs were thin, well defined and toned. Her breasts, which he really did not get a good look at back at the bar, were obviously larger and fuller than the last time he had seen her, not too big, but seemed firm and proportioned to the rest of her body. She was hot. He shook his head at that thought, "shit, she's my little sister, not some college chick I picked up." But, damn she was nice looking.

As they drove to meet Derrick and Jill, Trish told him that she and their mother had moved back east when she got into college. She had gotten a scholarship and was studying early childhood education. She asked how long he had been in Virginia Beach. He said it had been almost two years.

There was silence for a few minutes. Trish was thinking if she should ask, and decided to go ahead. In a very quiet voice she asked "Why did you stop writing me?"

Brandon looked at her in surprise, "I didn't! After I completed Basic Training, the letters and cards were returned with Addressee Unknown on them. I figured you didn't want to hear from me anymore...I knew that I hurt you when I left, and I thought..."

Trish interrupted him "I didn't get any more letters after you wrote that you were almost done with Boot Camp and would graduate. I asked Mom if we could go, but she said no."

Brandon snorted, "Big surprise! Your mother wouldn't walk across the street and spit on me if I was on fire. I bet she got my letters and sent them back before you could see them. God that bitch hates me!" Trish could see the anger rising in her brother.

She felt the pain in her stomach that she used to feel while she sat in her room listening to the battles between her brother and mother that went on for years. Their father had also been a Navy SEAL and was killed when Trish was two. Brandon had always said he was going to grow up and be a SEAL, just like his Dad. He also took it upon himself to become Trish's protector after their Dad was killed. He would let her hang around, play with him and his friends, and he would read to her when he got a little older. He would hold her when she got scared or was upset, gently stroking her hair saying "It's OK, you're safe now."

Their mother would dismiss Brandon's desire to follow in their father's footsteps. She would just say, "No you won't." However as Brandon got to middle school, his mother started riding him whenever he would mention it. "Your grades aren't good enough to be a SEAL, You are not strong enough, You're not tough enough" and so on. It was her attempt to somehow convince him to change his mind. This only spurred him on. When he got in high school he began fighting back.

At first the arguments were infrequent and short. But as his freshman year wore on, they got longer, more frequent and louder. His sophomore year, he started calling their Mother by her first name, Janet, saying he did not have a mother because his mother left him years ago. This dramatically escalated their battles. His junior year seemed to be one running fight with Janet. The only reprieve was when he would stay in his room, stay at a friend's house or Janet would be out.

Trish recalled the night it came to a head, She sat in her room listening to them rail at each other. This particular night seemed even louder and more vehement than the others. Suddenly she heard glass shattering and then what sounded like wood breaking followed by her mother screaming "GET OUT!" She heard Brandon slam the door to his room. She sat on her bed terrified for some time. It was eerily quiet in the house. After about an hour, there was a soft knock on her door. She opened the door to see Brandon standing there. He was fully dressed, wearing a light rain jacket with his Father's old Navy duffel bag completely stuffed full. He had tears running down his cheeks. In a shaky voice he told her, "I can't take this anymore, something very bad will happen if I stay. I have to go." He had left several times before to go to a friend's house to cool down for a day or two, but Trish could tell this time was different. She began to cry. He was her big brother, someone she adored and looked up to, her protector, someone she loved. He hugged her tightly, "please don't cry, I can't stand the thought of hurting you, but you know I can't stay." She slowly nodded into his shoulder, tears flowing. "I will write and let you know what I am up to, when I enlist, when I become a SEAL and after I am done with training and assigned to a team, then we can be together again, I promise. OK?" Again she could only manage a small nod. He gently kissed her head and whispered "It'll be OK" He then turned, picked up the duffel bag and was gone. Never to return, until today.