Sick in the Head


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The hesitation is palpable as my desperate direction catches her off guard. I reach up with my free hand and grab one of hers, guiding it down my naked skin and pressing her slender fingers between my legs.

A heavy breath appears in my ear, and a soft whisper asks, "Are you sure?"

"Touch my damn pussy," I grit through clenched teeth. "before I attack you right here."

Her fingers slip between my thighs and find my hidden garden... and I groan.

"You really are wet," she says, sliding through my lips with ease.

"That's partially your fault," I reply, "and now I want to feel yours."

I spin around, dislodging Kara's fingers. They find my breast again.

"Show me," is all I say, staring into her darting eyes.

She hesitates, then wordlessly pulls her skirt up with one hand. The skirt is long, and I help her raise it up.

No panties.

"Kara!" I exclaim, seeing her exposed fur, "you didn't wear any."

"I told you I was way ahead of you," she says nervously, fingers still exploring my breast. I hold her skirt with one hand and slip the other between her trembling thighs, feeling for that legendary clit.

God, I almost trip over it.

It's large beyond my perception. Her knees shudder as I clumsily bump it hard. A whimper escapes her parted lips.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kara," I try to apologize but my hand remains fused to the extended bit between her legs, "I didn't realize it was so... "

"Out there?" she finishes.

"Yeah," I breathe, sliding the tips of my fingers along her thick nub. It's dry, but hard as a nail. "How does it feel?" I ask, enthralled with her engorged clitoris.

"Sensitive Becca," she moans, gripping my tit a little tighter, "very sensitive. Flick it."


"Flick your fingers on it," she elaborates, reaching her hand down to show me. She presses it to one side and lets it spring back into place, huffing a soft breath. "Like that..."

Seeing her standing there with my hand up her skirt makes me want her like nothing else in the world. I flick her massive clit, and each spring causes an obvious reaction in her body. Her knees weaken, and she holds my shoulder for support.

"That's so good Becca," she moans, "I'm getting wet."

I slide my fingers down and her tender lips part for me. The meat of her body oozes desire, and my slender digits dip inside for a taste.

"Oh god," she moans and leans against me, "what are you doing?"

I don't answer, but bring a fingerful of lubricity back to her erect clit and start slicking it up. Kara's breath catches in her throat as I draw circles around the circumference of her trigger and flick it back and forth.

"I love your juicy clit," I breathe into her mouth. We are close and getting closer. "I never knew something could be so... addictive."

"Tell me about it," Kara shudders as I take her between my thumb and finger, pumping her clit like a little cock. "I have to sit," she moans shakily and pulls away, backing into a corner with a flat bench bolted to the wall. I follow and drop to my knees, pushing her legs apart.

"Let me see it," I say softly, pressing steadily outward. Kara leans reluctantly back and spreads her legs for me. I bunch her skirt up, and am immediately treated to the horniest looking sex organ I have ever seen on a woman in my life. It springs from between her lips like a stiff little tongue, clearly excited about something.

"It's beautiful Kara," I admire, reaching out... touching it.

"Be careful Becca," she moans, but opens her thighs completely, "It's soooo sensitive."

"Touch it for me," I say, pulling back a little, "touch your clit, Kara."

Our soft words are barely noticeable in the changing room, but at that moment another person finds a door and closes it behind them. We both smile at how carried away we're getting.

Kara leaves her legs wide, and seeing her bare thighs meeting together in a curly bush tangled around her fingers makes me sit on my heels. She starts toying with her clit in ways I've never even thought of as her eyes glaze over. A flick, a gentle rub, and then some kind of twisty move that floors me. She expertly shows off her technique as I watch.

Without thinking my hand is between my legs, caressing my drooling patch.

Kara watches. "Is that what you were doing last night," she asks under her breath, her eyes stroking my exposed flesh.

"No," I whisper, "but this is." I push my back against the wall across from her and open my bent knees wide. I reach down and pull my lips open with both hands and work two long fingers up into myself as she watches. Her eyes burst into erotic flame before me.

"Oh Becca," she mouths inaudibly, "that's so good."

Quietly we rub our pussies. Her swollen nub wiggles beneath her touch, and our breathing increases. A moan escapes me, and I cough to cover it up. Kara's eyebrows lift as her mouth forms a surprised "O".

Leaving my flame to smolder, I crawl between Kara's legs to get a better look. I watch intently as she stirs her rubbery clit. I want to touch it again, tweak it, bite it, suck it into my mouth and blow her fucking mind. I don't.

The other door to the dressing room opens and closes outside our space, and once the footsteps vanish I press my face between Kara's legs.

"Ooohhh, Beccaaaaah," she wails, unable to control her heat any longer, "god DAMN that's it, right there, oh right there Becca, yes... oh god... stop... STOP, you have to stop or I'm gonna... oooohhHHHHH LEE FUCKKKK. GET OFF!"

She shoves me away and crawls to the corner of the fitting room, clutching her hands between her legs. Suddenly I feel horrified at what I've done.

"Oh Kara, I'm so sorry," I plead, "don't be mad. I didn't mean it. I'm so, so sorry." My heart sinks and I feel ridiculous naked on the floor with Kara's juice on my face.

Then she laughs.

"Oh my god Becca," she says, turning to face me, "if you would have kept going I would have gotten us arrested."


"Seriously," she says, "I'm that loud." She gets to her knees and crawls back to me. "I'm going to make you finish this later though... if you're still interested, that is."

Our lips meet, and I realize immediately it's my first real girl-girl kiss, well, besides me kissing her pussy, GOD... Who does that?

We straighten ourselves and dress. The teddy stays behind as we leave to find some lunch. As we eat, I notice a new spark in Kara I've never seen. She laughs more, smiles a lot and is sort of flirty with me. I feel like we're on a first date, and it's going well.


Chapter 4

Jason is waiting for us at home, having already dropped the kids off at Grandma's house. When we arrive, I'm surprised at how nervous I am; it feels a lot like that night on the train.

"Hey ladies," Jason calls from the kitchen, "can I get you two something to drink?"

It's an innocent question, but I really don't want alcohol lubricating the already slippery situation I'm sliding into.

"Hey Jason," I say, entering the kitchen and seeing my innocent friend in a whole new way. "I'll have an iced tea if you have one."

"Me too babe," Kara says, nodding us toward their back patio lounge, "we'll be out on the deck."

The space is comfortable with indoor/outdoor furniture in an enclosed three-season porch. We sit in adjacent wicker chairs with squishy covers and continue our conversation from the car ride over.

"So, you were saying... he just stared at your pussy?" I continue, hoping to pick up where the doctor had left off in her story.

She smiles, tucking a foot under her leg. "Yes, and it was clear he'd never seen anything like it. He asks me, 'is it always like this?' Deadpan I say, 'only when I'm really excited.'"

"You didn't," I gasp, a hand covering my mouth.

"Didn't what?" Jason asks, stepping through the French doors.

"Oh, just some girl-talk hon," Kara says, taking a glass of iced tea from her husband, "it's about the gynecologist, if you want me to fill you in on the..."

"Aaaa-I think I'll pass on that one," he says, sitting next to Kara opposite me, "change of subject maybe?"

"What do you have in mind, oh gracious host," I ask, winking at him, "something a little more, exciting?" I uncross and recross my legs.

"What, no, I mean... no." It's fun watching him squirm.

"Okay Becca, you know how easy it would be to torture Jason," Kara says, swatting my arm, "especially since you already spilled the beans to him. The elephant in the room is that you've been overly aroused lately, and I think our little discussions have been helping. Haven't they?"

"Immensely," I state, looking Jason right in the eye.

"Yes, well the reason Jason and I decided to invite you over is to be here for you as friends, and to see if we can help um, distract you from your issues," Kara continues the charade.

"Okay. Well, talking about it definitely isn't helping, so let's... talk about you guys," I offer as a way to start the night, "how often do you two fuck?"

"Becca!!" they say in unison, and I break down in hysterics over the looks on their faces. A glance and smile between them later and we're all laughing together.

"I mean really, you invited me over because I'm having a horny problem. Either I have to poke some fun at it and keep it out there, or it builds inside me until I explode. We don't want that tonight, believe me," I attempt to be honest.

Jason looks to Kara, who gives him a nod. "Becca, look. We love you and have known you for most of our lives. It's hard seeing someone go through something alone, so we want to be here for you," he looks at his wife again, "whatever that means."

I look back and forth between them. There's something there. They talked about it already and are ready to get down and fu...

"That doesn't mean," Kara jumps in, "that we are going to jeopardize our friendship by bringing something very personal and very private into our relationship to run wild. We want to hear about your situation, and come up with some solutions that might help. Does that sound fair?"

I little wind leaves my sails, but I take a long sip of tea and say, "Fair. Believe me, I never thought I would reach out to anyone about something like this. You two call the shots. I want to have some good food and drink with my dear friends, and I honestly appreciate your support.

"Great," Kara says, "let's eat and see where some delightful conversation leads us."

While the dinner cooks, we talk about more mundane, brain-poking topics; while behind the scenes my mind pushes everything into sensual, pussy-poking topics. I picture Kara face down, Jason ramming his thick meat up her tight cunt again and again. Her ass cheeks shudder with every plunging thrust as his fat cock screws the living...

"Becca?" Jason asks, snapping me out of my head. I look his way and he's standing to walk inside. "I asked if you were ready to eat. Sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah, yeah," I cover, shaking my head, "imagination getting the better of me, I guess. I'm ready if you guys are."

Kara watches Jason step inside and leans my way. "What were you thinking about?"

"Don't ask."

"Thought so. Listen, I know what I said, but this just needs to play out. I laid some groundwork here, but mostly in terms of us getting together and not being afraid to come right out and talk about it. Jason is really uncomfortable. Just follow my lead."

Jason serves a nice dinner and sets out some white wine if anyone chooses to have some. I have a single glass with both of them, who have two more besides. Just what I like to see...

After dinner we take our drinks downstairs. The finished basement is a mix of man-cave and playroom. Most of the kid-toys are organized and stowed, but it is clearly a multi-purpose room. Luxurious leather seating stretches across the back wall. Kara suggests Jason run back up to open another bottle of wine and bring it down.

Once he's gone Kara tugs her sweater over her head and says, "Follow my lead. Blouse and panties only, quickly."

My heart races as the night shifts into a higher gear. My sweater peels off with Kara's, and our skirts fall to the floor. We are both wearing button-down tops and underwear, something she must have put on since we returned from Barnabe's.

"You sit on the couch; I'll sit here," she says, pulling over a nice recliner.

We both sit with crossed legs as Jason descends the stairs. He stops at the bottom and looks between us, his eyes growing wide.

"What's... going on..." he manages as we smirk and shrug.

"Just getting comfy hon, come on in. Sit next to Becca there, I'll refill us," she says, sitting forward and grabbing my empty glass. "So Becca, let's talk..."

Jason sits next beside me, and I shift... uncomfortably, but not really. More like, trying-not-to-fuck-Jason-right-away-ably. Kara continues.

"I know this is strange, but we love you and care for you Becca. Why else would we bring you here tonight, right?" She fills the other two glasses, taking one of them and sitting back.

"Um, sure Kara," I manage, looking to Jason who sits like a statue avoiding eye contact.

"So let me start by saying... Jason and I have agreed that anything we talk about or that happens tonight is fair game unless one of us objects, you included. Okay?"

I nod slowly, as if my head might tumble to my lap if it moves too fast.

"So, Becca... do you think Jason is good looking?" she asks, seemingly serious. I only shrug. "It's okay, whatever your answer. Do you?"

"He's alright," I joke, jabbing him in the side. He smiles, but it's awkward.

"Jason, what do you think of Rebecca?" she asks her husband. I'm ready to scream out loud to break the fucking tension.

"She's... wonderful," he dodges the question, "and a great friend."

"Is she pretty?"

"Yes," is all he can manage, like we're in the principal's office getting the third degree or something.

"Okay, it's a nice start," Kara continues, and takes a long drink of wine. "I'm going to pick up the pace by telling my husband something he doesn't know." She leans back, revealing the center of her bra in the plunging unbuttoned front of her blouse.

"Jason," she continues, "as you know, Becca and I had lunch today. What you don't know is that she had her mouth on my... pussy, in the dressing room at Barnabe's."

Good thing my mouth's not full of wine, or I'd be spitting it all over myself; but Jason stares hard at her.

"Wh-what? Really?"

"Really hon, and I'm sorry but I didn't invite her to do that. Okay, that's not exactly true. I could have stopped her from trying on the negligee, or from encouraging me to touch her breasts, or from showing them... and then her whole body to me. I let it all happen, and it was exciting."

She lets us sit there in it while looking back and forth between us, smiling like an imp.

"I've seen Rebecca naked, Jason. She couldn't help it, and I guess neither could I. Are you mad?"

Jason looks at me finally, looks down at my tits through my blouse, and back up to my eyes.

"How can I be mad?" he says, "Is that all?"

"Yes," Kara states, unbuttoning her blouse further, "oh, and we kissed. With tongues."

"I'm sorry Jason," I say, feeling both betrayed and a betrayer, "I couldn't help it. She's amazing, and I'm... crazy horny, all the time."

"Well, I have to admit," Jason says, "it's kind of hot to think about."

"Would you like to see it?" Kara offers with a teasing grin.


"Why not? We're all adults, and I would feel better knowing you're a part of it." Kara stands and steps in front of her husband. She holds a hand out to me and I stand as well. We come together right in front of Jason looking up at us.

My pulse skyrockets through the thick, syrupy tension in the air as I stare at Kara's gorgeous lips. They close the distance, and our hands find each other's waists. We hover like that for a beat, and I feel Jason's eyes drinking in the moment.

"Do you want to kiss again?" Kara asks, her breath hot on my lips.

"And more," I say.


Her face meets mine and our lips connect, softly this time. Open. Her sensual mouth joins mine as the first wisp of tense expectation leaves the room. We're doing it. I'm kissing Jason's wife in front of him. Kara's husband is watching her kiss another woman. I wonder if his cock is hard.

Kara moans into my mouth and her hands drop to squeeze my panty-covered ass cheeks under my shirt. My pussy groans between my legs at the blatant feel. I pull her tighter to me and kiss harder.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this," Jason says, leaning forward to really check it out.

Kara breaks the kiss just enough to say, "Touch her," and then locks back onto my mouth. Jason reaches out and his fingers graze my bare leg. His touch sends ripples of sensation across my flesh and up between my legs. I moan into Kara's wet mouth.

She turns us so my ass is right in Jason's face. His other hand joins the party, smoothing up and down my bare legs, feeling me for the first time. Kara stops us again.

"How are you doing?" she asks with a smile; a devilish smile.

"My god both of you, your hands feel delicious!" I moan, feeling Jason slide toward my panties. "Don't be shy back there, mister," I say over my shoulder. He doesn't respond, but his hands do. He runs them up under his wife's hands on my butt. "That's the stuff," I groan, leaning back into Kara and jamming my tongue in her mouth while savoring a fresh set of fingers on my ass.

"You really are beautiful, Beck," my old pal says, groping my panties. I try not to think about who is actually back there, and instead continue making out with his wife.

We stop kissing for a breath and gaze into each other's eyes. She wants this as badly as I do.

"Go ahead and peek, Jason," I say into Kara's eyes. She smiles, setting her forehead against mine. The band of my underwear pulls out and drags down, slowly. I feel my ass reveal in Jason's face as he tugs my panties below my bare cheeks.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this," he repeats.

"Believe it!" Kara and I say in unison. I look down between us and want to climb into Kara's open shirt. I grab for some buttons and fumble them open. She does the same to me until our tops come loose and our bras show.

"My turn," I whisper, taking her breasts gently in my hands.

"Becca," she says, "I'm..."

Ignoring her thought, I lean in to kiss her exposed neck. Her breasts are larger than mine, and as firm and plump as ripened grapefruit. Her nipples nudge my palm, begging for attention. Who was I to deny? I grip an excited button and pinch.

"Hhhhhhh," she exhales hard, "that's... don't pinch, ohhhhh, wait... ohhhh god... stop..."

"If you're at her nipples," I hear Jason from behind, "be careful. You might not be able to turn her off."

"Sounds yummy," I press on, "Take 'em off, Jason."

Only a moment exists before my panties exit stage-down. My pussy throbs from the brush of nothing but air, and my moan echoes in the room.

"Jason honey," Kara says, watching my knickers drop, "are you... peeking?"

"I'm outright looking," he says, causing my body to jerk in arousal. "Are you sure you want this?"

"YES," we say together again.

I feel something touch my bared ass, and its Jason's lips. Soft, firm, kissing my skin and poking my uncontrollable passion-beast. I look back to see his face pressed against me, and feel his hands running up the inside of my thigh.

"Oh god Jason, this is crazy!" I say, and before I can stop myself my hand dives for Kara's panties. I don't mess around outside; I tuck right in and dive for pussy. Her monumental clit is raging hard and soaked. "Oh fuck, Kara. Your clit! Ohhh, it's sooo nice!"

I rub her little implement with an aggressive vigor, remembering to flick it like she told me. Her knees cave immediately and she grabs my waist.