Simply His Ch. 07-09


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There was a long pause again before I called her. "Meadow?" Then I heard her sob and my world tumbled down. My wolf whimpered and I shook my head, I couldn't be this far from her when she was feeling like this.

"This... this is too much... I can't understand why he targeted me. I am sorry Caleb, for doubting your intentions. It's just... I don't know... everything! I don't know why I feel so different around you, and right now, I just wish you were here... " I grabbed my wallet and walked out of my office, mind linking Craig to call the airport. "Meadow... I am coming for you..."

I heard her stop sobbing and tense. "What... what did you just said?"

"I was telling you that I am flying over there tonight. I should be there in a couple of hours. Cara is close by while Alex is trying to gather evidence against Gideon. Call in sick tomorrow, please. Wait for me..." I said with high hopes as I started the card. "Meadow...?"

"Ok... I will call in the morning." She almost whispered. At least she was safe until I got there.


I couldn't sleep well, I had nightmares of shadows chasing me each time I tried. That and this overwhelming void inside me consuming me. I am going crazy, or is he really traveling to see me? I really wanted him here, I felt safe with him, happy. But why was I feeling so insecure? I wanted to have him here and feel his arms around me, hear his words as he talked to me into some sense.

I looked up at the mirror in the bathroom and saw dark circles encasing my eyes. I fighted back some tears and washed my face before grabbing the phone and calling in sick. They didn't object my absence, in my 2 years at the company I never took vacations. I just had 2 days off when my mother died. My boss thanked me for having being so good with his daughter and wished me a prompt recovery.

I sighed and sat at my only chair staring at the tv not really paying attention when I heard some knocks on my door. I jumped out of my seat, I was suddenly alert and cautious. I felt like I should have hidden under my bed but then I felt drawn to the door. I started walking cautiously and when I was about to turn back I heard him.

"Meadow? it's me." I rushed to the door and opened it, finding his eyes, the one and only thing that kept me sane. "Caleb!" He looked at me with so much sadness, I felt my heart was going to break. "Oh god Meadow!" He whispered and crushed me in his arms. I sobbed but squeezed him tight to me in return.

At some point he lifted me up and carried me in. My apartment wasn't that big, not many places to go, my dining room was at the same time my living room, but he sat on my single couch and pulled me in his lap letting me rest my head on his shoulder, where I hid my face in the crook of his neck. He caressed my back slowly making small circles as with a hand he grabbed mine and squeezed it. I didn't care anymore, if we are going too fast or anything between us is happening too soon. I just knew I felt better with him and right now I needed him so badly.

He held me in silence for what it felt like hours; and I finally could sleep. I remember I had no specific dreams but I was relaxed and calm, I knew I was safe.

When I woke up, he was still with me on the couch, he had been brushing my hair and holding me tenderly. What did I do in this world to deserve such man? I moved slowly and snuggled better, I felt him chuckle and then he kissed the top of my head. "Hey there... how do you feel?".

I sighed, closing my eyes to take a deep breath and fill myself on his perfume. "I am feeling many things... I am so angry at him, how could he put Sheila in such danger? she has nothing to do with the hatred he has over me... I feel helpless... because without evidence I can't act against him, no accusations means he will remain free... And I feel relief that you are finally here. What did you do to me Caleb?" I ended in almost a whisper.

He nuzzled my hair and took a deep breath. "What ever spell you are under, felt over me as well Meadow... I can't stop thinking about you." I blushed and didn't move an inch, I was processing his words slowly. He actually said he can't stop thinking about me, I am glowing inside.

I felt his lips spreading little kisses on top of my head, he gently caressed my face as his lips touched my forehead; I felt him kiss my closed eyes, then the top of my nose, making me giggle. He rested his forehead against mine and I felt my heart pounding hard; his breath was intoxicating, his touch needed. He had been haunting my thoughts and dreams all these days and now he was here in flesh, making every experience enhanced.

"I have... this urge..." He said lowly, then he made a sound, similar to a growl, it brought goosebumps in my skin. "An urge...? for... for what?" I replied, aware of his proximity. He rubbed his nose against mine while returning both hands on my back pulling me closer, then he whispered. "To kiss you... taste you..."

His words made me release a soft moan, almost needy. He lifted his gaze and I opened my eyes in time to see that faint green glow into his dark eyes. "Meadow..." He whispered and I lost it. I closed my eyes and he took the sign immediately. He crushed his lips against mine and fireworks exploded. I could feel every fiber in my body ignite; his tight grip on my arms became a fierce embrace. I felt my sensitive parts aroused pressing against his chest. His hand moved slowly from my shoulder to my neck, spreading the heat all over me. He reached my face and held me with such tenderness I was moved. We finally broke the kiss so we could both catch our breaths, and I knew I had an effect on him too, he was panting and I felt his hardness press against my thighs. After a few seconds, he started to chuckle and shake his head. "You are driving me wild... primal... Meadow, you wake up the beast in me..."


Chapter 9

"Cara and Alex"


I am staring at his chest as he sleeps, the way it moves up and down slowly. I am soothed by the sound of this breathing, the calmness it brings to me. Earlier today when I felt asleep in his arms, the moment I woke up he was there looking at me, holding me. I thought it was the most tender moment I've felt in my life; but I was mistaken. After our passionate kiss we moved to my bed, and even though I was scared, he kissed my lips softly and cuddled me, making me relax in his arms. We both felt asleep together and now that I woke up, I can't stop staring at every part of his body.

I can't stop thinking I must've made something right in order to deserve him. While he sleeps, he moves his face towards me and takes a deep breath then relaxes, his arm tightens around me and I blush as I cuddle more with my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and take deep breaths too; his perfume smells just as fresh now as it was when he arrived, and every time we've met. I love his fragrance, whichever it might be.

"Hmm... how long have you been awake?" He asks me in a seductive whisper.

"Not long, just finishing to wake up now..." I said, trying to hide the embarrassment. He closed his eyes and chuckled. "We should go get something to eat, my treat... will you let me?" He added while he stretched with his free arm. This was the cutest thing I've ever seen him do and I giggled. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a wide smile. "I like that sound..." He said as he brushed his lips on my forehead.

"Wha... what sound?" I mumbled as I was trying to focus. "You, being happy." He finished just before he lifted my chin and kissed me long and tenderly. I felt every inch of my body tingle; even the sweetest things he did to me had heated repercussions on my body.

He pulled me close as our kiss became deeper, and I only noticed I was having trouble breathing when he pulled away and I was gasping. He shook his head and I blushed. "I don't want to mess it up with you Meadow... but... " He stopped and made that guttural sound again similar to a low growl; making me bite my lower lip. "You make it so hard for me to control myself..." He whispered.

I was about to say something when his cellphone rang. He grunted upset and shook his head. The phone rang again and he looked at me apologetically. "I am sorry, I have to take it." I nodded and he reached to his jacket's pocket that was on the floor and took the gadget out.

"Yes." He said coldly, his voice never matched his face, as he looked at me with tenderness. "Make a copy, no... better yet... make two. Call Rogers and show it to him. Then call me back." He cut the call and dropped the phone with no much interest in it. "Sorry, business." He said with a smile and I already forgot what he was apologizing for. He had that much power over me, and strangely, I wasn't afraid of giving it to him.

He waited for me to get a shower and get dressed. He was a perfect gentleman, staying on the livingroom watching the tv while I did this. When I finished my hair, I picked up my purse and saw the dress he had given me back at his house. I sighed and fought the negative thoughts that wanted to cloud me, so I picked it up together with the lingerie and put them in a bag. When I got to the living room, he smiled at me and turned off the television. I smiled slightly and offered him the bag, to which he looked at confused. "I never returned these to you, again thank you for offering them to me." I said trying to sound secure, but I think my voice broke at the end. He walked the few steps separating us and took a look at the bag.

"Meadow? I bought those for you... I don't want them back." My eyes shot up at him in disbelief mixed with happiness.

"You did?" I managed to ask.

"Well, I asked Cara to buy them for you, she knows women sizes, but I picked the style." He said as he crossed his arms and perked a brow. "Were you thinking I owned them? Do you think I have a closet full of clothes waiting for the next girl I find under the rain on a cemetery?" I bit my lower lip and lowered my head. I didn't know if he was offended, upset or joking. I on the other hand, was extremely ashamed. He sighed and I felt his hands on my shoulders. "Meadow, they were for you, and as stupid as it might sound, I actually already thought of you with much interest back then. They are yours, from me."

I kissed him, not sure what other way I could thank him for being easy on me and having so much patience. I have to admit, I had been behaving very oddly for days, my emotions jumping from one pole to the other, my thoughts working against me. "I really wanted it to be that way, but you never said anything, so I felt guilty keeping them." I admitted.

"Let's leave it at that then, a miss understanding. Now let's have something to eat, shall we?"

When we left the apartment, it was already 7pm. We walked outside and were met by Cara and her tall companion; a stunning tall dark haired handsome man with stunning ice blue eyes. I felt strange as they both stared at me and bowed their heads.

"Hello Meadow, nice to see you again." Said Cara with confidence and charm, as it seemed to be her style. She gestured to her partner and he smiled at me. "This is my hubby, Alex." He rolled his eyes at her but took my free hand and kissed the back of it. "Pleasure to meet you, Meadow."

Caleb pulled me closer to him and eyed Alex almost in a warning. "We are going out for dinner, you both are welcome to join us, unless you want the night out." He said, and I think I noticed a hint of suggestion at the last part. I blushed and Cara laughed. "As if you will take the car and drive it yourself. Let's go all together." She said and opened the car's door looking at me. I looked at Caleb and he sighed, letting me get in and following me right after.

While we were driving, I leaned close to Caleb and whispered. "What did she mean with you driving yourself?"

Cara released a giggle and turned around to look at me. "She is dying to tell you herself. Go ahead." He encouraged her not without sliding his arm around me and giving me goosebumps. I was not sure I could focus in her story this way.

"You see, our... boss here, is a very adventurous person... one day, one of our... targets, for surveillance you know, made a hit and run on his car. He was really angry, and wanted to pursue him and the only other car available was ours. He jumped right in, thinking he could take over and go in the chase. But he didn't have the keys..." She started to laugh and Alex joined. "My car is almost as important as my wife..." He said blowing Cara a kiss. She shook her head and grinned. "We could argue the order of that." She added.

"Anyway, I don't only have a key for my car, but also a security system. It locked him inside, so he was stuck and couldn't leave nor chase our target. He managed to break a window, smash my front screen on the voice communicator, hell, I think you did pretty good damage on my baby, Caleb."

"And I paid for all the repairments needed, you even got better things in return." Caleb added and I felt his pride being slightly wounded. I still giggled and he looked at me ashamed. "I am sorry, but it is funny..." I confessed.

He shook his head and looked at the window. "We are here."

I looked outside and saw a very fancy restaurant. I was a bit nervous, this was the kind of places I avoided. I swallowed hard as he extended his hand to help me out. When he saw me, he kissed me softly and whispered. "Are you feeling ok?"

I sighed and nodded. "Just not the kind of places I usually come. I will be fine, the company is what matters." I said with a smile.

And I was right, dinner was extraordinary. The food was good, but Cara and Alex made me cry with so much laughter. Cara was the extrovert, confident and sassy one, while Alex was the charming but quiet one who was always adding a line or two as the punch line for Cara's jokes or stories. Caleb enjoyed their company, yet he was always quiet. He only corrected them from time to time when one of their facts was inaccurate. I felt so relaxed, we both seemed to enjoy the low profile.

At some point, they both got up to head to an area for couples who were dancing. I sighed looking at them and smiled. Caleb caressed my arm and I laid against him enjoying his company and touch. "I came here because it is an adult place, no children around. They look normal and outgoing now, but each time they see a child or there is a family atmosphere, they get emotional. I try to avoid those for them."

I was actually surprised I haven't thought of that earlier. It was true, they acted so normal, it was hard to imagine they suffered such a tragic lost not long ago. Now I saw them with different eyes, they seemed to be holding on to each other, for hope, for comfort. I truly became their admirer.

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CalyPyCalyPyover 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you all!

As I mentioned on a comment earlier, I found an editor, and next chapters editted should be up tomorrow or so!

To the several @Anonymous - thank you for your imputs and suggestions, and for saying you like my story enough to go pass the grammar mistakes! I am currently going thru all the prior chapters as well as the already written ones with my new editor :)

@Plush_Lover thank you so much for offering your help! I found one editor and working with him now, I hope you continue to enjoy the following stories and let me know what you think about the chapters!

@everyone! Please remember is a slow burner, you might have questions now that will be answered in later chapters, just hold on please! be patient with me!

Plush_LoverPlush_Loverover 8 years ago

I would love to edit your stories for you, I absolutely love the work that you put out and wouldnt mind being able to just read through and help fix things, just let me know and we can swap emails and start working on things.

Plush_Lover :*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great read

This story is coming along great! Knowing English is not your native language I think you're doing really good! Not many people who are learning the English language grasp the concept of reading and writing the language. Kudos to you! I will continue to read your submissions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
For future reference

The correct term is, I'm sorry for your loss.

Loss - to be deprived of, to lose someone or something

Lost - to be in a location that you are totally unfamiliar with and having no idea on how to get back to a known location.

The plural of wolf, is wolves. The word wolfs refers to when someone is gobbling their food down very quickly. I'm glad that you're getting an editor because I'm an avid reader and skipping over parts of your story pains me because the premise is awesome and it has loads of potential. Good luck and keep creating!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago


Your story is great, keep on writing. The rare mistakes really are no problem for me. Really looking forward for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Decent story

This is an interesting story, but the grammar really makes it impossible to get into it. I understand that English is your second language, but it seems like your grammar is getting worse with each submission. I would recommend waiting until you have a good editor before you submit any more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Your grammar is improving. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I want more, cake wait for the next chapters.

CalyPyCalyPyover 8 years agoAuthor
Thank you!

I found a new kind soul who is helping me with the edits! so instead of submitting the next 3 chapters today, I am giving it a day or two more for my editor to take a look at them and so the next set will be much better!

@cannd - Gideon is, besides her superior at work, someone who just became a bit obsessed with Meadow. It was a risk but he took it when he let the wolfs out of their cage. I have seem this happen in real life when people want to do damage, this time though, it was a convenient coincidence that he chose to let the wolfs out instead of other animals. Yes, it was a big risk for Alex to go as a wolf even with fake papers, but this was inmediate threat, and Cara and Alex trying to jump in and help them as humans would have look like 2 crazy people on a death wish, so I went with the other option. Cara clicking her heel on the floor was a trigger, I wanted to show her and Alex knowing how to work together. A growl in a bad time and someone could freak out. Well that is at least how I thought it.

I basically title sections to have an idea of what will the chapter be about, I also put first who is the one telling the story. You see the title and you know it will be about Cara and Alex, but the story and impresion of them is told from either Caleb or Meadow's perspective.

I know that as of yet we dont know much more about Gideon's reasons, but as I warned from start, this is a slow burner, and Gideon is going to be the subject of at least 6 more chapters (wont spoil more than that) and all your questions will be answered :)

She thought she saw his eyes glow but it was briefly so she just let it pass, thinking it might just have been a play of lights, my mistake for not pointing that out I guess.

This kind of comments really help me! I like to know what you guys think and how the story reaches you, so I can use my mistakes to improve for the following chapters. Already implementing a new style of conversation dialog for the next set!

@loumey - thank you for your constant suport dear, I am your greatest admiror!

canndcanndover 8 years ago

Continues to be very good. So, is Gideon a wolf possibly? Or did he just happen to let wolves out in the hopes they'd attack her? Seems a very strange plan. I wanted to know what the stomping her foot on the ground was. I can't imagine he needed to know when to growl at the wolves. His instincts would take care of that. That's a huge risk to go out in public in wolf form even with fake papers for him.

I put a comment for last chapter but in case you don't go back to them, you want to start a new paragraph when the speaker changes. It is a grammatical rule and makes it much easier to read so you don't get confused about who is speaking.

I wouldn't title sections. It was confusing to have that part labeled Alex and Cara and as I started reading I assumed it was them in bed. Clearly it didn't make sense when reading what she said, hence the confusion till I realized we were still with Caleb and Meadow.

I think you're doing a great job of showing the force of will it is taking for Caleb to keep control of his wolf, esp. with her being threatened. I can't imagine he's willing to leave her at this point or let her go back to ork. I wouldn't put it past him to buy the company and fire Gideon, but clearly he is so crazy that he will go after her anyway. What is his problem? We don't have a good reason why he'd take this so far. Did he have feelings for her and feel rejected somehow? It'd make sense that her being with Caleb might make him snap.

I'm very surprised that she didn't question him about his eyes glowing.

I appreciate the frequent updates. Looking forward to more. I know you're having trouble with editing. I'd put it through a spell and grammar check at least if you're using a program like word. That would catch some of the mistakes for you.

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