Sister's Bright Red Panties

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Davy's Sister comes for a visit
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"Hey Brother, how's your love life?" came the chirpy voice of my sister from my phone, her usual opening greeting ringing in my ear. She was two years older than me, with a couple of early teenaged children. She'd moved up north a few years ago, following her husband's job, finding a nice family home which they were renovating. I didn't get to see her as often as either of us would have liked, somehow always finding something else that needed doing, but we tried to speak as often as we could.

I was still single, becoming an eternal bachelor, somehow never managing to find the right woman. I had tried plenty, and a couple had even made it past the year stage, one or two coming close to moving in, but something always seemed to come between me and that final commitment.

I searched for the right answer to her question, "Sporadic," seemed to fit best, "and yours?"

"Moribund," came the answer, "a job, two kids, a husband and general exhaustion seem to hold sway in our household. I haven't even had a holiday for a while, still trying to decorate the house and what with all the school trips I just never seem to have any time." I sympathised and we chatted for a while, bringing each other up-to-date on our lives.

"Anyway, the real purpose of my call is to see if I can come and stay with you for a couple of nights next month?"

"Sure, be glad to see you. There's nothing wrong is there?" I asked, suddenly concerned.

"No, not at all, an old school friend of mine is getting married for the second time and I've been invited to the wedding at Westbury Manor, just down the road from you. Phil has to work and although I'd like to stay the night there, it's horrendously expensive and I really would like to see you. I'll probably take the opportunity to catch up with a few others as well while I'm there, so can I stay Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights? A friend will have the kids, they'll have a ball at a weekend sleepover and I'll have a chance to get away for a bit."

She gave me the dates and I checked my diary, confirming that would be no problem, and we chatted for a while longer before hanging up. I put my phone down and reflected, it would be good to see her again, we'd been close as kids, sure we fought like cat and dog at home sometimes, but to the outside world we were fiercely protective of each other. I'd always looked up to her, she was after all a couple of years older than me, then when I outgrew her, the roles sort of reversed, both physically and emotionally.

We'd both been tall and skinny, then puberty hit and she developed curves and then my chest broadened, helped by my love of sport. As a teenager I'd started to look at her differently, and yes I do admit to spying on her sometimes, trying to get a look at her body, regrettably with very little success.

These days she'd filled out a bit, her curves softer, her breasts much bigger and fuller and I loved it when she hugged me, feeling them against my chest. Her husband Philip seemed a nice guy, we'd never had much in common, but he treated her well and had always welcomed me whenever I'd been to their home. To be honest, I had been a little jealous of him, just because he was married to my sister.

My mind flicked to when they moved in together, then got married, perhaps that was when I first got jealous, when I knew they were having sex together. I got my fair share of it then, but when I saw them looking at each other, I could see that they seemed to have something I didn't.

I pushed those thoughts away and got on with my work, my company encouraging me to work at home for two days a week, allowing me some flexibility in how I worked. I started to think about Sarah's visit, it didn't sound as though we'd be spending an awful lot of time with each other, and very little cooking involved, but it was nice to have at least a rough idea of a plan for her visit.

The time rolled by, and the day of her arrival came. She'd be driving down, a journey of about four hours and planned on being with me late afternoon on the Friday, so I worked from home that day, keeping an eye open for her car. Finally about five o'clock a smart silver Qashqai indicated right and swung onto the drive. I peered out trying to look through the windscreen and saw it was her, well it looked very much like her, but her hair was different, cut shorter into a bob and much lighter than I remembered from our recent video chats.

She got out and stretched her arms out and round, her breasts pushing against the tightness of her tee shirt. She was wearing jeans, fitted snugly round her bum and she looked great. I went to the front door and opened it as she approached. "Sis! You made it then?"

"Yeah, no problems, most of the traffic was going the other way." I looked at her as she approached me, her arms wide open for a hug, she looked as though she'd lost a bit of weight, but in the right places, her breasts and pert bum still nicely curvy, with a seemingly much trimmer waist. I pulled her in tight, and we kissed properly, on the lips as we'd always done.

"Looking good Sarah," I commented, "and a new car to boot!"

"Thanks Davy, what with this wedding coming up and middle age starting to creep up on me, I decided something had to be done, so I joined the gym, started swimming and modified my diet. So far so good, and as for the car, well the old one was starting to cost money, so we bit the bullet." I went back out with her and we unloaded her case and a long dress carrier and I helped her in with them.

"You're in your old room, be just like old times." When our parents had died, both succumbing to illness within a few years of each other, I'd moved into our old family home, buying Sarah out, and although I'd modernised it, it still felt like home to both of us.

"Great, let me unpack some of this stuff and freshen up, then I think it's definitely wine o'clock." We struggled up the stairs with her case and I left her to it, returning downstairs and finishing off my work for the day, just as she came down the stairs.

"Love the new bathroom Davy, that shower looks good enough to have a party in." I was indeed very pleased with the new bathroom, especially the big shower with all round jets, it was just what I needed most mornings to get me going. "Bet you've had some fun in there!" I blushed, remembering that I had in fact "christened" the shower not long after it was finished with an old girlfriend, with whom I had an on/off relationship, neither of us wanting to commit, but both of us enjoying a healthy sex life with each other when the fancy took us.

Sarah noticed my look and grinned, "Marie?" she questioned, knowing of our rapport. I nodded as she continued, "When are you two going to settle down? Marie's a lovely girl, you'd be so happy together."

"Nag, nag, nag," I replied, "I like my life like my women, footloose and fancy free," I assured her, although deep down I did wonder if she wasn't right. "Enough of this, I've got some of your favourite wine in the fridge, let's go and sit down."

I got her a glass of wine and a beer for myself and we sat down and talked about this and that, my life, her marriage, the kids, continuing over dinner and before we knew it the time had passed and it was time for bed, Sarah suddenly looking tired. "You go up," I offered, "I'll just finish up down here and I'll see you in the morning." We kissed and hugged and I watched her backside go up the stairs, hearing her go into the bathroom.

I left it for a while and then went up myself, seeing the bathroom empty and her bedroom door shut and got myself ready for bed. I slipped in and gave my cock a brief tug before switching off the light and falling asleep.

Daylight was streaming in when I woke, my cock already hard with my normal morning wood. Automatically my hand found it and gave it a friendly stroke, sliding up and down sending a pleasurable feeling through my body. I let my mind wander, recollecting past sexual encounters, the bodies of the women I had known, my mind finally turning to Sarah. She was definitely as attractive as any of them, more than most and I let myself dream a little about her naked, wondering what she would look like.

Suddenly I could feel myself cumming, my orgasm hitting me like an express train, rising up through my balls, cum erupting from my cock, spraying over my chest and stomach. A little shame faced at that, I grabbed a few tissues and mopped myself up, then slipping on a dressing gown in deference to my visitor I got up and went in the bathroom, seeing Sarah's door still shut. I went downstairs and put the kettle on, standing staring out of the kitchen window idly scratching my balls, when I heard a voice behind me.

"You're up early for a Saturday, couldn't sleep?" I turned to see Sarah, bed hair still tousled, dressed in a pair of jogging pants and an sweatshirt, and from the way her breasts moved under it, I surmised that was all she wore. She approached me and gave me a light hug and a peck on the lips, settling herself down at the table.

"Tea or coffee?" I offered.

"Tea please," she replied, watching as I grabbed two mugs, put a tea bag in each and poured the boiling water on. She declined sugar, so I poured some milk in and sat down with her.

"I need to order a cab to take me to Westbury Manor for about noon and back tonight." She advised, "Do you have one you use?"

"No need for that Sarah, it's only just down the road, I'm more than happy to take you and pick you up when it's all finished."

"No I can't possibly ask you to do that. Don't you have a date tonight? What about Marie, you've been seeing her for years now?"

"We're a bit on and off, and it's currently off." I replied, thinking I could give her a ring and see if she wanted to go out, but I knew if I did we'd end up in bed together and that could prove awkward with Sarah here. "No please, I insist, it will be much more convenient than a cab, and I could do with an alcohol free Saturday night for a change."

Sarah finally relented and thanked me, promising she'd call me when she was ready, or, she added, in the unlikely event that she managed to pull a handsome rich stranger who wanted to whisk her off to paradise in his personal jet. We laughed at the notion, both of us knowing where her heart lay.

She stayed in her joggers and sweatshirt for the rest of the morning, nearly causing me some embarrassing moments with an unruly cock, until she announced she was going to get ready, disappearing into the bathroom with a large fluffy white towel. I heard water running then stopping and then the door opening and her bedroom door shutting again, then nothing for the best part of an hour, and I wondered what it was that took women so long to get ready.

When she came down the stairs I understood a little, she looked absolutely gorgeous, her hair was shining and swinging gently, her make-up was done flawlessly and she was wearing a gorgeous knee-length dress which highlighted her figure and her legs to perfection. "Sarah, you look absolutely stunning," I complimented her, meaning every word.

"Why thank you kind sir," she replied, "but can I ask you to finish zipping me up, it's a bit of a bugger in this dress." She turned away from me and I saw that her dress was gaping open at the back, the zip still only halfway up. I grabbed the zip and slid it up, over her bra strap, scarlet I noticed as I tucked the end down.

"Scarlet undies I see, I presume everything matches, that should ensure you pull that handsome stranger tonight." She laughed and I held my arm out to escort her out, picking up her jacket on the way to my car. I held the door open and helped her in, settling her dress round her, then closed the door for her as she strapped herself in.

As I'd said it was no more than a fifteen minute drive and we arrived in plenty of time, pulling up outside the imposing Manor doors. I helped her out and she pulled me in for a quick squeeze, air kissing me to avoid smudging her make-up. "I'll message when I'm ready," she called out as she went inside. I watched her go, thinking that approaching forty she could still turn heads.

Back home, I followed my usual Saturday routine of doing not a lot, watching some sport on television, then enjoying a medium rare steak, regretting that I couldn't have my usual pre-dinner beer followed by a glass or several of red wine to wash the steak down. Never mind, all in a good cause I thought as I settled down for the evening. As usual there was very little to watch, despite having hundreds of channels to choose from and I ended up watching re-runs of some classic comedy series, still finding plenty to laugh about.

I must have dozed off as I was woken by my phone chirping with a message. Looking at the screen I saw it was from Sarah, <<Pulled>> was all it said. As I stared at the screen another message appeared from her <<A muscle from having so much fun. Half an hour?>> I confirmed I would be there and started to get ready, trying to wake myself up with a glass of water.

She was waiting for me at the doors of the Manor when I drove up, her jacket wrapped round her shoulders in the cooler evening air, I reached over and opened the door as she slipped in, leaning over to pull me into a sloppy kiss. She smelled of alcohol and from her manner it wasn't difficult to detect that she'd had quite a bit to drink. "Had a good day?" I enquired.

"Absolutely fabulous, caught up with loads of people and danced my feet off, but I think I'll regret it in the morning. Can't party like I used to." She talked pretty much non-stop on the way home, regaling me with tales of people I knew and didn't know, clearly still buzzing from the day.

"You didn't pull then?" I asked when I could get a word in edgeways.

"No, more's the shame, weddings always make me feel horny, and there were some really good looking hunks there, but they were all attached." she joked. "Wasted wearing all that sexy underwear as well." I thought back to the glimpse I'd got of her bra and momentarily my cock stirred at the thought of the rest of what she was probably wearing, a thong perhaps? I pushed those thoughts away, mentally chastising myself for thinking that way of my sister.

We arrived home and we got out, Sarah weaving her way unsteadily to the front door, which I unlocked, letting her in first. She shrugged off her jacket then kicked off her high heels, wiggling her toes in her stockinged feet, "You've no idea how good that feels," she said. "Dance with me Davy," she commanded and took me in her arms, waltzing me through the hall into the lounge where she collapsed into an armchair. "How about a nightcap?" she asked.

In truth the idea of a drink did appeal to me, having stayed alcohol free all evening and I asked her what she wanted. "How about a scotch?" she enquired, "I could murder a nice single malt." Suddenly the idea of a drink appealed enormously and I headed towards the drinks cabinet and was in the process of pouring a couple of large glasses when she got up and swayed her way towards the downstairs cloakroom.

"Need a pee," she informed me as she disappeared, closing the door behind her. I sat down at one end of the sofa and sipped my drink, setting hers down on the coffee table. She reappeared and slumped back onto the other end of the sofa, picking her drink up and sniffing it appreciatively.

"Mmmm, smells good," she murmured, taking a good sip, "and tastes even better." She swung her legs round and settled her feet in my lap, leaning back against the armrest. "Give my feet a rub Davy will you, they're so tired." I put my drink down and lifted one leg up, seeing her dress ride up above her knees a little and began to massage her foot, my fingers pressing hard into the ball of her foot through the nylon. She murmured in appreciation as I worked my way down to her ankles, then back.

"Lovely, now the other one." I lifted the other one up and was rewarded with her dress sliding further up her leg, giving me a glimpse of a darker colour at the top of her tights, well I presumed they were tights. Although I was not a nylon or foot fetishist, I did find that massaging Sarah's feet was quite erotic, and the weight of her foot on my crotch was beginning to have an effect on my cock, which was starting to make its presence felt, by me at least.

"There, all done!" I announced, impulsively lifting her foot to my mouth and giving her toes a kiss. Her dress slid further up and I caught the merest flash of red underneath. I looked up at her face and saw that she was struggling to keep her eyes open, the glass in her hand drooping dangerously.

"Come on Sarah, time for bed I think, you can hardly keep awake." I took the nearly empty glass from her and she swung her feet down to the floor and sat up, then stood, stretching, those breasts taut against her dress again.

"You're right Davy, here, undo my zip for me will you?" She turned her back to me and I ran the zip right down, seeing her bra strap again. I assumed she'd go upstairs like that, but to my amazement she shrugged the dress right off, letting it fall away from her shoulders and then she stepped out of it. I had been right about the matching panties, they were scarlet as well, not a thong I was disappointed to see, but still quite skimpy. What I'd assumed were tights were in fact hold-up stockings, the white of her thighs showing up against the tan colour.

As I stood there, my mouth falling open she turned to me and drew me into a tight hug, "Thanks for everything Davy, especially my foot rub. Goodnight, see you in the morning." She turned away and I watched as she swayed out of the room and up the stairs, dragging her dress behind her. I fell down onto the sofa again, my mind a-whirl, as I slowly finished off my drink, then with a shrug, hers as well.

I could hear her in the bathroom, then the door opening and her bedroom door shutting and I decided it was time for me to go upstairs as well. A little wearily I trudged up the stairs, my eyes becoming level with the landing, and finally my feet mounting the top step. As I got there Sarah's door opened and she appeared with a muffled "Oh!" Our eyes met, then mine dropped to her body which was encased in just a pair of scarlet panties. Instantly her arm came across her breasts, taking them from my gaze before I really had any chance to take the sight in.

With a shrug and a sheepish grin she sidled past me, her breasts tucked under her arm and went back into the bathroom, but not before I'd managed to see a dark brown nipple just poking out. I went into my room and closed the door, sitting on the edge of my bed, my mind still taking in what I had just witnessed. I heard the door open and a voice called out "Goodnight again," then her door shut. Still in a bit of a daze I went into the bathroom and did the necessaries then undressed and climbed into my bed. I gave my cock a desultory stroke, then tiredness overtook me and I drifted off.

I stirred briefly in the night, hearing the toilet flush, then remembered that Sarah was staying with me and soon was back in a deep sleep until I woke in the morning feeling refreshed. I got up and remembered to put my dressing gown on and made my way out onto the landing. Sarah's door was ajar and I peered in, seeing an unmoving lump under the covers. I continued downstairs and made myself a cup of tea, sitting in the kitchen drinking it, my mind wandering aimlessly, remembering growing up with Sarah and my parents, then my life since they died.

With a sigh I turned back to go upstairs for a shower and climbed the staircase, my eye line clearing the top step, catching a movement in Sarah's room. Thinking she was awake and perhaps wanting a cup of tea herself I approached the door and peered tentatively through the four inch crack. My stomach leaped into my mouth as my eyes lighted on Sarah, flat on her back, the covers pulled right back, her breasts bare, her hand lightly stroking herself between her legs. It was that movement, her pale hand covering her bright red panties that had caught my eye.