Silver Anniversary Present

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An anniversary present goes wrong.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/18/2023
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There are a lot of stories including my own where the wife's behaviour is narcissistic or just outrageous. Responding to feedback, this one tries a slightly different approach, what would a more reasonable wife do in an opportunist situation? It is still a work of erotic fiction and it has cheating elements and no BTB, so try not to take it too seriously and read something better if the topic isn't for you.

Originally blonde, Michelle noticed a few hints of grey beginning, as a result she decided on a trip to her stylist and had it all coloured white along with a sharp bob cut. She looked even more awesome to her husband Harry, both modern and mature at the same time. At 49 years old and 5ft 7 inches, she was hardly 'model-esque', but there was just something about her. Maybe it was the confidence, maturity or classic appearance, she usually dressed in fitted pencil skirts and mid height heels which accentuated her still trim figure. She had one outstanding feature, well two in reality, which her loose tops failed to camouflage; over the years the slight weight gain all seemed to land on her breasts. She had always attracted a lot of male attention, but she was adept at deflecting the 'wannabe Romeos.

Michelle and Harry were nearing their 25th anniversary, a celebration of a long and happy marriage. There was an issue though, Harry had been worried for some time about slowing down sexually. Michelle insisted she was more than happy but it bothered him and the doubts festered in his mind. She rarely instigated sex and didn't seem to get that much from it. The idea that she wasn't fully satisfied niggled away at Harry. He thought she might eventually leave him if she met the right man and there were no shortage of would be suitors; he knew his wife was widely admired and respected. It was obvious that he was 'over thinking' things; but that realisation did little to calm his obsessing. He had read all the stories about affairs and surprise confessions and vowed he wouldn't be left in that position.

Harry was desperate to find a gift for Michelle that expressed his love and appreciation of 25 years of happiness. He dreaded to think what his life would have been without her in it. Her bubbly personality and never ending ideas kept their lives interesting and varied and they shared a wide circle of family and friends. They were simply better together, Michelle blended perfectly with Harry's laid back and quiet nature. Although predictable he narrowed down the gift idea to either an expensive holiday or a diamond eternity ring.


Harry was standing talking to Oliver at the neighbourhood BBQ, he was the son of Harry's old college friend who had said that whilst Oliver was academically clever, returning to college for a Phd, he was extraordinarily shy and socially awkward. Harry had found him a research placement for a semester and offered him their garage annex as a place to stay until he found something better, in return for helping him with house renovations.

Oliver blurted out, "Oh my word, who is that... she is absolutely stunning."

Harry looked up to see who he was referring to, expecting to see a young woman, only to be greeted with a view of his wife. He was still trying to work out who Oliver was referring to, when he continued.

"She is like my perfect woman, so classy and her figure is absolutely awesome."

Harry finally realised Oliver was indeed talking about Michelle.

"That would be my wife young man!"

Oliver cringed, once again his social awkwardness betrayed him, "I am really really sorry Harry, I had no idea she was your wife. I am a complete idiot at times... my mouth engages before my brain."

The heartfelt apology removed some of the irritation Harry felt. There was also a realisation that he had stopped looking at his wife in that lustful way; in some ways he took her for granted.

"It's ok, you're right she is pretty awesome. Would you like to meet her, you're going to be living next to us and working on the house after all?"

Harry made the introduction; Oliver was thankful Harry didn't mention his earlier comments. Michelle put Oliver at ease, asking about his family, work and his studies, despite her easy manner his face blushed crimson throughout. As Harry moved over to chat to some other friends, Oliver listened as Michelle continued their conversation but he was distracted. Try as he might he was struggling to tear his eyes and concentration away from her breasts, then he was jolted back to reality.

"Are you enjoying the view?"

Oliver was completely embarrassed and started stammering an apology only to be interrupted, "Try and keep your eyes above the neckline, good grief you'll never get dates ogling every woman you see."

"I don't... not every woman I mean. It's just you, you're... you're beautiful ... I ermm sorry, I should stop digging shouldn't I?"

Michelle laughed, "That's usually best in these situations, but you managed to bail yourself out by saying I was beautiful, no woman ever tires of hearing that."

Oliver was relieved Michelle took his poor behaviour with both good grace and a cheeky sense of humour; they talked comfortably after that. Although obviously shy, Michelle thought Oliver was a nice young man, quiet but funny and beyond cute. He was also handsome, a bit academic looking with a mass of unruly dark hair. Oliver was just about winning the eye line battle, he'd always had a thing for breasts, real ones and there was absolutely no doubt Michelle's were real and well just... massive.


The following week Oliver started his work placement, at nights he studied and sorted his own meals, he didn't want to impose on Harry and Michelle any more than he already had. On weekends he was working through a list of renovations at a rapid pace. Michelle was concerned that he didn't seem to have a social life and insisted he only spend a couple of hours in the morning working, there was no rush for anything after all.

Michelle was on her way out for Saturday brunch with friends but she wasn't sure if she liked her new vintage sheath dress. As she was leaving she saw Oliver in the garden and without thinking asked him if she looked ok.

"You look fantastic in whatever you wear."

Then there was silence... Michelle stopped dead and looked at him. Oliver blushed desperately trying to think of something to make his comment seem less abrupt.

It was Michelle's turn to be embarrassed, she should have never of asked him.

"Well that's lovely of you to say, thank you. And here's me thinking you struggled to flirt with women, that was a pretty slick line."

Oliver was relieved and felt the tension drain away, "Thanks, it's easy with you, I just tell the truth! With other people my words get messed up, I think of something, wonder if they will like it, try alternatives and by the time anything sensible comes out of my mouth, they are usually long gone."

"You should stick with the truth and not over think it. Trust yourself, you're a nice guy."

Michelle left with a smile on her face, she was now in a surprisingly good mood and more than a little flustered.


That night Michelle told Harry about the encounter with Oliver, they were both amazed at these interactions from their young guest.

"Oliver is a nice guy and he clearly likes you, he has been checking you out for a while now."

"Well he certainly is enamoured by my breasts."

"Aren't we all, I can't blame him for looking, it's hard not to. Do you like the attention?"

"I know I shouldn't, but it is kind of flattering."

"Maybe you should give him a little treat, wear that half cup bra you have, the one that lets your tits sway about."

"Really you want me to torment a man half my age?"

"It's just a bit of flirting and fun, he seems like a really shy guy and maybe he deserves a break."

Michelle was more than dubious, she had worn the bra a few times to please Harry and noticed a lot of guys looking, "I don't know, it feels inappropriate... but I'll think about it!"

Michelle was surprised by Harry's suggestion, he had often urged Michelle to dress more provocatively; maybe he was trying to ramp things up for them in the bedroom. The truth was Michelle was excited by the idea, it wouldn't go beyond a little harmless flirting, but it did feel good to be noticed.

Harry was amazed when he saw Michelle on the following Saturday, he knew exactly what bra she had on under her silk blouse, it was making her tits bounce all over the place! The look was enhanced by a tight fitting pencil skirt and sling back heels. Michelle was equally amazed at herself, this was a step beyond what they tried in the past, but if Harry was encouraging it, she didn't see the harm. Oliver certainly seemed to be appreciating it, despite some heroic efforts not to look too obviously.

She gave him some time to cool off, then feeling more relaxed offered him a mid morning break and a drink. They chatted easily, Oliver admitting to being painfully shy and struggling to approach girls. Michelle found herself offering tips and guidance, mostly about Oliver just being himself, not trying too hard and talking naturally.

Oliver made great progress with painting the house exterior and enjoyed the breaks in Michelle's company. He loved her classic looks and style and enjoyed checking her out when she wasn't looking. Harry watched Michelle's relationship with Oliver develop, It was a strange mix of emotions watching another man checking out his wife. They were becoming more than friendly; maybe Michelle didn't realise just how close they were. Oliver repeatedly confided in her and hung on her every word of advice, smitten would be the old term for it.

"Oliver's confidence certainly seems to be improving."

"Yeah he's absolutely lovely, it's so sad that he didn't work things out earlier, he has missed out on so much; he shared a secret with me."

She hesitated looking around before whispering, "He's never had a serious girlfriend, I feel so sorry for him, at his age it's just not right."

"Wow, that is a surprise."

"Yeah it's the shyness that gets in the way and now it's built up into a major hurdle for him, he is so nervous."

"Well he has no problem checking you out and chatting to you."

"I think it's because I am older... it's safer."

"Nonsense, you are a very attractive woman but you're brilliant at putting people at ease. Although I notice you've kept the flirting going with him, are you enjoying all of the attention.

Michelle thought about it before replying, "I guess there is something in that, he is nice and I like his company. It is flattering for a younger man to say I am attractive and I enjoy our conversations. Actually I have a favour to ask, would you mind if I went out for a meal with him?"

Harry raised his eyebrows.

"It's just to let him practice going out, show him how to act over dinner and drinks. I don't think he has been out much and I am determined to help him find and keep a girlfriend."

Harry could feel Michelle's eyes searching for his reaction, "You do realise he is very attracted to you, maybe even a bit in love with you."

"Don't be daft, that's just some harmless flirting to get him used to being with women, if you're uncomfortable in any way, I won't do it."

"I guess that might be ok, just not local I don't want to have to explain your charitable good cause."


Harry thought Michelle made a little bit too much effort and looked a little too good for her date in a fitted sparkling teal dress. She was checking her reflection in the mirror when she noticed Harry's attention.

"It's not too late to call this all off."

"No you should go."

"We won't be late back."

She picked up her purse, kissed him on the cheek, squeezed his hand and went out to Oliver's car. Watching her being assisted into the car left Harry with an unnerving feeling.

They enjoyed a lovely meal, Michelle complimented Oliver on how focused he was on his date and the questions he asked. He acted like a perfect gentlemen and the conversation flowed easily.

In the bar after their meal Oliver looked down and took hold of Michelle's hand before looking into her beautiful green eyes. Michelle blushed, she tried to pull her hand back but seemed unable to do so. They were moving closer, were they going to kiss? A background noise of clinking glasses caught their attention and the moment was broken.

Michelle removed her hand, "If this had been a real date, that would have been a perfect move for to make."

Oliver nodded but seemed disappointed.

The rest of the night passed relatively normally but with a slight sense of unease. As they arrived home and sat in the car Michelle thanked him for a lovely date.

"Now if this was a date with a girlfriend, it might be a good time to make another move."

"I don't know about that, what if she didn't want me to, or claimed I assaulted her."

"She can let you know easily enough, if that happens maybe kiss her cheek and get out of the car. Just be polite and respectful, apologise if you've misread the situation. To be honest it is a bit of a minefield these days, but sometimes you just have to be brave."

Oliver immediately leaned across and kissed Michelle on the lips, it was nervy and awkward but Michelle was too surprised to stop it quickly. He broke the kiss, saw her look of shock and started to panic.

"I am sorry, I... you mentioned being brave and I've really wanted to do that for ages."

Michelle could see his embarrassment and turmoil, getting this wrong could remove what little confidence he had with women.

"It's ok, no harm is done. It's my fault for flirting and well I guess we are on a date after all... so it's understandable."

Her reassurance seemed to have little impact as Oliver fidgeted awkwardly. After a few seconds it was Michelle who leaned back in and kissed him again, softly on the lips; they didn't break apart this time.

As they continued making out, Oliver made an stuttering grab at her breast. Michelle, stopped him!

"Just relax, start at my shoulder and gently move your hand down, keep checking your partner is ok with what you are doing. Now you can cup my breast, that's right... gentle at first and then more firmly. There that's better isn't it, you can caress it if you like; nice and slow."

"Oh my God, that feels so good!"

The comment brought Michelle back to reality, "I am sorry Oliverr, we shouldn't be doing this, we need to stop... I am married for Pete's sake!"

Michelle quickly collected her purse and ran from the car. Thankfully Harry was still out, it gave her time to calm down. What on earth was she thinking, she had the best husband in the world and was messing about on him.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!" she berated herself. The first kiss was terrible but after that, it had felt good, really good and she recalled how Oliver had looked at her full of desire... she immediately tried to push those thoughts away. This was dangerous territory, she couldn't let this develop into anything. It just had to stop, she would have to tell Harry everything and pray he would forgive her.


"How was you night?"

Four simple words which almost made Michelle faint, she immediately started crying. Harry naturally moved to comfort her, but she pushed him away.

"I am sorry Harry, I made an awful mistake tonight, I... we... we kissed, me and Oliver I mean, I am so sorry."

She waited for the explosion and anger, but it didn't materialise.

Harry was more perplexed than angry, he knew this had been a possibility although it was so out of character for Michelle, "How far did it go?"

The confession came out in a rush, "We kissed and he ermm... I let him feel my breast."

"You let him, he didn't push himself onto you?"

"No, not at all, it was all my fault! I knew he liked me and should have closed it down."

"And did you want it to go further, he is very handsome."

"No! I am so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, he was feeling so embarrassed and I really wanted to help him.

They talked into the night with Michelle providing the exact details before they fell asleep exhausted. Harry felt oddly removed from the situation, knowing the circumstances helped. He could see why Michelle would have offered the kiss in that situation, but letting him touch her went beyond that and suggested she wanted something more. His old worries returned with a vengeance... might Michelle want to cheat on him or even leave him.

Michelle was racked with guilt, she could justify some of her behaviour but by no means all. It had been a strange situation but there was something niggling at her, she was horrified when she realised what it was... a feeling of excitement!


It was a few days later when making the final preparations for their anniversary party when Harry gave Michelle the biggest shock of her life.

"It's coming up to our 25th anniversary; you have been the perfect wife and I've thought about the best present I can possibly give you. I am down to a choice of two, a diamond eternity ring or...."

There was a long pause, eventually Harry took a deep breath, "...or allowing you to spend a night with Oliver."

"Oh my God are you being serious, I couldn't do that to you. Honestly the other night was a total mistake!"

"It's not something I would joke about and I'm not sure it was a mistake. You two have become close, very close and I can see the attraction. You're both holding back; if it's something you really want to do, I think I can live with it. To be honest you've been more alive and energetic since he's been here. I also feel like I am slowing down a little and I don't want you to miss out on anything or become dissatisfied."

"I have never ever been dissatisfied and I wouldn't have an affair, I love you so much."

"Well that's good, if he isn't a threat to us and I can trust you both then I can cope with that, it looks to me like something you need to get out of your system."


Michelle was perplexed, "I can live without that, but I really appreciate the offer, you are the most fantastic husband, not many would be able to offer such a gift."

Then she laughed, "Unless this is a really smart way to avoid buying me a diamond ring."

"Ha, yeah you caught me, I am so transparent?"


Reluctant or not after that Michelle and Oliver became closer. They naturally spent a lot of time together and continued to enjoy each others company. Oliver's limited success with dating was a focus of many conversations. Truthfully since he met Michelle he wasn't thinking about other women much. Michelle's own thoughts were increasingly invaded by Oliver.

The anniversary party went exactly as planned, bringing close family and friends together was how Harry and Michelle wanted to celebrate their life together. Good food, drinks and dancing filled the night; both Harry and Michelle made heartfelt speeches detailing their life together, the important part others had played in their lives and their enduring love for one another.

They were dancing as the night was drawing to a close, after a lot of champagne Michelle broached the topic of her 'present' with Harry.

"Would you really be ok if I spent some time with Oliver?"

"Don't be coy Michelle, what is it you are asking me?"

"Well, I guess I am asking if I can take him to bed. He still hasn't found a girlfriend and I think it would help him out a lot."

"So it's charitable, all for his benefit?"

Michelle winced, "If I am honest, no... I like him, a lot actually, I think it would be wonderful experience for us both, to share something that intimate."

"I understand and appreciate the honesty, and yes the offer still stands. If it was a 25 year old hottie throwing herself at me it would be difficult to resist. I love you, want you to be still excited by life and enjoy new experiences whatever they are. As long as it's a one off and respectful, I think I can manage. I am more relaxed about things these days and we only live once."