Simply His Ch. 19-21


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I see the door open and it is him, my body instantly relaxing, my peace of mind returning. He brings a blanket on his jaw and I smile at him. "Hi there." I whisper and he puts the cover next to me, then shifts. I lock my eyes on his and melt at his worried gaze. "How are you feeling? Does your head still hurt?"

"I am much better, thank you. I felt my head about to explode the first time I woke up though. How long was I gone?"

"You woke up in the middle of the night the first time, then once more without completely regaining consciousness early in the morning. It is noon now." He said with a haunted expression. I didn't remember waking up more than once, and I am still surprised I slept this long. I extend my hand and he takes it, sitting next to me. "I was so worried." He finally says and I can feel to what extent; dark circles encasing his eyes. "Come here..." I call him and he crawls next to me in bed. I snuggle in his arms and kiss him softly "I am ok, see?"

He holds silent, but I know he feels guilty for what happened to me. "I must've been tired and slip into the water. Too bad I hit my head, next time I would prefer a dive in." I giggled, trying to cheer him up. I look for his eyes and feel better watching him smile. "You didn't slip, it was something else." I wait for him to continue and try my best to mask my own worries. He takes a deep breath and adds "A couple of wolves were mating close by, they said they saw you dance with the wisps. Do you remember any of this?"

I blink in shock, I thought it was just a dream. "In fact I do, remember the lights that is, not dancing though. They were all around me, I felt music and something else."

He grunted and shook his head, his hand tightening around me. "You are familiar with mermaids, their hypnotizing songs? I know many humans have tales about them."

I nod. "Wisps are in the Spirit's realm and have the same abilities, they can charm and hypnotize with their thoughts. I have yet to know what they were doing here and why they charmed you. A meeting with the drows will be held tonight." He told me while frowning. He was caught up in thoughts while I was still processing the fact he told me there were wisps and drows and a spirit realm, this world was still filled with creatures I've never heard before. "You realize I never knew they existed? I am not even sure I know what drows are, and barely understand what wisps are only due to my dreamy interaction with them." I told him and he looked at me a bit surprised for a moment, then instantly changing. "I am sorry. I need to tell you more about the different species in our world and other realms but when I am with you I seem to only care about you and us and most things lack importance."

I chuckle and kiss him softly. "Well, time for you to share some stories, I want to meet the drows fore I know nothing about them. I want to come with you." I said while laying back and waiting for him to speak, he frowned a bit and my tummy growled. He laughed and gave me a grin. "After you get some lunch, I promise."

I felt a bit upset with the fact he was postponing his share of stories, but the smell of food made me forgive him quickly. He had made some salad and a few pieces of spicy chicken wings that made my mouth water and were even better in taste than smell. I admit it, he is a wonderful cook.

"Ok, so you want to know about the drows." He says as he leans on a chair and watches me eat. I nod and he smiles. "Our world is governed by different realms. Human or Nature or 'Earth' realm is the world we live in. The spirit realm is the cloak of things we half see, inhabited by fantastic creatures you heard on tales and stories, those who would impact and change dramatically everything if ever they merge with our realm. It is a mystical place, similar to ours, but a safe haven for their kind. Us too if we ever wish to join them, as we were promised. But we, as well as the vampires, have chosen to remain here."

I gasp, almost choking with the food. He perks a brow then nods. "Ah yes, vampires are also real, and we aren't enemies as everyone portraits them. They are not many, and they live by survival of the fittest. They never got along well with us but we weren't enemies. There are around twenty pure bloodline vampires around the earth realm. They have a tight control on their made ones, and I could guess there are around two hundred of those. We keep our distance, they are gloomy, we are sunny." He smirked and I started to laugh.

"I am stunned, I feel like all this time I had been living in a bubble." I admitted to him as I finished my meal. He got up and picked up my plate and put it on the sink. "What other realms are besides the Earth and the Spirit one?" I asked, drinking a delicious beverage he made of some strange fruit.

"Well, the realm of the Lost is the one where ghosts are, nothing like heaven and hell as most human believers think. It is the realm where you are either taken or go willingly once you die. Sometimes even before. Then there is the realm of Pink, well its name is not pink, we call it that, is where all the faes go most of the times. The Faes like to be here too, they love nature too much. Like the hippies. The elfs are the watchers, keepers of the ethereal gates that allow all to cross over. They do not let us go across unless there is a very important need for it. Drows are the rogue version of the elves, they were once elves but denied their destiny as keepers and became nocturnal creatures that roam between the different realms. Wisps usually follow them, like their pets." He chuckled and I was still trying to connect dots; so much info all together at one time. I am starting to think I shouldn't have ask in the first place.


Chapter 21

"A Common Enemy"


She adjusts herself on my back as we walk back into the woods to meet those damn pale ones. I am going to reap their heads apart if they don't give me a good excuse for what happened to her. I admire her courage, since she is still a little shaken but wanted to come with me.

"You know I can walk..." She says with a sigh and I shake my head; I am keeping her with me until we get there and she isn't leaving my sight. Alex is at my side and Cara not far away walking in her human form, we brought only 4 more wolves with us and left Craig guarding home with the rest of my warriors. We don't need many, even if drows are highly skilled, there is something we've got and they fear. That is; lack of fear. They are manipulative and secretive, but we don't go around things, we ask and want answers, if none, we strike. I am prepared for bloodshed.

"When are we going to be there? I feel a little dizzy."

"We are close darling, don't worry. The dizzyness is their trademark." Cara replies to her.

"How so? why?"

"They mingle between worlds and use their chants to make humans weak, more susceptible to their influence. You are resisting it quite well, as far as I can feel it, most humans would be drooling and almost catatonic."

I tense to Cara's statement. I am going to kill those bastards if they try to harm her.

My wolf merges with me once more and we sense them close. There is only the moonlight illuminating the surroundings. I stop and when Meadow tries to get down I don't let her. She digs her fingers into my fur and we sigh with contempt.

Through the forest a tall grey pale humanoid figure approaches and I see wisps circling around it; it has curious glowing eyes and walks slowly towards us. Firm steps one after the other, cautious but secure. This was a high ranking drow. I am happy to have Alex at my side, he had killed many of their kind in battles before the peace treaty.

It bows its head and pale white hair falls both sides, it comes back up and its eyes glow. We lower our heads and the drow walks a few more steps, then raises its hand and the wisps swirling around it move behind and stay far back. This might end up better than expected.



I am fascinated by the beautiful tall creature in front of us, and I meet his eyes, or hers, to find myself touched by some sadness. I shiver and Caleb lowers himself so I can get down from him and keep my hand on him both to sooth him and calm myself.

I see Caleb order with two simple nods, and the other warrior wolves that came with us set themselves nearby. Only then does he shifts and immediately takes my hand in his.

"Greetings..." an enchanting voice comes out of the mystic creature; it draws me to him but Caleb keeps his grip firm. He pulls my hand and I turn around to see I moved a few steps ahead without noticing. Did he made me move like this?

"Stop pulling my mate, unless you want to start a war." He growls at the creature and I see fear in those unnatural glowing eyes. He bows his head again. "My apologies, Wolf King. We don't do it on purpose. It is as natural to us as breathing is for you." He replies in a chanting tone but, slightly different. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, then focus on Caleb.

"Explain to me why was my mate attacked by your wisps on our territory." He commands and I see anger barely held in him. The creature seems to ponder his words slowly before answering.

"We didn't mean any harm to the one you claimed as mate. We seek refuge on your lands, and have tried to remain unseen before you." Then he became distracted, as if either seen or hearing something at a distance.

"If you needed refuge, why haven't you ask for one directly? If you had a good reason to seek protection we would have gave it to you." Caleb replied bringing back his attention.

"We seek refuge from... other wolves." Caleb perked a brow and looked at the creature different now, I felt a bit afraid of his reactions towards him, and decided that if he was going to attack him, I needed to stop him. To my content, he remained quiet and then continued to talk with less anger. "What has happened to your people that you needed to seek safety in my lands amongst the many others?"

I saw visible relief on the creature as well, and I caressed Caleb's hand with my thumb slowly, trying to calm him. The creature tilted his head to the side then focused back on us before speaking. "My Queen wishes to speak to you in person, if you would promise her safety she will explain herself." He asked and I felt Caleb tense again.

"She will be safe as long as you all respect what he asks of you." I took courage to reply instead of him. Caleb looked down to me, surprise in his eyes at first, but he nodded, then bent to kiss my forehead and make me blush.

"You heard her, your Queen can come." He said as he released my hand only to put it around me and hold me close.

The creature smiled and moved back several steps, and as he did, shadows seemed to avoid him. I looked up at Caleb and he remained patient, looking ahead to the woods. "How do you feel?" He asked me and I kissed his arm. "I am safe, and proudly at your side." I replied, happy to see him smile.

It didn't take much for the creature to return, he led a small court of four of his kind; there was a glowing beautiful woman walking between them, and I knew that should be their Queen. She was tall with sad gloomy eyes as well, but something about her eyes in particular, drew me in a world different from ours; as if it held its own universe in them. She had a dress made of some mystical fabric, it glowed and moved with her each step she gave. Wisps around her seemed to focus on her feet and hands. She arrived in front of us and bowed her head as well as Caleb did in return.

"Greetings, Wolf King and Queen." She said looking at me and Caleb. I blushed deeply. Her voice was soft, sweet and absolutely charming, but what she said made me shiver. I needed to confront the uncertain role I had in Caleb's pack soon.

"Welcome." Caleb said in his most diplomatic voice.

"I.. I owe you, King, some explanation towards my people's actions. I am sorry we had, a rough start." She said as she looked at each of us all, then focused on Caleb. "We have been living peacefully on lands not far from here, undisturbed, untouched, and under cover. But something changed in the last couple of months. A great power, heartless movements and actions towards humans, other wolves and nature itself. This has brought instability to our people and our quiet existence. The disturbance has been great enough to cause unbalance on other realms."

"Have you identified the source of this moment you speak of? What it is and what it does?" Caleb asked with visible concern. She nodded and her eyes glowed lighter. "A wolven pack, and a cruel leader. You know him by the name of Cornelius."

To say Caleb's face tensed would be an understatement; he had anger, pain and sorrow merged in him, and my heart broke at the sight of this. She knew what she was talking about, and he knew who she meant. "He has established a reign of terror enough to cause our move. We sought refuge in your land, as we've heard of your great power and rightfulness in your ruling. We hoped you would... no, I hope... that you will grant us permission to remain here until we can gather more information on their pack and take action." She pleaded to him without losing her royalness and importance. Caleb remained tense and I felt there was something deeper about the subject that was being discussed.

"I am aware of the pack you are talking about. They are a pack of rogues who gathered enough numbers and force to be considered a threat. It is their leaders the ones that make them so dangerous. We had eliminated a great number of them not long ago, but their are gathering them back faster than we thought it was possible" He finally spoke and I could tie the dots. Is this the one who caused Alex and Cara's son's death? Is this the one who has been keeping him worried and tense ever since I've met him?

The Queen nodded slowly and looked around briefly before focusing back on Caleb. "I propose, an alliance. My people can't hold against them in battle. But we can grant you some protection. Our threads and webs between realms will serve as temporary protection barrier if they ever attempt to attack you. This will give you... and us... time to prepare better."

Caleb nodded as he pondered her words, something still in his mind kept him from saying yes. I admire him so much, if it was me I would have probably jumped to say yes already. He looked at her and spoke with conviction. "I believe we might have that possibility into hands, as long as you promise no harm will be done to my mate. She is still human, hence susceptible of your natural effects on her race."

"Queen Wolf, my personal apologies for that event. Our wisps were truly curious about you as well, they did not meant any harm to you. They are innocent in nature, curious and childish. I vow to protect you myself from them if ever you need. But they are more playful elementals of companionship to our kind." She said to me as I blushed. Caleb nodded and held his arm firmly around me.

"Thank you, I am very grateful of your attention towards me. And I believe this alliance will be of great significance to both races. It won't only give you power and recognition amongst others, but also will speak in great length of the ability of both of you as leaders to fight in common ground against a common enemy. I find it admirable of you two." I admitted trying to redirect their attention. She chuckled and looked back at Caleb who was smiling. "Your Queen is impressively sharp, the right fit for you." She said and he grinned. "That, she is."

I blushed even more and looked for hide on his chest. He pulled me in his arms and chuckled. "Very well, I will need your name to seal this alliance." Caleb said finally, and the Queen smiled bowing her head. "My name, is Isilwen."

He gave a step forward, pulling me with him, and she came closer to us. She extended her long arm and offered her hand for Caleb to take. His grip was firm. "I seal this alliance and grant you and your people safe passage in my territory, under the discussed terms between you, Queen Isilwen, and I, Alpha Rowen. Whoever breaks part of this treaty between us shall deal with severe consequences." He said in a strong powerful voice for everyone to hear.


Hi everyone, a few quick lines:

I have written over 32 chapters of this story, so if I am not submitting here lately is because I thought not many enjoyed the last ones. But some wrote to my email and asked me to continue so here you had some more.

Again may I remind you English is not my native tongue, and I have an editor who is helping me in his free time so you might still find a few things here and there. I hope you are able to overpass them and let the story reach you.

Thanks to the ones who stick around :)

See you soon :)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Respectful Suggestion

First, thanks for writing in a second language. I'm enjoying it. Tip: there are numerous free online grammar checkers available that would enable you to improve syntax and grammar.

Regards, Andrew

grunt82abngrunt82abnover 8 years ago
Keep it up!!!

Really love reading this story!!! Please continue to post, you are a very good author!!!

countrygirlflacountrygirlflaover 8 years ago
Post more,please

I know English is not your first language,but,even with some small errors,,its very readable,and enjoyable.Pay no attention to the rest,your doing great,,,keep up the good work,,

redheadedangel6769redheadedangel6769over 8 years ago
awesome story!

Loving it!

loumey1loumey1over 8 years ago
Voting :)

Leaving my vote :)

SnowRevolSnowRevolover 8 years ago
we Do Enjoy it!

Enjoyed your awakening series(till you swapped to this series on a cliffhanger lol)

But then started reading this one and love the story and Depth on it more! I also enjoy the fact that its an actual story lol, and not just another X meets Y(and Z and K and J)and they instantly Bang. your story has good depths and still lighthearted enough to be enjoyed at any time :)

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 8 years ago
Great story!

I have been enjoying this series immensely and can't wait for the rest of it to be submitted. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I have been enjoying this story from the beginning. Please continue to post your chapters :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I am enjoying this story and can't wait to read more.

thruholewizardthruholewizardover 8 years ago
what are you kidding I love the story

I hope you hurry and post all the chapters ......I can't wait.

Stephen J

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please continue

I enjoy the story very much. Would hate to see it not finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please continue. I enjoy your stories!! They are very well written!

canndcanndover 8 years ago

I'm impressed with your writing when English is not your first language. AFterall, there are many who do speak English first, who write much more poorly. I hope you don't just stop it in the middle. That is one of the most frustrating things about reading here. There are so many incomplete stories. So, I hope you finish this one. I like the new aspect with the other realms and species. Keep writing. I think Meadow needs to watch how much she interferes though with such little knowlege. She has a lot to say for someone who is brand new to this. Isn't she afraid she might mess up and say something that could offend, or cause a problem? Afterall, she knows nothing about these new beings, but for a few things she was just told.

I wonder who Cornelius is to him? His reaction made me wonder if this man is more to him. You also spoke of shadows when Cornelius was around the woman whose brother was killed. What type of being is he? I know he is part wolf, but is there more to him?

swr47swr47over 8 years ago

I am reading and enjoying you story. Your biggest problem is with what is called tenses in English. There are 3 tenses, past, present and future. Your writing jumps between the tenses often in the same sentence. I get the impression your editor does not routinely use English as an English editor should quickly correct the issue and make your stories much smoother. This is not a major problem and a little practice should correct it. Good Luck!

WickedWizdomWickedWizdomover 8 years ago
Please continue

Love your story. I know I'm not alone. Continue posting!!!!!

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