Sister-in-Law Helps Out


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"Who wants to go in the water?" Tim asks, turning towards the waves as he stands up. Paul's hands guiltily pull away from his sister's ass cheeks as he considers the idea of using the waves to hide his erection.

"I'll go with you," Paul answers much to Sharon's dismay. Wiping his lotion-covered hands on his swimsuit, he joins his brother-in-law and they race towards the water.

"Not me, I'm sunbathing," Sharon says, smiling to hide her disappointment about her massage being interrupted. Paul's hands felt so good and she could tell by the way he was touching her that he... that he... what? Wanted to fuck her again? Is that what she really wants, to commit incest again? Does she even know what she wants? Closing her eyes, she conjures up mental images of her brother lying back naked while she shows him what she's learned to do with her mouth.

Paul and Rick plunge into the surf side-by-side, each with his own motivation. Paul dips under the waves to hide the bulge his sister created in the front of his swimsuit and hoping the cool water will help it subside. Tim wipes his fingers under his nose, breathing in Rhonda's erotic aroma before plunging both hands into the water and rubbing them together to clean off the pussy juice.

The two men spend the rest of the morning frolicking in the waves, body surfing and wrestling like teenagers. After lunch, with their wives settled in with beach reads under a big shady umbrella, they rent boogie boards and continue riding the waves most of the afternoon. Rhonda and Sharon sit in their beach chairs, reading, chatting and cheering on their husbands, while men of all ages try not to gawk at the sexy women in their pale yellow bikinis.

After showers and a light dinner the two couples finish a bottle of wine while playing scrabble on the terrace. Rhonda smiles at Tim as she runs her bare foot up his calf, reassuring him that even though they haven't had a chance to be alone, she appreciated the orgasm on the beach and understands what he's trying to do for her.

The night is nearly an exact repeat of the night before but this time as soon as the lovemaking sounds begin from the adjacent room, Paul rolls his wife onto her back and mounts her with an urgency she's never seen from him. Still aroused from his morning encounter with his sister's bare ass cheeks, he drives his cock deep into his wife's willing pussy. With his eyes closed and the sounds of his sister's moans penetrating the thin walls, Paul fucks Rhonda with a vigor that shows promising signs of leaving her well satisfied.

Rhonda has no illusions about what's driving her husband's passionate behavior. Her brain quickly makes the connection between Paul's earlier erection while touching his sister and his reaction to the lustful sounds from the next room. Although mildly disturbed by the incestuous inferences, right now she's more concerned with how he's pummeling her pussy. Always good at compartmentalizing, she pushes her thoughts to the back of her brain, digs her nails into Paul's ass cheeks and bucks her hips as she urges him on.

"Oh God! Ohhhh God! Don't stop! Don't stop," Sharon's cries fill Paul's ears and it's just like she's there in the room with him. He pounds Rhonda's horny pussy while envisioning his sister's naked body lying under him. The louder the sound from Tim and Sharon's bedroom the harder Paul fucks his wife. He's slamming into her like never before and Rhonda is responding with her own moans of pleasure.

As Tim and Sharon lie on their backs catching their breath, he smiles at the faint but recognizable sounds coming from Paul and Rhonda's room. Maybe his idea is working.

"God what you do to me!" Sharon whispers as she snuggles up to her husband. Now it's her turn to listen to the squeaking bed, tapping headboard and barely stifled moans coming from the other bedroom. Just before she falls asleep, her brain replays the day's events, with special emphasis on her brother massaging her ass cheeks. What did it mean?

When Paul rolls off of Rhonda, he kisses her gently on the lips before turning over. This is a sin!

He admonishes himself. Even though I am not physically sinning with my sister, God can see my depraved mental sinning. Paul feels his wife's naked body spoon against his back as he fights to hold back his tears. Why can't he be stronger?

Rhonda is up early the next morning and leaves a note on the table that she's gone shopping for groceries so they don't have to eat every meal out. Tim wants to boogie board some more before the 24-hour rental period expires but Paul begs off, claiming he's too tired. As Tim heads to the beach, Paul and Sharon find themselves alone in the house. It's the first chance they've had to talk alone since they arrived.

"What happened to our vow, Sis?" Paul asks, not intending it to sound so accusing.

A few steps down the beach, Tim turns back to get his sunglasses and sunscreen. Returning to the house, he walks in through the door from the garage and just before he calls out to Sharon, hears her voice rise in the living room. Freezing in his tracks, he listens to the building argument between her and her brother.

"That's what I'd like to know?" Sharon says.

"What do you mean?" he asks, his face aglow with anger and confusion.

"You come up with this great penance, but I'm the only one who has to live it," she yells.

"From what I'm hearing through these walls, you're not living it very well," he shouts. Tim stands perfectly still, listening and wondering what they're talking about.

"Well, I was living it until about a month ago. I lived it religiously and it almost ruined my marriage," she declares. "I've been lying there like a frigid virgin, trying my best not to lose control and have an orgasm, while you're climaxing every damn time you fuck Rhonda! Am I right?"

"What are you talking about?" he yells. "We took a vow! Penance for our sin of incest! You can't just ignore that, Sis!" he argues.

What the fuck! Tim's jaw drops as he listens from the kitchen. Incest? Paul and Sharon?

Ohmygod! That's what this is all about. Oh-my-fucking-god!

"Tell me you don't climax when you fuck Rhonda!" Tim hears his wife yell. "Convince me you're not getting off with your wife, every single time."

"Of course I am," he sighs, "but it's quick and perfunctory and... and..."

"And what?" Sharon yells.

"And it's never like it was with you," he says so quietly that Tim almost misses it.

"I don't believe you," Sharon says and Tim realizes she's about to repeat the lies that Rhonda told her. He backs farther into the kitchen, quickly opening and slamming the door.

"Anybody here?" he yells, bounding into the living room. "I forgot my suntan lotion," he says as he encounters his wife and his brother-in-law standing almost toe-to-toe in the living room.

"It's in the beach bag beside the dresser," Sharon says, not taking her eyes off her brother. "I think I'll join you at the beach," she adds, quickly turning and following him down the hall.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Paul?" Tim asks, coming out of the bedroom with the lotion.

"No," he says quietly. "I'll stay here and help Rhonda put the groceries away," he says, trying unsuccessfully to catch his sister's eye before she and Tim leave the beach house.

Tim and Sharon walk to the beach holding hands, each distracted by their review of the brief argument. Tim's brain is in a fog; incest, penance and a vow to never orgasm, what kind of fucked up perspective is that? He squeezes his wife's hand and wonders what's going through her brain.

Sharon's guilt almost overwhelms her as she feels her husband squeeze her hand. Tim is so good to her, but her impure thoughts of her brother keep invading her mind. Why! Why!

Tim and Sharon boogie board the rest of the morning, laughing and playing in the water. Constantly catching Sharon and helping her stay afloat; his hands are all over her gorgeous body. Squeezing her ass, touching her thigh or even cupping her breasts from behind, Tim doesn't miss an opportunity to show his affection for his wife. Without realizing it they've drifted away from the public beach to a less populated area. Tim wants to talk to Sharon about what he heard but not before he's shown her that he's not upset.

With Sharon lying astride the boogie board, Tim starts caressing her firm, round ass cheeks. Much like he did with Rhonda yesterday, he lets one finger slide beneath the fabric at the crotch of her skimpy swimsuit bottom.

"Mmmmm. Someone will see us," Sharon protests as she enjoys the feel of her husband's fingers against her moist slit.

"There's no one around," Tim replies as he undoes the tie on his swim trunks. The water is hip level, which makes it perfect for what Tim has in mind. Pulling her swimsuit bottom to the side, he slips two fingers into her slick pussy.

"Ohh!" Sharon moans. "We shouldn't be doing this out here," she adds without conviction as she spreads her legs, scoots her ass to the end of the boogie board and rocks against her husband's hand. Tim finger-fucks her with one hand while freeing his erection with the other. Before she can protest any further, he steps between her legs and replaces his fingers with his hard cock.

"Ohhhhhgod!" Sharon cries as Tim buries himself completely inside her hot, velvety snatch. Gripping the edge of the boogie board, he plants his feet solidly in the wet sand and pumps himself in and out of her by yanking the boogie board back and forth across the water. Sharon's eyes are wide open and she looks fervently around for any would be voyeurs. Finding none, she settles down onto the boogie board, spreading her legs wider and rocking against her husband's hard cock.

It's the first time he's fucked his wife from behind and even though her ass is partially covered by her swimsuit bottom, he finds the experience incredibly erotic. Based on her moans and the motion of her ass, Sharon loves it too. It gives him hope that maybe she'll agree to the doggie position in bed tonight.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Sharon moans as she grips the sides of the boogie board and bucks her ass up to meet her husband's demanding thrusts. They climax in a torrent of heavy breathing and the sound of his body slapping against her ass as he jackhammers his cock into her inflamed pussy.

"Oh God, Tim!" Sharon cries when her orgasm rips through her body. "We're like a couple of animals mating out in the open."

"You bring out the animal in me," Tim smiles as he extracts his spent cock from her pulsating pussy and draws her swimsuit bottom back over her opening. Turning the boogie board to the side, Tim bends down and kisses his wife, pressing his tongue into her mouth. Sharon lets the boogie board slip from under her while wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and weaving her tongue around his.

"I can't believe we just did that," Sharon laughs, breaking the kiss. You'd think we were a couple of sex-crazed teenagers.

"Just the sex-crazed part," Tim laughs, slapping her on the exposed part of her ass cheek. Tim retrieves the boogie board and leads Sharon to a secluded part of the beach where they sit next to each other, watching the waves and letting their breathing return to normal.

"I overheard the argument you were having with Paul," Tim says after a lengthy silence.

"Oh that was nothing, really," Sharon says trying to sound nonchalant. Tim puts his arm around her shoulder and pulls her close to him.

"I love you more than life itself," he says, kissing the top of her head. "I will always be here for you, no matter what. Do you want to tell me about the incest, the penance and the vow?

"I... I... don't know where to start... it was all so long ago." Sharon stammers. Tim turns her face to his and kisses her gently but passionately on the lips.

"It's alright," he reassures her. "Start from the beginning and we'll get through this together."

Tim is anxious to find out what happened between Sharon and her brother so he can discredit this silly ass vow of penance. It's obvious that Paul has come up with some convoluted process for them to atone for their sins and until recently it has had a significant impact on each sibling's sex life.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Sharon recounts the night of incest with her brother, explaining how she was drugged the first night but how she insisted they repeat the act the next morning when she was clear headed. Her face reddens with embarrassment as Tim listens intently to her rationalize how she was trying to free her brother from guilt. Tim hears the tremor in her voice and senses her heart beat faster when she talks about sex with her brother.

Sharon feels like she's going to confession after years of hiding a horrible sin. The tremendous relief of unburdening herself of her guilt keeps her talking about her brother and her dreams. Between sobs, she describes her dreams and how wet she got when he rubbed suntan lotion on her legs and ass cheeks.

Tim is flabbergasted! Paul must have been rubbing Sharon's ass cheeks while he was getting Rhonda off right next to them. What a mess! His mind is reeling with what he's just heard. Sharon is undoubtedly still lusting after her brother's affection and the way Sharon described his ass rubbing, Paul apparently feels the same way. No small part of this is how Tim and Rhonda's relationship fits into Paul and Sharon's incestuous fantasies.

"I won't contest a divorce," Sharon says, taking Tim's silence as a condemnation of her actions, "but I don't want to hurt Paul and Rhonda." She pushes back from him and starts to stand up.

"Wait a minute," Tim grabs her and pulls her back down next to him. "I said we'd get through this together, didn't I?"

"But... that was before..."

"No buts! I knew about the incest before I said that. I knew about it before we made love a few minutes ago. Honey, the last thing I want is a divorce." He lies down, pulling her down next to him and kisses her tenderly.

"Oh Tim, I really don't deserve you." Sharon cries as she clings to her husband. They lie in the sand, holding each other as the waves crash along the beach. Tim is the one to break the silence.

"Based on your dreams and what happened yesterday, I'd say you still have sexual feelings towards your brother." Sharon starts to protest but knows it wouldn't be honest so she just nods her head again.

"It's okay," Tim reassures her. "With what happened between you two, I think it's only natural."

"You do?" Sharon asks incredulously.

"Yes, everyone remembers their first love and especially their first time. Yours just happened to be with your brother." Tim says with more confidence than he feels.

"You make it sound almost normal." Sharon whispers, snuggling closer to her husband.

"Maybe not normal, but certainly not unheard of. I'm sure you're not the only brother and sister who..." Tim leaves the sentence hanging as he tries to think of what to say next. He's surprised to find himself wondering what it would be like if all four of them knew about each other's feelings. Would they willingly share their spouses? Would Paul be okay with Tim fucking Rhonda as long as he gets to fuck Sharon?

"It's still incest! It's still a sin, no matter how frequently people do it," Sharon stammers. "I can't believe you're trying to justify it." Tim silently laughs at his fantasy being shattered. There is no way Paul or Sharon would ever agree to live like that. Their upbringing would never allow it. Hell, he doesn't even know if Rhonda would agree to something like that.

"Okay, it's wrong." Tim replies, "but so is how we've spent the first year of our marriage. I don't believe you have to atone for the rest of your life for one mistake. Paul was wrong about the penance and he was wrong about the vow you took." Tim's mind is starting to question Paul's motives. Was it really penance or did he not want his sister enjoying sex with anyone else? But then why would he adhere to it with Rhonda? Because the only woman he really wants is unattainable? God, what a mess!

"It wasn't some little mistake, Tim," Sharon says quietly. "Shouldn't there be some consequences to what we did? We can't just say oops and then forget about it."

"Apparently not," Tim answers. "Neither of you has forgotten about it. You still dream about it and from what Paul said to you this morning, so does he."

"What do you mean?" Sharon asks, surprised at how anxious she is to hear about her brother's feelings even after all that's happened.

"When he said fucking Rhonda was never like it was with you." Tim says, the words coming out more harsh than he intended.

"Oh." Sharon says, her mind wandering to her brother and the confused relationship they've had. She watches Tim stare out into the ocean wondering if he's looking for answers or just trying to clear his mind of all the disgusting things he's just heard.

"I think you and Paul have unfinished business," Tim finally says. "Neither of you will be able to give your all to a healthy relationship until you've resolved the sexual tension between you."

"How do you suggest we do that?" Sharon asks, conflicted about what her husband is implying.

"How do you think?" Tim asks, kissing his wife's forehead for reassurance of his love.

"You've got to be kidding!" Sharon sits up and gapes disbelievingly at her husband.

"As a matter of fact, I'm not," Tim says quietly. "Think about it, Sharon. You lost your virginity to your brother, you still dream about having sex with him and you get aroused at his touch. Doesn't that sound like some unfinished business?" Sharon stares into her husband's eyes, searching his soul for some level of insincerity but finds none. He actually wants her to have sex with her brother.

"Why?" she asks him quietly, "Why are you saying this? Do you want me to have sex with Paul?

Do you think it will somehow improve our love life? I think we've made a lot of progress in the past month, don't you think this could ruin it? This is unbelievable," Sharon says, shaking her head.

"You two are the ones who are dreaming about each other and have spent the last year abstaining from sexual enjoyment with your spouses," Tim answers. "I think you may have created a mythical sexual experience that only exists in your memory."

"What if it isn't mythical?" Sharon whispers. "And what about Rhonda? There is no way I can do this to her." Tim weighs the merits of telling Sharon about his relationship with Rhonda and decides this isn't the time.

"What's the alternative?" Tim asks. "You and Paul continue to dream and keep believing in a mythical sexual experience that is detrimental to both your marriages. I honestly think you'd be helping Rhonda and Paul's marriage in the long run."

"Jesus, Tim," Sharon says exasperatedly, "You honestly think that adding the sin of adultery to our existing sin of incest is going to help their marriage? What have you been smoking?" Tim laughs and squeezes Sharon's shoulder, pulling her down against him, before he answers.

"Fine," he says. "Like I asked before, what's the alternative?"

"I don't know," Sharon whispers. "I just don't know, Tim," he feels her tears against his chest as he kisses the top of her head.

"We don't have to solve this right now," he says. "This has been a lot to absorb. Let's let it simmer for a while and see how it looks later, okay?"

Sharon nods, wiping the back of her hand across her eyes.

"No matter what, remember how much I love you," Tim says.

"I could never doubt that," Sharon answers, hugging him tightly. "I can't imagine any other husband being so... understanding or... open-minded? What you've suggested... I love you so much, Tim!"

"I love you, too, babe." They lie quietly on the sand, each lost in their own thoughts.

Although Tim sincerely wants to help Sharon, he also has the ulterior motive of making his affair with Rhonda seem inconsequential in comparison. It's nowhere near what Sharon and Paul would be doing. If he's honest with himself, in some small part of his brain he also finds the idea of his wife fucking her brother very arousing. He smiles as he contemplates how to help Sharon make her dream a reality.